Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Bikash Choudhury

1. @Imran Khan “Pakistan’s Taliban Challenge” article in Daily Telegraph is awesome. The Real Solutions, for the Problems more Real in Pakistan. King Khan has Arrived.

2. Imran Khan says “Military Strategy must be part of Larger Peace Strategy” that involves—not alienates—the people of the Area.

3. Imran Khan says “A fraction of Money spent in Bombs should go into Development”

4. Imran Khan says “Pakistan needs to stop taking aid from USA” & “We have to do some thing different”.

5. Imran Khan says “We should try for Peaceful Solution, not another military one.” & “Violence will Create More Violence”  

6. @ NarendraModi  Modiji, Attack on below the belt won’t help your cause and beneath the tall leader, that you are. Weakest PM attack back fired on Advaniji, earlier.

7. @shashitharoor People of India would appreciate your restraint. We all are with You.

8. @BarakObama People of India prays for American’s and for you Mr. President.

9. Hurricane Sandy, Identified a need for a Powerful Micro Multi-fuel Power Generator for Home as over 3million people live in darkness without power.

10. I wish by 2020 India-Pakistan-Bangladesh would have one cricket team for International Matches and one Olympic contingent.

11. US envoy to China “we implore Chinese to meet representatives of Tibetan people to re-examine the policies that led to violence in Sichuan”.

12. Chinese Spokesman “Tibetan affairs are China’s internal affairs” But, truth would prevail as Tibet is now the concern of the World.

13. US should now engage China on Tibet at the level of Secretary of State and discard conciliatory words like “Implore” to get results.

14. US should apply same rule to China on Human Rights Violation as it does else where-Trade Sanction.

15. India & China one thing in Common-Occupied by tiny Island Nation. UK & Japan respectively.
16. Buddhism Originated in India and now followed by Chinese people. 

How to Reduce Fiscal Deficit?

                                                        Bikash Choudhury

Ministry of Finance has accepted Kelkar Committee Report and planning for fiscal consolidation. I just wish to draw attention to some new Ideas and Convenient ways of Improving the Revenue flow of Govt.

1. I think “Rental Income” is one category of Income which goes grossly unreported/under reported and thus from the Income Tax net; and, those income could be brought into the IT very conveniently.

a. If IT dept. ropes in College Students as Rental Income Intelligence Operative on contract basis and also deploy them to cajole/gently pressurize the defaulters to file appropriate value of rental income with some training; then, Govt. could kill two birds with one stone. Motivate the youngsters and enhance tax revenue.   

b. Govt. could expect tax revenue worth Rs.4000 Cr.-Rs.10,000 Cr. Assuming 4-8 Cr. Households for assessment with average rental income of Rs.5000-Rs. 10,000 and with tax rate 10-20%.

2. Union Govt. could build consensus with State Govt. on a reasonable stamp duty and registration charges for land/apartments and do away with the concept of Govt. rates and Market rates of properties and make it mandatory to put up the actual amount paid for the property failing which the sale deed would stand cancelled; as and when any discrepancy were discovered.

a. In one stroke Govt. could improve the revenue of states, bring all transactions into the main stream and bring an end to the manufacturing of black money in the real estate sector on a daily basis.

b. This step could also help in reducing the Inflationary pressure.

3. Govt. could announce a scheme for top 1000 High Net worth Individuals to Name the 25 K.M stretch of N.H in memory of their Family, Friends or Organizations @ cost of   Rs.100 Cr. for 5 Yrs.

a. Govt. could generate non tax revenue of Rs. 1,00,000 equivalent to $20billion USD.

b. This would move resources from conspicuous consumption to a developmental expenditure in the hands of Govt.

Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024

Mr. PM, What Next?

Prime Minister after two step economic reforms and one complex cabinet reshuffle must be thinking hard about what next? However good policy one Govt. makes; the net result would much depend upon the “Quality of Execution” and therefore, rests with top bureaucracy, Indian Civil Services and its other sister services. Indian Civil Services populated by a highly intellectual pool; that, Prime Minister can only influence and inspire by an overarching Vision and Goal for the country. Say a future look and feel of India; for example: The roads of India like the cheeks of Katrina Kaif, river water as transparent as the outfits of actress Malaika Khan, Indian railways as good as Euro rail, Educational Institutions as intense as Harvard currently, Hospitals as hygienic as ICU, Cities as clean and as beautiful as we see in the movies in Switzerland & Germany and now in China. It is beyond a bureaucrat to inspire 5million strong bureaucracy in union Govt. You will need a professional with Global exposure to attempt such a task. I have found one such person in a woman, named Indra Nooyui, currently Chief Executive Officer of Pepsico USA; who was credited with the concept of “performance with purpose” the prescription just right for Indian Bureaucracy to perform at optimum level. Therefore, PM may consider roping in Ms. Indra Nooyui for the tall job “making the elephant dance on its own” as “convincing a person against his will, would remain the same opinion still”

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

How to lift the Global Economy?

Bikash Choudhury

Let us be together. Let us eat together. Let us produce the energy together. Let there be no limit to our energies. Let there be no ill feelings among us. Peace, Peace and Peace. This is no whacky idea; but, the translation of a ‘Sanskrit’ hymn of thousands of years old. However, it is as relevant then as it is to day. The World is struggling with poor growth as the western economies are slowing down, having reached near saturation points. The Global Economic growth can be revived substantially if Western Economies take bold decisions keeping in view of the age old Sanskrit hymn; which stands for entire world as one family, who would eat together- in other words no one in the World would go to bed without food, there would be no dissipation of energy as the World would produce energy in co-operation and there would be no shortage in energy as demand could match supply and with religious amity and racial understanding would eventually lead to peace and prosperity of the World as never before. However, reality is staring at us as 1.5 billion people go hungry in our World. While, one family spends $2 billion USD for a home and similar transgression would be many more all across the World. The concentration of wealth with few persons, excessive expenditure in defense actually making global economy slowdown further. The result of USA Presidential election would have a bearing on Global Economic revival; if, Barak Obama wins the second term, as he has promised to cut defense expenditure, pull down theater of wars and looking at the Civilization Co-operation afresh; which, eventually would move funds from unproductive and wasteful expenditure to more productive developmental expenditure on nutrition, healthcare and education all across the World that would trigger virtuous cycle of prosperity. It is now left to the wisdom and judgment of American People.

Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024

Monday, October 29, 2012


Bikash Choudhury

Prime Minister expressed disappointment on Rahul Gandhi still bunking the Cabinet; soon after, the swearing in ceremony at the Rastrapati Bhawan. PM must be as anxious to know about the reason & logic of Rahul not joining the Cabinet as millions of his fans, supporter and Congress men about the reason of his celibacy.Rajiv Gandhi at his age became PM and he was already a family man. In an interview with Barkha Dutt in 2009 Priyanka Gandhi mildly reprimanded her brother for not tying the knot. It is very unfortunate that Sonia Gandhi, the ace politician she has become could not convince his son about matrimony in time. It seems Soniaji is a very liberal mother or Rahul being a very obstinate son. But, Prince of a Kingdom or Kinship does not have a choice on matrimony; as they are bound by natural law, to provide for an heir. My only argument is Rahul, before entering into 7 Race Course Road and before his hairline plunge further; should arrange for a tall, beautiful and intelligent hostess; who would look good in the company of Prime Ministers, Presidents, Ministers and diplomats. But, in the other side, Gandhi Jr. has done the right thing of not joining the Cabinet at this juncture and preferring to consolidate the Congress Party and prepare it for the next election 2013/14; and, that would be his first and biggest election of his life time; as Congress would pitch for reelection for the third term in current political environment.

PM said “cocktail of youth and experience” on his recent reshuffle; I wish to add, this is an exercise about genuine need for administrative push with political expediency looking at the calendar of election to States and eventually leading to the General election 2013/14. The attempt of PM to put younger ministers like Sachin Pilot, Jyotir Aditya Scindhia in charge of important ministry is a step in right direction. And, recalling immensely gifted Sashi Tharoor is also appreciable. Ajay Maken in Urban Development & Housing and Mr.Bansal in the Railways and Salman Khurshid in External Affairs should prove to be very good choice eventually. One would concede about impeccable political management of Sonia Gandhi; while, highlighting the slip on broad Vision for the country those were even conceived by Late Rajiv Gandhi. ICT & Telecom revolution was started by Rajiv; while, telecom sector has scaled up in last twenty years the ICT in Govt. has lagged behind owing to lack of seriousness of Leaders & Bureaucracy. By this time we should have all transaction in union & state Govt. digitally; which would be much faster than paper transactions and more transparent and at much less cost to the National exchequer. The other important vision of Rajiv Gandhi was the ‘Ganga action plan’ which still remains on paper. There are many others also which could have been done in last eight years; but, for lack of vision those may be languishing some where. Why Rahul Gandhi does not take charge of all this? When destiny has put him in place from where he could call the shots while sitting at his 12 Thougluk Road residence. If he wishes, he could follow in the foot steps of his uncle Late Sanjay Gandhi, who use to run Govt. departments without being a functionary of the Congress party or Govt.; to an extent, only for the good of the country.

Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:

Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024

Friday, October 26, 2012


                                                        Bikash Choudhury

Now, corruption and its expose have been routine; but, the revelation of         Naveen Jindal, yesterday was the ‘show stopper’ and shockingly amusing. As the JSPL team’s sting operation confirms the omission & commission of Zee TV, a reputed National media conglomerate. Although, the complicity of media in the corridors of power and business are not new and certainly not the last. A few summers ago Radia tape took the winds out of two very celebrated journalists and a few corporate leaders and politicians on quid pro quo and sweet heart deals; that, no longer survive in the public mind space. Nevertheless, the JSPL sting cameo would stare us on the face for some time for an attempt of extortion using media fire power apparently very fresh nationally and further, the incident would hunt the media ethics & morality as never before. All ethics and morals have been sacrificed at the altar of speed money and instant gratification.      Shoma Chaudhury, Managing Editor of Tehelka once said, and which is very relevant to this context “India's political, corporate and media establishment sounds like a mobile cocktail party, gliding with  champagne glasses in hand, in and out of each others' drawing rooms, television studios, boardrooms and award ceremonies like actors in an elaborate charade.” No doubt, current spate of corruption revelation has hurt millions of ordinary people who give up their entire life to make their basic ends meet; while, only a few fortunate individuals in politics, corporate, media and bureaucracy corner all the cream without putting much effort or having commensurate merit. That makes many of us go little numb some time. However, if you step back, a little and see in another angle; may be you will realize this is some thing akin to our “Samudra Manthan” in the Indian mythology and best thing would be, let it bottoms up and there after the nectar should flow; but, who will swallow the poisons that would come out like Lord Siva? Let us figure it out.  

Thursday, October 25, 2012


                                                       Bikash Choudhury

After finishing the Dussehra celebration I went to drop & see off a friend at the Bhubaneswar Railway Station for Puri Howrah Express. The train fortunately arrived in time; but, my friend had a RAC ticket and he saw some passenger already occupying his allotted seat and desperately looking for TTE for a confirmation or for an upgrade. That gave my thinking cap a job. The question that came to my mind first was, do we in India (A software power house) need a Train Ticket Examiner (TTE) in the first place? Can’t we deploy technology to make the job of TTE redundant and yet more efficient and transparent? The answer is very simple; yes, we can. There is no rocket science involved and no requirement to visit a software wonk; likes of Narayana Murthy and Premji for a decision. Though, you may require a competent IT organization to design the process, system and eventually the rollout. We may need to modify our Train ticketing system and the tickets with bar code or some electronic chips and each passenger compartment would have a swiping machine to validate the ticket. In this process we can redeploy 60-70 % TTE in more important aspects of railways like Safety, Hygiene and Marketing with suitable training. I guess Railways can reduce 50% of staff cost on ticketing and supervision and improve the business and therefore, surplus to be invested in High Speed Train Services and Dedicated Freight Corridor; eventually pushing our GDP up.         Any takers please?

Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024


How to use the visit of Bihar Chief Minister to Pakistan as a Foreign Policy initiative?

1. If it were, the Foreign Policy Objective of India to push the India & Pakistan relationship in Economy, Communication and Culture to the level of prior to partition in 1947; then, India should use the visit of Nitish Kumar as a foreign policy coupe. As his visit, could be designed to be the sounding board with Pakistan military, Govt., Opposition and Young people- University Students; without creating media frenzy and domestic & international expectations.

2. Our foreign policy pitch ideally should be to looking at the Vision for the future of two people together than dissipating energy and resources in futile pursuits. And, further keeping in view of ever changing Geo-Politics in Asia; India & Pakistan together could become a formidable force in Asia instead of being a supplicant follower of outside global power.

3. To execute such a plan; Prime Minister, National Security Advisor and Foreign Secretary should brief Mr. Nitish Kumar before his visit to Pakistan and lay out specific plans very carefully as what to discuss with interlocutors like Pak President, Prime Minister, Opposition Leaders and if possible Military.

4. Further, our Pakistan High Commission should arrange an interaction session for Nitish Kumar with the students of Islamabad and Lahore University to basically ascertain the views of young and educated Pakistanis about India & Pakistan friendship, collaboration and later unity.

5. Big ticket projects like Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline should be picked up from the back burner and similarly India could suggest for a SOUTH ASIAN RAIL in the model of Euro Rail. As this, project could attract Global Capital, Technology and also Tourists; while, enriching the twin economies of India & Pakistan and building strong cultural ties also.

Can we give this Idea a chance?

Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Research and Development

Apropos “The Quest of the Mind” by N.R.Narayana Murthy 24.10.12. While, I endorse the author’s contention that “how we move forward at this moment in our history will determine whether we lead the world well into the next century” and, further his emphasis on developing science & scientific temper in schools from where all future scientist & researchers would come from. I wish to add our Govt. should ditto USA policy of attracting the top brains in each domain of research with fiscal concession, free housing and environment that is expected by all researchers. We can even dedicate a small and beautiful city entirely for research. Our Govt. and Private sector have been little conservative on this score which needs a shift in entire “Mindset for Research & Development”.

Bikash Choudhury, Bhubaneswar

How to reclaim Indian Peacock Throne & Indian Kohinoor Diamond?

Bikash Choudhury

1. To post over 10% Economic growth in GDP

2. To Manage & Develop India’s Water resources

3. To Control all atrocities on women

4. To stop open defecation lock-stock and barrel

5. To leave the cities to Private Management & Development

6. To Integrate the Economy of Pakistan & Bangladesh with India

7. To allow Chinese Investment & Industry in Indian Infrastructure

8. To reduce Govt. and expand private enterprise

9. To boldly deal with Internal security challenges and External threat

10. To build Political unity on immediate National Goal & Concerns

India lost territory to China with a Military defeat and would regain all its territory from China with Global Diplomacy while promoting peace & development across the World.

A Tribute to Yash Chopra

                                                        Bikash Choudhury

Sudden demise of Yash Chopra shocked not only Boolywood community but the entire entertainment world in India; as, at 80 yrs, he was as young at heart as he was in real presence. His love for film and love for romance has been well documented; but, his death to Dengue fever remains unacceptable and leaves a very bad taste. But, will we change? The rich and famous are also now as vulnerable to Mosquito menace as people living in the slums of Mumbai. As a tribute to Yash Chopra; at least the Bollywood and other rich and famous persons living in the city should campaign and work for a clean and green Mumbai; so we may not lose another precious life to Dengue. The second thing I wish to request from Bollywood is to get together and give Hollywood a run for its money by making movies for Western & Asian audience while using Indian talent, Foreign Capital and Global Technology & Creativity. (Incidentally, in few years Indian authors and readers of English literature would surpass the native English speaking countries). That should be a fitting tribute to a person of Yash Chopra’s eminence and simplicity. Indian Govt. should create an Rs.1000 crore fund to unleash Indian culture as a foreign and economic policy instrument and accord Industry status to the Film Industry.     


Sri Naveen Patnaik,
Chief Minister of Odisha

Sub: Greeting on Dushera Celebration


I wish to convey my best wishes to you on Durga Puja and Dushera Celebration, to day that stands for victory of Good over Evil. I only pray Devi Durga, Laxmi, Saraswati and Lord Ganesh and Kartika bestow you that divine, cosmic, combined and collaborative power to lead this State, Country and the World we live in; to establish a Happy Nation & a Peaceful World.

I seek your blessings and good will also, on this auspicious occasion.

