Wednesday, July 28, 2010

PAKISTAN— Strategic Liability of USA

Bikash Choudhury

Pakistan is lucky to have the geographical advantage in Asia to be courted by Global powers in spite of being the principal trouble maker in the region. Just recent undiplomatic behavior of Pakistan Foreign Minister Mr.Saha Mohmmed Quereshi with visiting Indian Foreign Minister in public that to on a joint press conference displays Pakistani chutzpa; mainly born out of unstinted support and Billions worth of American aid. Americans have completely ignored many omissions and commissions of Pakistani establishment; top one being global proliferation of nuclear weapons and technology courtesy Mr. A.Q.Khan. Any lesser mortal would have to suffer the humiliation of American fire power just like Iraq. Pakistan has initiated four wars against India without any provocation. In 1971 Pakistani Army plundered its own citizens in East Pakistan that eventually led to the birth of a new country Bangladesh. In spite of acute draw back in Governance; Pakistan continues to lay claim on Indian state of J&K and therefore, perpetrate terror module from across the borders. Americans know Pakistan establishment under General Mussaraf played double game with USA; however, Pakistan continue to be a Strategic Asset of Global power, though evidence and current trends points exactly in the opposite direction.
Why Americans are so dependent on Pakistan? That defies a convincing answer. It is sad that USA Secretary of State during her visit to Kabul choose to ignore the misbehavior of Pak foreign minister which suo motto constitutes grave impropriety in Global Diplomatic Community in International Affairs. Can USA afford, not to take a stand on the issue? If not, then Pakistanis could be further emboldened to take more audacious steps to disturb peace in the region. May be, with generous help from their close friend China make an attempt to invade Indian state of J&K with the use of Nuclear Weapon and put the blame on Taliban; that would start a dangerous military confrontation in the region. Pakistani establishment has the will and interest to pursue J&K, come what may. Hypothetically speaking, what would be the impact on USA administration, being partner against global terror? These can be very real, knowing Pakistani idiosyncrasy. If such a thing did happen and result went against Pakistan; then, USA administration would have to take cognizance of Pakistan as a “Strategic Liability”?????

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