Monday, June 7, 2010


Bikash Choudhury

I for one, completely disagree with the contention that India does not have any choice in global affairs and our strategic dialogue with US is intended to clear Civil Liability Bill,only. First of all, with or without civil liability bill US Company have got away with very lightly; Bhopal gas tragedy-Union Carbide was one prominent example. ‘Might is right’ holds good from the beginning of human civilization, and, it holds good even today at this age. We can romanticise about what is good for India? and what is not? but, can we entirely ignore practical operational issues in our external relations with US? Building strong and good relations between individuals, even, takes time and building relations between two nations as complex as India & US would take much longer. We can not, now, afford to make mistake of looking at relationship between US and India from a small hole. Apparently, US policy makers have started realising that in the company of India-in Asia; US would be able to hold on to its influence over global affairs much longer than otherwise. Further they understand, today or tomorrow half a billion Indian population would migrate from BPL to middle class, creating a mind boggling size of market for US companies and over 10 % GDP growth has its own center of gravity in global financial capitals. Who said India does not have options? India actually has; and India actually can maneuver its importance in global affairs by bragging a little in global capitals by people from diverse back grounds with a judicious mix of diplomats, politicians, Business leaders, and media chieftain like your editor in chief. India has to just attract 500 billion USD worth of investment for its infrastructure sector and rest would fall in its place. India would actually emerge as a very powerful force in global affairs on the strength of Gandhian model of sustainable development, liberal and accommodating culture, Art & Science of Yoga, Ancient and rich language of Sanskrit, Knowledge from ancient scriptures like four Vedas, Ramayana and Mahabharat; And, last but not the least by the virtues of Hindu ways of life in just a decade from now. Mark my words today.

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