Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dangerous US Policy

(Published in The New Indian Express in Letter to Editor column on 3 August 2010)
Bikash Choudhury

Recent statements made by senior US administration officials recently. Admiral Mike Mullen has said “Militants may trigger Indo-Pak war, Richard Holbrook has admitted “The links between ISI & the Taliban are a problem” and Philip J Crowley said “We understand that there are difficult issues that will over time be a subject of that ongoing dialogue. We encourage India to sit down, talk at high levels, and engage in the issues that have created tensions between the two countries in the past”. It is important to know what our Govt. response was, to such sweeping statements of US administration. It looks as if our Govt. has not taken cognizance of US thinking that could have serious repercussion on our country’s security and democracy. First statement, indirectly or diplomatically notifying India of future attack, just like 26/11 from Pakistani soil and India has to keep quite; though, secretary of state has warned of disastrous consequence, should there be another attack originating from Pakistan. Why such a response is not open to India? The lives of Indians are cheaper than that of Americans? Second statement confirms the link and collaboration between ISI and Taliban; and in spite of that US administration continues to arm Pakistani military and offer liberal aid that eventually lands with ISI.What are the compulsions of US administration to follow such self defeating policies? That would have telling effect on the security of the region. Third statement, diplomatically sound India to bring J&K to the negotiating table which is against fundamental policy of Indian people; as state of J&K constitute an integral part of Indian sovereignty. This underlines US Govt. approach that surrenders to ‘International Bullies’ and only understand the ‘Language of Gun’, be it South Asia or Middle East. One thing, US administration must not discount the fact; if Indian people loose confidence over US administration’s neutrality & impartiality then that could have far reaching consequence on future US role in global affairs. Indian Govt. can choose to be aggressive. It is about time for US govt. to call off Pakistani bluff, fairly and squarely otherwise Americans would get embroiled deeper and longer in the region. Further, Americans must advise Israel to take initiative to resolve all outstanding issues with Palestaine in a peaceful manner. Identically, USA must take drastic step, both financial and military to stop Pakistan from being a security challenge for South Asia and World at large.

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