Monday, August 31, 2009

Resist Temptation to Strike Pakistan

People world over silently enjoyed the spectacles of shoe throw at American President Jorge Bush at Baghdad press conference. Bush himself regretted about the wrong intelligence about Iraqi possession of WMD which led to the war. President elect of US has criticized the war of Iraq from the beginning. Indian leadership must now recognize perils of aggravating already a failed country although Pakistan does not deserve a consideration in any count but it is in our own supreme National Interest, we must resist the temptation. India is a great country and just Mumbai incident however painful it might have been does not justify a shrill response rather India must consider a strategic response which should break the back of all state and non state actors of Pakistan who have been working against Indian interest for long time.

Indian attack would give Pakistani ISI and Military opportunity to take full control of the affairs of state and nascent democratic experiment would get derailed forever. More over, Indian strike would help forge unity among Military, ISI, and Jehadi fundamentalist of all kind to train their gun at Indian Interest at all the time. India must understand the power dynamics of Pakistan which is in constant flux. Neither Army is under full control of Democratic Govt. nor does ISI take all orders from Army the main sponsor of the organization. The bombing of Pakistani Air Force One with General Jia ul Haq on board was a live example of how these forces interact with each other at different times and situations. India should exploit the weak power dynamics in a covert manner as Americans have been doing with reasonable success on their own National Interest.

Indian leadership must display vision for a country of Indian strength. A billion population with one trillion dollar Economy and growing at an average speed of 6.5-7.5 % in a fiscal year, society rich with diversity in religious faith, language and culture. India has been considered as a mature nation in global flora from the beginning be it in non alignment movement in the cold war era or in contemporary world politics, India is considered as a regional power with potential for global leadership. Americans pursued the Civil Nuclear Deal with India in an exceptional manner was not symbolic but displays Americans deep understanding of future potential of Indian state. We must use our position in the neighbor hood to assert our role as a Peace keeper in the region through diplomatic and strategic offensives to form a conglomerate of willing nations against International Terror in South East Asia.

Traditionally Pakistani Jihadi elements are generously funded by sympathizers in Arab countries, Overseas Pakistani in Europe and America. On top of diplomatic initiative to block the major funding channels; India must, now, appeal to the head and heart of all sympathizer of fundamentalist terrorist forces with the sufferings of family of deceased and all the injured in 26/11 Mumbai attack by their physical presence in these countries to create strong public opinion and marshal the civil society in our offensive against terror across the border in Pakistan. International community at large must realize that India is acting as a responsible nation in spite of exceptional provocation. Let the global civil society fight the inimical forces against peace of the region on our side.

Last but not the least, Pakistani civil society activist should receive encouragement, moral and material support from Indian Govt. unequivocally to embolden the nascent group of Pakistani Peace lovers to exert pressure on their democratic Govt. to see reason and logic to face the war mongers in the establishment of Army and ISI with boldness expected out of them in the interest of impoverished people of Pakistan who have elected peace and democracy in recent general election. Top down and bottom up approach may not get the desired result in short run; however, it will certainly remove the sting out of Indian shells as and when India choose adroitly to exercise that option for protecting its Supreme National Interest.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Story of Two Brothers, 34 Years ago

