Friday, December 4, 2009

India & Pakistan:Case for common defence

Bikash Choudhury
In response to article published in The Hindu on 28th Nov'09 by Pervez Hoodbhoy of Quid-e-Azam University,Islambad

The author in the guise of Intellectual opinion, actually trying to push typical Pakistani insecure mindset from inception into Indian throat and trying to blame India for all the evils, self created by Pakistani establishment.Kashmir is not and can not be the actual reason of discord between India & Pakistan; but, the continuous negative mindset of Pakistanis about India definitely is the reason.And, same is being used and misused by various Global powers in their own interest.Creation of Bangladesh is of their own making.India does not harbor any ill will against Pakistan and certainly, not at the mercy of Pakistanis for its survival.Democratic liberal secular system and growing Economic strength can weather any storm emanating out from present prevalent conditions inside their country.Though, existence of Pakistan in current form in the World political map would largely depend upon the competing interests of Global forces in years ahead.Instead of threatening India with their Nuclear power and problems arising out of inevitable collapse of Pakistani state;author should make an effort to strengthen the civil society of Pakistan to see reason and writing on the wall. In my opinion, The Hindu should stop publishing such columns in National interest.

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