Monday, October 8, 2012


                                                       Bikash Choudhury

Ideas have transformed human lives from Animal existence to Nirvana. Internet, Mobile phone connectivity, Instant news about the World on the go and convenient air transport has made it possible to use Global talent for cutting age technological development all across the World which now holds the competitive advantage. These are the up side of Love of Ideas. There are down side of love for Ideas also. It is difficult for many of us to understand much less to comprehend; how a few people willingly drove a jet liner into the World Trade Centre (9/11) Tower sacrificing their own lives and killing nearly 6000 plus innocent people who came to work on that fateful day? How in the name Naxalism, its cadres kill innocent people brutally? How Hitler put to death over a million people in gas chamber? Apparently these people don’t realize that they are doing heinous crime in the name of and love for their own “Ideas & Ideology.” Their love for their own ideas grips their mind so completely that they feel joy and thrill in pursuing their Ideals at whatever cost. Just like young boys and girls when in love go against their family and revolt against the society. I have recently fallen in the love for an Idea: “Prosperous Odisha, Developed India and Peaceful World” that gives me immense happiness in spite of living in near poverty having bet all my lives earning to see this Idea take root in the society. Therefore, I have come to conclusion that Love for Idea can have dangerous consequence.

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