Saturday, August 29, 2009

Story of Two Brothers, 34 Years ago

A 34 year old story about two brothers. Older brother was about 6 years and younger one 3 years, born to a very dynamic and benevolent father and ambitious mother living in a small township in the eastern part of the country. Once, mother left the two young children at the disposal of her husband and apparently went for a visit to the Ashram of her family Guru. However, her Industrious husband soon got busy himself with some stitching work of the household and got so immersed in his work that he completely for got about the two kids. The younger one started searching for her mother and grew very sad and miserable, any amount of consoling by the older brother did not pacify the little kid; rather he began to cry silently inconsolably. Elder brother became very worried, wished to do some thing about it; knowing very well that approaching father would invite scolding and may be a thrashing, good one at that. Decided on his own that mother must have gone to father’s sister house, a good 3 kms away and if I take the little one to mother then he would be happy and cheerful. Older brother wish to see the, usual, cheerfulness, which was missing from his brother’s face and carefully whisked away the little one from the house in spite of vigilant eyes of his father and carried the little one to Aunts house unfortunately his mother was not at the Aunts place; sadly older boy did not get any help from Aunt’s family. Again, he brought his little brother on his fragile shoulder back home safely. By that time father had already raised an alarm and mother had also reached home. On seeing the two brothers at the gate of their modest home; everybody pounced on the older boy and gave him enough; both in cash and kind on his back and cheeks and the older one started screaming in Anger, Frustration, Sadness and of course for the disrespect and abuse, no body ever cared to ask what prompted the older boy to do, what he did? Sadness and regret of the event remained locked deep inside the mind of Older Boy for the rest of his life. History has uncanny knack of repeating itself; as fate would have it while playing with his younger brother a few years later, the discernible eyes of the older boy noticed a faint blood stain on the white canvas of his younger brother and immediately insisted to remove the canvas shoe and to every bodies surprise, noticed a small lizard in the shoe and a bite mark on his feet with blood oozing out from the wound. Without waiting for any one, the older boy put his little brother on cycle and rushed to the hospital nearby and left a word with friends to inform mother immediately to come to the hospital. The doctors at the hospital appreciated the older boy and took prompt medical care of the little boy and later, declare the little boy out of any danger. Older boy now stand vindicated of his decision and silently raised a toast for a long life of his brother. The older boy has now turned out to be an impeccable Strategy Consultant with an MBA wife to boot and Little boy has conquered frontiers of software development technology in USA and proud owner of a model look alike stylish, tall and beautiful wife, blessed with a gorgeous and cute little daughter, all of five years adept in gulping two big portions of KFC with liberal amount of carbonated chilled drinks and a bunch of paper napkins to control overflowing tears.

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