With Kind Regards,

Bikash Choudhury
Socio-Economic-Political Activist

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


“No toilet, no bride” says the irrepressible Jairam Ramesh; an IITian turn politician and environmental crusader and now, ever active the union rural development minister. Nevertheless, a well meaning individual with considerable merit and full of unconventional Ideas for good of this country. Apart from having the right connections in INC; he seems to have courage for his own conviction. His statement should ideally be seen as a “strategic social message” to curb the open defecation which stands over 65% and should be followed up by all political worker of political parties; as the same could solve the disastrous public health issues by 50%. We don’t have the luxury of 10 long years to eliminate this problem and therefore should be put in a mission mode not only by Govt. but also by Private sector and NGO and Political parties. The current Govt. policy does not factor in the rugged habit of people in the country side for open defecation and therefore has been a failure and resources down the drain and some in the pockets of politicians and village touts. And, even wherever the toilet is operational not used by people owing to old habits and lack of proper awareness. If villagers could be educated about health benefit in the language they understand the best then a positive environment could be created in our country side to stop the age old practice of open defecation that creates health hazard, apart from polluting the sources of drinking water. This problem can be creatively dealt with by marrying the objective with the habit of populace; and, that could be to create two separate toilet complex in each village one for each gender in do different ends of village in a spacious place with provision of running water and safety tank; but, the toilets should be of rugged design with stone pavements and separated by green/bamboo mess with open air option in some. This should address the habits of villagers; one, villager mostly go to release the night soil in groups, both men and women and second thing is they would rather prefer a spacious green environment than a small concrete cubicle and that apart this method would reduce the total cost of providing sanitary facility per unit of population and has much more probability of being accepted by villagers as this should be much closer to their requirement and added advantage of easy maintenance. I would suggest, in next election each village demand for a TOILET COMPLEX from each political party/candidate if they wish to have their votes; in this process, apparently we can completely stop the open defecation in our country in 3 yrs time frame provided all segments of our polity participate in this mission. No toilet, no bride can be a good starting point. Kudos for Jairam; but, he should not stretch it further.  

Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024

Monday, October 22, 2012


Apropos “Modernize Indian Railways” can’t have two opinions on the subject and all the prescription of author remains valid. However, at this point of time cosmetic changes in Indian Railways would achieve very little; as continuous neglect of railways has enhanced the cumulative challenges manifold, for the current Indian Railways Organization to deal with in a conventional way; it rather needs a different type of institution to make Indian Railways an engine for growth. And, that could happen only with a private entrepreneurial management not ownership; let the ownership rests with the Govt. As private management could do financial engineering required to save cash, improve efficiency and invest enough to keep the journey comfortable & hygienic, attract capital to finish Dedicated Freight Corridor & deploy High Speed Trains and plug the unmanned level crossings and above all improve the railways track record on safety very substantially. All these can’t wait for Political stability to return; rather, Govt. of the day should take a call today; if not yesterday.

Bikash Choudhury, Bhubaneswar

Sunday, October 21, 2012


I was on a shopping binge along with my mildly domineering wife; a few days before in Bhubanswar. Our first stop was Sahid Nagar to buy one new mobile phone as the old one was making my VIP caller including my little bro from USA scream for it was suffering from hearing disability in just 6 yrs of birth (purchased six years ago at Chennai). Before, entering into the Nokia Store at Sahid Nagar, spotted a Golgapa vendor from Bihar who refused to serve me Golgapa having a Cigarette in one hand;he obviously does not know the test & taste of cocktail of Golgapa & Cigar. I advised him to try "bloodymary; looked at me in disbelief. Threw the butt and enjoyed a couple of Pani puri before descending on the Nokia Mobile Store and in just five minutes snapped deal for ASHA 202-double sim card with camera & internet facility @4k, a very good bargain.(Irony of the moment was that when people change their Mobile just like their attire I was exchanging a new mobile after 6 long years) But, I was unperturbed;but, I can't say the same about my better half who for last so many years wish to upgrade my Mobile phone;always, my cryptic response would be "change your husband as well" followed by a long silence. Our second stop was Master Canteen Modern Book Depo to buy a book for myself and one to gift Naveen Patnaik on his birth day; but, while leaving the store I was carrying 4 books;as readers could guess the additional two books were selected by my wife-Hindi Titles just to reduce the weight of my wallet than intention of reading(as she spends at least 8 hrs before T.V) though, she sports a MBA degree from XIMB. Our third stop was Bapuji Nagar to buy/repair some kitchen equipment;my grudge was why you need so many kitchen machinery for two persons and when you cook just once ( my wife's constant refrain is don't expect me to go into the stove more than once a day; in other words, stuff with bought out items and visit doctor as liberally as possible;incidentally her sister & bro in law are doctors). Therefore, I just took a miss from the scene to light a cigarette in the guise of buying some accessory for the mobile phone. I moved to a little corner beyond the eyes of my wife's eagle eye and quietly blew a cigar adjacent to the new fly over at Bapuji Nagar; what I see next is a few vendors, auto drivers and rickshaw pullers immersed in devotional songs near a small temple with one harmonium and a few Gini with sharing of cigars in between; their feelings of Happiness was contagious with so negligible means. Therefore, I conclude India & Indians are still a Happy Nation inside its Poverty & Deprivation.But, do we need to change? My mobile phone rang and I had to leave; leaving behind some hard working and people and my half burnt Cigar. I promise to leave Cigar for Good;as tomorrow is my birth day as per traditional Tithi.Wish me Happy Birth Day. Disclaimer: I know my wife will never read my blog and my readers can't reach her.


Editorial Director
The New Indian Express
New Delhi                                          Sub: Long Term Vision for India/ India @ 2020

Dear Sri Prabhu Chawala,

Greetings for Puja celebration from me, my family and on behalf your readers from Odisha. First of all let me congratulate you and TNIE for organizing the first ever Literary Festival in Odisha at Bhubaneswar. The two day “Odisha Literary Festival” was a grand beginning in the temple city with rich heritage of architecture, culture, art and literature. Anthropologist believe Odia language, may be as old as Sanskrit (5000 yrs or more). Obviously, the language in its chequered history has seen many ups & downs. It is very humbling for TNIE to hold the literary event all the way at Bhubaneswar; which, deserve our accolade. I wish to suggest another concept for an event at Delhi next. 

