Friday, November 30, 2012


Bikash Choudhury

United Nations in its current form after II World War had a supreme mandate to prevent and stop armed conflict between Nations. However, in over 60 yrs United Nations has summarily failed in its main objective and armed conflicts persist between Nations across the World and cost millions of innocent human lives. It has been observed, when one Nation wish to impose its will over Global community or intend to expand its influence and territory over land and seas by virtue of economic might, military prowess or its size and numbers creates conditions for a armed conflict. And, United Nations should always be in guard to prevent such occurrence. Now, in recent times China has attempted to impose hegemony over South China Sea which can lead to a very potential and disastrous armed conflict in Asia; if it were not nipped in the bud and United Nations should apply itself in the matter in time to maintain peace in the region. No Sovereign Nation has the right to an entire Sea/Ocean as it belongs to the entire Global community. China currently shows the sign of Nazism by virtue of its recent economic success and that can be addressed by the Global community by ticking off China with suitable trade sanctions, for a limited period in the beginning and therefore, it is imperative for UN and its Secretary General, Ban-Ki-Moon to deploy right quality of diplomacy in the matter; as prevention is better than cure. Apart from this UN could promote interactions between Region, Religion, Race and Culture to build better understanding among Nations and Peace for mankind.

Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


                                                           Bikash Choudhury

After bathing my mind and soul on the moonlit night came down for a sound sleep in the company of moon and blinking stars light years away; but, up very close in the minds eye. Our imagination is what differentiates us from other mammals in this planet. When sleep took over the being and made the body and mind as good as corpse, no ilm. But, when the alarm clock reminded at 4 a.m, felt alive; however, the intoxication of sleep just likes of McDowell Premium whisky (a favorite drink of mine once upon a time) coxed me to ignore the alarm and so winked a sleep for another hour and got up to prepare for the journey to Bindu Sagar at old Town of Bhubaneswar for the traditional boat launching ceremony of we Odias- aka maa bai….. by that time, it seemed entire city was already awake as the crackers were going up with deafening sounds. After a wash in hot water and little puja at home left by 6 a.m with winter endowed blowing from south making the body and sensation that much warm. While driving down from Patia where I leave saw the rising sun in deep orange little above the ground behind the fields in a distance near east coast railway HQ. But as we proceed the beauty of sun did not leave us in our journey as it pops up now then to apparently remind us that we can’t get away from his blessings. By the time we reached the shores of Bindu Sagar a huge crowd already jostling with each other and the baritone voice of Raj Guru, Prasnna Patsahani coming clearly from the sound system; it was the Boita Bandana Uschava that he was addressing. Quietly got down to the water to launch our boat with betel and betel nut and a diya. The boat navigated in the water among thousands of boats into the centre. We had a darsana of Lord Siva and returned to home in between a break fast of Sambar Idli at famous south Indian joint at Ashok Nagar. Hope all is well with the World. 

HIGH SPEED TRAIN-Howrah-Bhubaneswar-Chennai”

Dear Mr. Vinay Mittal,

This is with reference to recent news report on Indian Railways. We have following suggestions, for your kind consideration.

1. While, we welcome the announcement of Indian Railways to start High Speed trains in 7 important routes; but, apparently due to over sight, one of the most Important Route that highly deserve a High Speed Train  was left out-- “Howrah-Bhubaneswar-Chennai”. Apart from connecting two ‘Metro Cities’ that would link the emerging tier II city like Bhubaneswar; which is in immediate need of “Quality” connectivity for faster growth.

2. As per our estimate, Railways could generate up to $ 1 billion USD per annum by converting Rail assets like passenger & cargo coaches & the railway stations as an advertising medium. But, Railways need to approach the subject little professionally and as an astute marketer.

-        Railways could hire a consultant to study the matter in depth and suggest necessary steps/modification to make all rail assets into a media vehicle; keeping in view the connectivity with larger marketing goal of advertising revenue without inconveniencing the passengers.

