Monday, May 17, 2010


Bikash Choudhury

Why cleanliness of Cities and Towns are important? : Cities and Towns are the windows of our state to the outside world. Further, population growth in cities and town is so much so that in few years forty percent of our population would live in urban areas. Therefore, in spite of best efforts of City administrations; our cities and towns are increasingly looking like waste dump. The situation is growing in alarming rate and would have severe impact on our general health and economy. It is now understood clearly that Govt. alone can’t handle the task at hand; and it requires spontaneous public support and endorsement. A Political movement on the subject through Biju Janata Dal can be planned for a year. To start with, we can have a pilot program in two cities i.e., Bhubaneswar & Puri for three months and later a comprehensive program can be launched in top 50 cities.


• Create a mindset for cleanliness among the residents of the City.
• To discourage use of plastic/polythin bags and encourage the use of bio-degradable bags made of fabric or jute.
• To encourage segregation of wastes from home.
• To facilitate conversion of kitchen wastes from homes and eateries into vermicomposte.
• To educate vendors about using waste bins.
• To collaborate with city administrators for clearing wastes in time in all areas.
• Facilitate installation of waste bins in uncovered areas.
• Cleaning & maintenance of storm water drains.
• To collaborate with Business/ Industry to deal with special wastes.
• Encourage plantation of trees to create a green belt in each locality.

Strategy: To mobilize Political workers of BJD, local residents & vendors of a small locality to maintain cleanliness.

Action plan:

• To identify five political workers of BJD who have interest in the domain and wish to mobilize people for the cause in their respective area.
• Local committee can be constituted with five BJD members and five local residents for each locality to accomplish the objective in all respects.
• One local public meeting can be organized in each area to generate awareness in the locality.
• Local committee can involve Educational institutions in the area to recruit volunteers and generate resources required for the mission.
• Central committee at BJD HQ can monitor the progress of work in regular intervals and offer moral & material support to local committees.

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