Friday, December 24, 2010

Structural Reforms


Currently, we see a systematic program of some political party to concentrate minority votes. Recent efforts on high decibel RSS bashing would be counter productive. The results of Bihar election has clearly shown that minority community no longer has fear in their mind which lingered for a long time after partition of the country.Minority community have been taken for a ride for half a century. Now they increasingly joining mainstream and more inclined to vote on the bais of quality of candidate, development track record and issues of Bijli, Sadak, Pani, Kapda, Makan and Education; which is a good sign for our national renewal. Terrorism is religion neutral and terrorist now come from rich and poor, educated and illiterate back ground; therefore, it would be very difficult to brand any single organisation or political persuation with terrorist mindset as it is omnipresent. The principal raison detere of terrorism is " island of opulence within the ocean of deprivation" in our society; further, increasing disparity of growth among regions within the country and state is fueling extrimist ideology. Solution lies in Imginative and Collective Leadership to rise above narrow party politics for a decade or so to resolve structural issues of our governance for good.

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