Friday, August 28, 2009

Smart-Waste Disposal

Solid Waste Disposal has become hurculean task for the both the twin city Corporation BMC & CMC. Commissioner of BMC is under fire from the High Court of Orissa for some time now. Still the solution elude the authorities regarding land for a dumping site.BMC need to think out of the box and devise a method to efficiently manage solid waste(500 tonne per day for Bhubaneswar alone) by following the foot steps of Chennai Corporation by out sourcing the solid waste disposal and cleaning of city roads to French Multinational corporation CES ONYX for seven years; the company is doing a great job that can be confirmed from any resident of Chennai. Otherwise, BMC may chalk out a new path in SWD management; that is actually marketing the solid waste through value addition by segregation of wastes from the start of SWD life cycle through designated collection bins for each type of wastes like wet waste from kitchens for Vermi Compost by Interested Biotechnology Company, Paper & packaging card board waste can be recycled by Packaging Industry and identically Polythin & Plastic garbage can be collected and sold to a Plastic manufacturer for recycling as raw material and again all E-wastes can be aggregated and auctioned to interested party at huge profit to BMC. BMC may appeal to the residents of the Capital city to segregate wastes from home and deposit in respective waste bins near to their homes, which they would happily comply in their own interest of litter free roads and clean city. Now, instead of searching for a dumping site BMC must hunt for a Company who would buy the entire value added wastes at market rates. BMC may not have to spend a penny for arranging for Waste Bins as such bins can be sponsored by the Industry. BMC could be richer by two hundred crores of rupees annually, by actually selling what we throw from our homes.

Bikash Choudhury

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