Friday, December 31, 2010



Back Ground: India and Pakistan due to compelling historical factors spend over 50% of their mind space and resources on foreign policy and military might; which has continued for over six decades in spite of many near successful intervention in between these six long decades. To a lay man, it would appear that apparently we are missing one important link some where. And, important think for India is to solve the Pakistan puzzle for good to emerge as global power. Further, acceptance of fact that it require at least a long term consistent effort of ten years to turn Pakistan as a peaceful neighbor at our western borders.

Problems: Trust deficits of Pakistani Military, Weak Political Institutions of Pakistan, Competing Interests of Global Powers, ISI factor, Pakistani Media under chains, and lack of national consensus in India on how to deal with Pakistan.

Solution: Simultaneous and multiprong approach with a consistent policy of engaging all the problem makers of India-Pakistan friendship with a road map for a decade.


* To invite top 25-50 Generals/Officers of Pakistan Military to India with their family for a private visit to explore one to one relations with their counterparts in India in an informal setting.
* Sending an Industry delegation to Pakistan to explore investment opportunity and to convince their counter parts to open trade and commerce with MFN or common market paradigm.
* Exchange of cultural delegation at least twice a year.
* Encouraging Indian media to collaborate with Pakistani media and frequent exchange of media luminaries.
* The main Idea is that we were one country for centuries and there must be some thing in common that could bury the bitterness of last half century; that need investigation, exploration with patience.
* These activities I guess may have to be pursued with minimum short term expectation and media hype.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How to Minimize Corruption?


Corruption at high places has occupied the mind space of millions of ‘Aam Admi’ of this country, most part of the year 2010. IT IS ANY BODY’S GUESS IF THE YEAR 2011, a few days away would be any different. Rich and famous enjoy as infamous ‘Radia tape’ confirm recently; while people at the bottom of the pyramid pay heavy price and buy onions at Rs.80 a kilo, suffer with bad and pot holed roads, schools minus teachers, home without roof, hand pumps without water and lack of basic convenience for personal hygiene even for young women in rural and urban areas and river water unfit for consumption.
After witnessing daily doses of soap opera on corruption in plethora of 24x7 news channels millions of people feel a genuine disquiet inside; knowing fully well that CWG, Adarsha housing and 2G spectrum scams are just the tip of the ice berg. Much and many such or bigger scams go unnoticed from public eye. People in the know are also not surprised at the news of unholy collusion between politicians, Businessmen, Media and middlemen-read lobbyist to defraud the public exchequer. JPC or no JPC, these games and gamesmanship of siphoning of public money into private coffers would continue unabated; unless and until the very genesis of corrupt activities dealt with completely.
As popularly believed, the buck does not stop with politicians alone; though they are the most maligned species in our society. The buck stops at, we the people who eventually elect them to administer. The buck stops at our hypocritical electoral system wherein one has to shell out
Rs. 20-50 crore to get elected as member of legislative assembly or Member of Parliament and more over the political parties need five times the amount to survive in the competitive electoral politics practiced and pursued at present.
It has been repeated too often our country need an open &transparent mechanism to raise funds for genuine political activity and electoral politics which off late has become an expensive affair. Secondly, country badly need police reforms to stop undue and illegal political interference on routine law and order enforcement. Thirdly, we must have reforms in judicial system so that at least the perpetrators of heinous crimes are dealt with exemplary punishment within a time frame of six months to one year; in order to enforce the rule of law without any bias for caste or class and to create fear in the minds of potential law breakers. Without that, time and again innovative scamsters would surface in new avatars and we will see macabre greed for amassing wealth in our society. Let us hope New Year 2011 would bring some good news on this score.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Federal Systems Under Threat

Bikash Choudhury

The farmers of Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra sou motto received central aid of Rs 400 crores as compensation towards crop damage owing to unseasonal rains; however, Farmers of Odisha received non and had to be satisfied with the announcement of visiting central team to assess crop damage. How do you explain such parochial decision of union govt.? A school student could figure out that it is a political favor since Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra being UPA ruled State; farmers of Odisha need suffer for electing a non-UPA govt. This unequal treatment between State on the basis of political expediency of central govt. is no small matter that can be glossed over under the carpet. Actually, this is a threat to our federal system, unity and integrity of our nation. The growing divisive forces in the State of J&K is the result of unimaginative, ham handed and selfish policies of Political parties in union govt. for over six decades. Our country should not be at the mercy of political expediency of ruling dis-pension at the center.Opposition parties in parliament must rise to the occasion without calculating political returns on supreme national interest.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Structural Reforms


Currently, we see a systematic program of some political party to concentrate minority votes. Recent efforts on high decibel RSS bashing would be counter productive. The results of Bihar election has clearly shown that minority community no longer has fear in their mind which lingered for a long time after partition of the country.Minority community have been taken for a ride for half a century. Now they increasingly joining mainstream and more inclined to vote on the bais of quality of candidate, development track record and issues of Bijli, Sadak, Pani, Kapda, Makan and Education; which is a good sign for our national renewal. Terrorism is religion neutral and terrorist now come from rich and poor, educated and illiterate back ground; therefore, it would be very difficult to brand any single organisation or political persuation with terrorist mindset as it is omnipresent. The principal raison detere of terrorism is " island of opulence within the ocean of deprivation" in our society; further, increasing disparity of growth among regions within the country and state is fueling extrimist ideology. Solution lies in Imginative and Collective Leadership to rise above narrow party politics for a decade or so to resolve structural issues of our governance for good.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How to create new jobs?

(Published in The New Indian Express on 20 December 2010)
Bikash Choudhury

If I were to claim of having a tool to create new jobs in the economy;
then, the prime ministers and presidents of the world would make a
beeline at my doors the next morning. Such is the attraction and
interest of global leaders to create new jobs in their economy. Recent
visit of US president to India was one such visit that focused on
creation of jobs back home. Many economists would have searched for a
tool that would have delivered new jobs and credibility to their
profession. Unfortunately, there is none in existence at the moment.
But, there is a perspective on how to deliver new jobs in the economy
looking at past trends.
Historically speaking the Industrial revolution delivered huge
amount of new blue collar jobs in Europe. And, most recently in India
the Information & communication Technology (ICT) revolution would have
added 12 million new white collar jobs to Indian Economy in the last
decade. Again, Google in six years of inception has added half a
million new jobs directly and indirectly. Taking into account our
traditional economic theory and above cited examples; we can safely
conclude that large scale jobs can be created by satisfying unmet or
undisclosed needs of customers more than proportionately. Another
inference could be that jobs also can be created by developing
solutions for chronic problems of customers in the market.
In Indian context, there is a huge unmet need of quality school
education, primary health care, energy, logistic for goods-services
and human movements. Further, we have problem on technology front for
creating World class Durable roads, railway infrastructure and
affordable air travel in shortest period of time. The fulfillment of
such needs and solution of above cited problems has the potential to
deliver millions of new jobs in Indian economy.
As a matter of policy, we need to create Business Models around each
verticals and try to attract domestic and foreign capital with some
amount of assured returns under sovereign guarantee and some portion
left to risk & reward matrix of market forces. These things are easily
said than done. However, someone somewhere in the country would make a
start in this decade. This process can be speeded up if top 500
business houses in the country create a separate venture capital fund
to finance the projects of their employees who wish to pursue
entrepreneurial dreams in the country in chosen verticals. Guess
twenty percent success rate could return an eighty percent ROI. Any

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Complete Deal Against Corruption

Bikash Choudhury

This refers to stalemate of parliament in winter session. JPC or
no JPC, the corruption in politics and public life is unlikely to die
down; because, the strcture of our political system currently rests on
'Hypocracy'. We can't probably blame any single political party or
politician for the current spate of corruption cases as it transcends
politician,bureaucrats,Army top brass, Senior Bankers and corporate
entity. Opposition parties are aware and have promised "Public Funding
of Election" in their manifesto which could be a good starting point
for a corrption free public life. This will help restore public
confidence over politicians and go a long way to stop corruption in
the bureaucracy to large extent. Therfore, prinicipal opposition party
must return to Loksabha and rather, bring a private member bill on the
subject if treasury benches dither. That would be a complete "Deal"
against corruption.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Bikash Choudhury

Low Cost Quality Improvement Program:


1. Paucity of Highly Competent and Motivated Subject Teachers in the Govt. School system in our State of Odisa.
2. Difficulty of Govt. to provide for such teachers in all Schools for a long time due to issues related to finance, Infrastructural bottlenecks and complex societal factors.


1. Mass Education Dept. can address this challenge by “Help develop audio-visual content” for each class & each subject of [K1-10] by Identifying most competent teachers for each subject and class curriculum and producing audio-visual contents and distribute such contents in all five thousand plus schools in the State.
2. Further, all schools can be allotted just required funds to either purchase or hire audio visual equipments at the level of respective schools to screen class room contents to reinforce the class room interaction of subject teachers.
3. The Teachers deployed for producing digital contents can be compensated suitably in addition to their respective emoluments on the basis of class feed backs.


