Sunday, November 11, 2012


Bikash Choudhury

The American’s Choice was delivered on 7th of November 2012 to the wild cheers from Obama supporters at its campaign Head Quarter in Chicago City. The landslide victory received by Obama was more to his vision for a new America that is different from the Republicans and Mitt Romney; who, eventually conceded defeat very gracefully and was little sad for his lovely wife who could have become a very attractive and powerful first lady. In sharp contrast the reigning first lady was epitome of humbleness and did not make any secret of their happy middle class lives; which must have created a space not only for her; but, for the Obama campaign which was later converted into votes in the Electoral College (303). However, those who observed the Mitt Romney campaign keenly, must concede that he was indeed a very strong and powerful opponent; who in spite of many handicaps unleashed a very interesting campaign that at times put Obama and his advisers into defensive and a few sleepless nights. But, Obama came out a Visionary, Large Hearted and Compassionate leader with his acceptance speech. Obama at times reminds us of Mohandas Karam Gandhi or Mahatma Gandhi in India. As, he promised to seat with Mitt Romney to chalk out future course of action. If Obama eventually convince him to join his cabinet just as he did with Hillary Clinton; then, it would be a ‘Strategic Coup’ for second Obama Administration. Mitt Romney may or may not be that visionary leader USA need at this point of time but he could make an excellent executioner as Secretary of State, filling the big shoes of Hillary Clinton or as the Commerce Secretary. Initially Obama would remain engaged in forming a cabinet that would deliver his plans to Americans. Obama has always focused on merit while drawing his cabinet; however, he should be adding one more criteria- demography & culture & civilization. The domestic challenges on unemployment and debt would consume US President for some time. This Obama may choose to do deal by impressing upon Americans to make some lifestyle changes and consume less resource in conspicuous consumption and save and invest for individual security and National requirement. He should also emphasize on social entrepreneurship by the rich minority of America who hold a disproportionate amount of wealth to cut federal deficit. The Global Agenda of Obama currently looks as daunting as his domestic engagements. However, as he returns to Presidency more inspired and wish to make the White House more determined, he should start his Global Agenda with the premise that “the long term interest of a Nation can never be in conflict with the interest of humanity” he should also unveil his vision for new global order that eschews the path of conflict & confrontation in the last century and replace with Global co-operation & collaboration on poverty eradication, energy security and climate change. He may choose to start with a global initiative to eliminate weapons of mass destruction and cutting defense expenditure on all offensive military posturing that could also save him time in controlling the ambition of nuclear threshold Nations as equity would inspire confidence. Further, Obama may like to change the governance model of United Nations that incorporates the objective reality of twenty first century. On the ground it would take a while to negotiate a peace plan for Arab-Israel conflict and nudge China to respect Human Rights in Tibet while pushing for complete autonomy or right to self determination keeping in view the wishes of peace loving Tibetans. Finally, US President could support the cause of a united India of 1947 to save him the efforts in Afghanistan. Obama could achieve all of this and more; but, he may need an extension of two more years-2018 in the White House. He could go for a referendum on 6 year term for US President at a later point of time to cut cost on frequent elections and make the Presidency more effective.     

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