Wednesday, August 26, 2009


“Tryst with destiny of India” the famous speech by first prime minister of free India, Sri Jawaharlal Nehru in the constituent assembly on 15 August 1947, still ring in the ears of many countrymen even today. India got freedom at heavy price of division of the country; and after, over sixty years, country still finds itself with bondage of poverty and unemployment. Millions of people have no access to basic necessity of life. Come 16th May, once again, country would have tryst with destiny to become a happy, prosperous and strong nation. Country can achieve the coveted goal in just five years which has eluded for six long decades. The Asian tigers have shown to the world how small countries can outgrow developed nations in a short span of time in terms of overall human development and infrastructure for an empowered nation; if there is a commitment by the elected rulers. This is high time, all 543 members of parliament elected to the Lok Saba, make a historic decision, a solemn commitment in favor of an Empowered India. India of our dreams where all would have a modest shelter to live and a job or occupation that can buy, at least, all the basic necessity of life. Countryside full of greenery and rivers with perennial flow of unpolluted water. Cities and Towns free from slum and boasting of cleanliness.
Govt.have come and Govts.have gone yet the system remain unchanged. India now figures at 132 places in human development index. There have been many good policies for poor people and socially backward by the Govt. but their ranks have only grown. There is no dearth of well meaning people in Govt and in Bureaucracy who sincerely wish the benefits of govt. scheme for development, actually reach the intended people; however, never ever more than ten percent of money spent by govt reach deserving beneficiary due to poor delivery system. What we need the most is a collective political will and a consensus in 15th Lok Saba to address all issues on poverty alleviation and development in a bipartisan manner. Which ever alliance comes to power after 16th of May must commit to pursue a policy of National Reconciliation for five years for faster decision making on policies and efficient delivery of services to people of the country. Complete mandate of people has enormous authority to overpower the slag in the system of governance. Time is running out to make amend quickly otherwise the imprints of Naxal movements could be seen in other parts of the country and in the worst scenario; impoverished people may be inspired to take law onto their own hands, sooner or later to address their grievances.
The efficiency and effectiveness of Government system is a paradox. Governmental system cohabit efficient organization like our election commission which conducts election in the country of our size with 720 million electorate, double the population of USA; And other globally acclaimed brand in our stable being IIT and IIM system created by same govt mechanism, yet they are case study of efficiency and enterprise. At the same time we have ninety percent of other governmental departments which are inept, corrupt and guzzler of tax payer’s money. The experience of past sixty years is any indication; without an efficient bureaucracy best of policies would just remain in paper. The problem of bureaucracy is huge amount of discretionary power without commensurate amount of individual accountability. The new govt can adopt a frame work of p/l accounting for each department on quarterly basis just as any private organization would do to measure its efficiency and make thirty percent of total compensation of bureaucrat as variable pay, to be paid on the basis of individual performance. Carrot and stick policy has been used by private sector for years to inspire employees to be productive; there is no reason why the same policy can not be used to enhance effectiveness in government. Recruitment policy of govt. should have provisions for lateral entry for skilled human resources from private and other sector in the economy to add new perspective in administration and implementation of inclusive policies. Corruption in bureaucracy can never be completely eliminated but the new govt can convert this challenge to an opportunity for collecting huge amount of revenue for development work by allowing govt employees to retain twenty five percent of such receipts legally and balance crediting to prime minister relief fund in case of central govt. and chief ministers relief fund in case of state govt. The salary cost of all govt. can be reduced by half and efficiency of bureaucracy can be improved by twenty percent through such a policy for five years.
The election manifesto of both Congress Party and BJP has emphasized on judicial reforms, police reforms and security of life and property of citizens as first priority of their govt if voted to power. There can’t be two opinions about this and deserve immediate attention of the new govt to make a real difference to the country in terms of equity and inclusive growth. No super structure of an empowered nation can be built on a fragile internal security and situation of social disharmony. New govt can substantially improve the condition by introducing courses on Religion and Regional Language (other than once own) in the educational system to create regional, social and religious harmony through better understanding.
Country has taken long strides in science and technology. Currently ISRO is planning for Chandrayan two-putting man in the moon; an esoteric goal of all Indians. However, country immediately needs to find solution to the problem faced by ordinary people that of floods in rural area, solid waste disposal and sustainable housing in urban area, low cost durable road and faster rail network to cover a vast country like ours. The new govt. must inspire and invest in research and produce innovative solution for the country through funding of all technical institutions.
“The soul of India lives in villages” that was the vision of Father of nation, Mahatma Gandhi for six lakh villages in the country. The condition of our village has not changed much since independence. Villagers to this day die of curable ailments due to absence of Doctor and Medicine. New govt can lay emphasis on rural entrepreneurship to provide urban amenities in rural areas proposed by former president Sri Abdul Kalam and integrated development of village cluster economy.
Private sector has proved their efficiency and maturity of handling large scale operation in the country. Why not entrust the responsibility of education, healthcare and infrastructure in rural areas on a transparent bidding process for each revenue district/ block with cost plus fixed profit model across the country. New govt can achieve their objective by formulating suitable policy for out sourcing and creating an autonomous regulatory authority for supervision.
In last two decades India has show cased its superiority in software services and rewarded with export worth 45 billion dollars in last financial year; apart from huge earnings from body shopping and profit repatriated by NRI entrepreneur abroad. New govt can add a few more segments where Indian products and services could capture global market through facilitation and encouragement in fiscal policy for target segments like distributed manufacturing, Indian foods, healthcare and cultural tourism.
Water has been the sine quo none of life and civilization; one of the most precious resources for economic growth but off let, it has been neglected by people and govt policy. New govt. should announce high powered mission on water to frame and implement national policy on water as one of country’s growth strategy. Encourage civil society to harvest rainwater, preserve, protect and develop all water bodies and educate about sustainable water consumption for their own welfare.
Climate change is considered as one of the biggest threat to sustainable economic growth and green cover could be one of the best insurance against climate change. Govt policy and program alone would be starkly insufficient against the actual deficit in green cover in the country. The new govt. must facilitate and encourage all political parties to use their party workers to lunch nation wide movement for plantation of trees as a way of life in each village and town for a substantial growth of green cover.
India has failed to capitalize from its immense strength from its geo-political position in the subcontinent due to a very shallow foreign policy pursued since independence. No wonder; India lost to South Korea in the race for the position of Secretary General of UN. The new govt. must factor in India’s strength as a growing economic power, a responsible nuclear armed state and largest democracy with five thousand old rich civilization and a billion plus population in which seventy percent below thirty five years of age; our foreign policy must reflect the confidence of a regional power with a long term plan (20 years) and having short term objective. Short term goal should be to consolidate influence and acquire the brains behind the foreign policies of immediate neighbors in order to get even with China through shrewd maneuver in policy pertaining to Tibet, Aksai China and other disputed territories and force China to unequivocally accept our borders and reciprocate, India’s support for membership of Security Council of UN. India can push its way to select global club of regional powers through a perspective foreign policy.
In spite of global slowdown and series of terrorist attack majority of our people are enthusiastic and very optimistic about a bright future for the country. The new govt. must recognise the mood of people and dedicate its efforts to address domestic challenges and encash opportunity in neighborhood to consolidate its influence in the subcontinent for strategic advantage and substantial Eco-political gains to make INDIA an empowered country.
Author: Bikash Choudhury, Chief Executive of Strategy Consulting Firm based at Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India. Contact: Mobile: 00 9853426657 Tel: 91-674-2720271
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Flat No: 105, Divya Sai Enclave, Plot No- 8 P, Sailashree Vihar , Bhubaneswar-75021

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