Sunday, December 20, 2009

Healthcare Industry-Healthy Bottomline

Bikash Choudhury

Our Idea is very simple for a Healthcare company to grow faster with healthy bottom line.Since Corporate Hospital involves high capital expenditure with long gestation period and low margins. And Govt. run Hospital system have almost reached breaking points on the load of free services, poor infrastructure and suboptimal services. There is a viable option for a Health care company to take over all State run Hospital & Medical colleges at State Capital/Major Cities Lock Stock and Barrel on long term lease with suitable arrangement.

1. Healthcare company can Invest in the Infra of State run Hospitals to offer a Reasonable Healthcare services at an affordable cost.
2.Govt. current expenditure need to be maintained to underwrite the free services to poor people as per suitable provision in law applicable.
3.Healthcare company can charge for specialty/super-speciality healthcare services at concessional rates and can refer critical cases to its Corporate Hospitals with better facilities.
4.Healthcare company can turnaround State run medical colleges by investing in Infrastructure & Technology in world class Medical teaching aids at a PRICE(from students or Govt.).That would also work as a long term brand building exercise for Healthcare company.
5.This exercise if implemented successfully can create a Nation Wide Healthcare Super Highway for Healthcare company at an approximate cost of Rs.1000 Crore in a span of 5 years and add 3-5% to the existing bottom line and save Capex & Management time in building Corporate Hospital.
6.Marketing & Brand Building:Healthcare company can Institute suitable awards and can offer scholarships on merit in top 100 Medical Colleges, Nursing Schools and Pharmacy Institutes in the country to buy the Mind share of very Important resources in Healthcare Industry.

Next Generation Oriya Movie

Bikash Choudhury

Dear Nirad Babu,I have seen your movie "Maya Miriga" and that was the last Oriya movie left an Impact in my mind about my attitude towards my parents and conditioned my response to my dependent brothers when I started working and earning. Many viewers would have similar experience with your movie. Other Oriya movie, I steel remember is "Sesha Shrabana". Why such movies we don't see these days? Is there no market for such movies? or Film makers are tired of taking risk in making such movies? I did not find any answer to this question till date. May be you and your colleagues at KIIT School of Film & Media Science have an answer.

Recently, Columnist Mr. Barendra Dhal had written 9 eloquent articles on the state of Oriya Language in Dharitri News paper.
I consider along with creating awareness about- having a feeling for mother tongue(Oriya) if we can make good quality movies in Oriya just like in Tamil & Telegu films then Oriya Language can survive the Taste of time.


1. A few Big banner commercial Oriya movie with strong storyline in a year can make Oriya Movie audience seatup &takenotice
2. Bilingual Movie(Hindi & Oriya) with Ideal mix of Bollywood & Ollywood Stars.
3.Music and Choreography in Collaboration with Tamil Movie makers.
4.Art direction & Set design in collaboration with Mumbai studios
5.Dedicated Film financier & producer from Odisha's rich and famous persons.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Bikash Choudhury

Esteemed Smt. Sushamaji, Congratulation on assuming very important office of Leader of Opposition.I am one of your great admirer. Listened to many of your speeches in Parliament and in Party rallies in Bhubaneswar. Your moderate thought process and image would help you set the agenda for Governance by the Govt. Country would look upon you to drive the Govt. to implement their party manifesto and many of BJP manifesto which are in Immediate interest of the country. Briefly: Internal Security, Police Reforms, Judicial Reforms are the key areas for action to preserve a healthy & Peaceful society towards faster growth. Secondly:Infrastructure need attention for faster connectivity and logistics for a competitive economy. Thirdly:Agricultural Reforms & Rural development for a faster growing & stronger economy.Fourth:Education reforms, Research and Innovation are some of the Important areas that need your attention.

I suggest for a Shadow Cabinet for Leader of Opposition, formally to operate effectively.This will kill many birds in one stone-your team could get enthusiasm and wisdom in Parliament and at the same time, this will add unstined support from your colleagues in Parliament and in Party.
I seek blessings of Lord Jagannath, Puri in Orissa for your continued success.Request you to visit Orissa as your first tour after being Leader of Opposition in Loksabha.

Monday, December 14, 2009

NH-203 in Bad Shape

Bikash Choudhury

There were news report on spate of fatal accidents of foreign and other tourist on NH-203; that connects Bhubaneswar-Puri, one of the most important tourist corridor in Odisha.Traffic has grown manifold in recent times on the high way even in the late evening.However, the facility of NH-203 has not improved maching the growth in traffic.Recently, I travelled back from Puri at late evening with a friend on a bike and appaled at the danger to mortal life.In a distance of over sixty kilometres, three times I had to climb down from black top road to accommodate speeding four wheeler from the opposite direction and five times nearly hit a cyclist in complete darkness. As luck would have it; saved from 8 potential fatal accidents with just one life of mine. No wonder, Indian roads are considered one of the biggest killing field in the World.With little ingenuity, NHAI can save hundreads of human lives. Edge of the black top road of NH-203 can be eqipped with red colour flourocent markers, mud foot paths in both sides can be paved with stone or concrete along with the alignment of black top road, appropriate traffic signalls can be put up at suitable places to indicate drivers about rummblers, diversions and semi circular and blind turns on the high way.Most importantly, NHAI must take up complete overhaul of very old and severely damaged Dayanadi Bridge and plan for an alternative bridge sooner than later to keep the tourist moving to the most important tourist destination in the State i.e., Puri Jagannath temple. May good sense prevail upon NHAI.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Resolve Dispute in Land Acqusition for Industry

Bikash Choudhury


Background: In past decade a few big ticket Industrial Projects have been held up due to conflict and dispute in land acquisition. TATA Kalinga Nagar, POSCO Paradeep and Vedanta University Konark Project are prominent ones. Needless to mention, if these projects gets implemented in due course; Orissa economy will thrive due to Industrial activity, employment opportunity could be created for educated and technically qualified Oriya young people in the State and quality of air connectivity to metro cities would improve further. That will strengthen the virtuous cycle of prosperity in Orissa. Can we afford to miss the opportunity?

