Monday, November 9, 2009


Only Solution for Climate Change

Bikash Choudhury

Complex problem more often than not have very simple solution. Current Global concern about climate change and hullabaloo on international protocol about control of green house gases, carbon foot print of life style and carbon credit is all tall talk and minimal commitment towards real action for abetting against climate change. It is very unlikely that Copenhagen summit would see a radical shift in mindset of developed Nations and Others. In the game of one-up-manship on the issue of survival of this planet and its climate, Nations should desist from playing politics and should not wait for the other to blink first. If today our Mahatma Gandhi would have been alive, then he would have probably advised the Global Leadership to convince their people about changing their life style to save this planet from the ravages of the nature and to lead by example. Why our life style is to be blamed so much? One simple calculation would prove the point beyond any debate. From morning while we get up from bed, and till the time we go to bed to sleep; one average person would have added 15 kilo to the carbon stock in the climate. Houses we live, the cars that we drive to office, cold water that we drink from freeze, Computer that we use to do our job in office, Mobile that we frequently use to communicate and food habit that we have mostly responsible for creating the large part of our carbon additions to already growing Carbon cycle. Further, the waste created out of conspicuous consumption also takes a heavy toll on the climate in the absence of 100% recycling infrastructure of wastes, world over, further worsening the climate condition. Mahatma Gandhi used a very simple technique of Satyagraha to fight with mighty British Empire in the early part of previous century and, eventually succeed in forcing British rulers to leave India.

The Global problem of Climate change also requires a Gandhian repertoire of simple solution for a sustainable civilization to thrive in this planet and only one, having life in our solar system. World population was 1.5 billion in the beginning of 20th century and current figure stands at 6.5 billion. And, the current Global population is one of the biggest source of carbon harvest; keeping in view the per capita carbon production in our eco-system. Gandhian Idea for simple solution would have been to promote love and understanding between different Race, Religion and Culture. How love between Races would reduce population growth? Love is one immutable emotion if allowed to grow between two divergent communities then that would work as best contraceptives that human mind could have ever thought of, or designed.

“The world has enough for its needs and not for its greed.” Gandhi had coined this phrase when the current Intellectuals and Experts on climate change with pin striped suits had not taken birth. Gandhi had espoused a simple style in his life time at Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad.The principal corner stone of Gandhian way of life revolved around manual labor- to provide for one’s own need through manual labor and consume that proportion of the produce for living in consonance with nature. But, this is easier said than done. However, Global leaders in their next Copenhagen summit must examine to adopt the Importance of Gandhian way of simple life style to the extent possible in current times as one of the antidote for Climate change and towards a Carbon neutral healthy and sustainable life style to protect this fragile planet from impending ravages of Nature.

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