Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Madam Speaker,
I wish to thank you for giving me an opportunity to place my thoughts in Lok Sabha and I also thank the Prime Minster, UPA Chairwoman and the Leader of the Opposition. The thoughts and Idea I am going to share with this august house is not mine alone; this also and equally shared by over 600 million young people of India. This is a historic moment of its kind in the 65 yrs history of our democracy, as an ‘ordinary citizen’ being heard by the highest body of our democracy, the house of people of our Parliament; and, I am confident this is the beginning only.

I will start my speech while recalling the reigning deity of Odisha and the World “Lord Jagannath” and remembering Sri Biju Patnaik, Sri Rajiv Gandhi and seeking the blessings of Atalji. At the outset, let me first introduce myself to the members of the house. My parents named me Bikash and my family name is Choudhury; in full, Bikash Choudhury, born in cuttack in Odisha and my family hail from a small village named “Gokhapara” in Kendrapada District of Odisha; Biju Babu has been my Ideal and Idol and Sri Naveen Patnaik is my Leader. And, I dream of “a prosperous Odisha, developed India and a peaceful World” My only goal in this life is to see a “Sampurna Bharat and Samparna Bharat” and I strongly believe this is possible within 2025. Honorable members, we have completed 65 yrs of Independence; but, we have to concede that the fruits of freedom have not reached the poor and downtrodden that is reflected in malnutrition of children even today, as we talk in this house millions of people go to bed without food, children hold the spanner or a dirty dish to clean in their hands instead of books, old age people and even young ones can’t afford neither Medicare nor Medicines and a large number of people still live on the streets of Delhi and other cities and towns.  Our women are not safe on the streets of Capital City, Delhi. And, therefore we can’t confidently say our people are better off after Independence. I am, not saying which the members of the house don’t know already. I am wasting the time of this house? Honorable members, I am standing before you today with just one hope in my mind and that is “what we could not achieve in 65 long years of freedom; can do so in a short span of 10-15 yrs”; a moment comes in the life of a Nation and that is “now or never” for all of us in India, that moment is now and here. God forbid if we let this moment pass then we will leave behind and thrown into the dustbin of history. Can we afford to make the same mistake again that our forefathers did 300-500 yrs ago; which put the country under foreign yoke for 300 yrs? The lack of Political Unity made us a colony of British Empire then and lack of Political Unity in current times would put us back economically and socially and politically by decades if not by century. But, at the same time we have a great opportunity before us to solve all our problems in just couple of years and take advantage of really faster economic progress and consolidate our political power in our region, continent and across the World; only, if we give ourselves a chance. As a Nation we should not waste our energy in divisive policies or politics any more for just a decade and half and firm our vision/goal for the country and work towards the goal slowly but surely. Honorable members, I am sad today because our Leadership is not seeing the Big Picture for the country and what we can achieve for our people and Nation if we agree to work together as this Nation belongs to all of us and our patriotism beyond doubt. We just need to learn to work in a team and see a common vision for our people. And, in my opinion and wish that is more or less shared by Young India: “Political Unity, High Economic Growth with Regional Political Consolidation followed by Global outreach on the premise of Peace & Development with Civilization Co-operation”

  • Political Unity: Building consensus on National goal

  • High Economic Growth: Contraction of Govt., Free Enterprise and pursuing a policy of Innovation-Excellence-Enterprise

  • Regional Political Consolidation: Socio-Economic-Political Unity & Military               Co-Operation between undivided India & South Asia

  • Global Outreach: Pursuing Peace & Development through Global Defense Contraction with Religious understanding and racial unity

Madam Speaker, we can achieve all these and more if we first solve six basic problems of Bijli, Sadak and Pani & Roti, Kapada and Makan by first deploying technology to offer optimum and transparent Governance that would take care of anomalies in our economic growth to an extent. Further, if we deal with structural bottlenecks with a spirit of accommodation then India of our dream would arrive sooner than we envisage at the moment. Only nagging doubt remain “can we work together in the honor of our mother and motherland???

Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog: www.ideasofhopebikash.blogspot.com  E-mail:streben.market@gmail.com
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024

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