1. This should initially and temporarily solve the shortage of subject teachers in schools and improve the “Quality of Class Room Learning” hopefully.
2. This may help develop a healthy competion among teachers pool and create a “meritocracy among subject teachers”.
3. This model could also help develop small entrepreneurs in rural areas. Who will supply Audio-Visual equipments to school on rent.
4. This ‘QIP’ model is less capital intensive and scaleable in very short time.

Successful Precedent:

1. A company named “Educomp” has been offering digital contents to 23,000 Schools and 1.2 crore students and teachers for last ten years at a cost of Rs. 75-150 per student which could be an expensive proposition for the Mass Education Dept.; therefore, Dept. can develop a unique model within the system to provide digital contents to schools at fraction of such cost.

2. Greycells18 Media is another organization which provides interactive educational services on television.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Nationality Triumphs Over Humanity?

Bikash Choudhury

World Peace lost 1st potential benefactor in former USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev and may loose 2nd potential Global Peace activist in current US President, Barak Obama; if, American people continue to take him to task; that would weaken his Presidency.
Current US problem on economy and unemployment is not of his own making. Rather, Obama inherited a sliding economy and an indebted nation as legacy of former President Bush Jr.;American people instead must back Obama to the hilt and let him resolve the residual problems of last century threatening Global Peace.
Job Creation in American economy and rest of the World would much depend on the quantum of global funds being diverted from un-productive defense expenditure to more productive developmental expenditure. Global defense expenditure stands at whopping 1.5 trillion dollars in 2009 at current prices. Most of the nation states produce huge quantity of arms and ammunitions at the expense of their own under privileged people due to the “vicious cycle of arms race”. Human species is considered most intelligent on this planet; however, produce weapons that could destroy whole human civilization in a factor of four. This is because ‘ego of nationality continues to triumph over humanity’.
World needs a towering personality of Barak Obama’s ability & perspective to aggressively pursue peace and development in the world. And, that would be in the interest of American economy, both in short term and in the long run. USA & India, two large democracies can be natural partner not only for faster development of economy but for global peace on mutual interest.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Obama’s Global Agenda

(Published in The New Indian Express on 30 Oct.2010)
Bikash Choudhury

Recent White house announcement to wrap-up middle east peace plan through direct talks between Israel & Palestinian in a years time; at last, shows rare courage, confidence and priority of Obama administration to deal with complex global issues and find purposive solution with commitment. Pull out of Iraq and intent to close war in Afghanistan may be a very good start. But, US President must now broaden his engagement in world affairs to give new direction to efforts on peace, sustainable development and climate change compliance; as much to, consolidate his leadership over global affairs; as, to silence his critiques at home. Obama must now engage with world leaders, not only, to cut down nuclear weapons but also to reduce conventional war machine across the board to free resources for World Millennium Goals. Further, He can use his good offices to bring about a negotiated settlement between Tibetan peace loving people and Dragon country. And, end military rule in Burma keeping in view of the desire of vast majority of Burmese people.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Corruption in CWG—System Error

(Published in The New Indian Express on 27 Oct. 2010)

Bikash Choudhury

Suresh Kalmadi was damned by one and all for all the mesh that came to the notice of media just before the beginning of the games. A nation of billion people heaves a shy of relief on successful conclusion of Delhi Common Wealth Games-2010. Mr. Kalmadi unabashedly claimed credit for incident free games from the podium of closing ceremony of CWG. But, some how not many in the gallery could summon the courage to clap; knowing how the events preceding the games had soiled the prestige of our nation in global forum. It looked as though India not quite capable to conduct international events of this magnitude. Every body was comparing with the Olympic games of 2008 at Bezing, China. Having said that, can we actually blame a single individual or an organization for all the follies that eventually forced the Prime Minister of the country to take stock?

Corruption actually follows the laws of attraction. More the discretion of spending public money with the Govt. Babus; more is the attraction of making quick bucks on the side. It was first of all very wrong to entrust so much public money to be spent by a temporary body like “Organizing Committee” without the wherewithal to monitor spending of this nature and magnitude. Having done that at least Govt. should have insisted on a transparent system of purchase mechanism that is available on demand. E-tendering has become a common practice in many organizations to cut down time and money in procurement of goods and services. Organizing Committee (OC) has given a complete go by to such standards and that resulted in buying things at 2-5 times of actual cost. Needless to mention that a few functionaries would have lined their pockets at the expense of the reputation of the country. Only if we can find and punish such individuals then the whole system would take notice; otherwise same charade would surface in the events next. What happened in CWG was an error in the whole system; and, not a temporary delinquency on the part of a few responsible individuals or organization. If we wish to conduct more such global sporting events in future; then, a distinct mechanism can be developed once and for all to deal with the International events of this nature which will cut repetitive work and improve efficiency and effectiveness of the system that deliver results.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Language Economy

Bikash Choudhury

If, status-quo persist for another century; then, all new born baby in
our country would cry “Mom instead of Maa” soon after birth. Only,
English language speeches would echo in our Parliament. And, India
would create more quality and quantity of English literature than
native English speaking countries; many, modern Indian languages would
stand marginalized and eventually die of disuse. Therefore, crafty
politicians Mulayam Singh Yadav oppose English language in Hindi heart
land; because, he foresees loss of political hold of his clan, which
may be partially correct. No body can deny the virtue of English
language which empowers people living in the margin of society. As
speaking ability in English open doors of opportunity for under
privileged. However, languages have direct connection with heart and
minds and that not only help communicate thoughts, feelings and ideas
but also create a culture of its own and reflect the lifestyle of
people of its time and place. Conceding supremacy to English language
would blow a death nail in the coffins of our Indian language and
At least now we must learn from history; India was prosperous,
once upon a time due to its agriculture, trade and culture which
attracted people from various parts of the globe and suffered maximum
number of invasions in the past five hundred years. India could have
rebuffed such challenges effectively, had there been a common national
language or if, there were adequate collaboration and literary
interaction between Indian regional languages which could have
fostered national integration.
English is one of the most modern international language just
appropriate for today’s time, science & technology and very easy to
learn and communicate with global community; however, Russian,
Japanese and Chinese have reached wherever they are today on the back
of their own native language. India could aspire to be a super power
on the strength of its own language without diluting the natural
advantage of Indian competence in English.
Popularity and importance of a language increase, substantially,
once it becomes official language in the corridors of power;
currently, English language hogs the limelight. It is being used in
over eighty percent of transactions in central and state Govt.,
Parliament, and Legislature of States and in Judiciary. Hindi and
other modern Indian languages have long become official languages in
centre and respective state govts., in paper. But, English language
still reign supreme, courtesy our bureaucracy.
Change of system always creates resistance and transition from
English to Indian language would meet stiff resistance. But, with
determination of Govt. and support of people would help arrive at
desired level of competence in Indian language for governance, in a
time span of two decade.
Recently heard an anecdote “one gentleman with PhD degree in
Sanskrit forced to drive an Auto to make a living”, this is not an
isolated example; many such persons languish in our society who made a
choice to pursue a career in one of the Indian languages. Govt. alone
is not at fault; we the people are equally culpable. In a MBA class
room of 47 students at Chennai; it was observed that 26 students did
not have the skill to write in their own mother tongue, Tamil;
Although, Tamil films are very popular among the residents of the
city……… Craze of English language is such, in a normal conversation an
ability to drop a few words or half a sentence in English would make
the speaker feel important among his peers. These minds set need to
change.There are very simple solutions to raise popular acceptance of
Hindi as national language and increase collaboration among other
Indian languages.

Competence in one of Indian language can be made mandatory for
all professional courses and in jobs of both public and private
sector. Further, Central and State Govt. can announce incentives for
competence in Indian language other than mother tongue. All state run
schools can create language lab for all 15 Indian languages
acknowledged in the constitution and encourage students to learn
additional languages voluntarily, apart from three languages which are
mandatory. Every organization should have language cell to promote
Indian language as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
by suitable law; which will create career opportunity for the students
of M.I.L. Teaching and learning of Indian languages over a period of
two to three decade can create an eco-system of language Industry in
publishing and literature. Indians are known for their creative
faculty; once the communication between Indian language takes root,
then it could create world class literature in Indian languages which
would have readers across the globe; thereby, help create a
sustainable language economy.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Pune Sinking City?

(Published in The New Indian Express on 13 Oct. 2010)

Bikash Choudhury

I recently came back from a business trip from Pune; this was my second visit to the city in a gap of five years. Before boarding the train from Bhubaneswar for Pune; I had a pleasant memory about the city from my experience in 2005. Clean roads, greenery all around, looked though not crowded and crammed and less dust particles while traveling and no stink of urine and human waste. Actually it confirmed to its old personality of a retirement city with cool weather and metropolitan facility. But, after I landed on 3 rd Oct.2010 at Pune station the pungent odor filled my nostrils and started spoiling my earlier impression about the city. Next five days I was to see complete about turn of the city in all its aspects. Dange Chowke where I lived with a relative about 21 Km fro station was dusty and garbage littered all around. Shops lined the streets are filthy and stinky. While I traveled to Hadspar, the eastern part of city where Magarapatta SEZ is located; the 28 km distance show me absolute deterioration of the city. Garbage lying around, few natural drains/ rivulets encroached upon putting pressure on evacuation of storm water. As fate would have it, on 4th Oct. 2010 Pune received a rain fall of 181mm; highest in a century. That eventually left the Municipal Commissioner injured and a young scientist swept away along with her bike on that fateful night. I came back from Pune, a very sad man; looking at decay of an otherwise vibrant city. Can we do something about it?