Assumption: There may be a gap in understanding between various stake holders. Therefore, an open dialogue, among stake holders in a suitable atmosphere, from a neutral platform could be the preliminary step forward towards the resolution of core dispute in larger interest of the State.

Framework: Utkal Chambers can offer to facilitate to setup a neutral platform by drawing on eminent people with competence on the broad subject area from various walks of life in the State. Further, the chambers can create a frame work for dialogue among stake holders with the objective to arrive at consensus to implement the Projects.

Modalities of Dialogue: (Draft)

1. Stake Holders can be broadly defined as:
• Groups representing displaced people of the project
• Promoter Company of the Project
• State Govt. of Orissa
• Political Parties in Opposition in State Assembly

2. All stake holders should be invited for an Open Public Debate on the specific project to arrive at consensus.
3. Format:
• Track One- Presentation by each stake holders articulating their view point in this public plat form with arrangement of live telecast to record the response of general public of State.
• Track Two- Maximum concession that each stake holders can offer on the table for a consensus.
• Track Three- Bilateral/Multilateral negotiation to build consensus around the project
• Track Four- Joint Press conference by all stake holders to announce the outcome of the dialogue process(either way)

4. Moderators: Moderators can be identified carefully from eminent people with suitable background to facilitate the live public debate driving towards a consensus. (Suggestion)
• Retired Chief Justice of High Court
• Director of IIT Bhubaneswar
• Vice-Chancellor of Utkal University
• Director of XIMB
• Retired Chief Secretary of State Govt. Ect

5. Financing: Ideally, the bulk cost of organizing the event should be reimbursed by the revenue from media rights of live telecast and sponsors other than the stake holders.

Concept proposed by: Streben Marketing Services,Bhubaneswar

Friday, December 4, 2009

India & Pakistan:Case for common defence

Bikash Choudhury
In response to article published in The Hindu on 28th Nov'09 by Pervez Hoodbhoy of Quid-e-Azam University,Islambad

The author in the guise of Intellectual opinion, actually trying to push typical Pakistani insecure mindset from inception into Indian throat and trying to blame India for all the evils, self created by Pakistani establishment.Kashmir is not and can not be the actual reason of discord between India & Pakistan; but, the continuous negative mindset of Pakistanis about India definitely is the reason.And, same is being used and misused by various Global powers in their own interest.Creation of Bangladesh is of their own making.India does not harbor any ill will against Pakistan and certainly, not at the mercy of Pakistanis for its survival.Democratic liberal secular system and growing Economic strength can weather any storm emanating out from present prevalent conditions inside their country.Though, existence of Pakistan in current form in the World political map would largely depend upon the competing interests of Global forces in years ahead.Instead of threatening India with their Nuclear power and problems arising out of inevitable collapse of Pakistani state;author should make an effort to strengthen the civil society of Pakistan to see reason and writing on the wall. In my opinion, The Hindu should stop publishing such columns in National interest.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How NDTV can make money?


NDTV is a very strong contemporary brand but it has not been able to create success at the bean counters. In spite of having best of talents i.e. news Anchors and technology at its disposal. Is it because NDTV still living on its past laurels? Or, NDTV does not wish to renew itself in terms of look, feel and content? Recent slide in its TRP ratings against upstarts like Times Television shows sudden saturation in the mindset of NDTV organization; in spite of being one of the best reference points as top class broad casting organization in south East Asia. It is time, NDTV need to reinvent itself to survive the onslaughts on the street. What NDTV need to do now?

NDTV must adhere to following three broad strategies:

 Concentrate on News Business
 Leverage its strong Brand Image
 Add contents from bottom of pyramid

New Business: NDTV can launch news paper, magazine by leveraging its news and editorial contents, in association with partners and thus create new revenue centers without adding to the numbers of cost centers.
Brand Image: Again ndtv can rollout education centers on broad casting across the country in association with leading coaching centers.
Bottom of Pyramid: NDTV has up till now gave coverage to news of metros. In the ever changing demographic scenario the news content air time should be distributed in the ratio of 60:40 in between metro and non metro contents to remain relevant to the viewers.

Monday, November 23, 2009

26/11-Could not trust my Instinct

Bikash Choudhury

One year after 26/11 Mumbai blast, I still curse myself, for not being able to trust my instinct; that told me, Mumbai could be the next big terror target after Hyderabad-Jaipur-Bangalore-Ahmedabad and New Delhi. Therefore, today even after a year, I feel personally responsible for the condition of the two year child Moshe, other 170 victims of that unfortunate incident and all our valiant Mumbai Police and NSG commandos who perished in that sixty hours long fight. After Jaipur terror strike, I felt eastern region could be the next target and therefore cautioned the Orissa Govt. through media representative to be on guard for Puri Ratha Yatra and due to my input or otherwise also, State Govt. took commendable steps to sanities Puri town before the Ratha Yatra and the festival passed off peacefully. It was very difficult to figure out wheather, there was a terror plot for Puri; which was averted because of timely action by the Govt.or else, there was no terror threat for Puri? After Delhi bomb blast I had developed a nagging fear that now Mumbai suburban train or its busy central business districts could be an eminent target of Terrorist. Some how my intuition was telling me that it could be a very dangerous one and a big one. But, I could not summon the courage to discuss my feelings, even with my wife. My fear at that point of time was of being ridiculed by one and all; if dared to articulate my instinct in public. While 26/11 Mumbai blast was being unfolded on that fateful night, I switched off my TV at 10.30 pm in the Hotel room at Bangalore Majestic area near Railway station to concentrate on presentation for a business meeting next day; in the early morning and went out to have tea in the Cotton street, totally oblivious of the world at Mumbai that had changed for ever. After finishing the tea when I picked up the news paper and saw in big and bold letter “Mumbai under Terror strike” with Taj Hotel on the back ground; my heart nearly freeze. I could only mumble to myself “What I have done to my self and Mumbai city of mine”. Rushed to my Hotel room and remained in comatose just watching the live coverage of Terror Seize at Taj Hotel, Oberoi Hotel and Nariman House. That tragic event has locked in my memory and many times stir me out of my sleep with a visual of “terrorist driving in Police patrol vehicle entering the Taj Hotel spraying bullets from their AK-47 riffles on their way” playing in the backdrop of my mind.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Aviation Think Tank

