Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Naxal Solution Lies in a Disarming Mindset

Bikash Choudhury

Hijacking of Rajadhani Express, Bhubaneswar-New Delhi by Naxal sympathizers in broad day light followed by continuous telecast on the event by news maker hungry 24/7 media has sent shock waves in the middle class consciousness living mostly in growing cities and towns much out side the red corridor. This is one of the tricks of Maoist to put pressure on astute, central home minister P.Chidambaram to halt and hold his fool proof plan of military style offensive to push the armed militia of Maoist into irrelevance in course of time, with a time frame. Recent spurts of Maoist violence across the country could also be attributed to the same objective of Naxals. Keen political watchers would have observed a section of intelligentsia having mass following siding or sympathsing with the core of Naxal movement at the same time dissociating with violence of any kind, be that of State sponsored ones. One view gaining currency through numerous live television debate and discussion with experts is that without some kind of mass public support, Naxal could not have grown to this level and may not have been able to conduct gruesome crimes against Police and Civilians with impunity. Psychologist and Philosopher would vouch, Violence is the only and last response of human being in a very trying circumstances; ordinarily, human race is skilled enough to resolve differences amicably. Knowing fully well violence would multiply loses in both sides in terms of human lives and military resources. When fight is between State and a group of its own subjects, the loses assume catastrophic proportion. Violence is not the solution either way. But, constructive debate and discussion on the subject of discord, towards a solution in an environment of Peace and mutual Trust with a time frame, would be able to thaw reciprocal violence further and save innocent lives. Complete and Permanent solution to vexed Naxal problem lies in Disarming the Mindset of all concerned.

In spite of over 60 years of independence, substantive Governance of a free State has not been able to reach the people of deep interior areas devoid of communication facility, Poor Law and Order machinery, Inadequate rendering of Justice and forgettable facility of civil administration in terms of succor at the time of disaster or education and health facilities in peace time. People, largely left to their own means and private arrangements are easy pawns at the hands of Maoist who professes to care for their rights and general wellbeing. But, many times their violent methods of justice rub the innocents the wrong way due to lack of any checks and balances in Maoist set-up. Those people living in and around deep forest area have a Hobson’s choice between devil and the deep sea. By rule of thumb, they favor who ever provides them maximum security and justice; at the moment Naxals looks like catering to their needs and quickly the State has to take over the Governance to stop the menace of Maoist in the red corridor.

Only a few brave hearts would corroborate with the fact that our current political system of governance is largely responsible for the feverish growth of Maoist militia. A truly representative Government in a democratic system would have a rare moral authority to drive the bureaucracy and others for an equitable social justice for long term peace and prosperity of the nation. Can we call our Govt. truly a representative one? Knowing fully well of the fact that only 58% of registered electorates of over 70 crores exercising their franchise and one candidate could get elected to Parliament with a margin of one vote and with, only 18-22% of votes polled in a multi corner contest. Need to examine if the first-past-post system of election still valid in Indian context. Further, modalities of funding of election by Political parties and Candidates are one major source of concern in Governance. If Barak Obama can raise 600 million dollars from people, transparently to fund his Presidential election; in India, our political parties and their Candidate can do the ditto from a billion plus population and save Police and Justice System from large scale malpractices on the weight of obligation of election funds for Political Parties and their Candidates. Central & State Govt. should collaborate proactively to push the long pending Police and Judicial reforms for not giving in to the Maoist, to beat the Govt. with the same stick, State sponsored violence on innocent people. That apart, honest and hard working Politician also, could minimize their stress level and lead a normal life of professionals without having to worry about election funds and politicians working on specific social issues could draw media attention and private sector funding.

These are the issues which will require a distinct disarmed mindset from both sides. Govt. should revisit the current assumption on Governance and restructure the same in line with the demand of the time and its own people. At least, the area of Red Corridor deserves a special attention in terms of Governance. As for the Maoist, they need to rethink if Violence is bringing them any closer to the people they profess to protect from the State machinery.

[Author is chief executives of a Strategy Consulting Firm based at Bhubaneswar, opinion expressed are his own]

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