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Millennium Development Goal

(Published in The New Indian Express on 27 September 2010)

Bikash Choudhury

A lot of effort is being put by Govt. and organisations working in development sector to reach millennium development goal; however, we are no where closer to the target. Poverty,Universal access to primary education and minimal Child & Maternal mortality pose biggest challenge for achieving MDG by 2015.If UN is serious to accomplish MDG objective; then, it has to convince member countries to contribute additional funds matching ten percent cut in respective defense expenditure and further UN must bring in private enterprise to execute a major chunk of 1-8 MDG along with NGO/Govt./multilateral agencies in order to bring efficiency & effectiveness to developmental work with an idea of profit.

Omar & Farooq Swap Jobs

(Published in The New Indian Express on 23 September 2010)
Bikash Choudhury

Sad demeanor of Omar during the meeting of all party delegation looked, more of a marketing person loosing the date with annual target and unbecoming of a Chief Minister of a State.Omar did start with high hope and lost the plot too soon. As the situation is going from bad to worse, he must swallow his pride and exchange his job with Dad. Farooq Abdula has seen many winters in the valley and would be able to manage current intransigent positions among disparate stake holders; provided Central Govt. walks the talk in complete confidence with Abdulla Senior, to find a lasting solution to a historic problem that defied any solution over last half century.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Bikash Choudhury

Recent supreme court direction on distribution of food grains to poor people is a step in right direction. Supreme Court under directive principles of state policy in the constitution can direct the central govt./ parliament/President to frame suitable law for Public Funding of Election and Political Parties within a time frame of six months; that will eventually prevent large scale corruption, politicisation of Institutions and bureaucracy.Further,such measures will increase the efficiency of the system of governance. Again, Supreme Court may also intervene in the Judicial reforms and Police reforms which have been delayed for quarter century at the cost of poor taxpayers of the country.

Monday, August 30, 2010


(Published in The New Indian Express on 31 August 2010)
Bikash Choudhury

Central Govt. took a decision recently, against mining of Niyamgiri mountain; decision was in favor of preservation of a 'live and valuable ecosystem @ Niyamgiri mountain range', but, the manner and modus operandi smacks of little political overtone.That is unfortunate and uncalled for. Vedanta Alumina operations at Lanjighar has also a social purpose apart from its commercial proposition. The ideal thing should be to provide an alternative mines for the company to run the facility which would create ample employment opportunity without taking a heavy toll of our environment.There is a need for an Autonomous Mining Regulator which will frame policy on Mining Industry keeping in view of the growth requirement and the need to protect our environment without any malice. The country has extremely good experience with the regulatory mechanism in telecom sector spearheaded by TRAI, in Insurance sector by IRDA and Capital Markets by SEBI.
Mining Industry has contributed 2.7% of GDP in 2006-7 and set to contribute $ 75 Billion USD to the GDP by 2015 as per CII estimate; and, therefore the immediate need for an empowered & autonomous regulator for Mining Industry that would facilitate growth of the Industry, with due safe guards to our bio-sphere.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Intrinsic Value of Rupee

(Published in The new Indian Express on 28 August 2010)
Bikash Choudhury

It is always music to our ears when Global Leaders concede India as emerging Global Power. But, can we eventually, reach that stage without having a strong currency? In my opinion, the current purchasing power and external value of Indian Rupee does not reflect the actual intrinsic value of our currency.
One of the reason being huge cache of green back stashed away offshore; however, recent decision to use Indian symbol for Rupee is a step in right direction.We have to do much more to strengthen it in next ten years.
In supply side, we need to check the proliferation of fake currency by institutionalizing arrangement with all State Govt. & union territory.Further, Union Finance ministry must be proactive enough to bring all unaccounted Indian currency to the mainstream financial system through judicious mix of legislation, policy concessions and coercive measures.
In the other side luckily, two important pieces of legislations, like direct tax code and GST are under various stages of implementation. Other important things that have evaded our collective attention and wisdom are inefficiency in energy transmission systems, that is whopping 40% and wastages in fruits and vegetables that stands at sixty seven thousand crore(16.5 billion USD) as per some recent estimate.
Given a political will and a broad national consensus these challenges can be effectively dealt with in a period of ten years. Last thing but not the least in the list; the opportunity to challenge low cost manufacturing prowess of China by using Distributed Manufacturing paradigm and utilising the services of unemployed and under employed women and men in rural areas. That would have a huge impact on our exports. Our Industry associations like CII & FICCI can play an enabling role in achieving this objective.
If we stay the course of realizing ‘true intrinsic value’ of Indian Rupee with due patience for ten years, we may be able to double the purchasing power and external value of our currency at the end of such exercise.

Monday, August 23, 2010

How to restore peace in Kashmir Valley?

(Published in The New Indian Express on 5 August 2010)
Bikash Choudhury

Omar Abdullah, Chief Minister of J&K said “current demonstration in the valley is spontaneous outburst of people” in his press conference at Delhi. If it is true, then instead of calling for additional paramilitary forces; he should order himself, his cabinet colleagues, Leader of Opposition and all legislators of J&K assembly to organize street corner meetings and allow the demonstrators to speak their mind and Govt. should listen and, assure the youths about a time frame for actions on each of their suggestions publicly. If it were as simple as this then Omar Govt. would have done all of this and more, long a go. It is apparent there are serious fissures within the National Conference itself and, may be between the father & son team; and the turf wars among top Congress leaders from the valley complicating things for Omar. PDP gets an opportunity on a platter, to earn a few brownie points politically; by remaining a mute spectator to daily killings of innocents. Without a Political consensus it may be difficult to restore peace on the streets of valley. Pakistani barracks must be raising a toast at the coffins of our young ones. Our security forces are working under very difficult situation; therefore, Govt. must make available crowd control technology and equipments to minimize collateral losses while enforcing the Law and Order. Good luck to Omar, the youngest chief minister of free India.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Preserve Niyamgiri Ecosystem

Bikash Choudhury

Orissa Govt. is one among the leading State having framed comprehensive mitigation plan for climate change and apparently designed a protocol for execution with a chain of command. Environmental activist would offer kudos to the Govt. for being proactive on climate change. However, Govt. initiative to surrender ‘Niyamgiri’ mountain range for Bauxite mining does not confirm to the policy of climate change mitigation. As Niyamgiri mountains holds a complete eco system with its own fountain, water streams, medicinal plants and traditional habitat for Dongria Kondh Tribal; any mining activity in the vicinity would completely destroy the rich eco system and would create further challenges for climate change mitigation. The climate of Orissa has already suffered hugely, due to extensive and irresponsible mining activities in Sambalpur, Angul and Keonjhar district. The blistering heat & heat wave during summer and erratic rains during monsoon is one of the manifestations of climate change. Govt.and people must now be aware of consequence of destroying natural eco-system.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

American Economy Revival

(Published in The New Indian Express on 23Aug'10 in Letter to Editor column)

Bikash Choudhury

Americans are very good at philanthropy, recent announcement of Bill Gates & Warren Buffett donating half of their net worth for charity; made the World, sit up and take notice. However, Americans are not generous enough with the Product Life Cycle. They generally believe in use, throw and buy a fresh one; unlike Indians who prefer to use a product much beyond their respective PLC by repair and overhaul which is of course cheaper due to lower labor cost. But, using product over longer period of time has its own advantage if we add the cost of managing waste, cost of pollution and cost of net additional carbon foot print by the use of new products. Use and throw policy of Americans create a high cost economy which at present they can ill afford. Rather, Americans use each product for full PLC and out source repair & overhaul to Indians who are past masters in the trade. This will increase savings in American house holds, reduce per-capita waste, minimize carbon foot print and create a new eco-system for repair & overhaul for each product.

Americans have reached at the peak of their life style that makes the economy a high cost one. At this point of time Americans have to voluntarily give up a few comforts in life that will enable them to pick up jobs at lower compensation and therefore, stop employers from parceling jobs to cheaper destination. Americans can also migrate from weekly to monthly payment of salary system to promote thrift in the economy.