A 34 year old story about two brothers. Older brother was about 6 years and younger one 3 years, born to a very dynamic and benevolent father and ambitious mother living in a small township in the eastern part of the country. Once, mother left the two young children at the disposal of her husband and apparently went for a visit to the Ashram of her family Guru. However, her Industrious husband soon got busy himself with some stitching work of the household and got so immersed in his work that he completely for got about the two kids. The younger one started searching for her mother and grew very sad and miserable, any amount of consoling by the older brother did not pacify the little kid; rather he began to cry silently inconsolably. Elder brother became very worried, wished to do some thing about it; knowing very well that approaching father would invite scolding and may be a thrashing, good one at that. Decided on his own that mother must have gone to father’s sister house, a good 3 kms away and if I take the little one to mother then he would be happy and cheerful. Older brother wish to see the, usual, cheerfulness, which was missing from his brother’s face and carefully whisked away the little one from the house in spite of vigilant eyes of his father and carried the little one to Aunts house unfortunately his mother was not at the Aunts place; sadly older boy did not get any help from Aunt’s family. Again, he brought his little brother on his fragile shoulder back home safely. By that time father had already raised an alarm and mother had also reached home. On seeing the two brothers at the gate of their modest home; everybody pounced on the older boy and gave him enough; both in cash and kind on his back and cheeks and the older one started screaming in Anger, Frustration, Sadness and of course for the disrespect and abuse, no body ever cared to ask what prompted the older boy to do, what he did? Sadness and regret of the event remained locked deep inside the mind of Older Boy for the rest of his life. History has uncanny knack of repeating itself; as fate would have it while playing with his younger brother a few years later, the discernible eyes of the older boy noticed a faint blood stain on the white canvas of his younger brother and immediately insisted to remove the canvas shoe and to every bodies surprise, noticed a small lizard in the shoe and a bite mark on his feet with blood oozing out from the wound. Without waiting for any one, the older boy put his little brother on cycle and rushed to the hospital nearby and left a word with friends to inform mother immediately to come to the hospital. The doctors at the hospital appreciated the older boy and took prompt medical care of the little boy and later, declare the little boy out of any danger. Older boy now stand vindicated of his decision and silently raised a toast for a long life of his brother. The older boy has now turned out to be an impeccable Strategy Consultant with an MBA wife to boot and Little boy has conquered frontiers of software development technology in USA and proud owner of a model look alike stylish, tall and beautiful wife, blessed with a gorgeous and cute little daughter, all of five years adept in gulping two big portions of KFC with liberal amount of carbonated chilled drinks and a bunch of paper napkins to control overflowing tears.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Smart-Waste Disposal

Solid Waste Disposal has become hurculean task for the both the twin city Corporation BMC & CMC. Commissioner of BMC is under fire from the High Court of Orissa for some time now. Still the solution elude the authorities regarding land for a dumping site.BMC need to think out of the box and devise a method to efficiently manage solid waste(500 tonne per day for Bhubaneswar alone) by following the foot steps of Chennai Corporation by out sourcing the solid waste disposal and cleaning of city roads to French Multinational corporation CES ONYX for seven years; the company is doing a great job that can be confirmed from any resident of Chennai. Otherwise, BMC may chalk out a new path in SWD management; that is actually marketing the solid waste through value addition by segregation of wastes from the start of SWD life cycle through designated collection bins for each type of wastes like wet waste from kitchens for Vermi Compost by Interested Biotechnology Company, Paper & packaging card board waste can be recycled by Packaging Industry and identically Polythin & Plastic garbage can be collected and sold to a Plastic manufacturer for recycling as raw material and again all E-wastes can be aggregated and auctioned to interested party at huge profit to BMC. BMC may appeal to the residents of the Capital city to segregate wastes from home and deposit in respective waste bins near to their homes, which they would happily comply in their own interest of litter free roads and clean city. Now, instead of searching for a dumping site BMC must hunt for a Company who would buy the entire value added wastes at market rates. BMC may not have to spend a penny for arranging for Waste Bins as such bins can be sponsored by the Industry. BMC could be richer by two hundred crores of rupees annually, by actually selling what we throw from our homes.

Bikash Choudhury

Evening Group Meeting at RRL with Generation Gap

August 1983, we jumped from school to college and to our newly minted freedom at College--no uniform and freedom to bunk classes as and when you desire to while away your time in the college corridor to just observe “the things of beauty & joys for ever” or at nearby tea stall discussing mightier issues of Global reckoning. But, our college was having semester system with its surprise quizzes, assignments, midterm and final semester, 30 exams in each six months. The initial euphoria of getting into college evaporated just when the first midterm result was out. But, our friends in other city colleges were having a gala time and we were very envious of them.

