Friday, October 26, 2012


                                                        Bikash Choudhury

Now, corruption and its expose have been routine; but, the revelation of         Naveen Jindal, yesterday was the ‘show stopper’ and shockingly amusing. As the JSPL team’s sting operation confirms the omission & commission of Zee TV, a reputed National media conglomerate. Although, the complicity of media in the corridors of power and business are not new and certainly not the last. A few summers ago Radia tape took the winds out of two very celebrated journalists and a few corporate leaders and politicians on quid pro quo and sweet heart deals; that, no longer survive in the public mind space. Nevertheless, the JSPL sting cameo would stare us on the face for some time for an attempt of extortion using media fire power apparently very fresh nationally and further, the incident would hunt the media ethics & morality as never before. All ethics and morals have been sacrificed at the altar of speed money and instant gratification.      Shoma Chaudhury, Managing Editor of Tehelka once said, and which is very relevant to this context “India's political, corporate and media establishment sounds like a mobile cocktail party, gliding with  champagne glasses in hand, in and out of each others' drawing rooms, television studios, boardrooms and award ceremonies like actors in an elaborate charade.” No doubt, current spate of corruption revelation has hurt millions of ordinary people who give up their entire life to make their basic ends meet; while, only a few fortunate individuals in politics, corporate, media and bureaucracy corner all the cream without putting much effort or having commensurate merit. That makes many of us go little numb some time. However, if you step back, a little and see in another angle; may be you will realize this is some thing akin to our “Samudra Manthan” in the Indian mythology and best thing would be, let it bottoms up and there after the nectar should flow; but, who will swallow the poisons that would come out like Lord Siva? Let us figure it out.  

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