Americans must do what they are best at, that is path breaking innovation; last century, the World was driven by American innovation and that can only be retained by allowing bright minds of World to flourish in their trade in American soil. As half of humanity move from poverty towards a middle class life style; they would consume huge amount of energy which is in short supply. Global challenge would be to meet the energy requirement without adding to the carbon foot print; and, therefore the need for appropriate technology to produce clean & green energy at the cost which ordinary people can afford. Other thing that Americans can contribute significantly is in the area of Natural Disaster Mitigation. As the current trend reveal, natural disaster would happen more often and at more places across the World; as we continue to fight the repercussions of climate change. Though, we can’t prevent natural disaster; at least we can mitigate its effects and minimize the loss of lives with better technology, know-how and Skilled manpower. Americans are well suited to meet these challenges and in the bargain help retain global leadership and value of their currency for Central Banks World over.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Inclusive Banking

(Published in The New Indian Express on 26 August 2010)
Bikash Choudhury

RBI recently released a discussion paper on license for new private banks.At the outset, I wish to congratulate RBI for seeking out broad consultation on a policy that would have bearing on millions of people like us in the country. I wish to share some of my concern pertaining to the term of reference in the discussion paper of RBI. The finance minister Sri Pranab Mukherji, outlined the necessity of fresh banking license to cater to the un-banked geographical areas in the country, in his budget speech. Now, Banker worth his salt knows too well that the un-banked geographical area is a challenge and an opportunity. Therefore, the principal objective of new banking license should be to offer low cost banking solutions in those areas. To mop up CASA in these un-banked areas and to offer very low cost credit for small loans to Agri & allied sectors & MSME. Traditional Private Banking may not be able to meet the above objective due to high cost of banking and thin spread. The solution lies in creating a unique type of NBFC that will collaborate with consortium of Banks (All type) to offer banking solutions with the help of Existing Village Money lenders/Financier-- in a Banking Correspondent Business Model tried by SBI. This may require a Law to prevent private money lending by making it illegal. To cover entire country four large scale NBFC with deep pockets can be given license for the purpose to look after respective geographical regions with a mandate to collect maximum possible low cost funds and offer low cost credit to villagers with suitable arrangement with consortium of Banks/Post Office so that nearest Bank/Post office could look after, Brick & Mortar operations of bank without any additional investment, except Technology so required to integrate Banking Correspondents--NBFC- Nearest Bank Branch. Micro Finance could be one of the profitable portfolios of NBFC.

Benefits:(Edited portion of the article)
(1) The current Capacity of Banking Industry;specifically Gramya & Co-operative banks can be fully utilized.
(2) Capital investment can be minimized for such NBFC.
(3) Low Transaction cost for last mile banking solutions.
(4) Generate formal and informal employment for skilled,semi skilled and unskilled labor
(5) Low NPA in correspondent/micro finance model.
(6) Can create assets like Warehousing, Cold Chain at rural hubs.
(7) If successful, can save Farming community from the jaws of Money Lenders.

Alternatively, New Private Banks would repeat the same activity of existing Private & Public sector Banks and caught in the game of Balance Sheet, Foot Falls and Profitability. However, New Private Banks may be needed to cater to growing urbanization & migration from rural areas; but, this should be a distinct exercise keeping in view of demand & supply for banking services.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Gandhi- A Great Betrayal

Bikash Choudhury

If Mohammed Ali Jinnha, Pundit Nehru and Sardar Patel were alive today; then, they would have regretted their decision of Balkanizing the country to gain independence from British Empire against the express wishes of Gandhi. Keeping in view of current precarious security situation of South Asia; mature political analyst would agree that Gandhi’s vision for the region and his apprehension about two nation theories was on the bull’s eye. Unfortunately, a few imperialist were able to sell the balkanization theory to these three distinguished individuals of eminence of their times. Apparently, Jinnha was first to regret the separation of the country as he deeply missed his personal life in Mumbai and was saddened to be the principal sponsor of “moth eaten Pakistan” in his own words. The two nation theory came to naught in 1971 with the birth of Bangladesh. I wish if Nehru and Patel would have agreed to Gandhi’s formula of sharing power with Muslim league then today we could have enjoyed the benefit of living in secular and united India. Now, after over sixty years of independence; we are in a position to confirm, partition of the country then, has created more problem than could probably solve; as the last sixty years history of violence, communal tension, wars and current problem of global terrorism bear us out. May be, 9/11 would have never happened; if India was left alone as single country in 1947. Gandhi was the only person who has actually foreseen the current eventuality; but, he was sadly over ruled by his own followers for which our generation is paying a stiff price day in and day out inside our homes and on the street. The current turmoil in Kashmir and loss of life of innocent boys on the street of valley is just the recipes of that historic mistake of our leaders which is now, almost irreversible; at least, sensible people at the helm of affairs, in both sides of the borders must be aware of our common history. That would give a semblance of scope for policy makers not to be intransigent and stop empty and often repeated rhetoric in either side. We Indians mostly fail to comprehend; why Pakistani Army holds and exercises disproportionate amount of power unlike Indian Army which is answerable to civil administration all the time. This is precisely because of insecure mindset of Pakistani ruling elite; in their perception Pakistani Army remain the sine quoa none of Pakistani State which is far from truth and reality; though, creation of Bangladesh has reconfirmed their nominal perception. Why India and Pakistan peace talks invariably fails? Indians don’t know how to deal with the insecure mindset of Pak ruling elites and what exactly would satisfy Pakistanis to sign on the dotted line for peaceful co-existence. Pakistanis now know that India does not have any evil design but refuse to believe and sadly Pak army won’t let them believe even if they wish; to keep the strangle hold over power. Unless and until India and Pakistan are in the same page over Kabul; peace in Afghanistan would be illusive. India is building the infrastructure of war torn country at great cost to its public exchequer; however, Pakistan continue to sabotage the presence of Indians in Kabul as WikiLeak exposure now confirm; the insecure mindset of Pak Army.

If Gandhi would have reigned in his protégé, then undivided India would have been a reality. What would have been the pay off? We could have avoided the holocaust of the partition, four wars between India & Pakistan, save hugely on the cost of two additional defense forces, China would not have dared to attack an united India and therefore, Tibet would have still remained an independent buffer country, India would have climbed to a seat in the UN security council without much effort and Indian currency would have retained its value by twenty five times, approximately, of current value against sterling. And, instead of three cricket teams we would have just one super India cricket team and serial bomb blast wouldn’t have entered into our lexicon.

It is easy for us to say now that our leaders made a wrong call; but, we need to examine what other alternative could have been explored in that given situation. Pundit Nehru and Sardar Patel were privy to the mindset of Muslim League and their top leaders Mr. Jinnha and Liaquat Ali Khan. Muslim League’s contention was they would not like to live under Hindu majority country with ‘first past post’ system of election which Muslims feared could have gone against their representation. In my opinion, that was a reasonable argument and Congress Leaders could have conceded in favor of a proportional representation with a ‘Federal Constitution’ much the same way as United States of America which has been able to hold a continent in a single political union. Now, we know most of the top leaders passed away within two years from Independence; therefore, leadership would not have been an issue before Pundit Nehru’s towering personality in the sub-continental India and Gandhi would have lived longer to see the fruits of Independent country reaching to the masses on the strength of Gandhian model of sustainable development which has now caught Global attention. It was, indeed, a great betrayal to this country.

Monday, August 2, 2010


Bikash Choudhury

Current evolving situation in state of J&K can be truely compared to explosive dump that would burst with slightest of sparks.It is very clear now that some organisation is instigating people of valley in a planned manner behind the scene.Who could be behind the sporadic violence in the valley? After, Wikileak expousre, it may not be too difficult to guess. However, we need evidence to substantiate before International community.It seems to me there is a dangerous game plan behind current tormoil and therefore, Central, State Govt. and Politicians from valley should not take this lightly. At this hour, all main stream parties must come together to fight the evil designs from across the borders.J&K needs a Govt. of National Reconciliation fast. Farooq Abdula must take charge as Chief Minister of J&K immediately and rope in PDP chief as Deputy Chief Minister;also, retaining Omar in the Govt. Current challenges are enormous and that will require broad consensus to implement stern measures with human face to bring back misguided youth to the mainstream in short run and arrange for their employment in a war footing. That will over a period of time create conducive envirnoment for talks on larger issues.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

How to Tame Inflation?

(Published in The New Indian Express in letter to editor column on 31 July 2010)
Bikash Choudhury

RBI announced monetary policy recently.Our central bank undoubtedly did a commendable job in attempting to control double digit inflation. But, inflation is unlikely to be tamed any time soon by monetary policy alone. The queue in front of Jewellery shops, ever increasing demand for real estate and a spectacle of fancy automobiles on the road, confirm about the presence of huge amount of liquid cash with people.
Govt. need to come out with Infra Bond with attractive terms to suck a portion of cash to create durable assets for common people with better ROI. This may cool down the market a bit without affecting growth momentum. To tighten the food Inflation State and Central Govt. must take exemplary action against hoarders and black marketers; and, at the same time may consider distributing excess food stock and other essential items through revamped Public Distribution System (PDS).
Govt. need to examine and plug all the sources of non-conventional supply of currency, large transactions taking place outside our money market, illegal exports across the borders and large scale betting on currency arbitrage. Last but not the least, Govt. also, needs to integrate the supply chain-cold chains to evacuate perishable farm products in real time, bringing a quarter of total green vegetable production on the plates which otherwise go waste.This will reduc the inflationary pressures and volatility in food products substantially.It is unlikely that bureaucrats does not know what needs to be done; but, the excercise would call for seer guts among highest levels in the Government.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

