Sunday, November 18, 2012


The Reigning Deity of Angul Town
In a cold November morning with the crackle of alarm clock; got up to prepare for the journey from Bhubaneswar to Anugul to have a ‘darsan’ of “Budhi Thakurani” the reigning deity of the small town. The winter has just set in and at 5 in the morning it was a task to discount the deep slumber; therefore, quietly closed the door of bedroom for not disturbing the sleep of my better half, she was sleeping to her heart content with sporadic snores in between and totally ignorant of my plan of sudden expedition. I drove to the nearest OMFED shop to have a quick smoke over a cup of tea to bring little coordination needed between the body & mind to proceed with the journey. Came back and had a wash in hot water and completed the little daily puja (as it is considered inauspicious to leave, without attending to the deities at home) and was ready to move around 6.20 am instinctively knew that I could not catch the 6.45 DMU train to Angul and therefore, change the plan to catch a bus instead. Fortunately, boarded the bus just in time to occupy the front window seat that is perfect for clear view of nature while listening to favorite Hindi songs in FM or read through one of the must read books. Initially, scanned the green fields, water bodies and small birds chirping while scouting for food just like any professional poet or a writer though I sport a business card which reads socio-economic-political activist which in other words you are unemployed or under employed (cat calls of family and friends have eventually died down over the years) I cared two hoots about them and their views then, and even now. Not because of any disdain for the persons; but, vitriolic comments some time disturb my peace of mind and my work suffers a little. However, I subscribe to the opinion of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar “critiques should be respected as they take enormous risk to voice their opinion openly” and Bhgabat Gita says ‘not to hold any animosity towards your critique because that holds mark of spiritual excellence’ As Jesus Christ forgave the same people who nailed him and Gandhi died saying Hi Ram to Nathuram Godse (apparently).    

                                  Half hour to the journey and I got the call of nature but the bus conductor refused to stop as he would be late for the return schedule. I read some where earlier an author advising her daughter “girls seat tight” as her husband and son went to relieve themselves after stopping the car on a long road journey” As in our society middle class women don’t go out on the open for social stigma and you never know where would you be hit the next; however, for men there is no class barrier for open urination in full public view in our country; therefore, you would find tourist destination stinks of sulfur and urea. My thinking antenna got hyperactive immediately; we could install dry urinals on the State & National Highways not by Govt. but by local businessmen and give employment to unemployed and handicap persons for the upkeep and charge nominal fees from the users as we all know free meal does not work. That should protect the modesty of traveling women folks of all class. And, further there should be provisions of a dry urinal in long route bus services, 3 hrs and above; may be with little extra bus fare. After an hour bus stopped at Dhenkanal bus depot and I rushed to the public urinal to relieve my self; but, alas the condition of urinal brought me to instant vomiting sensation but some how managed to escape. Question came into my mind if the Govt. authorities could not maintain the civic facility at the bus depot; then, is it not the responsibility of the Bus Transport Association to at least maintain the civic amenities at a minimum standard of hygiene as they are earning huge money year after year from the traveling public??? Similarly I always curse the road in front of Mayfair & Trident Hotel at Bhubaneswar, with millions of pot holes though these huge business establishments use the road to get their customers; why they should not invest a fraction of their profit to maintain this less than half a kilometer of road. What Dilip Ray learned from his guru Biju Patnaik???

               My onward journey from Dhenkanal to Angul was more comfortable after relieving myself as little pain in the body stops you from enjoying the nature outside the bus window when green mountains pass by, farmers ploughing land and attend to the standing crops at a distance and a bunch of school girls joyfully going to the nearest school in uniform; while a scintillating music was playing in the background in the FM “Allah Ki Bande” mind was being soaked with nature in empty stomach. On the way to Angul you have to pass through heavily industrialized area with dust like Jindal & Bhushan steel NALCO CPP and Smelter Plant those were part of my marketing territory in 1990; felt little nostalgia about these organizations who filled my working life at some point of time and must have contributed to my learning; a silent salute came out inside me in mark of respect. After three and half hour of journey landed safely at Angul Town a distance of 160K.m; with an average speed of little over 45 K.m an hour, I wish if we could provide the quality of National & State Highways that can take an average speed of 65K.m an hour. That could save billions of USD on fuel and also wear and tear of automobiles, but, who listens???  

Angul has very long and old association with me personally. This is the town that gave my father the success he so eminently deserved after spending/sharing his meager income with his large joint family of deceased brothers; but, never ever said or claimed any credit for it for which our joint family use to prostrate him for his sacrifice and more for his simplicity, dynamism and vision. He went to Angul as the Chief Executive of an ailing Angul District Co-Operative Bank in1975 which with his tireless effort made a highly profitable institution by the time he left for his next assignment in 1980. Six years that our families spend in Angul town was tumultuous and remained very impressionable in my mind till today.

Budhi Thakurani temple situated in the centre of the town on a small and barren hillock; there used to be a weather forecasting office on the top and a English medium school (my only little brother studied in that school) managed by Rotary Club on the foot of the hillock and there were number of ponds across the road with greenery making a just setting for poets and writers. Initially father’s colleague introduced us to Budhi Thakurani temple and our entire family became truly devoted to reigning deity who protects her devotees; I used to visit the deity with my mother on Thursday evenings with Diyas and just casual look at the Devi used to give an unusual peace of mind which I observed then as a school boy and now after 30 long years also, I cherish her blessing for which I drawn to her many times. Budhi Thakurani Temple at 11 in the morning was deserted, bought a Diya and another vendor insisted on a garland of hibiscus flower which I offered to the Devi Thakurani with utmost devotion and the priest made a little Puja for me and blessed me profusely which gave immediately tremendous confidence, peace of mind to negotiate the road ahead. Recently one Jagannath Temple has also come up near by and I also took a bow of Lord Jagannath, the reigning deity of Odisha and the World, before taking a bus back to Bhubaneswar.

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