-        Railways then could float Global Competitive Bids for a large single concessionaire who would manage the Indian Railways Media Vehicle. Railways have done this before in a piece meal manner that neither generated Adv. Revenue nor interest among the potential marketer. In Advertising, size and scale always demands a premium and Railways could do so to its great advantage.

Hope our ‘Ideas’ would be of your interest.

Thanking your kind self,

Bikash Choudhury

Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024

PIL in Supreme Court:Atrocities against Women

Chief Justice
Supreme Court of India
New Delhi

Sub: Atrocities against Women


I wish to draw your kind attention to the spate of News report across the country on heinous crimes and atrocities against Women all across our country. A day does not pass without an incident of rape, molestation, abduction and now with dastardly attacks with Acid. It seems as if there is no rule of law in our country or there is absolutely no fear of law among criminals and the citizens with criminal mindset or inclination. This is a very dangerous thing for our society and our democracy and poses a serious challenge to our rule of law and jurisprudence. Can we not do some thing about this as a Nation? 

I take this opportunity to appeal to the Chief Justice of our supreme court to take ‘suo motto’ cognizance of all recent cases and direct the Union Govt. and respective State Govt. to constitute Special Investigation Team(SIT) as a special case to investigate and file the charges against the culprits in a special court constitutes for the purpose to try the cases as expeditiously as possible to award highest penalty to the convict and as soon as possible; as much, for bringing the culprits to book; as for creating the fear for law in our society. The situation warrants immediate engagement of our supreme court on the issue to protect rule of law and social peace in future.

If Chief Justice wishes, I could personally depose before the court in case of such requirement.

Thank the Honorable Supreme Court.

Yours faithfully,

Bikash Choudhury
Socio-Economic-Political Activist
28th November 2012

Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


                                                           Bikash Choudhry

Tomorrow, we have Kartika Purnima at Bhubaneswar; the most auspicious day as per Hindu Mythology. It is 11 on the wall clock with clear sky and moon lit night, after a sumptuous vegetarian dinner went up to the 7th floor Pent House of my apartment in the elevator. The creamy white light bathed terrace welcomed me with moon right over the head, tilted the head little back to have a clear glimpse of the moon and it was just as beautiful as the brides penultimate day of the wedding dressed up and fully scavenged in the nearest Spa in pure white but only some thing left for the D day when it will swell into its full size and beauty with all the embellishment. In the eastern sky 7 stars I noticed twinkling as if they were happy as the family members of house in a wedding celebration mood and in the distance horizon where the sky meets the ground, house tops lights were glowing intermittently while sounds of automobiles still visible as Bhubaneswar city yet to go to sleep and the flower plants were gleaming in the moon light making the ambience just right for the wedding of tomorrow, the Kartika Purnima. A small boat is decked up with betel and betel nut and diya to make the journey at Bindu Sagar.  

Monday, November 26, 2012

Indian Political Slug Fest Towards 2014

Bikash Choudhury

Aun Su Kyi recently said “politics is about people” such a simple yet a very powerful observation. The political turmoil at present actually does not represent the wishes of people accurately; neither by the Govt. of the day nor by opposition forces and not even by the new Political organization on the chess board. As each one of them represent a certain constituency and raise a vociferous pitch to drown each others articulation at the cost of people, all of them claim to represent. If we pick the of FDI in Retail, then you would find the Govt. claims to be in the side of Farmers and Consumers and the Opposition aggressively fights for the 40 million small retailers and the newly formed political formation “Aam Aadmi” (some body has carefully chosen the name with inputs from numerologist, 15-28) pitches for an anti corruption bandwagon; effectively each in itself a powerful constituency and eventually a vote bank and each of them instead of serving the people in general they tend to restrict themselves to only a small subset of people. If opposition is so concerned about the “small retailers” then it could have sat with the Govt. and persuaded or, demanded for a “National Small Retailers Development Board” in the model of “National Dairy Development Board” in the co-operative sector to prepare the small retailers of the country to face the onslaught of MNC competition in the domain by networking across the country and with better supply chain arrangements; which could have been a win win solution for people. And, the new political formation should have pitched for a change in the ‘electoral system and election/political funding’ which remain the most potent source of corruption instead of targeting only individuals and a few organizations. Ordinary people only concerned with Bizli, Sadak and Pani & Roti, Kapada and Makan; which has not been adequately provided in last 65 years and may or may not be fulfilled if all these forces do not get together to change the very model of Governance to be efficient and effective.