                        The day before, US President and his challenger Mr. Romeney had a dinner meeting; putting aside, a year long aggressive and at times bitter campaign. This is some thing unbelievable and a novelty in our Indian context. However, Indians are a very close followers of American life style; why not in politics? In my opinion, the current level of divisive and partisan politics not good for the health of our country. How about bringing together Young & Experienced Leaders across the Political Parties on a common platform to Ideate on the ‘long term vision for India’/ India @ 2020. Who knows better than Prabhu/TNIE to organize such an event at Delhi? The Idea is to involve as many young people from the campus and listen to their Ideas about country’s future, along with that of Leaders; while creating a deserving Nationalistic atmosphere at the venue with the renderings of Lata Mangeshkar/ Shankar Mahadevan/ Shreya Ghosal/Sunidhi Chuahan and others. I think such an event, apart from being a money spinner could serve a very useful purpose for the country-by attempting to develop a frame work for Political Collaboration and Unity on immediate National Goal & concerns.    
Prabhuji, you will not regret having done some thing for the country (apart from your professional contribution) while you decide to hang up your boots, eventually.

Thanking you.
Kind Regards,

Bikash Choudhury
Socio-Economi-Political Activist
Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Bikash Choudhury

“The Vision has to be as wide as the detail is narrow and the will as strong as the working arm” said the doyen and pioneer of Indian hoteleering; non other than late M.S.Oberoi in his biography “dares to dream”. Three time Odisha Chief Minister, Sri Naveen Patnaik has time and again said “he has no ambition to become Prime Minister of Country and he would spend rest of his life in Odisha in office or out of office” which is as modest as his life style and for which he is admired across the political spectrum in the country. But, recently L.K.Advani in his blog post predicted about a Non-Congress & Non-BJP Prime Minister in 2013/14. I added; the PM next should be some one who would rise above the ‘Political Fault Lines’ and take bold decisions out of his own wisdom. May be, L.K. Advani would have Mr. Naveen Patnaik in mind; though, he himself a potential candidate in the race to 7 Race Course. And, many commentators & experts in the country and abroad believe 2012-2020 a very good window of opportunity for India to grow much faster economically and politically; not only in South Asia but across the World. That some how coincide with vision of Biju Babu for Odisha in 21st century to recapture the history of Kalinga. I see a distinct possibility, Odisha not only leading the Country but, the World under the bold and dynamic Leadership of Sri Naveen Patnaik. Odisha is destined to provide the “thought leadership” to the country and the World in this century.

        Biju Janata Dal could position itself favorably by unveiling a brand new vision for the country; that is, “Political Unity, High Economic Growth with Regional Political Consolidation followed by Global outreach on the premise of Peace & Development with Civilization Co-operation”

  • Political Unity: Building consensus on National goal

  • High Economic Growth: Contraction of Govt., Free Enterprise and pursuing a policy of Innovation-Excellence-Enterprise

  • Regional Political Consolidation: Socio-Economic-Political Unity & Military               Co-Operation between undivided India & South Asia

  • Global Outreach: Pursuing Peace & Development through Global Defense Contraction with Religious understanding and racial unity
The first step could be to welcome back Leaders of merit & mass base (old Biju loyalist) and deploy them for a National push. Those leaders can be counted with fingers;            Pyari Mohan Mohapatra, Bijaya Mohapatra, Dilip Ray and Srikanta Jena. The second step would be to create organizational base for BJD at those places where a seizable Odia population live across the country; like Kolkata, Chennai, Delhi, Bagalore, Surat, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad and Mumbai; just to hype the profile of the party a notch higher. The rest would fall in place over a period of time and "Kalinga would rise again". Any doubt? No. 
Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024


The press meets of former BJD strategist that was telecasted live by local channel came out as expected; a damp squib. Interestingly, he claimed credit for a few things little childishly; though, he rightly deserve little more and the benevolent Leader would have granted him that; but, what hurts the Leader the most is the betrayal of trust and back stabbing. Though, it is clear from the tone and tenor of the press conference; Pyari Babu, actually, very badly missing the old closeness and confidence of the Leader. But, the strategist par excellence following a very bad strategy that would rather take away from his main objective of returning to the party fold with may be a new equation. No leader would ever stand to black mail; however, indispensable the follower may be. Best thing for him would be, not to wait for a call from the Leader; rather, he should be little proactive as always he has been for last so many years and call on the Leader personally to invite to the meeting on 28th Oct. 2012 and must have the gall to accept the error in judgment in that public meeting to assuage the hurt feeling of the Leader, members & supporters of the party and people of Odisha who love Naveen Patnaik from heart. But, the first thing he should do is to guillotine his own coterie; who, for their own selfish interest, hell bent upon to destroy a formidable political force in the east.

Bikash Choudhury, Bhubaneswar

Friday, October 19, 2012


 Apropos “reforms not outdated, Mr. PM?” There is no two opinion on Indian ‘reform’ process should be endogenous. However, the economic theory of ‘returns to scale’ also applies to reforms driven by free market economy and therefore, current reforms would most likely to provide increasing return at an increasing rate since Indian economy has large amount of inefficiency in Agriculture, Energy, Education, Healthcare and even in Retail sector; which can be expected to contribute to the Indian growth story by attracting FDI and domestic private capital and management helping to eliminate legacy of inefficiency and unlock value which would not have been possible by our bolted Govt. & Public sector. This can not be called ‘waste paper basket of outdated Ideas’; though, celebrated author has made an attempt to reinvent a very “colorful phrase”. Author has wrongly compared American Economy with Indian Economy; which is as same as ‘chalk from cheese’ in its size and sophistication. Therefore, what applies to USA does not apply to India and vice- versa. Author has apparently tried to cloth his Ideological position with Intellectual arguments which should ideally be treated with contempt for Intellectual dishonesty and heresy.  