A Friend Philosopher & Guide

Bikash Choudhury

What is missing in these trying times for Indian Aviation Industry? A credible- impartial-transparent-competent Think Tank of Aviation Industry. Air India, the National Carrier is going through one of its worst times since inception but, there is a dearth of Mature Voice from Aviation Industry for a larger interest of the National Institution (started by one passionate entrepreneur Late Shri JRD Tata) and the millions of air travelers. Little earlier, Private Air Lines on the pressure of high cost of aviation fuels demanded a bailout package from Govt. which was just a red rag for Indian Govt.’s proletariat image; without going to the merit of the case. Private Air Lines subsequently ganged–up and announced lay off for media consumption and to bring pressure on Indian Govt.; later, the lay-offs were withdrawn with much media fanfare.

It is imperative to understand for all concerned, Indian Aviation apart from offering quick passenger transport to people across the country is also an employer of Highly Skilled human resources and also an important link of the Economy. A healthy Aviation Industry would have a multiplier effect on country’s GDP. Country should have a vision for aviation industry. “Currently, only 40 cities are connected by air by scheduled air line; which must be raised to100 cities in few years. And, for that wish to happen; India needs to look at low cost transport aircraft manufacturing technology and low cost infrastructure & supply chain to service the passengers.”

The Current state of Air India is the net result of years of mismanagement by The Govt., Incompetent Management and highly paid employees with poor work ethics. Now, the current management of Air India seems to have the understanding of the problem and attempting a turn around with great difficulty without moral and material support of Owner (the Govt.) & Employees. In this time, having chosen the management, the Govt. should offer complete backing to the management for the task ahead (without looking at political fallout) and the employees trade unions like ICPA, IPG, ACEU and AIPG must rally around the management in their own interest. If need be, the trade unions must voluntarily accept a temporary deferred payment of a portion of their salary to tide over this difficult times in larger interest of the organization. If, Air India managed to spring back to life from this deep air pocket, then the maximum material benefit would go the way of the employees, apart from saving 30,000 jobs. Aviation Think Tank should be able to articulate a considered view point in the interest of Aviation Industry for long term growth and maturity of the sector. Is India short of Aviation Professionals?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Naxal Solution Lies in a Disarming Mindset

Bikash Choudhury

Hijacking of Rajadhani Express, Bhubaneswar-New Delhi by Naxal sympathizers in broad day light followed by continuous telecast on the event by news maker hungry 24/7 media has sent shock waves in the middle class consciousness living mostly in growing cities and towns much out side the red corridor. This is one of the tricks of Maoist to put pressure on astute, central home minister P.Chidambaram to halt and hold his fool proof plan of military style offensive to push the armed militia of Maoist into irrelevance in course of time, with a time frame. Recent spurts of Maoist violence across the country could also be attributed to the same objective of Naxals. Keen political watchers would have observed a section of intelligentsia having mass following siding or sympathsing with the core of Naxal movement at the same time dissociating with violence of any kind, be that of State sponsored ones. One view gaining currency through numerous live television debate and discussion with experts is that without some kind of mass public support, Naxal could not have grown to this level and may not have been able to conduct gruesome crimes against Police and Civilians with impunity. Psychologist and Philosopher would vouch, Violence is the only and last response of human being in a very trying circumstances; ordinarily, human race is skilled enough to resolve differences amicably. Knowing fully well violence would multiply loses in both sides in terms of human lives and military resources. When fight is between State and a group of its own subjects, the loses assume catastrophic proportion. Violence is not the solution either way. But, constructive debate and discussion on the subject of discord, towards a solution in an environment of Peace and mutual Trust with a time frame, would be able to thaw reciprocal violence further and save innocent lives. Complete and Permanent solution to vexed Naxal problem lies in Disarming the Mindset of all concerned.

In spite of over 60 years of independence, substantive Governance of a free State has not been able to reach the people of deep interior areas devoid of communication facility, Poor Law and Order machinery, Inadequate rendering of Justice and forgettable facility of civil administration in terms of succor at the time of disaster or education and health facilities in peace time. People, largely left to their own means and private arrangements are easy pawns at the hands of Maoist who professes to care for their rights and general wellbeing. But, many times their violent methods of justice rub the innocents the wrong way due to lack of any checks and balances in Maoist set-up. Those people living in and around deep forest area have a Hobson’s choice between devil and the deep sea. By rule of thumb, they favor who ever provides them maximum security and justice; at the moment Naxals looks like catering to their needs and quickly the State has to take over the Governance to stop the menace of Maoist in the red corridor.

Only a few brave hearts would corroborate with the fact that our current political system of governance is largely responsible for the feverish growth of Maoist militia. A truly representative Government in a democratic system would have a rare moral authority to drive the bureaucracy and others for an equitable social justice for long term peace and prosperity of the nation. Can we call our Govt. truly a representative one? Knowing fully well of the fact that only 58% of registered electorates of over 70 crores exercising their franchise and one candidate could get elected to Parliament with a margin of one vote and with, only 18-22% of votes polled in a multi corner contest. Need to examine if the first-past-post system of election still valid in Indian context. Further, modalities of funding of election by Political parties and Candidates are one major source of concern in Governance. If Barak Obama can raise 600 million dollars from people, transparently to fund his Presidential election; in India, our political parties and their Candidate can do the ditto from a billion plus population and save Police and Justice System from large scale malpractices on the weight of obligation of election funds for Political Parties and their Candidates. Central & State Govt. should collaborate proactively to push the long pending Police and Judicial reforms for not giving in to the Maoist, to beat the Govt. with the same stick, State sponsored violence on innocent people. That apart, honest and hard working Politician also, could minimize their stress level and lead a normal life of professionals without having to worry about election funds and politicians working on specific social issues could draw media attention and private sector funding.

These are the issues which will require a distinct disarmed mindset from both sides. Govt. should revisit the current assumption on Governance and restructure the same in line with the demand of the time and its own people. At least, the area of Red Corridor deserves a special attention in terms of Governance. As for the Maoist, they need to rethink if Violence is bringing them any closer to the people they profess to protect from the State machinery.

