Sunday, December 20, 2009

Healthcare Industry-Healthy Bottomline

Bikash Choudhury

Our Idea is very simple for a Healthcare company to grow faster with healthy bottom line.Since Corporate Hospital involves high capital expenditure with long gestation period and low margins. And Govt. run Hospital system have almost reached breaking points on the load of free services, poor infrastructure and suboptimal services. There is a viable option for a Health care company to take over all State run Hospital & Medical colleges at State Capital/Major Cities Lock Stock and Barrel on long term lease with suitable arrangement.

1. Healthcare company can Invest in the Infra of State run Hospitals to offer a Reasonable Healthcare services at an affordable cost.
2.Govt. current expenditure need to be maintained to underwrite the free services to poor people as per suitable provision in law applicable.
3.Healthcare company can charge for specialty/super-speciality healthcare services at concessional rates and can refer critical cases to its Corporate Hospitals with better facilities.
4.Healthcare company can turnaround State run medical colleges by investing in Infrastructure & Technology in world class Medical teaching aids at a PRICE(from students or Govt.).That would also work as a long term brand building exercise for Healthcare company.
5.This exercise if implemented successfully can create a Nation Wide Healthcare Super Highway for Healthcare company at an approximate cost of Rs.1000 Crore in a span of 5 years and add 3-5% to the existing bottom line and save Capex & Management time in building Corporate Hospital.
6.Marketing & Brand Building:Healthcare company can Institute suitable awards and can offer scholarships on merit in top 100 Medical Colleges, Nursing Schools and Pharmacy Institutes in the country to buy the Mind share of very Important resources in Healthcare Industry.

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