Bikash Choudhury, Bhubaneswar

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Dear Editor,
I refer to the news report in your esteemed and responsible news paper
about Baba Balia's reported remark on having a special session of
State Assembly in West Odisha. Though, the remark of Balia Baba may be
with good intention and he commands a good following among coastal
belt of Odisha and else where as a devoted and accomplished 'Jagannath
Sanskriti' exponent; however, he may be a novice in politics and his
statement could later encourage iodivisive forces and could cost life
and property; and, therefore, I wish to draw the attention of Balia
Baba through your esteemed news paper to desist & resist from Politcal
comments which would be harmful to the interest of Odisha. He should
rather stick to his domain of spirituality than dabbling in Politics.                                                                              

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Bikash Choudhury

The amount of time and energy invested by “India against Corruption & Media” in the recent past on corruption alone is not going to produce any concrete result; because, the problem of corruption in our country has become ‘Systemic’ and a few incidents of individual corruption and exposure of people at high places is not going to change the system any time soon unless and until we change the root of corruption that is our entire political and electoral system and practices; though, it is one of the important activity. Actually, there are some very important issues that need the support of “Political Activism” Kejriwal style; those are, atrocities against women and water resources and sanitation. IAC could do well to make a portfolio of real issues and blend with corruption targeting to get much more people support than single point action on corruption.

Monday, October 15, 2012


                                                            Bikash Choudhury

The last thing first: What will be the net result of the maiden and solo Political initiative of former BJD strategist-The Odisha Jana Morcha? This question is in the top of the mind of Journalist working in Odisha, Politicians in the State, Political analyst and even at the tea stall & Cigarette smoking hang outs especially in the city of Bhubaneswar. And, invariably the follow up question remains; if Pyari Babu would become a potential threat to the Naveen’s uninterrupted & unchallenged legacy and astute Leadership? Or, once again Pyari Babu would become another opponent inside the party biting the dust; in face off with Naveen Patnaik’s infamous charisma and adoration of people of Odisha?  
Naveen Patnaik has everything going for him, as electorate simply love him; even though he is not very fluent in Odia language; and, for holding on to his beloved father’s legacy and his people centric policies in Govt. and his impeccable administration and sense of timing in the decision making. Pyari Babu on the other hand has been the organization’s man and he knows the nuts and bolts of Biju Janata Dal as that responsibility was delegated to him for over a decade by Naveen himself; without any question asked. And, that was apparently an opportunity for the shrewd administrator that he is to get closer to leaders and workers of the party and he does have a lot of silent admirers in the party and outside for his personality and that swagger. But, will that be enough to be an alternative to a mass leader and one of the most popular Chief Minister in the country? The answer would be in the negative as, many recent surveys have given 90 % endorsement for Naveen though at that time Pyari Babu’s future plan was not known. Interestingly, Pyari Babu knows the workers and people admire and follow Naveen blindly. Workers can only mobilize people to come to vote; but, who to vote is beyond them; as you can only bring a horse to water; but, can’t compel to drink. However, on the other side political workers can be recruited fresh and even cultivated in the party; but, is it possible to create an aura around Pyari Babu within a short time of 18 months; knowing fully well how difficult it is to change the orthodox ways Indian votes. Pyari Babu knows it all as a strategist par excellence; but, apparently he is not prepared to quit without a fight being a very aggressive person that he is. Is it “josh men hosh khona”? No clear answer to that. However, Naveen Babu was well prepared for a showdown much before the coup the grace of 29th May 2012 was very distinct in his speech of 4th January 2012 while speaking in 60 yrs of Kalinga Foundation Award at KIIT auditorium “I am the youngest son of Biju Babu” and while shuffling his papers on the dais while speaking, he said “have patience, let me get my act together”; that was in itself a very powerful statement to make, knowing his reticence and choice of words. That was followed up by Athagara by election where known Pyari baiter Raja Swain got elected to state assembly. However, Pyari Babu has a formidable reputation as an able organizer and therefore Biju Janata Dal and its leaders can’t take him lightly; more so, as Pyari Babu has a perfect strategy in mind; first to create dissention within the rank and file of BJD through mobilization of “Odisha Jana Morcha” and second to create confusion among the voters with a brand new party, again named after Biju Babu-BSD (Biju Swabhiman Dal) to swing the electorate away from BJD to cut its vote share. But, million dollar question is, will it work? Here, we need to look at another side to the puzzle. Crafty Pyari Babu must have a line open with very frustrated OPCC leader and his mentor cooling his heels in Gauwahati for an opportune time to strike. But, when the entire Congress party and its UPA Govt. under fire from all quarter in the country; how much of help they could be to Pyari Babu’s scheme of things could now be any body’s guess. BJP also in disarray in the state, having cancelled the organizational elections and mostly would remain a fringe player in the state. However, the recent groupings of 11 smaller parties may be successful to open their account along side the outfits of Pyari Babu. Therefore, from all available indication BJD would capture 75-95 seats; Congress would still remain number 2 with 15-20 seats, BJP with 10-15 seats and rest would be split between independents and fringe players including the outfits promoted by Pyari Babu. At the end, some one should say little loudly “why bet once shirt, where, there is a very good probability of loosing the Inside?
Becoming a published author at the shores of God’s own country could be more lucrative than chasing the volatile electorate.

Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Bikash Choudhury

UPA Govt. has finally been cornered and lost credibility beyond redemption; with each passing day a fresh controversy or an act of corruption erupts as if it were a hyperactive volcano. Opposition, Activist and even a few supporting political parties and media working 24 x 7 to blacken the face of the UPA II Govt. though no fault of theirs. The      amount of prima facie evidence coming out of closet are one too many and with scale and scope, neither imagined and nor expected before; the principal fall out is that anger on the street is growing that is not entirely manifested accurately. However, the public perception about the Prime Minister as some one incorruptible still holds though by quirk of fate or otherwise, he is currently heading one of the most corrupt Govt. in the annals of Indian democracy. It would be in the interest of Congress party & the country, to call it quits and moves on with announcement for a fresh mandate, sooner the better. Congress Party could actually improve its fighting chances by sponsoring an unanimous resolution in favor of a care taker Govt. headed by an eminent and neutral person like A.P.J Abdul Kalam/ Gopal Krishna Gandhi/N.R.Narayana Murthy with full mandate to draw a cabinet to run the Govt. till the Parliamentary election were held and notified. I wish to see Raghuram Rajan as Finance Minister, Dr. Karan Singh as Foreign Minister, Julious Riberio as Home Minister, Deepak Parekh as Defence Minister, Ratan Tata as Industry Minister and Ananda Mahindra in charge of Infrstructure(Road, Rail, Aviation and Shipping). This would be a dream cabinet for the short run; though, for a long haul our Politicians are the best.