[Author is chief executives of a Strategy Consulting Firm based at Bhubaneswar, opinion expressed are his own]

Monday, November 9, 2009

Broad Strategic Input-UPA II

Bikash Choudhury

1. Foreign Policy can be shaped in such a manner that would spur Indian Economic Growth.

2. Our South East Asian Policy must be integrated to give India a central role in the regions economy.

3. Our Global policy should have muscles so that "India should be Seen and Heard with respect in Global forum, just like in the time of Nehru.

All this objectives are achievable if Congress President takes a Proactive Role.

1. In current times Indian Central Govt. can make little changes or find difficulties in recasting its foreign policy due to lot of protocol and lack of reciprocation from other Nations. However, Congress President should not be bound by conventions and Govt. protocol too much, and therefore can take fresh and bold initiative to refashion our Global as well as South East Asian policy. A new spin in National Interest; And, if Successful the Indian Govt. could lap up the Initiative as defacto Govt. Policy and pursue further to strengthen the arrangement in National Interest.

2. South East Asia: Our relations with Pakistan is crucial to our foreign policy in the region. I feel if we open up trade and commerce lock-stock and barrel with Pakistan and allow our private sector to Invest in Pakistan in large scale projects then apparently Pakistani Troika Could Relent in future to change their Black Box.
  • Modalities: Congress President can take initiative in this regard and talk to the ruling party of Pakistan of this proposal and simultaneously, Congress President can encourage the Leader of Opposition to talk to Nawaj Sarif and other Opposition leaders in Pakistan on this issue for a long term prosperity of the region. This effort can also be reinforced by the Media & other civil society organisations, without of course any Media Hype.
  • Congress President and the Leader of Opposition can jointly visit Pakistan with a Business & Cultural delegation and talk to Pakistan people/young people, about peace and Indian wish of equal friendship.
  • Objective is let there be an free exchange of trade,commerce and culture which over time would lead to greater trust of the Decision makers and lead to substantive discussion at laterpoint by the two resolve all out standing disputes for good.
  • Only, such Initiative alone; in current circumstances of Pakistan would make the Whole world situp and take Notice of India.And, Indian foreign policy would gain a substantial advantage across the Global High Table.

3.Global Peace Messanger: India has alwys stands for peace and non-violence. Let India Agrresively Promote Peace across the World by Appealing to all Young people with the proposition of Disarmament & Development of the Planet.[MORAL HIGH GROUND]

  • Modalities: Congress President can take Initiative for a Global Tour along with other senior leaders of Opposition, Business and Cutural delegation to speak to University Students of Each countries and Women and talk about Indian wish for Peace, Disarmament and Development for a Sustainable Civilisation on this planet and also can promote Indian Business, Culture and Tourism simultaneously.
  • In short period of time this effort would place India among G-5 in terms of Importance in foreign policy and would be consulted in Important global issues with respect and undivided attention.


Only Solution for Climate Change

Bikash Choudhury

Complex problem more often than not have very simple solution. Current Global concern about climate change and hullabaloo on international protocol about control of green house gases, carbon foot print of life style and carbon credit is all tall talk and minimal commitment towards real action for abetting against climate change. It is very unlikely that Copenhagen summit would see a radical shift in mindset of developed Nations and Others. In the game of one-up-manship on the issue of survival of this planet and its climate, Nations should desist from playing politics and should not wait for the other to blink first. If today our Mahatma Gandhi would have been alive, then he would have probably advised the Global Leadership to convince their people about changing their life style to save this planet from the ravages of the nature and to lead by example. Why our life style is to be blamed so much? One simple calculation would prove the point beyond any debate. From morning while we get up from bed, and till the time we go to bed to sleep; one average person would have added 15 kilo to the carbon stock in the climate. Houses we live, the cars that we drive to office, cold water that we drink from freeze, Computer that we use to do our job in office, Mobile that we frequently use to communicate and food habit that we have mostly responsible for creating the large part of our carbon additions to already growing Carbon cycle. Further, the waste created out of conspicuous consumption also takes a heavy toll on the climate in the absence of 100% recycling infrastructure of wastes, world over, further worsening the climate condition. Mahatma Gandhi used a very simple technique of Satyagraha to fight with mighty British Empire in the early part of previous century and, eventually succeed in forcing British rulers to leave India.

The Global problem of Climate change also requires a Gandhian repertoire of simple solution for a sustainable civilization to thrive in this planet and only one, having life in our solar system. World population was 1.5 billion in the beginning of 20th century and current figure stands at 6.5 billion. And, the current Global population is one of the biggest source of carbon harvest; keeping in view the per capita carbon production in our eco-system. Gandhian Idea for simple solution would have been to promote love and understanding between different Race, Religion and Culture. How love between Races would reduce population growth? Love is one immutable emotion if allowed to grow between two divergent communities then that would work as best contraceptives that human mind could have ever thought of, or designed.

“The world has enough for its needs and not for its greed.” Gandhi had coined this phrase when the current Intellectuals and Experts on climate change with pin striped suits had not taken birth. Gandhi had espoused a simple style in his life time at Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad.The principal corner stone of Gandhian way of life revolved around manual labor- to provide for one’s own need through manual labor and consume that proportion of the produce for living in consonance with nature. But, this is easier said than done. However, Global leaders in their next Copenhagen summit must examine to adopt the Importance of Gandhian way of simple life style to the extent possible in current times as one of the antidote for Climate change and towards a Carbon neutral healthy and sustainable life style to protect this fragile planet from impending ravages of Nature.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