That was just a trailer. The main focus of this essay is increasing turmoil in our political system and inside the political parties in the run up to 2013-14 general elections. No doubt there is a great disillusionment in the air and also at the same time, there are incredible hopes and aspirations of ordinary people of a ‘change for the better’. Almost year ago this author projected that the next Central Govt. could be formed by conglomerates of 13 regional political parties; however, after just one summer the political situation is under going radical changes which will have a substantial bearing on the outcome of general election that is due in 2014, but can also take place in 2013 much depending upon how this winter session of parliament run? Either ways, the Regional Political Parties may be losing out without a common platform or an agenda as capturing power can never be a stable agenda ever. Further, BJP has seen a spate of serious corruption cases maligning its President and there are rumblings inside; though, those may subside a little once Gujarat elections were over and Narendra Bhai Modi being shifted to National Capital to steer the party, as expected. Further, Congress Party gearing itself for election with slew of reforms including FDI and pending Direct Cash Transfers to beneficiaries. And, now the anti corruption movement taking shape as a brand new party; keeping in view all of them, you could guess last word is yet to be said and there could be many more changes in the offing that could influence the result up side down. There could be a realignment of forces around the new political formation as clean and established leaders from BJP & Congress moving there to transform the rag-tag organization into a Political force to recon with across the country and there are very many good and incorruptible leaders in both the National Parties to make a last ditch efforts to transform the country of their dreams as age may not be in their side and may be they are not well looked after in their parent organization. The other thing is the Regional Satraps still could wake up to draw up a National Coalition to fight the next general election jointly. Though, UPA II govt. may have lost a sizable mandate; but, the Congress Party is not leaving any stone unturned to retain the Govt. for the third time in a row; which may prove to be a daunting task. However, the quality of Leadership of Congress Party is much better in comparison to the only Party with a difference, BJP. Whatever happens between now and then, both the journey and the end result after the election would be very interesting and with surprises that no human being could imagine now? This author also surrenders to the Political destiny of this great country.

Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024


Bikash Choudhury

 Guru Rama Hari Das (Second from right)

Guru Rama Hari Das was delivering a classical Odishi rendition from the composition of Kabi Samarat Upendra Bhanja in the 50 year function of Bhubaneswar Music Circle. Ram Hari Das with his student enthralled the audience which need to be seen and not to be heard to be believed. I have listened to his rendition many times and he has all the time surprised me and send me to trance. Please never ever miss the performance of Guru Rama Hari Das when he performs in your city which is as much for your heart and still more for your soul.


                                                          Bikash Choudhury

“Digi Raja” the other name of Sri Digvijaya Singh was on his element and flowing best; visiting Odisha after a gap of 5 years. His visit was important which he admitted by spelling out, this being second visit in five long years. In his initial remarks, he talked spontaneously on recent revelation on 2G CAG report and matter connected to presumptive lose of Rs. 1.76 lakh crore and statements attributed to former director of audit in CAG. He said the CAG had taken this figure on the basis of figures given by a complainant who was unsuccessful to get the spectrum. His main contention was that the allegation of corruption on 2G and Coal Gate frivolous and wherever any evidence found action was taken in contrast to BJP, that did not take action against two of its presidents while it removed L.K.Advani from presidentship for his utterances on Mohamed Ali Jinha under pressure from RSS. He also spoke eloquently on FDI Retail and mentioned that States are free to take their own decisions and opposition unnecessarily paralyzing the parliament while forgoing an opportunity to put the Govt. on the mat by adopting a no confidence motion. At the end he emphasized that Opposition is a divided house.   

