Wednesday, August 26, 2009

People of Pakistan Must Speak out for Peace and Democracy

Pakistan was born day earlier than India on 14th August 1947, conventionally, the position of elder brother as a Country. However, soon after birth, elder brother Pakistan always behaved as a spoilt child. In 60 years, Pakistan and India have fought four wars and millions of skirmishes killing lakhs of innocent people. For whose benefit? Division of India for Independence was a tactical strategy of British rulers to continue to earn some revenue in terms of profit from sells of weapons and stop the growth of undivided India as a powerful Country. Now, section of Pakistani Army and ISI wish to hold on to their Power at the expense of democratically elected Govt. ISI led Mumbai attack on 26/11 is part of this grand strategy. Who is going to benefit from this fighting and bloodshed?

A few people and two organizations in Pakistan would enjoy absolute power without accountability. It is time People of Pakistan must elect Peace and come to the street in support of their Democratic Govt. and make Army and ISI subordinate to Peoples choice that is Govt. elected by people. Pakistani People would benefit the maximum in friendship with India. Violence has already killed a country in the neighbor hood, Afghanistan. Can People of Pakistan afford to be a lawless banana republic?

President Zardari was right when he said; ‘there is no threat to Pakistan from India’. History, is any testimony, all the wars till date with Pakistan were creation of Pak Army and ISI. During partition, million people perished in either side in communal violence and arson at the time due to the enlightened self interest of then rulers and half a million people must have courted death in four wars that two countries fought after freedom, could have been avoided. Who would have benefited most from the wars-undoubtedly the arms supplier who did not loose any near and dear ones but wind fall profit. Pakistani People must not be hostage to either war mongering from section of army & ISI or the mullahs. India has now over 18 Crore population of Islamic faith as good as entire Pakistan. India and Pakistan would have spent 375 billion USD at current value in defense in little over 60 years. A colossal waste of resources for a developing country like us; more over, ironically forty percent of the total sum would have gone to the kitty of war industry of developed countries. In contrast a quarter of the sum could have put all poor children in the school, land for land less and employment for a millions of our unskilled people in both countries. Sadly, we are killing ourselves and at the same time making rich people in developed countries Richer. What could have been more travesties of Collective Wisdom of Two great countries?

India and Pakistan are one people, have a common history, shared culture and actually a complementary Economy. By choosing Peace, People of Pakistan and India would become economically and politically powerful in the world which is being shrewdly sabotaged by western powers in their own interest. We must now use our collective wisdom to understand the games of world powers and take decisions rather, in the interest of our people in the region than being pawns in the hands of imperialist forces who have already plundered our economy for two centuries. Time for Pakistani People to Speak out Loud and Clear Army to the barracks and elected representative for Peace and Prosperity in the region. Intelligent Pak army could read writing on the walls and give up the feeling of insecurity and aid civilian Govt in the task of building the country brick by brick in collaboration with Indian People who have never stopped extending their hands of friendship. In the words of former Prime Minister of India Atal Bihari Bajpai Ji ‘JUNG NA HONE DENGE’.

People of Pakistan Must Speak out for Peace and Democracy

Author: Bikash Choudhury, Chief Executive of Strategy Consulting Firm 'STREBEN MARKETING SERVICES' based at Bhubaneswar, Orissa. Contact: Mobile: 00 9853426657 Tel: 91-674-2720271

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