PAKISTAN— Strategic Liability of USA

Bikash Choudhury

Pakistan is lucky to have the geographical advantage in Asia to be courted by Global powers in spite of being the principal trouble maker in the region. Just recent undiplomatic behavior of Pakistan Foreign Minister Mr.Saha Mohmmed Quereshi with visiting Indian Foreign Minister in public that to on a joint press conference displays Pakistani chutzpa; mainly born out of unstinted support and Billions worth of American aid. Americans have completely ignored many omissions and commissions of Pakistani establishment; top one being global proliferation of nuclear weapons and technology courtesy Mr. A.Q.Khan. Any lesser mortal would have to suffer the humiliation of American fire power just like Iraq. Pakistan has initiated four wars against India without any provocation. In 1971 Pakistani Army plundered its own citizens in East Pakistan that eventually led to the birth of a new country Bangladesh. In spite of acute draw back in Governance; Pakistan continues to lay claim on Indian state of J&K and therefore, perpetrate terror module from across the borders. Americans know Pakistan establishment under General Mussaraf played double game with USA; however, Pakistan continue to be a Strategic Asset of Global power, though evidence and current trends points exactly in the opposite direction.
Why Americans are so dependent on Pakistan? That defies a convincing answer. It is sad that USA Secretary of State during her visit to Kabul choose to ignore the misbehavior of Pak foreign minister which suo motto constitutes grave impropriety in Global Diplomatic Community in International Affairs. Can USA afford, not to take a stand on the issue? If not, then Pakistanis could be further emboldened to take more audacious steps to disturb peace in the region. May be, with generous help from their close friend China make an attempt to invade Indian state of J&K with the use of Nuclear Weapon and put the blame on Taliban; that would start a dangerous military confrontation in the region. Pakistani establishment has the will and interest to pursue J&K, come what may. Hypothetically speaking, what would be the impact on USA administration, being partner against global terror? These can be very real, knowing Pakistani idiosyncrasy. If such a thing did happen and result went against Pakistan; then, USA administration would have to take cognizance of Pakistan as a “Strategic Liability”?????

Dangerous US Policy

(Published in The New Indian Express in Letter to Editor column on 3 August 2010)
Bikash Choudhury

Recent statements made by senior US administration officials recently. Admiral Mike Mullen has said “Militants may trigger Indo-Pak war, Richard Holbrook has admitted “The links between ISI & the Taliban are a problem” and Philip J Crowley said “We understand that there are difficult issues that will over time be a subject of that ongoing dialogue. We encourage India to sit down, talk at high levels, and engage in the issues that have created tensions between the two countries in the past”. It is important to know what our Govt. response was, to such sweeping statements of US administration. It looks as if our Govt. has not taken cognizance of US thinking that could have serious repercussion on our country’s security and democracy. First statement, indirectly or diplomatically notifying India of future attack, just like 26/11 from Pakistani soil and India has to keep quite; though, secretary of state has warned of disastrous consequence, should there be another attack originating from Pakistan. Why such a response is not open to India? The lives of Indians are cheaper than that of Americans? Second statement confirms the link and collaboration between ISI and Taliban; and in spite of that US administration continues to arm Pakistani military and offer liberal aid that eventually lands with ISI.What are the compulsions of US administration to follow such self defeating policies? That would have telling effect on the security of the region. Third statement, diplomatically sound India to bring J&K to the negotiating table which is against fundamental policy of Indian people; as state of J&K constitute an integral part of Indian sovereignty. This underlines US Govt. approach that surrenders to ‘International Bullies’ and only understand the ‘Language of Gun’, be it South Asia or Middle East. One thing, US administration must not discount the fact; if Indian people loose confidence over US administration’s neutrality & impartiality then that could have far reaching consequence on future US role in global affairs. Indian Govt. can choose to be aggressive. It is about time for US govt. to call off Pakistani bluff, fairly and squarely otherwise Americans would get embroiled deeper and longer in the region. Further, Americans must advise Israel to take initiative to resolve all outstanding issues with Palestaine in a peaceful manner. Identically, USA must take drastic step, both financial and military to stop Pakistan from being a security challenge for South Asia and World at large.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

What is pulling down Orissa?

(Published in The New Indian Express on 21 July 2010 in Letter to Editor Column)
Bikash Choudhury

Why Odisha is considered still a poor State? Ruling party and its leadership have managed to cut many a corner; but, findings of survey after survey have confirmed Odisha one among four poor States in the country in spite of, best of policies, fiscal prudence, emphasis on governance, decent execution capabilities of State Govt. and over 9% growth in GSDP, that is over and above the National average. What are the factors that are making the growth story of Odisha surreal? To my mind, there are two factors that pull down the growth of Odisha year after year. First, poor development of KBK region despite of huge central allocation; Second, over thirty percent SC & ST population whose Per-Capita income is much below the average Per-Capita income of the State for years. What is the way forward? We need to diagnose, where & why KBK Development Authority could not make much an impact? KBK Development authority has invested huge sum of money in the region for last nine years; however, the results are not forthcoming. Governmental program though intended for the development of the capacity of the beneficiary but due to the ‘dole’ mindset does not create interest among beneficiary to create durable productive asset for their family instead most of the sum most of the time goes for current consumption. Further, since the stake of beneficiary is not locked in with the specific programs for their development; that is treated as grants by the Govt. in rural areas, courtesy their ballots. And, therefore, fail to start a collaborative effort for value creation. For faster economic development of KBK region; Govt. should deploy a chunk of financial resources through District Co-operative Banks in the region. Off late, it has been observed that a few District Co-operative Banks under dynamic leadership have devised innovative programs for Irrigation, Horticulture, Fishery and general capacity building in collaboration with farmers and other rural folks, which has shown substantial return on investment and also development of confidence among people in a collaborative and participative business model. District Co-operative Banks with their branches and co-operative societies have substantial presence in deep inside rural pockets and have intimate knowledge about the drivers of economy in their respective areas; which can be leveraged by State Govt. in KBK region; and that would reflect a decent growth story of Odisha than otherwise. What is needed is, apart from fund allocation; Govt. should also take keen interest in selection of dynamic leaders in co-operative sector with consistent past achievement for the District Central Co-operative Banks of Kalahandi, Bolangir and Koraput.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Peaceful Kashmir

Bikash Choudhury

What is, or who is, standing on the way of a peaceful Kashmir? There is no easy answer to this question. Politicians and people from the valley are still scared to face such a question and precisely that is one of the stumbling blocks that prevent peace to return to the valley. Kashmir is called “heaven on earth” and our politicians and some separatist who break Pakistani bread at home are standing on the way to peace at heavenly valley. Kashmiri people have long realized their folly for supporting separatist group in 1980-90 apparently, as each Kashmiri family lost at least one member to the terrorist bullets. With the election of Omar Abdullah as Chief Minister of J&K; there was all round hope and an actual opportunity to offer a healing touch to the peace loving people of Kashmir valley. Opportunity was lost for ever. Timing is very important to resolve such complex issues. The undue delay in starting a credible political dialogue by the State and Central Govt. is the genesis of current impasse as separatist groups got a chance to arouse passion among the youth; who are suffering due to lack of development and poor job opportunities in the valley. After normalcy return, Omar Govt. would do well to impress upon central Govt. to announce J&K package to deal with the challenges of development in the Valley, Jammu and Ladakh regions in larger interest of India’s international image; as untoward events in J&K badly bruise global reputation of the country as an emerging global power. That is, just to cool the frayed nerves of separatist groups and their hanger-on’s; as they would consider that as their own victory, let it be that way. But, permanent and durable political solution of J&K lies in uninterrupted and sincere dialogue among cross section of people including those who are financed by Pakistani establishment with the State & Central Government to look for common grounds. At the same time, State and Central Govt. must start a parallel communication with emerging leaders from separatist groups & others to educate them about the current developments in Pakistan and perils for Kashmiri people in the company of Pakistani establishment. A country (Pakistan) that can’t govern itself properly; how can they come to the aid of Kashmiri people? Birth of Bangladesh & sufferings of Mohajirs inside Pakistan are live examples. Hurriyat conference and its leaders have sold themselves to Pakistani establishment in the greed for political power; as they are ignorant of Indian history and what happened to Mirzafar at the hands of British forces. However, talks must continue in spite of set backs if any; at least to preserve modicum of normalcy to attract tourist and engage young people in lucrative business at places of tourist interest in the Kashmir valley. It is quite unlikely that Hurriyat conference would agree to any permanent settlement without an active involvement and consent of Pakistan; on whose direction and assistance they have survived this long without popular support. At a convenient time Hurriyat conference can be dumped during the process of consultation; which could be long and tortuous. Pakistan can be sounded out at an appropriate time to stay off or else face the consequence. Pakistan currently fighting internal civil war can’t have the stomach to engage with India in its eastern borders. UPA Govt. must and should learn from the past mistakes of earlier Govt. and therefore, invest time & money to resolve the vexed problem of J&K in collaboration with its coalition Govt. in the state and accommodating genuine Kashmiri concerns and aspiration within Indian sovereignty ASAP. Longer we stretch more complicated it would become.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Revival of BJP

