Friday, November 23, 2012


Bikash Choudhury

Human life gets conceived in the minds of two amours couple when decide to consummate their marriage or otherwise; however, an invisible force decide when a life would be formed in the woman’s womb. But, when a human life takes shape inside a mother, it becomes a source of happiness for a family and a source of fear, danger and a sure prospect of being outcast by family, friends and society at large in case of an unwed mother. Human fetus takes normally 9 months to be fully developed and thereafter comes to the world by C sections or through natural process. And, now the newly born parents take over and mother gives 24x7 care to the new born and the child identifies with her and calls her Mother/Maa/Mummy/Amma  and  whoever, she says the child as your father, the child meekly accepts without  any proof. The question comes who was our great grandfather 700 million years ago when homo sapiens came into this form. It was a primate? If so when the primates inhabiting now on earth would become human? There is no clear answer. And other thing is we humans consume everything that comes from earth and don’t hesitate to pollute. How a chili plant provides a hot taste drawn from the ground while a sugarcane plant provides sweets?? These were the thoughts that consumed me yesterday night and I thought to share with my readers to find some answers if possible.

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