Friday, October 12, 2012


                                                  BIKASH CHOUDHURY
Fight between good & evil is not new as Indian mythology contain and comprise a tale of confrontation between “Deba Sakti & Ashurika Sakti” and Indian history also replete with examples of struggle of Pandavas against Kauravas the result of which we, Indians are familiar; winning of Pandavas with what cost and strategy involved. Similarly, Chanakya also fought against Nanda dynasty to prevail over evil with the help of Chandra Gupta. Jayaprakash Narayan gave a call for ‘sampurna kranti’ and failed with his own followers. So the current movement spearheaded by “India against Corruption” and its leader Arvind Kejriwal is not short on content, intent and commitment; but, still it could be thrown into dustbin of history if they don’t adopt a right “strategy”. Frontal attack on corruption can’t be a good strategy as even Deba Sakti could not fight the Ashurika Sakti head on and adopted ‘tact’ to prevail over evil. Kejriwal once said in a media conference (mind rocks) that his party could win all 543 seat; whether he meant all or nil could not ascertain accurately. However, one simple arithmetic with very simple assumption we can come to a conclusion with a reasonable accuracy. If Kejriwal party currently has already 1 crore hard core supporter who would vote whatever the name and symbol of the party eventually and again if we assume that by the time election is held the support base of the said party would grow by 10 times, say 10 crore and if the party fields 543 candidates; each candidate would get 1, 85,000 votes and come 2nd or 3 rd in each constituency knowing each parliamentary constituency have on an average 7-9 lakh voters. Therefore, Kejriwals party may draw a blank in the next parliamentary election. In my guess it will take at least 20 yrs to get a critical mass in parliament knowing the way electorates in India vote. So the main objective of influencing the policy and decisions of Govt. by entering parliament would get defeated. Keeping in view the adage “if you can’t beat them, then join them”. Team Kejriwal could look at a strategy wherein they would induct members and indoctrinate them with the vision of the party and move 50% of them over to Congress party and BJP to change them from within while retaining 50 % of their workers with the original party. In this method they could attempt bigger changes in our system and much faster than otherwise building a new party from the scratch and winning popular mandate.
As regard to the issue of corruption; the strategy also could be modified knowing the profile of corruption in India. In my opinion, there are four types of corruption: Political Corruption, Bureaucratic Corruption, Corporate Corruption and Public Corruption. Political Corruption is siphoning huge amount of public resources for private use, Bureaucratic Corruption also drain a sizable amount of public resources in both revenue & expenditure and slowdown the wheels of Governance, Corporate Corruption has made our economy inefficient and un competitive and Public Corruption has made the toxic mindset & culture of corruption sustainable. The bureaucratic corruption is the most important link and that can be broken with help of “India against Corruption” by creating and propagating an alternative vision for the country, through awareness drive and public counseling. This can be truly called the “Hybrid Strategy” for the movement               India against Corruption and the political party in the making.
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