My Delhi Diary

Bikash Choudhury

Day-I There was a Assocham conference in Delhi on 4th Nov 2009 booked my ticket and prepared to get away from Bhubaneswar for some time to get fresh perspective about work and life. Neelachal express was on time on 2nd Nov.- Karthika Purnima full moon day, a very auspicious day for all Oriya people. My wife Suman and close friend Sibasis came to see me off at the station. And, Off I went boarded the train B-2 compartment of 3AC and occupied my lower berth. The middle berth person booked through Tathkal did not turn-up and therefore I was left to enjoy the perks of two berths. My 125 kg (lean body) perched comfortably in the berth and started looking out to get familiar with people and hunt if any pretty faces around? All were oldie type; therefore I concentrated on my official reading matter and magazine purchased from the station. While reaching Delhi, the train got late by four and half hours, arrived at Delhi at 10 in the evening, unearthly hour for an infrequent visitor to the metropolis, because this vulnerability earn Coolly, Taxi driver and Hotel staffs a very fast buck. One smart taxi driver suddenly came from the back and gave one irresistible offer to drop at Hotel @ Rs. 10. I looked at the guy and agreed. Only wondered, too good to be true. Still managed to reach a decent hotel and the hotel staff at the counter, first demanded an Identity proof; without any hassle gave my PAN card, after having a look at my face and the card, again, he asked for an address proof; after, 30 hrs journey had very little patience left to argue with him. Unintentionally drawing a big face offered my DL and surprisingly the man made a photo copy of the DL and kept in the file. First time in life some body is silently questioning that I could, too be passed off as criminal in spite of my innocent looking face of 42 years. Having completed the formalities rushed to occupy the room and then again ran out immediately to have a smoke out side the hotel to refill Nicotine. By this time stomach was burning with desire to have food and mind was searching for the taste of infamous Paharganj delicacy. After a few enquiry, located one Sardar run forty year old Hotel U-like in Chuna market adjacent to my hotel. Officially, I am supposed to be a vegetarian to shed flab as per unwritten mou with wife & family. But, the aroma of Non-Vegetarian food was filled in the Dhaba and was too much of a test of abstination. I gave in to my taste buds and ordered for Mutton Kimma Masala and Tangri Kabab with Butter Nan accompanied by cut Onions and mint chutney. The first connect of food with mouth sent a pleasant current of 440 volt inside the body and in a desire to eat fast, end up in burning the top roof inside the mouth. However, the experience was exhilarating and beyond words. After a good meal every smoker would be desperate to have a fag to relish the food little more. Did the same- Ditto after returning to the room lying down on the bed resting at the back and swirling the smoke, enjoying every bit of the experience while looking at the Cigarette packet with new graphic-Tobacco cause cancer and Kill. Wondering, if any guarantee of eternal life without smoking? Gone to bed with recent book of Chetan Bhagat Two States, on that page “while Annanya, the girl friend of Krish suddenly announcing break up with him for humiliation heaped on her parents by Kris’s mother”. Slept off thinking about poor Kris and her girl friend sadly being whipped up by their respective parents who otherwise, profess and claim limitless love for their own offspring but heaping misery on the love struck couple on the issue of North Indian vis-à-vis Tamilian? Why society is so much against Love? While Love is the bed rock for new creation of life and continuation of our civilization!

(To be continued)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mumbai Hea Meri Jan-Thoda Ruk ke Thoda Soach ke Janna

26/11 Mumbai terrorist holocaust and bombing of suburban train in July 2006 has made it known world over that anonymous Mumbai is the best bet for Jihad fundamentalist forces to strike at will most valuable targets with impunity to spread terror world over with the help of 24/7 global media. Who knows, may be the terrorist are all at it again to shred Mumbai after a few months.Mumbaites have shown solidarity with the near and dear ones who have lost lives in the 60 hrs carnage of 26/11 and victim’s family of train bombing by creating awareness through candle marches and human chain. But, is it enough? Mumbaites must have to do much more to shield them from terror strike because they are easy and most valuable target for prospective terrorist groups. Speed of life in the city is one of the added attractions for the Jihadi killers. Anonymity: Mumbaites must now take little time off in week ends to know their neighbors a little better and build a relationship so as to make it difficult for any Jihad elements to take shelter in the city to perpetrate crime. Traffic: Mumbaites must use the services of car pools generously for their own safety and reduce congestion on the roads in the peak time. Central Business districts of Mumbai must have three slots for office/business working hours 8am to 4pm, 9am to 5pm and 10am to6 pm. Further, metro can be divided in 4 zones east–west-north-south and may have four different slots of business hours.

Business: Business houses can relocate part of their operations to nearby locality of Mumbai to decongest the city and help create development of satellite townships.

Governance: City with over two crore population must have the political power to deal with the challenges of living in the City just like State of Delhi. A quarter of tax revenue of the city must be earmarked for the development and infrastructure of the city at least for a decade. Vigilance: Mumbaites must now be extra vigilant about the surroundings and be proactive to share information with authorities in real time for security of the city and their lives. Slums: Forty percent of the city lives in slum. The biggest security threat to the city. Terrorist easily take shelter in the slum before their assault. Huge migrant population in the slum offer anonymity just perfect for operation Human Slutter Mumbai Style. Mumbai is full of Rich, Powerful, Top Professionals and successful middle class who must poll resources to remove slum from Mumbai skylines for enjoying peaceful lives for family and friends. The Macabre dance of life and death at Taj Palace Hotel should not revisit the city in a new form may be in more sinister design. A decent life style for the slum dwellers would partly guarantee the safety of the city.

Mumbai has made millions of dreams come true. Now, it must individually and collectively work to preserve the city and its lives from violence of worst kind and the fear of random terror attack. Ea Mumbai Hea Meri Jan-Thoda Ruk ke Thoda Soach ke Janna.

Author: Bikash Choudhury, Chief Executive of Strategy Consulting Firm 'STREBEN MARKETING SERVICES' based at Bhubaneswar, Orissa. Contact: Mobile: 00 9853426657 Tel: 91-674-2720271

email: &

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Bikash Choudhury

Shining India Campaign bombed in the electoral fray in 2004 general election but the back ground of such confidence of Vajpayee led NDA Govt. was not misplaced; because that was based on immediate need of millions of people, Connectivity. Vajpayee’s vision of having golden quadrilateral project to connect the four metros and Prime Minister Gramya Sadak Yojana to connect villages with concrete roads were a phenomenal work done for the country after a long gap and would continue to serve people of this country for years. Both Golden Quadrilateral Project & PMRSY Project are far from completion.UPA govt. had later lunched NREGA program after taking over in 2004 and removed focus from road connectivity projects of NDA govt. which were not lucrative enough for an electoral arithmetic; however, three years consecutive, over 7% growth of GDP after 2004 could be attributed to an extent, to the good job of previous NDA Govt. in development of Road Sector. Development of Roads not only has a multiplier effect for growth but it can also serve in better administration of far flung areas of the country and save innocent people from the wrath of Maoist Army. You can’t apparently fault the motive of UPA govt. due to the problems of resources and funding; as host of requirements were competing for the same meager amount of public resources simultaneously.

