Tuesday, October 30, 2012

How to lift the Global Economy?

Bikash Choudhury

Let us be together. Let us eat together. Let us produce the energy together. Let there be no limit to our energies. Let there be no ill feelings among us. Peace, Peace and Peace. This is no whacky idea; but, the translation of a ‘Sanskrit’ hymn of thousands of years old. However, it is as relevant then as it is to day. The World is struggling with poor growth as the western economies are slowing down, having reached near saturation points. The Global Economic growth can be revived substantially if Western Economies take bold decisions keeping in view of the age old Sanskrit hymn; which stands for entire world as one family, who would eat together- in other words no one in the World would go to bed without food, there would be no dissipation of energy as the World would produce energy in co-operation and there would be no shortage in energy as demand could match supply and with religious amity and racial understanding would eventually lead to peace and prosperity of the World as never before. However, reality is staring at us as 1.5 billion people go hungry in our World. While, one family spends $2 billion USD for a home and similar transgression would be many more all across the World. The concentration of wealth with few persons, excessive expenditure in defense actually making global economy slowdown further. The result of USA Presidential election would have a bearing on Global Economic revival; if, Barak Obama wins the second term, as he has promised to cut defense expenditure, pull down theater of wars and looking at the Civilization Co-operation afresh; which, eventually would move funds from unproductive and wasteful expenditure to more productive developmental expenditure on nutrition, healthcare and education all across the World that would trigger virtuous cycle of prosperity. It is now left to the wisdom and judgment of American People.

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