Friday, August 28, 2009

Evening Group Meeting at RRL with Generation Gap

August 1983, we jumped from school to college and to our newly minted freedom at College--no uniform and freedom to bunk classes as and when you desire to while away your time in the college corridor to just observe “the things of beauty & joys for ever” or at nearby tea stall discussing mightier issues of Global reckoning. But, our college was having semester system with its surprise quizzes, assignments, midterm and final semester, 30 exams in each six months. The initial euphoria of getting into college evaporated just when the first midterm result was out. But, our friends in other city colleges were having a gala time and we were very envious of them.

After the college hours, in the evening our group usually congregates at the entrance of Regional Research Laboratory (now rechristened as mineral & metal institute) and take seat on the left culvert facing the gate and on the other side was regularly occupied by Senior citizens of Acharya Vihar. There was a gap of about fifty feets between the two culverts which used to represent the Generation Gap between the two groups. While our group was chalking out plans for future higher education, entrance examination of various technical institutes and some times discussion veered round to popular movies, cricket and good looking girls in the college and in contrast senior people at the sunset of their life used to discuss or despair over the state of politics, their grand children and some time sweet and sour experiences in their personal and professional life. These two groups meet so regularly at the same place and at same time that became a permanent feature of the area; and it came to the notice of local press of that time. A few of the seniors some time walk over to our side to say just hello to the familiar faces and make polite enquires about our studies. After years of meeting each other the two groups silently developed a emotional attachment for each other. We miss them and their carefree laughter when they are not around as they would gently enquire about our absence from the place due to exams and other commitments.

With time, another group of six aggressive youngsters came in the scene, they would generally came in their bike and some time do stunts like driving bikes with front wheel in the air and other many such belligerent activity. Our group and senior citizens did not approve of the commotion at the place but never dared to approach them. But, as fate would have it some of these group members made little excesses while collecting contribution from a few Mallu (Keralaites) residents of the area and remain behind bars for a few days; their parents later packed them off to Delhi and our group silently enjoyed the calmness in the area.

After a few years many of our group members left the city for higher studies and only visit us during holidays. Our group strength now came down to four of us but we continued to meet at the same place for an hour. By this time I had picked up a job after completing my Post Graduation in a private company in the city. Days were passing by and we were getting anxious and worried to make some thing out of our life.

Our discussions would now concentrate on various opportunities in profession and business. Group members were getting desperate to become rich and famous and wished if there were any short-cut. Out of the blues one fine evening a good looking school girl approached one of our friends near the gate of erstwhile RRL and rest were history. Our friend was taken aback for some time but gained composure and sailed in the same boat of love. Other group members offered him moral support and time to see him through this uncharted territory. By this time the attendance in the other side of culvert, among oldies was running thin and with the enterprise of love our group anchor also missed to visit our evening gathering which brought the curtains to our community of generation gap. Hope to revisit the place with our group to the right side of the culvert with our grand children in tow.

Evening Group Meeting at RRL with Generation Gap

Bikash Choudhury


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