After the college hours, in the evening our group usually congregates at the entrance of Regional Research Laboratory (now rechristened as mineral & metal institute) and take seat on the left culvert facing the gate and on the other side was regularly occupied by Senior citizens of Acharya Vihar. There was a gap of about fifty feets between the two culverts which used to represent the Generation Gap between the two groups. While our group was chalking out plans for future higher education, entrance examination of various technical institutes and some times discussion veered round to popular movies, cricket and good looking girls in the college and in contrast senior people at the sunset of their life used to discuss or despair over the state of politics, their grand children and some time sweet and sour experiences in their personal and professional life. These two groups meet so regularly at the same place and at same time that became a permanent feature of the area; and it came to the notice of local press of that time. A few of the seniors some time walk over to our side to say just hello to the familiar faces and make polite enquires about our studies. After years of meeting each other the two groups silently developed a emotional attachment for each other. We miss them and their carefree laughter when they are not around as they would gently enquire about our absence from the place due to exams and other commitments.

With time, another group of six aggressive youngsters came in the scene, they would generally came in their bike and some time do stunts like driving bikes with front wheel in the air and other many such belligerent activity. Our group and senior citizens did not approve of the commotion at the place but never dared to approach them. But, as fate would have it some of these group members made little excesses while collecting contribution from a few Mallu (Keralaites) residents of the area and remain behind bars for a few days; their parents later packed them off to Delhi and our group silently enjoyed the calmness in the area.

After a few years many of our group members left the city for higher studies and only visit us during holidays. Our group strength now came down to four of us but we continued to meet at the same place for an hour. By this time I had picked up a job after completing my Post Graduation in a private company in the city. Days were passing by and we were getting anxious and worried to make some thing out of our life.

Our discussions would now concentrate on various opportunities in profession and business. Group members were getting desperate to become rich and famous and wished if there were any short-cut. Out of the blues one fine evening a good looking school girl approached one of our friends near the gate of erstwhile RRL and rest were history. Our friend was taken aback for some time but gained composure and sailed in the same boat of love. Other group members offered him moral support and time to see him through this uncharted territory. By this time the attendance in the other side of culvert, among oldies was running thin and with the enterprise of love our group anchor also missed to visit our evening gathering which brought the curtains to our community of generation gap. Hope to revisit the place with our group to the right side of the culvert with our grand children in tow.

Evening Group Meeting at RRL with Generation Gap

Bikash Choudhury


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Corruption A Myth or A Way of Life

Sukh Ram, former Minister for Telecommunication, GOI was convicted on a case of assets disproportionate to income. Mr. S.K.Tamotia former CMD of NALCO was also convicted by CBI court in a similar corruption case. In recent years, these two high profile convictions are just aberration to normal rule; people usually go Scot free on the ground of insufficient evidence to nail the culprit. Media and society at large have become cynical about corruption and thrown-up their hands on air for good. Corruption has entered into the mindset of a large section of society. Knowingly, unknowingly or habitually people corrupt or allow themselves of corrupt influence to get a set of benefits that normally would not have come on their way. A few simple instances of corruption in routine life can be cited to drive the point ; Breaking queue, Getting tickets out of turn, Claiming concession in taxes not applicable, Getting things done quickly by influencing person concerned, copying in the examination, Getting away by Paying Police for breaking simple laws of the land and million other instances many people choose to corrupt than follow the path of rectitude in day today life, yet always complain about corruption by bureaucrat, politicians, police and business men. Realisation has donned in current times, that charity begins at home and if we expect a corruption free administration then first we have to bury the corrupt mindset from our lives. No amount of laws would help create a corruption free world unless and until society at large make a social norm for rectitude in general life. Giver and receiver are equally responsible for thriving business of corruption in our life. Once, society makes that call, the administrative and political corruption can be easily controlled through suitable legislation.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Pakistan—Obama’s Test of Leadership

Defiant North Korean missile test with tacit backing of China and Russia has severely dented authority of new American administration. Now, Taliban march towards Islamabad with very complex understanding with Pakistan Army is surely driving Pakistan towards anarchy; which would ultimately endanger the security of the world in general; America and India to be specific. Pakistan would be the first measure test of leadership of Obama administration. In his acceptance speech Obama has outlined his emphasis on change in domestic as well as in foreign policy. Change must be in capital letter in his policy towards Pakistan to ensure global security and preserve authority & credibility in global affairs. The task has never been as daunting as it is today. Former KGB man, the prime minister of Russia Mr. Putin is looking down his shoulder, to regain influence all over the world fresh and China has just started to flex its muscles.