Q. Rajiv Gandhi started Ganga Action Plan and Computerization in Govt.; however, UPA I and UPA II Govt. have not given much emphasis on the same and has not brought to its logical conclusion. Can we assume that UPA Govt. is moving away from Rajiv Gandhi’s Ideals?

Answer: DS- You are misinformed. Govt. is rolling out broad band connections to villages and introduced computerization in Govt. against many odds. And, on Ganga Action Plan Prime Minster is heading the movement and since State Govt. is the executing partners, inordinate delay has taken place. Arrangements are being made to clean the Ganga up to ‘Haridwar’ in the first phase and many NGO are involved in the job; and experiments are being done to produce electricity without stopping the natural water flow in the river.

Saturday, November 24, 2012



We propose the following to deal with FDI Retail Log Jam in the
Parliament. To protect the Small Retailers of the country; as a large
majority of political parties are concerned on the subject. Govt. could be persuaded to announce the formation of a NATIONAL SMALL
RETAILERS BOARD in the Co-operative sector in  the model of
NDDB(National Dairy Development Board) with a corpus of Rs.5000 crore
in the Budget of 2013-14. This Idea is also favored by 

Mr. Ashok Gulati, Chairman of Agriculture Cost and Price Commission. We think
this should address the concerns of the main Opposition. The mandate of NSRB should
be, to be network the small retailers, develop supply chain and prepare
them to face the competition of Organized retail and MNC. We hope this step would solve the Log Jam and a success of winter parliament session.

Friday, November 23, 2012


Bikash Choudhury

Human life gets conceived in the minds of two amours couple when decide to consummate their marriage or otherwise; however, an invisible force decide when a life would be formed in the woman’s womb. But, when a human life takes shape inside a mother, it becomes a source of happiness for a family and a source of fear, danger and a sure prospect of being outcast by family, friends and society at large in case of an unwed mother. Human fetus takes normally 9 months to be fully developed and thereafter comes to the world by C sections or through natural process. And, now the newly born parents take over and mother gives 24x7 care to the new born and the child identifies with her and calls her Mother/Maa/Mummy/Amma  and  whoever, she says the child as your father, the child meekly accepts without  any proof. The question comes who was our great grandfather 700 million years ago when homo sapiens came into this form. It was a primate? If so when the primates inhabiting now on earth would become human? There is no clear answer. And other thing is we humans consume everything that comes from earth and don’t hesitate to pollute. How a chili plant provides a hot taste drawn from the ground while a sugarcane plant provides sweets?? These were the thoughts that consumed me yesterday night and I thought to share with my readers to find some answers if possible.


                                                        Bikash Choudhury

This is the third time on a row, when Indian Parliament was being disrupted. Irony of the moment was drowned in the ruckus inside the Parliament. The winter of the winter session of Parliament, soon lost its charm as the FDI Retail became the bone of contention; once again. Only important thing that house done in two days was the introduction of council of ministers by the Prime Minister after the recent reshuffle. Media lost their bread and butter; analyst type like me lost the job and poor & weak people would lose substantially as the house can’t take up any legislation that is linked to their welfare. In a multiparty democracy like ours; there is bound to be disagreement between Govt. & Opposition on Policy, Programs and their implementation. As each political party or alliance represents different section of people, their leadership and Ideologies are as different as ‘chalk from cheese’ and their leaders & followers are drawn from a different social milieu; however, all swear by the National Flag and all the Institutions thereof. The divergence of opinion should be taken as ‘a priori’ an accepted fact. Then can we hold our Parliament to ransom? Because, this is not the first time and nor the last time the Govt. and opposition is in a slanging match with each other; and, further, comic thing is some regional political group also rushing to the well of the house to disrupt the Parliament and to press their demands for their constituency. Is this the first sign of effective Balkanization of this great country with 5000 years old civilization? As this tool is going to be adopted by others even in the next Lok Sabha thereby paralyzing the entire Governance system put in place for administrating this Nation. Net result would be the Country would be pushed into Anarchy; ironically by our democracy. In the words of Farid Zachariah “you need more democracy to bring reform in democracy”.