Scarcity of Funding for large ticket infrastructure projects often lead to a long gestation period and huge cost over-run. The growth of demand for Road and Rail Connectivity has out lived the Innovative Financing Options of large projects. Now a days the Private Public Partnership also does not cut much ice; what we urgently need is a new steady source of funds for at least ten years to complete all the Road & Rail connectivity projects and Road Infrastructures of all top 100 cities in lock stock and barrel.

Yellow Metal has always attracted both rich and poor in the country equally as a cultural factor, but this huge investment of the country largely remain idle in the cupboards of rural & urban house holds and lockers of all Commercial Banks. If, we can use fifty percent of such assets on road sector for ten years then our road infrastructure could match easily with any developed countries. More over, the process of upgrading road infrastructure would add huge multiplier to growth in other sectors and make the lives of ordinary persons a heap better than it was otherwise.

Gold Bond of Govt. of India could be the ideal solution. GOI could launch one open ended fresh gold bond scheme for five and ten years lock in period with a very attractive offer to mop up 50% of all private gold reserve in the country. One good scheme could be to offer a simple interest of 1-2% per annum on the present value of gold along with bonus in terms of a fixed percentage of gold, may be ten percent for five years and twelve percent for ten years at maturity. In this model GOI could mobilize huge funds at the least cost and help create a cycle of inflow of productive resources for 20 years; which can be channeled back to road, rail, rural and urban infrastructure sector. And again create spiral effect of growth in both, short and long term. Let us hope to drive at 60 miles per hour without potholes on our highways soon and Pranabada would go laughingly, all the way to bank.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Govt. in whose favor?

Bikash Choudhury

This refers to news report “Govt. plans writ plea over CET” organized by the Orissa Private Engineering Colleges Association (OPECA) to fill up 9000 engineering seats going vacant after second round of JEE counseling. State Govt. must encourage OPECA to fill up the seats with students, of course, with due merit & means to complete the course in larger interest of the state economy. State Govt. should only be concerned with the quality of students selected for supposed to be vacant seats. If 9000 seats are allowed to remain, without students, then the capacity created by private engineering college would go waste; which would be a colossal wastage of productive resources and also it will go against the Industrialisation of the state in the long run.

If OPECA has its way, then they could recruit probably nine thousand students with some merit and the demand of market forces, out of which fifty percent could be turned out as highly skilled manpower four years later. In a very basic Cost- Benefit analysis, any bureaucrat with little amount of scruples would be able to decipher the Huge wind fall Economic Benefit in allowing the OPECA to go ahead with CET, only with a rider to organize Quality Improvement Program (QIP) for such students so that the quality of engineers turned out from CET-III confirm to the minimum standards. Hope Govt. would take necessary legislative measure or if need be, resort to ordinance for a just cause.

Sunday, October 4, 2009



Bikash Choudhury

In Medicine they say “prevention is better than cure” the adage is, apparently, as old as the mankind has come to inhabit this earth. However, in India we use this only in very selectively. Recent down pour starting from the beginning of Durga Puja across the country has resulted in flood in Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Goa. As per news report 40,000 people in Balasore in Orissa, 1.8 lakh people affected in Krishna district of A.P and 132 deaths have occurred and 1 lakh houses destroyed in Karnataka and further, 1.6 lakh evacuated in Karnataka and 1,3 lakh people to be evacuated in Vijayawada. In total over half a million people have been severely affected by floods this time and equally appalling is the fact that every year some part of our country gets under water during monsoons devastating human life, livestock, farms, houses, rural & urban infrastructure worth Rs 5-10 thousand crore, on an average, in a back of the envelope calculation. Can’t we prevent or at least minimize this colossal destruction of National Wealth year after year? We can allocate a quarter of the amount for a multi disciplinary research in one of our IIT for five years, to find a permanent solution to floods for good. Hope, some one in south block would pick of the thread sooner than later.


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bêaù^gße, E-mail :

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Air India-Road Map for Revival & Growth

Current situation @ Air India can’t be less than a surprise military strike and that deserve a response equally or more with military precision. A lot has been already said about why and how Air India has come to this state in many reputed columns. However, you can’t do justice to readers with your strategy unless you inform them about your diagnosis; therefore, need to briefly sound out what ails the national carrier to seek a bailout package from the central Government.

Broadly speaking, Air India faced two challenges at the same time i.e. Internal and External. Internal challenges of Air India are well known and too many to cover in this column; the ones that top the list is Leadership, Morale of Staffs, Too many hands for too less work, High cost of operation, A non business like mindset across the organization- Sarakari style and many others. Unluckily, the external environment has also not been very kind either. The global recession and previously very high cost of aviation turbine fuel have taken wind out of the sails of many a carrier including Air India.

Can Air India survive this tough time? Certainly, Air India would be able to revive and grow to become one of the best money making Airline. What is needed is both the Owner (Govt.) and Management(Air India Board) plus the people behind the machine & processes(employees) should be willing and should have intention to offer the country with a robust domestic and international carrier with global standards in larger interest of the economy.

