Saturday, October 6, 2012

Counter Chinese Designs

Apropos “Counter Chinese Designs” I share the concern of the author and also agree with his contention on joint military exercise with China could be a dangerous move for India; knowing Chinese fidelity or infidelity. Chinese are a complex culture knowing the complexity of their language “Mandarin” with only 3600 alphabets and the event of “Tiananmen Square” where thousands of young students were mowed down under the wheels of tanks. Which country on earth can do such things to its own people? But, it is very unlikely that China would ever dare to attack India again; knowing that would unite USA & Japan and, may be Russia against it. Further as per recent global experience, wars have been unwinnable and a drain on resources. Again, India has considerably improved its military strength since 1962 and Indian Army has not closed its eyes on Mac Mohan line as per recent news reports. However, the best thing to do, ‘to counter Chinese designs’ is to grow our economy over 10%, bring Pakistan & Bangladesh closer with economic co-operation and cultural ties and propose a multi-linear relations with Dragon country by Inviting Chinese Capital & Industry for our Infrastructure sector while constantly needling them indirectly on Tibet, Democracy, Liberty and Human rights through generously funded think tanks both Desi and Videsi. 

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