Thursday, August 27, 2009

Corruption A Myth or A Way of Life

Sukh Ram, former Minister for Telecommunication, GOI was convicted on a case of assets disproportionate to income. Mr. S.K.Tamotia former CMD of NALCO was also convicted by CBI court in a similar corruption case. In recent years, these two high profile convictions are just aberration to normal rule; people usually go Scot free on the ground of insufficient evidence to nail the culprit. Media and society at large have become cynical about corruption and thrown-up their hands on air for good. Corruption has entered into the mindset of a large section of society. Knowingly, unknowingly or habitually people corrupt or allow themselves of corrupt influence to get a set of benefits that normally would not have come on their way. A few simple instances of corruption in routine life can be cited to drive the point ; Breaking queue, Getting tickets out of turn, Claiming concession in taxes not applicable, Getting things done quickly by influencing person concerned, copying in the examination, Getting away by Paying Police for breaking simple laws of the land and million other instances many people choose to corrupt than follow the path of rectitude in day today life, yet always complain about corruption by bureaucrat, politicians, police and business men. Realisation has donned in current times, that charity begins at home and if we expect a corruption free administration then first we have to bury the corrupt mindset from our lives. No amount of laws would help create a corruption free world unless and until society at large make a social norm for rectitude in general life. Giver and receiver are equally responsible for thriving business of corruption in our life. Once, society makes that call, the administrative and political corruption can be easily controlled through suitable legislation.

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