Bikash Choudhury

A strong central Govt. is as important as the principal opposition;any under graduate student of political science would vouch for. Recent political developments and parliament proceedings tells a tail of abject failure of BJP inside the parliament and outside. Apparently, BJP lost its mooring after two consecutive setbacks in parliamentary election;which, should not be the case for an Ideological party, as it is made out to be and claimed in public. Public perception makes and breaks the fortune of political party; it has become cliched statement, but, truth is not otherwise. BJP lost the 2004 election on negative perception created in the minds of general public across the country on Gujurat;although, party did well in the State of Gujurat. 2009 was a winable election for BJP but due to combination of myopic candidate selection and bad strategy into the run up to election sealed tha fate of party and its then leader Sri L.K. Advani. Idea of Bharat that is India is much bigger and pious than BJP & RSS put together; however, not many would grudge the credit to BJP and RSS for its significant & substantial contribution to the Idea of Bharat. BJP has a short term goal of winning power to pursue policy dear to its mentor as much as possible by retaining political power. RSS, instead has larger and long term goal of achieving "Akhanda Bharat" as per its own policy and method come what may. Apparently, the fight between two approaches has ruined the electoral prospects of BJP and party, it seems loosing in the game of public perception. The Jharkhand episode did not add any value to the party;rather, it weakened the trust of party workers on the leadership. The new party president Mr. Nitin Gadakari may have the blessings of RSS;but, he needs to earn the respect of senior central leaders by concrete action which may take time. Further, Gadakari does not have exposure in Delhi politics;which will remain his biggest handicap for some time. The leader of opposition in Lok Sabha Smt. Sushama Swaraj has not come to her own and still prefer to play the back room boy of team Advani;which does not help create a perception of strong opposition in the lower house and affects the general image of the party outside. BJP needs a surgery with mutual consent any party worker would tell you. Party needs a leader of Late Pramod Mahajan's ability to steer through this current bad patch. A leader with stature, experience, organising ability and oratory to inspire the rank and file and to stop the slide in public perception of " A party with Ideology and party with a difference". Currently, there are two leaders, coincidentally both from the State of Bihar; Mr. Jaswant Sinha & Mr. Rajiv Pratap Ruddy. Mr. Sinha has no doubt stature of a great leader from old school of leadership that of former Prime Minister Sri Chandra Shekhar, being his ardent follower at some point of time and many other impeccable qualities and proven abilities that was tested during run up to V.P. Singh Govt. as Janata Dal party spokes person and subsequently as Finance Minister in Chandra Shekhar Govt. Mr. Sinha has also been a great organiser; given a choice and chance BJP would reap a wind fall gain. Rajiv Pratap Ruddy is another leader with promise and power to turn the table head on given a chance and, if necessity arise. Mr. Sinha should be elevated as leader of opposition in the lower house and Mr. Ruddy should be drafted to help the new president to gain a grip over the organisation and mobilise the workers to raise public opinion on the issues that is dear to people at large to build the party from scarch with active consensus of all senior leaders like Mr. Sinha, Ms. Swaraj, Mr. Naidu. Party would also do well to welcome former general secretary Sri Govinda Acarya & Vice President Mr. Kalyan Singh. The leaders must remind themselves about BJP's often repeated percept" Country first, Party next and individual last" if they wish to make a strong pitch for office, in the next round in general election to parliament in 2014.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Bikash Choudhury

SAARC must explore huge tourism potential in South Asian region. Currently, Europe dominates in attracting foreign tourist globally. Euro Rail has helped a great deal in connecting all places of tourist interest in all sister countries of Europe. Can we concieve a "South Asian Rail" connecting all the important tourist destinations in SAARC countries. I am sure, this will help attract foreign tourist as well as domestic tourist of the region. Apart from creating substantial Economic opportunity for people at the bottom of pyramid in the region;'South Asian Rail' if unvailed would go long way in integrating the people & diverse cultures of the region. Hope, the issue may be taken up in the next round of foreign secretary level talks between India & Pakistan at Islambad and subsequently at SAARC summit meeting.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Flogging a dead horse

Bikash Choudhury

On avoidable recent controversy about Bhopal gas tragedy. In my opinion, it is sad that our politician and media to an extent can’t distinguish between National interest and professional interest. At this point of time, it is most important that the victim of Bhopal gas tragedy, all Indian citizens get justice with honor; and, not who let go Union Carbide Chief, Mr. Anderson over twenty five years a go. It is, also, quite unnecessary to drag the name of former Indian Prime Minister, Late Sri Rajiv Gandhi without concrete evidence to that effect; precisely because, it reflects Indian polity as a divided house; which does not augur well for an emerging global power like India in its external relations. India did not have the economic standing in the world at the time of Bhopal gas tragedy; however, at least now India has international stature to stand up to any global power in case any injustice is meted out to its citizen. Therefore, all political forces & media instead of gunning for Mr. Anderson must use their fire power against the Company and US administration to give justice to all the victims of gas tragedy; which is otherwise, one of the greatest ‘human rights violation’ in recent times. Human rights issues are very close to the heart of US policy makers; and they have given Indian security forces a bad name, those have to fight extremist from across the borders in very adverse circumstances. Now, we just have to remind US administration stoically that double standards on human rights won’t do. UPA Govt. and principal opposition must agree to bring a suitable ordinance that would arm our investigating agency and judiciary with enough powers to review the Bhopal gas tragedy case afresh to be able to offer suitable and just compensation to all the victims without any further delay under Indian laws. None the less, investigation must be carried out forth with to unravel the mystery behind the release of Mr. Anderson, who did it and why? And, law should be allowed to take its course. Tail piece being ‘A National tragedy of Bhopal gas leak proportion' must not be used to generate political capital by any party or politician.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Budget Consultation-Odisha

Bikash Choudhury

EDUCATION:(I) 5 % of budget allocation for Schools & Mass Education Dept. for creating low cost Gurukul Ashram Schools in our old tradition to offer high quality education with traditional value system in rural areas & with full community participation and involvement of NGO.

School level education in rural areas suffers from poor quality. Sarva Sikhaya Avijan is attempting to address the issue which is just not sufficient. Community participation is extremely important to enhance the quality of education in our schools. Navodaya Schools was an effort in this direction but did not make an impact. One more attempt can be made by allocating just 5% of total budget of Mass Education department to Recreate Gurukul Ashram Schools with community participation and assistance of NGO. At least one Gurukul Ashram School can be created in each block.

1. Gurukul Ashram Schools can be created in rural areas in low cost. Land for Gurukul can be donated by village community, NGO may identify suitable educationist to run Gurukul in our old tradition with modern aid for education to offer high quality education to bright students in rural areas.
2. Suitable retired educationist/ or from corporate back ground can be deployed in such schools at minimum cost.

HIGHER EDUCATION: (II) 5% of Higher Education budget can be allocated for facility for Research in all Govt. colleges to encourage students and teachers to apply knowledge to solve problems faced by local community.

For last two centuries, India has not come out with any path breaking break through in any field that would grab global attention. This is precisely because we, as a community have conceded that we would be net consumer of western research led solution than producer of research led products in the country. This is because, we don’t have a mindset for investigation and learning; and, therefore we need to invest to create facility for research in our college to attract students and give them necessary exposure in methodology of research at an early age. Over a period of time State is going to benefit from new and emerging scientist from our Higher Education Institutes.

HEALTH: (I) 5% of Health Dept. budget can be earmarked for training in Basic Pharmacy; at least one youth in each fifty thousand plus villages of our State to provide proximate, 24X7, basic health solution in our villages. That would create 50,000 plus jobs and improve health indicators in rural areas of our State.

(II) Govt. may consider outsourcing health services of a district to private sector on a pilot basis by developing a suitable business model wherein Govt. could allocate current amount of public expenditure on health sector of the district to the private sector and balance financing if any, can be raised by Pvt. Sector from market forces and viability gap funding from multilateral agencies.

Recent survey done by HDF has unraveled the state of health in our State; to speedily improve the health indicators we need to use all our resources and deploy multiple strategies to arrive at internationally accepted protocol for health in our State as soon as possible. We need to be innovative and open to new Ideas in this sector.

AGRICULTURE: (I) Rs. 34 Crore can be earmarked for 17 District Central
Co-Operative Banks to create an Agriculture & Rural Development Consulting Business division to advise the farmers in entire area in the business of Agriculture to help farmers make a decent profit.

In recent past, news paper headline about farmer suicide has become so common that most of us have taken into our stride and move on with our lives; however, the problem still persists and would continue to hunt unless and until a permanent solution to this problem is found and attempted to implement with all seriousness and effectiveness.
Farmers are at the receiving end in terms of cost of credit from financial institutions, marketing their produce and storing their produce due to lack of local warehousing facility in the vicinity and further, due to lack of suitable market knowledge about demand for alternative crops; they continue to produce unproductive and un remunerative crops year after year and suffer under the weight of debt and some times few of them sacrifice their life for good. Is their any alternative?

RURAL DEVELOPMENT: Budget provision of Rs. 100 Crores to constitute Rural Economy Development Corporation in PPP model.

