Monday, August 31, 2009

Resist Temptation to Strike Pakistan

People world over silently enjoyed the spectacles of shoe throw at American President Jorge Bush at Baghdad press conference. Bush himself regretted about the wrong intelligence about Iraqi possession of WMD which led to the war. President elect of US has criticized the war of Iraq from the beginning. Indian leadership must now recognize perils of aggravating already a failed country although Pakistan does not deserve a consideration in any count but it is in our own supreme National Interest, we must resist the temptation. India is a great country and just Mumbai incident however painful it might have been does not justify a shrill response rather India must consider a strategic response which should break the back of all state and non state actors of Pakistan who have been working against Indian interest for long time.

Indian attack would give Pakistani ISI and Military opportunity to take full control of the affairs of state and nascent democratic experiment would get derailed forever. More over, Indian strike would help forge unity among Military, ISI, and Jehadi fundamentalist of all kind to train their gun at Indian Interest at all the time. India must understand the power dynamics of Pakistan which is in constant flux. Neither Army is under full control of Democratic Govt. nor does ISI take all orders from Army the main sponsor of the organization. The bombing of Pakistani Air Force One with General Jia ul Haq on board was a live example of how these forces interact with each other at different times and situations. India should exploit the weak power dynamics in a covert manner as Americans have been doing with reasonable success on their own National Interest.

Indian leadership must display vision for a country of Indian strength. A billion population with one trillion dollar Economy and growing at an average speed of 6.5-7.5 % in a fiscal year, society rich with diversity in religious faith, language and culture. India has been considered as a mature nation in global flora from the beginning be it in non alignment movement in the cold war era or in contemporary world politics, India is considered as a regional power with potential for global leadership. Americans pursued the Civil Nuclear Deal with India in an exceptional manner was not symbolic but displays Americans deep understanding of future potential of Indian state. We must use our position in the neighbor hood to assert our role as a Peace keeper in the region through diplomatic and strategic offensives to form a conglomerate of willing nations against International Terror in South East Asia.

Traditionally Pakistani Jihadi elements are generously funded by sympathizers in Arab countries, Overseas Pakistani in Europe and America. On top of diplomatic initiative to block the major funding channels; India must, now, appeal to the head and heart of all sympathizer of fundamentalist terrorist forces with the sufferings of family of deceased and all the injured in 26/11 Mumbai attack by their physical presence in these countries to create strong public opinion and marshal the civil society in our offensive against terror across the border in Pakistan. International community at large must realize that India is acting as a responsible nation in spite of exceptional provocation. Let the global civil society fight the inimical forces against peace of the region on our side.

Last but not the least, Pakistani civil society activist should receive encouragement, moral and material support from Indian Govt. unequivocally to embolden the nascent group of Pakistani Peace lovers to exert pressure on their democratic Govt. to see reason and logic to face the war mongers in the establishment of Army and ISI with boldness expected out of them in the interest of impoverished people of Pakistan who have elected peace and democracy in recent general election. Top down and bottom up approach may not get the desired result in short run; however, it will certainly remove the sting out of Indian shells as and when India choose adroitly to exercise that option for protecting its Supreme National Interest.

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