Thursday, November 25, 2010

Complete Deal Against Corruption

Bikash Choudhury

This refers to stalemate of parliament in winter session. JPC or
no JPC, the corruption in politics and public life is unlikely to die
down; because, the strcture of our political system currently rests on
'Hypocracy'. We can't probably blame any single political party or
politician for the current spate of corruption cases as it transcends
politician,bureaucrats,Army top brass, Senior Bankers and corporate
entity. Opposition parties are aware and have promised "Public Funding
of Election" in their manifesto which could be a good starting point
for a corrption free public life. This will help restore public
confidence over politicians and go a long way to stop corruption in
the bureaucracy to large extent. Therfore, prinicipal opposition party
must return to Loksabha and rather, bring a private member bill on the
subject if treasury benches dither. That would be a complete "Deal"
against corruption.

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