Friday, May 28, 2010

Secret Power of Mr. Singh

Bikash Choudhury

One year completion of UPA II. “Manmohan Singh as politician has arrived” the phrase has been repeated again and again in media, to my mind quite unnecessarily; because, without being an ace politician with impeccable political acumen no one can administer a country of India’s complexity, consecutively for six long years. Politicians both from ruling party and opposition were equally surprised at the smooth tenure of Manmohan Singh as Prime Minister. The secret weapon that he wields is nothing but his patent humility in spite of holding the most powerful office in the country; apart, from his low key style of functioning which endears him to the people at large. Former Prime Minister Lalbahadur Sastri and Atalbihari Vajpayee practiced identical style of leadership and held considerable power over Governance quietly.

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