Communication with Arun Nehru(Former Home Minister of India)

The Dangerous Chaos that we have Embraced

Dear Sri Arun Nehruji,

Greetings for Durga Puja celebration. I write with reference to your above article in TNIE 14th Oct.2012.

1. Gloom & Doom Theory: While, I agree with your contention that our politics is increasingly getting fragmented; even, at the regional level; however, don’t share the “gloom and doom” theory of ‘anarchy & chaos’. This could be the political churning due to greater awareness, confidence and empowerment in the society while interplay between these issues and disillusionment with poor Governance can’t be ruled out. Eventually, there would be a slow movement from “Personality driven to Policy Driven Politics”. And, what could be the single most important policy? Than to see “India as a prosperous, developed and strong Nation of over billion people” in next decade.

2. Psephology 2013-14: Your analysis on numbers has some glitches as it does not give representation to Left, Tiny political parties and Independents. I pursue a hypothesis in which Congress would have lost half of its mandate- max 103 seats if election were held in 2013 and it would be in double digit if election was pushed to 2014 (as per schedule). However, I agree with your prediction and with all available indications BJP should not be bridging beyond 150. But, just incase electorate wants to punish Congress severely with a Negative vote; BJP may just could be the principal beneficiary being the main Opposition clocking 200 plus seats (though looks very unlikely given the ground situation). Regional parties put together most likely to reach 223-240 seats (Also, as per your prediction).

3. Suggestion: Arun Ji I have read a lot of complementary reference to you as first ever Internal Security Minister in the book “Bullet for Bullet” written by Julious Riberio. I wish to suggest you to do some thing about “Political Unity and Political Collaboration” across the political parties to bring little sanity and stability to our Govt. and Governance; irrespective of which party rule at the centre.

Thanking you.
Kind Regards,

Bikash Choudhury

Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024

Friday, October 12, 2012


                                                  BIKASH CHOUDHURY
Fight between good & evil is not new as Indian mythology contain and comprise a tale of confrontation between “Deba Sakti & Ashurika Sakti” and Indian history also replete with examples of struggle of Pandavas against Kauravas the result of which we, Indians are familiar; winning of Pandavas with what cost and strategy involved. Similarly, Chanakya also fought against Nanda dynasty to prevail over evil with the help of Chandra Gupta. Jayaprakash Narayan gave a call for ‘sampurna kranti’ and failed with his own followers. So the current movement spearheaded by “India against Corruption” and its leader Arvind Kejriwal is not short on content, intent and commitment; but, still it could be thrown into dustbin of history if they don’t adopt a right “strategy”. Frontal attack on corruption can’t be a good strategy as even Deba Sakti could not fight the Ashurika Sakti head on and adopted ‘tact’ to prevail over evil. Kejriwal once said in a media conference (mind rocks) that his party could win all 543 seat; whether he meant all or nil could not ascertain accurately. However, one simple arithmetic with very simple assumption we can come to a conclusion with a reasonable accuracy. If Kejriwal party currently has already 1 crore hard core supporter who would vote whatever the name and symbol of the party eventually and again if we assume that by the time election is held the support base of the said party would grow by 10 times, say 10 crore and if the party fields 543 candidates; each candidate would get 1, 85,000 votes and come 2nd or 3 rd in each constituency knowing each parliamentary constituency have on an average 7-9 lakh voters. Therefore, Kejriwals party may draw a blank in the next parliamentary election. In my guess it will take at least 20 yrs to get a critical mass in parliament knowing the way electorates in India vote. So the main objective of influencing the policy and decisions of Govt. by entering parliament would get defeated. Keeping in view the adage “if you can’t beat them, then join them”. Team Kejriwal could look at a strategy wherein they would induct members and indoctrinate them with the vision of the party and move 50% of them over to Congress party and BJP to change them from within while retaining 50 % of their workers with the original party. In this method they could attempt bigger changes in our system and much faster than otherwise building a new party from the scratch and winning popular mandate.
As regard to the issue of corruption; the strategy also could be modified knowing the profile of corruption in India. In my opinion, there are four types of corruption: Political Corruption, Bureaucratic Corruption, Corporate Corruption and Public Corruption. Political Corruption is siphoning huge amount of public resources for private use, Bureaucratic Corruption also drain a sizable amount of public resources in both revenue & expenditure and slowdown the wheels of Governance, Corporate Corruption has made our economy inefficient and un competitive and Public Corruption has made the toxic mindset & culture of corruption sustainable. The bureaucratic corruption is the most important link and that can be broken with help of “India against Corruption” by creating and propagating an alternative vision for the country, through awareness drive and public counseling. This can be truly called the “Hybrid Strategy” for the movement               India against Corruption and the political party in the making.
Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


BIKASH CHOUDHURY                                                   Apropos “reforms not outdated, Mr. PM?” There is no two opinion on Indian ‘reform’ process should be endogenous. However, the economic theory of ‘returns to scale’ also applies to reforms driven by free market economy and therefore, current reforms would most likely to provide increasing return at an increasing rate since Indian economy has large amount of inefficiency in Agriculture, Energy, Education, Healthcare and even in Retail sector; which can be expected to contribute to the Indian growth story by attracting FDI and domestic private capital and management helping to eliminate legacy of inefficiency and unlock value which would not have been possible by our bolted Govt. & Public sector. This can not be called ‘waste paper basket of outdated Ideas’; though, celebrated author has made an attempt to reinvent a very “colorful phrase”. Author has wrongly compared American Economy with Indian Economy; which is as same as ‘chalk from cheese’ in its size and sophistication. Therefore, what applies to USA does not apply to India and vice- verse. Author has apparently tried to cloth his Ideological position with Intellectual arguments which should ideally be treated with contempt for Intellectual dishonesty and heresy.

