Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Pakistan—Obama’s Test of Leadership

Defiant North Korean missile test with tacit backing of China and Russia has severely dented authority of new American administration. Now, Taliban march towards Islamabad with very complex understanding with Pakistan Army is surely driving Pakistan towards anarchy; which would ultimately endanger the security of the world in general; America and India to be specific. Pakistan would be the first measure test of leadership of Obama administration. In his acceptance speech Obama has outlined his emphasis on change in domestic as well as in foreign policy. Change must be in capital letter in his policy towards Pakistan to ensure global security and preserve authority & credibility in global affairs. The task has never been as daunting as it is today. Former KGB man, the prime minister of Russia Mr. Putin is looking down his shoulder, to regain influence all over the world fresh and China has just started to flex its muscles.

Pakistan has truly been labeled as migraine of the world now; but the road to the present state and ultimate destruction of Pakistan has been littered with support of USA policy in south East Asia since inception of Pakistan. Pakistan has only one policy, which is to hurt and humiliate India. Last 60 years Pakistan has armed itself with conventional weapon and nuclear capability through proactive support of USA and China at the expense of development of its poor people. Recent news story in Pakistani media confirm that poor people of the country ready to offer themselves as suicide bomber for a few lakh rupees. Such development is the symptom of grave risk that world has to contain with after Nazi policy in Germany in Second World War. Taliban in connivance with Pakistan army would take over the nuclear assets of Pakistan and target India for territory to spread Talibanised brand of Islam in south East Asia and attack American interest from a secure territory in India with huge population as a shield against drone retaliation by American forces. Pakistan army might be successful to take revenge on Indian forces for Bangladesh and Jammu & Kashmir with the help of Taliban forces in the bargain loosing the control of Islamic Republic of Pakistan to Taliban for good.

Obama administration has very few options left and time is actually running out for a proactive external intervention to save Pakistan from collapse and the world from senseless violence that innocent people have suffered in 9/11 at New York and 26/ 11 at Mumbai. Obama must recognize this as a common problem of National Identity in various parts of the world and draw support from all big 5 to fix the problem for good through uninterrupted negotiation till a package of peace deal is found for all aggrieved party. Obama’s recent overture to Muslim countries is just not enough for a durable peace. First, new American administration must devise a permanent mechanism to discuss about Middle East peace plan on the premise of two state theories with active involvement of Arab countries. Second, must take China & Russia in confidence to either talk to Taliban for a middle path solution in Afghanistan and eviction of its forces from Pakistan; or, failing which a joint military forces of big 5 with security council resolution to that effect must engage all Taliban and other terrorist forces in Pakistan & Afghanistan till complete annihilation. The task is as much challenging as perilous in current global economic slowdown. The job would ask for tremendous self-confidence and tallest ability of leadership from team Obama. Obama must deliver what he promised at the first place; The Change & Leadership.

Pakistan—Obama’s Test of Leadership

Author: Bikash Choudhury, Chief Executive of Strategy Consulting Firm based at Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India. Contact: Mobile: 00 9853426657 Tel: 91-674-2720271

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