If we break up state economy into a smaller sets of ‘village cluster’ containing 10-15 villages and apply a new market oriented model for development in PPP; then we can effectively deal with the issue of development as smaller size economy would be easier to administer and cost effective to deliver public services.REDC main objective would be to encourage each cluster of villages to form their own economy development company in equal partnership with REDC that would offer management, technology, and marketing assistance to help the Village cluster to thrive economically in a collaborative effort. Each year we can establish 50-100 village cluster level entity that would drive rural development in break neck speed.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Bikash Choudhury

I for one, completely disagree with the contention that India does not have any choice in global affairs and our strategic dialogue with US is intended to clear Civil Liability Bill,only. First of all, with or without civil liability bill US Company have got away with very lightly; Bhopal gas tragedy-Union Carbide was one prominent example. ‘Might is right’ holds good from the beginning of human civilization, and, it holds good even today at this age. We can romanticise about what is good for India? and what is not? but, can we entirely ignore practical operational issues in our external relations with US? Building strong and good relations between individuals, even, takes time and building relations between two nations as complex as India & US would take much longer. We can not, now, afford to make mistake of looking at relationship between US and India from a small hole. Apparently, US policy makers have started realising that in the company of India-in Asia; US would be able to hold on to its influence over global affairs much longer than otherwise. Further they understand, today or tomorrow half a billion Indian population would migrate from BPL to middle class, creating a mind boggling size of market for US companies and over 10 % GDP growth has its own center of gravity in global financial capitals. Who said India does not have options? India actually has; and India actually can maneuver its importance in global affairs by bragging a little in global capitals by people from diverse back grounds with a judicious mix of diplomats, politicians, Business leaders, and media chieftain like your editor in chief. India has to just attract 500 billion USD worth of investment for its infrastructure sector and rest would fall in its place. India would actually emerge as a very powerful force in global affairs on the strength of Gandhian model of sustainable development, liberal and accommodating culture, Art & Science of Yoga, Ancient and rich language of Sanskrit, Knowledge from ancient scriptures like four Vedas, Ramayana and Mahabharat; And, last but not the least by the virtues of Hindu ways of life in just a decade from now. Mark my words today.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Gandhi Jr. must Rethink His Strategy

Bikash Choudhury

Rahul Gandhi must rethink on his broad strategy afresh to take over as Prime Minister after general election-2014. More so, after the verdict of media on completion of a year by the UPA II Govt. which is average, keeping in view the improved mandate in comparison to UPA I and factoring the absence of belligerent Red. In spite of the noble intent of incumbent Prime Minister and his impeccable team in the cabinet and his peers with blue turban in planning commission. It would be a mere repetition to enumerate failings of current Govt.; a few of them would read like this-- could not control price rise, failed to keep their date with infrastructure, unable to forge a national consensus to deal with Maoist and on top of it, failed to implement their own plan completely, due to lack of coherence and co-ordination with State Govt.. If the trends continue like this, by the end of the current term of parliament UPA II would have lost a substantial portion of their mandate and therefore making it more difficult for Rahul, to bid for the coveted office which was adorned by four generations of his family.

They say ‘Time and tide waits for no man’ is just apt; and Rahul must revisit his strategy afresh. Apparently, his current strategy revolves around regaining UP for Congress Party and rebuilding Youth Congress. No body can fault Rahul visiting dalit homes either; which has potential to replenish support of dalit and eventually a vote bank into the coffers of Congress Party. Neither, his twin plans are at any fault; but, leaving the Govt. unattended could create a waterloo for him as it did for his father; if he manages to take over as Prime Minister after E-14, due to lack of administrative exposure and experience in governance. Politicking-winning election and Governance are two separate ball game and need uniquely independent skill set to survive and much more to triumph. Gandhi Jr. must be aware about the legacy of his father Sri Rajiv Gandhi, who was admired even by his detractors for his sincerity and vision for the country. Information & Communication Technology (ICT) revolution was one of his many contributions for the country. Rajiv Gandhi also devoted his entire time in party before taking over as Prime Minister; all of a sudden, following tragic death of his mother Mrs. Indira Gandhi. Rajiv Gandhi begun with a clean slate and a massive mandate; many political commentators say he lost the mandate because of his inexperience in Governance. That reminds me of quotable quotes of Confucius “What I hear I forget. What I see I remember. What I do I know?” Now, Rahul must revisit his assumptions and revalidate; keeping in view the performance of his coalition Government.

If I were his advisor; I would have suggested him to join the cabinet as Deputy Prime Minister; that would give representation to over sixty five percent of registered voters in the cabinet, as defacto number two. In order to add much needed enthusiasm to the cabinet of wise men and also to offer a new & fresh direction to the policies and decision of his coalition Govt. intended to benefit majority of electorates that is all our young people. Further, Rahul would be able to grasp the nitty gritty of governance and very essential parliamentary experience from treasury benches. He can also put his advisory experience to good use by working with each ministry on a consultative role; setting goals, overseeing execution, evaluating the outcomes and validating the processes of each ministry to gain a ring side view of all the issues that matters in governance under able guidance of Mr. Manmohan Singh and his senior colleagues. Rahul won’t get a better school for training in the job of premiership. It may so happen;

Ms. Priyanka Gandhi Vadera would call it all quits; to her domestic responsibility and take the place of Rahul Gandhi in the Congress Party to complete the long pending restructuring of grand old party?? That would be a real icing on the cake for millions of younger people who are sold out on brother & sister team and hope their voice would resonate in the highest policy making body of the Govt.. May wiser counsel prevail?

Author: Bikash Choudhury, Chief Executive of Strategy Consulting Firm based at Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India. Contact: Mobile: 00 9853426657 Email: &

Friday, May 28, 2010

Aircraft with Fire Prevention & Protection System

Bikash Choudhury

In last six months we have come across more than five fatal passenger Aircraft accidents across the world taking a heavy toll of human life;the recent one at Mangalore involving Air India Boeing 737-800;where 158 passengers lost lives,looked an avoidable one.However,passenger Aircraft Industry,at least now, must invest in R&D to develop passenger aircraft incorporating suitable technology to prevent & control fire in case of crash landings and other such accidents. Aircraft Industry would stand to benefit from inducting such a technology;therefore, Industry must and should invest in developing the technology sooner than later. This can also be outsourced to technical institution like IIT/IISc/NIT/DRDO and many others to cut cost and time.

Dissent within UPA Govt.

Bikash Choudhury

Dissent or independent opinion in democratic parties and even in Govt. is welcome till such time a collective view is taken in the matter; thereafter, the same issue can only be debated at appropriate time to review the decision vis-à-vis the outcome in the comfort of party forum or in Govt.. Free for all debate publicly on sensitive issues like internal security and foreign policy would weaken the leadership of party and Govt. and create confusion which may suit bureaucracy to defer decision making and halt action in important issues of State. Consequently common people will suffer. Otherwise, hard nosed politician of Digvijay Singh’s stature can’t afford to air his personal opinion in public pertaining to strategy on Naxalism which is in variance with the current policy of his Govt. His broadside at Mr. Chidambaram “intellectual arrogance” was also an indecent proposal which could have been avoided in the interest of his party and Govt... Jairam Ramesh’s comment against home ministry in foreign soil is absolutely condemnable. Chidambaram’s comment ‘limited mandate’ is also equally deplorable. Ministers must follow a check list before speaking to media out of turn; sound bites must be either in the interest of country or Govt. or at least the party.

Secret Power of Mr. Singh

Bikash Choudhury

One year completion of UPA II. “Manmohan Singh as politician has arrived” the phrase has been repeated again and again in media, to my mind quite unnecessarily; because, without being an ace politician with impeccable political acumen no one can administer a country of India’s complexity, consecutively for six long years. Politicians both from ruling party and opposition were equally surprised at the smooth tenure of Manmohan Singh as Prime Minister. The secret weapon that he wields is nothing but his patent humility in spite of holding the most powerful office in the country; apart, from his low key style of functioning which endears him to the people at large. Former Prime Minister Lalbahadur Sastri and Atalbihari Vajpayee practiced identical style of leadership and held considerable power over Governance quietly.

