Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Gandhi Jr. must Rethink His Strategy

Bikash Choudhury

Rahul Gandhi must rethink on his broad strategy afresh to take over as Prime Minister after general election-2014. More so, after the verdict of media on completion of a year by the UPA II Govt. which is average, keeping in view the improved mandate in comparison to UPA I and factoring the absence of belligerent Red. In spite of the noble intent of incumbent Prime Minister and his impeccable team in the cabinet and his peers with blue turban in planning commission. It would be a mere repetition to enumerate failings of current Govt.; a few of them would read like this-- could not control price rise, failed to keep their date with infrastructure, unable to forge a national consensus to deal with Maoist and on top of it, failed to implement their own plan completely, due to lack of coherence and co-ordination with State Govt.. If the trends continue like this, by the end of the current term of parliament UPA II would have lost a substantial portion of their mandate and therefore making it more difficult for Rahul, to bid for the coveted office which was adorned by four generations of his family.

They say ‘Time and tide waits for no man’ is just apt; and Rahul must revisit his strategy afresh. Apparently, his current strategy revolves around regaining UP for Congress Party and rebuilding Youth Congress. No body can fault Rahul visiting dalit homes either; which has potential to replenish support of dalit and eventually a vote bank into the coffers of Congress Party. Neither, his twin plans are at any fault; but, leaving the Govt. unattended could create a waterloo for him as it did for his father; if he manages to take over as Prime Minister after E-14, due to lack of administrative exposure and experience in governance. Politicking-winning election and Governance are two separate ball game and need uniquely independent skill set to survive and much more to triumph. Gandhi Jr. must be aware about the legacy of his father Sri Rajiv Gandhi, who was admired even by his detractors for his sincerity and vision for the country. Information & Communication Technology (ICT) revolution was one of his many contributions for the country. Rajiv Gandhi also devoted his entire time in party before taking over as Prime Minister; all of a sudden, following tragic death of his mother Mrs. Indira Gandhi. Rajiv Gandhi begun with a clean slate and a massive mandate; many political commentators say he lost the mandate because of his inexperience in Governance. That reminds me of quotable quotes of Confucius “What I hear I forget. What I see I remember. What I do I know?” Now, Rahul must revisit his assumptions and revalidate; keeping in view the performance of his coalition Government.

If I were his advisor; I would have suggested him to join the cabinet as Deputy Prime Minister; that would give representation to over sixty five percent of registered voters in the cabinet, as defacto number two. In order to add much needed enthusiasm to the cabinet of wise men and also to offer a new & fresh direction to the policies and decision of his coalition Govt. intended to benefit majority of electorates that is all our young people. Further, Rahul would be able to grasp the nitty gritty of governance and very essential parliamentary experience from treasury benches. He can also put his advisory experience to good use by working with each ministry on a consultative role; setting goals, overseeing execution, evaluating the outcomes and validating the processes of each ministry to gain a ring side view of all the issues that matters in governance under able guidance of Mr. Manmohan Singh and his senior colleagues. Rahul won’t get a better school for training in the job of premiership. It may so happen;

Ms. Priyanka Gandhi Vadera would call it all quits; to her domestic responsibility and take the place of Rahul Gandhi in the Congress Party to complete the long pending restructuring of grand old party?? That would be a real icing on the cake for millions of younger people who are sold out on brother & sister team and hope their voice would resonate in the highest policy making body of the Govt.. May wiser counsel prevail?

Author: Bikash Choudhury, Chief Executive of Strategy Consulting Firm based at Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India. Contact: Mobile: 00 9853426657 Email: streben.market@gmail.com & bikashchoudhury@sify.com

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