Pakistan has truly been labeled as migraine of the world now; but the road to the present state and ultimate destruction of Pakistan has been littered with support of USA policy in south East Asia since inception of Pakistan. Pakistan has only one policy, which is to hurt and humiliate India. Last 60 years Pakistan has armed itself with conventional weapon and nuclear capability through proactive support of USA and China at the expense of development of its poor people. Recent news story in Pakistani media confirm that poor people of the country ready to offer themselves as suicide bomber for a few lakh rupees. Such development is the symptom of grave risk that world has to contain with after Nazi policy in Germany in Second World War. Taliban in connivance with Pakistan army would take over the nuclear assets of Pakistan and target India for territory to spread Talibanised brand of Islam in south East Asia and attack American interest from a secure territory in India with huge population as a shield against drone retaliation by American forces. Pakistan army might be successful to take revenge on Indian forces for Bangladesh and Jammu & Kashmir with the help of Taliban forces in the bargain loosing the control of Islamic Republic of Pakistan to Taliban for good.

Obama administration has very few options left and time is actually running out for a proactive external intervention to save Pakistan from collapse and the world from senseless violence that innocent people have suffered in 9/11 at New York and 26/ 11 at Mumbai. Obama must recognize this as a common problem of National Identity in various parts of the world and draw support from all big 5 to fix the problem for good through uninterrupted negotiation till a package of peace deal is found for all aggrieved party. Obama’s recent overture to Muslim countries is just not enough for a durable peace. First, new American administration must devise a permanent mechanism to discuss about Middle East peace plan on the premise of two state theories with active involvement of Arab countries. Second, must take China & Russia in confidence to either talk to Taliban for a middle path solution in Afghanistan and eviction of its forces from Pakistan; or, failing which a joint military forces of big 5 with security council resolution to that effect must engage all Taliban and other terrorist forces in Pakistan & Afghanistan till complete annihilation. The task is as much challenging as perilous in current global economic slowdown. The job would ask for tremendous self-confidence and tallest ability of leadership from team Obama. Obama must deliver what he promised at the first place; The Change & Leadership.

Pakistan—Obama’s Test of Leadership

Author: Bikash Choudhury, Chief Executive of Strategy Consulting Firm based at Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India. Contact: Mobile: 00 9853426657 Tel: 91-674-2720271

Email: &

Letter to Prime MInister-Macro Strategy team for PMO


Prime Minister

Government of India

New Delhi

Sub: Macro Strategy team for PMO

Esteemed Sri Manmohan Singh Ji,

I take this opportunity to congratulate you on a fresh mandate for your government in general election 2009. This is once again, a challenge and an opportunity for our

Prime Minister. Challenge is to retain the confidence of people till 2014 and there after, Opportunity is to think big for India in long term, much beyond just electoral success and lay a firm foundation in the current term with bipartisan support for an uninterrupted agenda for growth and development driven towards super power India in a multi polar world by 2020.

Sir, very humbly I wish to cite the example of Singapore which made remarkable progress in between 1967-2009 to become a developed country under the leadership of Mr. Lee KuanYew, the founder Prime Minister. Many country men are very hopeful during this term of your Prime Ministership India would somehow run towards its coveted goal and rightful position in the world.

In addition to the Congress manifesto, UPA Government may need to consider the following:

  • Inspirational Leadership: Country needs inspirational leadership from

Prime Minister to integrate the various powers in the system for the common goal

of Samrudha and Sampurna Bharat

  • Macro Strategy Team in PMO: A multi skilled highly empowered team need to advise prime minister on a full time basis about strategic direction of the country.