Holiday Trip for US President in India

Bikash Choudhury

God of the World, Sri Jagannath and Chief Arbiter of the World, Barak Obama, President of USA must meet to stop violence and promote peace across the World. Lord Sri Jagannath (God of the World) lives in his temple and comes out once a year to give Darshan to all his devotees irrespective of cast, creed, religion and race. This event is popularly known world over as Rath Yatra at temple town Puri attended by over million people with enthusiasm, excitement and great religious fervor. 13th July 2010, Tues Day is Rath Yatra at Puri.This could be a unique opportunity for the US President to pay a visit to God of the World to invoke spiritual blessings on his agenda of Peace and Development for the world. This could also be first family holiday for US President’s family outside USA; and, that will throw an opportunity for US President to connect with the culture of east. Further, US President could visit historical landmarks like Dhaulagiri near the site of Great Kalinga War where Emperor Ashok took to Buddhism after seeing the bloodshed in war. Impeccable Handicrafts of Odisha, tribal habitat and culture could be of great interest for the first lady, Michele Obama. Bhitar Kanika and Similipal wild life sanctuary could be of great interest for the two daughters of the US President. This will also be a great professional accomplishment for the US Ambassador to India.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Real Freedom

Bikash Choudhury

India got freedom from colonial power full sixty three years ago; but, are we really free? Country may have attained freedom in a physical dimension but our thinking, actions, even our State machinery and other manifestation of State apparently, still remain under chains of colonial regime. Otherwise, how could a chunk of our own country men dare to start armed revolution against their own elected Govt.? Colonial regime established a system of governance to collect maximum revenue and spend as little as possible in order to repatriate wealth to the coffers of their parent country. Slowly people come to discover that same colonial mechanism of administration continue even today with minor cosmetic changes. People in Government treat ordinary citizens more or less as their subjects and follow a culture of licking at the top and kicking at the bottom. Further, in their work they absolutely don’t use their faculty and prefer to follow precedents, established customs against their better judgment to be safe. We continue to use colonial terminology Collector for the administrative head of a district. If any body approach a police station in the country for protection against mischief; it is more likely, he would receive a treatment not much different from that of colonial days. We still religiously follow the same Indian Penal Code that gained currency under imperial authority. We still love English language more than our National language Hindi and put our children in school to become clerk in Govt. office. Our rich people prefer to hoard their cash in foreign banks and top bureaucracy is designed & designated as I.A.S not much different from their colonial avatar I.C.S. Perhaps, five hundred years of colonization of the country has effectively transformed our DNA from master to slaves. Therefore, we have lost the ability to think independently. We need to regain our old habit of independent thinking as an independent country at all levels to become master of our own destiny; otherwise, at best we could be left as the clones of our colonial masters. Freedom to think independently as a free nation would constitute real freedom.

Tail piece: Govt. employees are both producer and consumer of government services; if some day at a given time all the employees of Government both central and state in the country decide to apply consumer centric approach in their transaction with common people and to works related to the welfare of people then overnight Govt. policies, programs and their execution would see a substantial improvement and bring in double digit growth of our economy with equity.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Bikash Choudhury

Why water conservation is important?: Global temperature going up due to climate change phenomena. Consequently average temperature during summer is rising across the country at alarming rate. Our green cover is continuously depleting under the pressure of development as a result of which ground water table is sinking year after year. Further, the pattern of rainfall is also changing, creating havoc of flood followed by draught in substantial part of our state; that has ruined State economy to an extent for many years. Simple solution could be water conservation in general & saving of rain water during monsoons. Odisha can grab the leadership position in the country on the subject by making water conservation & rain water harvesting a popular public movement by using the services of Biju Janata Dal party leaders & workers to launch a movement in the state.

Objective:• To generate strong public opinion in favor of water conservation and saving of rain water and, to create a new mindset among residents of our state.
• Target 20% savings in per capita consumption of water in homes and organizations.
• To popularise installation of rain water harvesting system in homes & offices.
• Facilitate renovation and maintenance of all water bodies and natural water channels.
• Facilitate implementation of farm pond scheme of state Government.
• Encourage research in educational institutions to develop new and better methods & technology for water conservation, recycling and harvesting techniques.
• Facilitate plantation on the embankments of water bodies.
• Collaboration with Industry to create business models for water conservation & harvesting.

Strategy: To mobilize party leaders and workers of BJD to organize domain experts, Media and General Public to create strong public opinion in favor of water conservation & harvesting of rain water by house holds and organizations. Create an organization for the purpose involving party workers, local residents and commercial establishments of a small locality to conserve water & harvest rainwater in the locality.

Action plan:

• Biju Janata Dal leadership would nominate members for the central committee on Water Conservation.
• Central committee on Water Conservation at BJD HQ would create an advisory body comprising domain experts to frame process & methods to achieve the objective. Central committee would also monitor the progress of work in regular intervals and offer moral & material support to local committees.
• Central committee would identify five political workers of BJD in each locality who have interest in the domain and wish to mobilize people for the cause in their respective area.
• Local committee can be constituted with five BJD members and five local residents for each locality to accomplish the objective in all respects.
• One local public meeting can be organized in each area to generate awareness in the locality.
• Local committee can involve Educational Institutions in the area to recruit volunteers and generate resources required for the mission.


Bikash Choudhury

Why cleanliness of Cities and Towns are important? : Cities and Towns are the windows of our state to the outside world. Further, population growth in cities and town is so much so that in few years forty percent of our population would live in urban areas. Therefore, in spite of best efforts of City administrations; our cities and towns are increasingly looking like waste dump. The situation is growing in alarming rate and would have severe impact on our general health and economy. It is now understood clearly that Govt. alone can’t handle the task at hand; and it requires spontaneous public support and endorsement. A Political movement on the subject through Biju Janata Dal can be planned for a year. To start with, we can have a pilot program in two cities i.e., Bhubaneswar & Puri for three months and later a comprehensive program can be launched in top 50 cities.


• Create a mindset for cleanliness among the residents of the City.
• To discourage use of plastic/polythin bags and encourage the use of bio-degradable bags made of fabric or jute.
• To encourage segregation of wastes from home.
• To facilitate conversion of kitchen wastes from homes and eateries into vermicomposte.
• To educate vendors about using waste bins.
• To collaborate with city administrators for clearing wastes in time in all areas.
• Facilitate installation of waste bins in uncovered areas.
• Cleaning & maintenance of storm water drains.
• To collaborate with Business/ Industry to deal with special wastes.
• Encourage plantation of trees to create a green belt in each locality.

Strategy: To mobilize Political workers of BJD, local residents & vendors of a small locality to maintain cleanliness.

Action plan:

• To identify five political workers of BJD who have interest in the domain and wish to mobilize people for the cause in their respective area.
• Local committee can be constituted with five BJD members and five local residents for each locality to accomplish the objective in all respects.
• One local public meeting can be organized in each area to generate awareness in the locality.
• Local committee can involve Educational institutions in the area to recruit volunteers and generate resources required for the mission.
• Central committee at BJD HQ can monitor the progress of work in regular intervals and offer moral & material support to local committees.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Alternative US Policy for Asia

Bikash Choudhury

Former US President, Jorge Bush Jr. at the end of his consecutive two terms demitted office; a very sad man. Having ruined the electoral prospects of his republican party in the Presidential race. And, thus giving a hope in the form of a new, young and for the first time an US President from African origin; answering the calls of Thomas Jefferson and bringing curtains to his famous speech “I have a dream”. Truly, it was a celebration time for peace loving young people across the world cutting across race, religion and demography. After over a year to the inauguration of the 44th President of United States of America things have not moved as fast as it could have on the shadows of “Audacity of Hope” and strange, even after US President earned an endorsement in the form of Nobel Peace prize. Make no mistake, Barak Obama is as sincere and committed as he was year a go; but, apparently and perhaps, he is being hemmed and hawed by internal politics of US and, he being new to the terrains of majority politics at Capitol Hill, practiced for years. The very same forces led former US President to an avoidable war in Iraq which actually burned over a trillion, precious US dollars of tax payer’s money. Bush said with great regret “I was misled by my advisors”. It is common knowledge who were his advisors and what were their vested interest in a war. God for bid US policy makers do not make the same mistake again and again; now, with Pakistan. The failed attempt to bomb the ‘Times Square’ by Pakistan trained US citizen of Pakistani origin is indication enough that Pakistan would not mind biting the hand that feeds her with billions of dollars in aid. It is about time, US policy makers to be prudent enough to get off from the shoulders of fatal horse-Pakistan, in their Geo Strategic Policy for Asia.

American policy for Asia can be redesigned through the prism of a stable, peaceful and democratic South Asia, if need be minus Pakistan. There is a possibility of Pakistan being courted by China; it would be in US long term strategic interest to concede the problem child to a new parent and save billions of US tax payer’s money; at the same time protecting a toehold of control over the policies of Pakistan through the spoiled brat of Pakistan-the ISI, which may not be a too difficult objective to achieve. Now, US policy makers can encourage India to gain control over South Asian countries through suitable initiative on Economy and Development with a tacit funding arrangement with US. South Asia holds over 200 million impoverished Muslim population who can be brought back to the mainstream economy speedily by liberal doses of aid for education and capacity building which will create a very positive public opinion in favor of US in the rest of the Muslim countries and also, across the globe. Further, China’s haughtiness can be suitably addressed by attempting to engage the China sensitive issues like Tibet’s self determination and unification of Taiwan. Chinese are shrewd enough not to pick a fight with two powerful forces at the same time, that is South Asian regional power India and global power US.

India and US share many common grounds being two large democracies having citizens from much dispersed back ground and still espouse a near fascist nationalistic fervor among its people. That apart, in next two decades the two countries are going to share complementary demographic challenges and could help each other through near free movement of labor to enrich both the economy. Further, in social context US President is worried about failing American marriages and broken family; therefore, with a close and intensive cultural exchange program India could export its strong cultural values that have with stood the test and taste of time and over civilizations to help Americans to strengthen their family values. And, again marriage as an institution for a progressive, stable and economically strong society. At the same time, US can also export its entrepreneurial culture to India at a profit. Therefore, US policy makers must think hard and quick to support India as regional power in South Asia just as they had done in Europe before. The cost of paradigm shift in American policy for Asia would be the least in terms of hard dollars and policy makers’ time. Any takers?