Monday, October 8, 2012


                                                       Bikash Choudhury

Ideas have transformed human lives from Animal existence to Nirvana. Internet, Mobile phone connectivity, Instant news about the World on the go and convenient air transport has made it possible to use Global talent for cutting age technological development all across the World which now holds the competitive advantage. These are the up side of Love of Ideas. There are down side of love for Ideas also. It is difficult for many of us to understand much less to comprehend; how a few people willingly drove a jet liner into the World Trade Centre (9/11) Tower sacrificing their own lives and killing nearly 6000 plus innocent people who came to work on that fateful day? How in the name Naxalism, its cadres kill innocent people brutally? How Hitler put to death over a million people in gas chamber? Apparently these people don’t realize that they are doing heinous crime in the name of and love for their own “Ideas & Ideology.” Their love for their own ideas grips their mind so completely that they feel joy and thrill in pursuing their Ideals at whatever cost. Just like young boys and girls when in love go against their family and revolt against the society. I have recently fallen in the love for an Idea: “Prosperous Odisha, Developed India and Peaceful World” that gives me immense happiness in spite of living in near poverty having bet all my lives earning to see this Idea take root in the society. Therefore, I have come to conclusion that Love for Idea can have dangerous consequence.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Bikash Choudhury

India could do in less than a decade which took China about three decades! Wipe out Poverty and provide Bijli, Sadak and Panee for all, at reasonable cost that poor can afford. Only if we allow it to happen. The current political environment could derail this small window of opportunity of India. The present top leadership, both in Govt. and in opposition apparently does not think about the ‘long term strategy’ of the country sufficient enough. “The long term strategy of India could be to achieve high growth with reasonable equity to help integrate the economy, culture, foreign policy and military of undivided India i.e., India-Pakistan-Bangladesh while slowly moving towards a South Asian Security Block sponsored by India. Simultaneously enticing China with huge Investment & Business opportunity in Indian infrastructure and Indian support for Chinese Global ambition with just three riders (a). Complete settlement of border disputes, (b). Settlement of Tibet issue with direct dialogue with Dalai Lama, (c). Proposing a new World order on the premise of Peace & Development. Chinese could be allured to look at India in South Asia as UK in Europe for USA in a New World order which is being shaped in this century.” And, therefore India would need to attract FDI, recalibrate the way we do business to unlock values, enhance competition to reduce wastage in the economy and better Governance. The much misunderstood & maligned FDI policy in retail is going to do just that to an extent. The virulent opposition to a policy which could help farmers a better remuneration for its produce, consumer a low price and all in the between a little more efficiency; without understanding the full implications, should be construed as “Anti National”. FDI in retail won’t kill Kirana shops as computers could not kill jobs and television/internet could not and would not kill the print media. I can vouch for this from personal experience of last five years; as I live, five hundred meters of a Big Bazaar Super Store in Bhubaneswar; where, in the close vicinity over twenty five Kirana stores are doing flourishing business and non have closed shops. How long could we afford to keep our retail sector under developed? Which hurts the farming community the most and the consumers. Odisha Chief Minister has taken most proactive stand on FDI Retail policy that of examining and implementing the policy if it were beneficial for people of Odisha. Opposition should have emulated Naveen Patnaik or at least could have suggested a ‘desi’ alternative to modernize our Agriculture sector; Agri & Agro supply chain and front end of retailing. Without that, opposition for the sake of opposition could be fatal for the people and would be against the “long term strategy” of the country.

Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 09853426657/09238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024

Counter Chinese Designs

Apropos “Counter Chinese Designs” I share the concern of the author and also agree with his contention on joint military exercise with China could be a dangerous move for India; knowing Chinese fidelity or infidelity. Chinese are a complex culture knowing the complexity of their language “Mandarin” with only 3600 alphabets and the event of “Tiananmen Square” where thousands of young students were mowed down under the wheels of tanks. Which country on earth can do such things to its own people? But, it is very unlikely that China would ever dare to attack India again; knowing that would unite USA & Japan and, may be Russia against it. Further as per recent global experience, wars have been unwinnable and a drain on resources. Again, India has considerably improved its military strength since 1962 and Indian Army has not closed its eyes on Mac Mohan line as per recent news reports. However, the best thing to do, ‘to counter Chinese designs’ is to grow our economy over 10%, bring Pakistan & Bangladesh closer with economic co-operation and cultural ties and propose a multi-linear relations with Dragon country by Inviting Chinese Capital & Industry for our Infrastructure sector while constantly needling them indirectly on Tibet, Democracy, Liberty and Human rights through generously funded think tanks both Desi and Videsi. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Flood Relief for Pakistan


I write with reference to News Report about severe flood situation in Pakistan; where 400 persons have lost their lives and thousands have been rendered home less. As India and Pakistan recently had a satisfactory bilateral talks at the level of Foreign Minister and substantial progress made trade, culture and visa regime; it would be Ideal if India could display a Humanitarian gesture to people of Pakistan by sending “Relief Materials, Financial Assistance for the affected people and our National Disaster Relief Force” in a special plane headed by Mrs. Kaur, Minister of State in MEA with a team of Parliamentarians and Media. This is to show that Indian Govt. and people would stand by Pakistan Govt. and its people in their hours of need and would always remain concerned about their welfare. Actually, people in either side of the Line of Control/borders are Indians before the partition in 1947; therefore, what Indians would expect from another part of India? Love, Compassion and Understanding. We must work towards a goal where the LoC would only remain on the cartographers map alone; and not in the hearts and minds of people across the border.