Where to start? Is the biggest stumbling block in human mind and same is equally applicable when you write strategy. In this case, you can’t start your exercise else where but at Leadership which would put the other jigsaw to the puzzle. The Current leadership does not have a vision for an organization of Air India’s stature; nor do they have the knowledge of the market or the business of running an airline. Therefore, obviously the new Leadership must be put in place keeping the above criteria in mind. In our opinion Air India could have a team of five top executives (Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Managing Director [ceo] and two Dy Managing Directors) with complementary skill set. Chairman could be from Piloting profession with exposure or interest in the business side of the airline, Vice-Chairman can be from aviation engineering stream with business background or appreciation of the business for a consultative role to keep their respective flocks motivated and offer inputs to the board in their respective domain knowledge for decision making. While Managing Director must be hired from outside and from services industry from pool of successful CEO in private sector, preferably woman with a caring attitude and investment banking back ground to keep the cost of the organisation in tight lease and leverage her investment banking background to go for a Financial Reengineering to bring back the Airline into pink of health with unstinted co-operation of other senior colleagues in the board. Her role should be that of

“Jubin Mehta of Philharmonic orchestra” the Conductor in Air India. My preference would be for Ms. Falguni Nayar of Kotak. And out of two deputy managing director, one should be from hospitality industry and the other must be an expatriate airline veteran. The board should also contain a few wise men from diverse businesses to mentor the board with their knowledge and perspective. My preference for the independent external directors are: Ratan Tata( being a pilot himself and business man with repute, Anil Ambani( A pioneer in large scale operation and erudite huge fund manager , Sunil Mittal ( An entrepreneur with a difference and again pioneer in outsourcing),

Ms.Hema Ravichandran (With domain knowledge in HRD and an adept practiceioner of retention strategy in large organisation) and Ms.Rama Bijapurkar (from Marketing domain).The morale of the story is to mobilise a set of competent unlike mind with a common task (turn around of Air India) to bring about path breaking innovation in the systems and processes to kick start the revival of Air India and little later the consolidation of the airline.

Other most important strategy, currently for Air India is how to increase the sale/revenue? The value proposition should sit around “Money’s value in Air travel” to attract and appeal to more and more customers from other airlines and other mode of transport. Suitably backed by increase in Operational Efficiency: Flights in Time, Pleasant Traveling Experience, Quality of ambiance in the aircraft, healthy food & drinks, caring interface at check-in at airport and yes, of course, efficiently managed pickup and drop of travelers by outsourced dedicated cab service.

One unpleasant decision for new management would be to replace 250 out of 500 middle management personnel with new lateral hires from private sector across Industries and show the door to the top 25 people of Air India with due niceties and protocol to make the quantum jump in operational efficiency.

Further, Air India could tap sales through long term contract with advance payment with discounts and interest propositions for bulk users. Again, arrangement with hotels and travel agencies could be revisited with suitable package to attract more customers. More over, identification of new niche market like sports, movie production and creation of new niche products like Chartered flights to important business, tourist destinations and also all season products like Chartered flights for World tour could bring higher sale and revenue in short term. Sponsorship opportunity could be tapped to increase the other income for the airline.

An exclusive Cargo Division could be created as new profit centre with all old Aircrafts if it is economically viable to tap the growing cargo business both domestic as well as abroad.

Reducing cost in an airline and that to Babu Run Air India could be the worst nightmare for the new management of Air India. However, to save the airline from sinking further; the new management would have to adopt an innovative strategy to reduce the employee strength meeting international standard for employee to aircraft ratio; at the same time earning their co-operation in the interest of all stakeholders.

  • Employees can be offered, Leave without pay for two years along with company (Aggressive HR) help for relocation in Govt. & private sector and understanding to hire them back in good times after two years.
  • Unproductive and unbillable employees can be offered separation with a commitment to outsource all non core services of the organisation to the company/co-operative floated by such employees.
  • Cut your coat according to your cloth otherwise you would look necked; therefore, salary of all employees and management could be rationalised progressively with 30% cut in top, 20% cut in middle and 10% cut for rest of employees who retains their job on the basis of merit and efficiency.
  • Freeze of all allowances & perks of all staffs which do not have co-relation with productivity/bottom line.
  • 50% cut on all administrative expenses not linked to operational efficiency.
  • Restructuring of Bulk Cost Centre: New management need to examine the cost-benefit analysis of outsourcing Aircraft Maintenance. Otherwise, Aircraft maintenance division could be restructured into an independent profit centre.(just like MRO with joint ownership of Govt., Air India, Air India employees and Aircraft Manufacturer)
  • New management also necessarily need to revisit the purchase contract of new aircrafts to renegotiate; if feasible to arrange a short term system for payment as per flying miles/hours or else to reduce the EMI by half for two years to be suitably adjusted later in order to arrest the fund out flow.

Last but not the least; new management has to create infectious enthusiasm in the organisation by aiming at an unassailable goal to be just “The Worlds Best Airline” followed by hiring five hundreds of fresh graduates from the campus (Boys and Girls with good personality and communication skills) as interns to man all such customer interfacing/cabin crew jobs to spread only Joy & Happiness. By the end of implementation of such a strategy I guess, Air India would have climbed the chart buster of global aviation Industry. Hope, Praful Patel is listening.

Author: Bikash Choudhury, Chief Executive of Strategy Consulting Firm based at Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India. Contact: Mobile: 00 9853426657 Tel: 91-674-2720271

Email: &

Friday, September 18, 2009

How to Create 2.5 lakh new jobs?

"Amul" experiment of Gujurat Co-Operative Milk Marketing Federation, in Dairy products can be recreated Again in "Green Vegetables" in Orissa. Govt. can easily create 2.5 lakh new jobs in 50,000 plus villages in the state.Can it be as easy as this? Never, but Possible only if the Current political Leadership decide to setup an Organisation with National/ International bench Mark just like GCMMF, in Gujurat/NDDB.

Back Ground

1. Orissa, currently need to be Best in the Country at least in one thing to become a Viable Brand. Gujurat is for Milk & Business & Industry, Maharastra for trade and Industry, Tamil Nadu for Low Cost Manufacturing and IT, Kerala for Tourism. Opportunity for Orissa to become best least cost "Supplier of Fresh Green Vegetables" in the country by using "Amul" model of Co-operative.

2. Reliance, Bharati and other multinationals are looking at this marketing space but may not succeed due to Supply Chain bottle neck.

3.In few years from now, the Urban India would have 40% of the population-therefore, a huge organised market waiting.

