Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How NDTV can make money?


NDTV is a very strong contemporary brand but it has not been able to create success at the bean counters. In spite of having best of talents i.e. news Anchors and technology at its disposal. Is it because NDTV still living on its past laurels? Or, NDTV does not wish to renew itself in terms of look, feel and content? Recent slide in its TRP ratings against upstarts like Times Television shows sudden saturation in the mindset of NDTV organization; in spite of being one of the best reference points as top class broad casting organization in south East Asia. It is time, NDTV need to reinvent itself to survive the onslaughts on the street. What NDTV need to do now?

NDTV must adhere to following three broad strategies:

 Concentrate on News Business
 Leverage its strong Brand Image
 Add contents from bottom of pyramid

New Business: NDTV can launch news paper, magazine by leveraging its news and editorial contents, in association with partners and thus create new revenue centers without adding to the numbers of cost centers.
Brand Image: Again ndtv can rollout education centers on broad casting across the country in association with leading coaching centers.
Bottom of Pyramid: NDTV has up till now gave coverage to news of metros. In the ever changing demographic scenario the news content air time should be distributed in the ratio of 60:40 in between metro and non metro contents to remain relevant to the viewers.

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