Sunday, December 6, 2009

Resolve Dispute in Land Acqusition for Industry

Bikash Choudhury


Background: In past decade a few big ticket Industrial Projects have been held up due to conflict and dispute in land acquisition. TATA Kalinga Nagar, POSCO Paradeep and Vedanta University Konark Project are prominent ones. Needless to mention, if these projects gets implemented in due course; Orissa economy will thrive due to Industrial activity, employment opportunity could be created for educated and technically qualified Oriya young people in the State and quality of air connectivity to metro cities would improve further. That will strengthen the virtuous cycle of prosperity in Orissa. Can we afford to miss the opportunity?

Assumption: There may be a gap in understanding between various stake holders. Therefore, an open dialogue, among stake holders in a suitable atmosphere, from a neutral platform could be the preliminary step forward towards the resolution of core dispute in larger interest of the State.

Framework: Utkal Chambers can offer to facilitate to setup a neutral platform by drawing on eminent people with competence on the broad subject area from various walks of life in the State. Further, the chambers can create a frame work for dialogue among stake holders with the objective to arrive at consensus to implement the Projects.

Modalities of Dialogue: (Draft)

1. Stake Holders can be broadly defined as:
• Groups representing displaced people of the project
• Promoter Company of the Project
• State Govt. of Orissa
• Political Parties in Opposition in State Assembly

2. All stake holders should be invited for an Open Public Debate on the specific project to arrive at consensus.
3. Format:
• Track One- Presentation by each stake holders articulating their view point in this public plat form with arrangement of live telecast to record the response of general public of State.
• Track Two- Maximum concession that each stake holders can offer on the table for a consensus.
• Track Three- Bilateral/Multilateral negotiation to build consensus around the project
• Track Four- Joint Press conference by all stake holders to announce the outcome of the dialogue process(either way)

4. Moderators: Moderators can be identified carefully from eminent people with suitable background to facilitate the live public debate driving towards a consensus. (Suggestion)
• Retired Chief Justice of High Court
• Director of IIT Bhubaneswar
• Vice-Chancellor of Utkal University
• Director of XIMB
• Retired Chief Secretary of State Govt. Ect

5. Financing: Ideally, the bulk cost of organizing the event should be reimbursed by the revenue from media rights of live telecast and sponsors other than the stake holders.

Concept proposed by: Streben Marketing Services,Bhubaneswar

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