4.See the Contrast- OMFED just above Rs.100 Crore organisation & Amul-GCMMF nearly $2 billion USD .

5.The Differentiator would be the DNA of the Co-Operative Organisation created for this purpose, The Global Ambition.

6.Currently, as per my Information 40% of the Green Vegetables produced in the state do not reach the kitchen, spoiled on the way.

7. Large Market Opportunity for Value Added- Packaged Vegetables, Cut Vegetables, Processed Vegetables and Ready to Eat green curry for Double Income House holds.

8. Let the Govt. create an organisation like- OGVFED( Orissa Green Vegetable Farmer Federation), Hire Best Leaders from the Industry across the globe, Collaboration with CFTRI Mysore, create a national/International brand for green,processed,ready to eat vegetables, Capture the National Market and create a Brand Orissa in Agriculture.

9. In a span of 5years state govt. can add 2.5 lakh new jobs in rural areas alone.

10. Govt. of Orissa would receive ROI in multiple of 5.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Differently Able Country

Thirteenth Finance Commission would submit its report to the Central Govt. next month October’09. All finance commissions after due diligence recommend the modalities of distribution of shareable taxes between Central and State Govt., religiously, as per their term of reference; that has resulted in rapidly growing disparity between Rich & Developed States and Poor & Under Developed States in last Sixty Years. Incremental Changes are passé. Thirteenth Finance Commission must step out and recommend some thing Radical to Accelerate the Growth of Poor and Undeveloped States in order to minimize the disparity and check the incidence of growing violence inside homes and also on the Streets. Here are a few Ideas for the consideration of eminent chairman and members of the finance commission.

1.Poor States should be allocated funds Over and Above their due share of taxes and Plan Assistance (subject to efficient utilization of resources allocated) to bring their development to at least at the Average level of development in the country in 5-10 years.

2.A few years Richer States can forgo (sacrifice) their just revenue share to help develop the poor states in order to check the ever growing disparity among Rich & Poor States and among regions in Larger interest of the country. Otherwise, due to lack of resources Poor states would remain that way for long time and Bring down the Overall growth of the country. Only, higher growth in GDP; without addressing the issues of development in poor states would only accentuate Disparity, Social disharmony and discord as seen in Naxal infected areas. And, Identically in the slums of Mumbai and other metros due to migration of people from poor states.

3. Richer states are in better position to raise long term capital in market on their own, due to higher disposable income of their people. In the words of Economist A.C Pique “Nurse the baby, protect the Child and free the adult" the principle, could be applied in distribution of resources by the Finance Commission.

4. In progressive family, Rich and well to do members get together to pull the financially weaker member of the family, to a decent standard of living. And, enhance the overall stature of the family in the neighbor hood. Hypothesis may be kept in mind by the finance commission.

5. India is rightly being seen and talked about in global forums “as a country at the door step of being a Regional Power” but Handicap of Poorer Eastern States would jeopardize such ambition.

If, even one limb of a person is dysfunctional, he remains a Differently Able Person rest of his life; how about an acronym “a Differently Able Country”?

Monday, August 31, 2009

Resist Temptation to Strike Pakistan

People world over silently enjoyed the spectacles of shoe throw at American President Jorge Bush at Baghdad press conference. Bush himself regretted about the wrong intelligence about Iraqi possession of WMD which led to the war. President elect of US has criticized the war of Iraq from the beginning. Indian leadership must now recognize perils of aggravating already a failed country although Pakistan does not deserve a consideration in any count but it is in our own supreme National Interest, we must resist the temptation. India is a great country and just Mumbai incident however painful it might have been does not justify a shrill response rather India must consider a strategic response which should break the back of all state and non state actors of Pakistan who have been working against Indian interest for long time.

Indian attack would give Pakistani ISI and Military opportunity to take full control of the affairs of state and nascent democratic experiment would get derailed forever. More over, Indian strike would help forge unity among Military, ISI, and Jehadi fundamentalist of all kind to train their gun at Indian Interest at all the time. India must understand the power dynamics of Pakistan which is in constant flux. Neither Army is under full control of Democratic Govt. nor does ISI take all orders from Army the main sponsor of the organization. The bombing of Pakistani Air Force One with General Jia ul Haq on board was a live example of how these forces interact with each other at different times and situations. India should exploit the weak power dynamics in a covert manner as Americans have been doing with reasonable success on their own National Interest.

Indian leadership must display vision for a country of Indian strength. A billion population with one trillion dollar Economy and growing at an average speed of 6.5-7.5 % in a fiscal year, society rich with diversity in religious faith, language and culture. India has been considered as a mature nation in global flora from the beginning be it in non alignment movement in the cold war era or in contemporary world politics, India is considered as a regional power with potential for global leadership. Americans pursued the Civil Nuclear Deal with India in an exceptional manner was not symbolic but displays Americans deep understanding of future potential of Indian state. We must use our position in the neighbor hood to assert our role as a Peace keeper in the region through diplomatic and strategic offensives to form a conglomerate of willing nations against International Terror in South East Asia.

Traditionally Pakistani Jihadi elements are generously funded by sympathizers in Arab countries, Overseas Pakistani in Europe and America. On top of diplomatic initiative to block the major funding channels; India must, now, appeal to the head and heart of all sympathizer of fundamentalist terrorist forces with the sufferings of family of deceased and all the injured in 26/11 Mumbai attack by their physical presence in these countries to create strong public opinion and marshal the civil society in our offensive against terror across the border in Pakistan. International community at large must realize that India is acting as a responsible nation in spite of exceptional provocation. Let the global civil society fight the inimical forces against peace of the region on our side.

Last but not the least, Pakistani civil society activist should receive encouragement, moral and material support from Indian Govt. unequivocally to embolden the nascent group of Pakistani Peace lovers to exert pressure on their democratic Govt. to see reason and logic to face the war mongers in the establishment of Army and ISI with boldness expected out of them in the interest of impoverished people of Pakistan who have elected peace and democracy in recent general election. Top down and bottom up approach may not get the desired result in short run; however, it will certainly remove the sting out of Indian shells as and when India choose adroitly to exercise that option for protecting its Supreme National Interest.