Thursday, October 21, 2010

Language Economy

Bikash Choudhury

If, status-quo persist for another century; then, all new born baby in
our country would cry “Mom instead of Maa” soon after birth. Only,
English language speeches would echo in our Parliament. And, India
would create more quality and quantity of English literature than
native English speaking countries; many, modern Indian languages would
stand marginalized and eventually die of disuse. Therefore, crafty
politicians Mulayam Singh Yadav oppose English language in Hindi heart
land; because, he foresees loss of political hold of his clan, which
may be partially correct. No body can deny the virtue of English
language which empowers people living in the margin of society. As
speaking ability in English open doors of opportunity for under
privileged. However, languages have direct connection with heart and
minds and that not only help communicate thoughts, feelings and ideas
but also create a culture of its own and reflect the lifestyle of
people of its time and place. Conceding supremacy to English language
would blow a death nail in the coffins of our Indian language and
At least now we must learn from history; India was prosperous,
once upon a time due to its agriculture, trade and culture which
attracted people from various parts of the globe and suffered maximum
number of invasions in the past five hundred years. India could have
rebuffed such challenges effectively, had there been a common national
language or if, there were adequate collaboration and literary
interaction between Indian regional languages which could have
fostered national integration.
English is one of the most modern international language just
appropriate for today’s time, science & technology and very easy to
learn and communicate with global community; however, Russian,
Japanese and Chinese have reached wherever they are today on the back
of their own native language. India could aspire to be a super power
on the strength of its own language without diluting the natural
advantage of Indian competence in English.
Popularity and importance of a language increase, substantially,
once it becomes official language in the corridors of power;
currently, English language hogs the limelight. It is being used in
over eighty percent of transactions in central and state Govt.,
Parliament, and Legislature of States and in Judiciary. Hindi and
other modern Indian languages have long become official languages in
centre and respective state govts., in paper. But, English language
still reign supreme, courtesy our bureaucracy.
Change of system always creates resistance and transition from
English to Indian language would meet stiff resistance. But, with
determination of Govt. and support of people would help arrive at
desired level of competence in Indian language for governance, in a
time span of two decade.
Recently heard an anecdote “one gentleman with PhD degree in
Sanskrit forced to drive an Auto to make a living”, this is not an
isolated example; many such persons languish in our society who made a
choice to pursue a career in one of the Indian languages. Govt. alone
is not at fault; we the people are equally culpable. In a MBA class
room of 47 students at Chennai; it was observed that 26 students did
not have the skill to write in their own mother tongue, Tamil;
Although, Tamil films are very popular among the residents of the
city……… Craze of English language is such, in a normal conversation an
ability to drop a few words or half a sentence in English would make
the speaker feel important among his peers. These minds set need to
change.There are very simple solutions to raise popular acceptance of
Hindi as national language and increase collaboration among other
Indian languages.

Competence in one of Indian language can be made mandatory for
all professional courses and in jobs of both public and private
sector. Further, Central and State Govt. can announce incentives for
competence in Indian language other than mother tongue. All state run
schools can create language lab for all 15 Indian languages
acknowledged in the constitution and encourage students to learn
additional languages voluntarily, apart from three languages which are
mandatory. Every organization should have language cell to promote
Indian language as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
by suitable law; which will create career opportunity for the students
of M.I.L. Teaching and learning of Indian languages over a period of
two to three decade can create an eco-system of language Industry in
publishing and literature. Indians are known for their creative
faculty; once the communication between Indian language takes root,
then it could create world class literature in Indian languages which
would have readers across the globe; thereby, help create a
sustainable language economy.

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