India may need one unique strategy for galloping growth & development.

  • Foreign Policy, Economic and Strategic Necessity: Indian Foreign Policy now must have long term goal of having an Indian Federation comprising of India-Pakistan- Bangladesh keeping in view economic and strategic need of India as a Super Power.
  • Dy.PM: Prime Minister may need a competent and trusted colleague as deputy to look after the routine governance of country and leaving enough time for Prime Minister to contemplate on strategic issues if it is politically expedient.

Hope our IDEAS would be of interest to the Prime Minister and look forward to an opportunity to meet the Prime Minister in person at a convenient time and date suitable to the PMO.

Kind Regards,

Bikash Choudhury

Off: GA-41 Niladri Vihar C.S.Pur Bhubaneswar Orissa 751021 Tel: 2720271 Mob: 09853426657

Res: Flat No: 105 Divyasai Enclave Sailashree Vihar C.S.Pur Bhubaneswar Orissa 751021

American Financial Meltdown – The Last Alarm

9/11,the devastation of World Trade Centre and attack on Pentagon with the use of civilian aircraft as explosive was the first siren for American Imperialism and Financial melt down may be the last warning bell for Americans and their policy apparently in an Uni polar world. Shrewd maneuvers of Regan Administration help the end of former USSR with co-operation of innocent and benevolent Leader Mikhail Gorbachev, then General Secretary of Communist Party of USSR. European and American leaders led Mr. Gorbachev in the garden path by their initial support of his policy of Glasnost and Perestroika but pulled the trigger when Gorbachev required moral and material support from west to meet the challenges of transition. Bush Sr. Administration claimed strategic victory for fragmentation of USSR. President Jorge Bush Senior developed an American ambition of Super Power Dom much like fascist, to Rule the world by force with concepts popularized by Regan Administration; like star war that is arming of the skies. History is replete with examples of how ambition to enforce authority over the world has led to decimation of the very country and its leadership. Alexander and Adolph Hitler were classic example of such ambition leading to the termination of their empire. Americans are credited with infamous first use of Atomic Bomb in this planet at the end of World War II, when it was least required strategically. The use of Atomic bomb by terrorist group is now hunting American State. America may be the next target of Atomic bomb by Islamic Terrorist group. 9/11 took ten years to plan and currently over 2 million Muslim Americans live in USA. If the current American policy against Muslim countries does not change; it may so happen, USA would invite wrath of atomic bomb from its own atomic arsenals by one of its very own Muslim American sympathizer of Jehadi element. This may appear fictional at the moment, but the determination of Muslim fundamentalist force and free access to state of the art technology and pool of highly competent human resources has unfortunate potential to be a very real threat to USA.Terrorism is a dangerous mindset created by deprivation, alienation and injustice meted to a section of society by indifference of State/Foreign power and its solution lie in the minds of affected people and not in use of disproportionately huge Fire Power. Americans must learn from the mistakes of former USSR and pursue a healthy strategy of Collaboration with Taliban Leadership who is ironically a byproduct of two decade old American policy to contain USSR with liberal support from the spoilt child of South East Asia, Pakistan. Interestingly Pakistan is bleeding from the wrath of same Islamic Fundamentalist forces, they help create to use against India with tacit support and encouragement from the then big Daddy, Americans.

The symptom of current American Financial meltdown, apparently, the result of over leveraging of debts and imaginative financial instruments to create artificial liquidity and windfall profit by a large spectrum of American Financial market. The deeper fundamental problems were; years of American allocation of resources to defense sector at the cost of needy social sector, short term profiting from Arms trade across the world orchestrated by famous American war machinery and of course due to austentious consumption and Greed & Life style in conflict with Nature. America has thus far survived because of unprecedented global faith in its currency-US Dollar. If America continues to pump money in offensive posturing, the whole financial system would collapse under the weight of eroding global trust on its currency and would loose considerable influence over affairs of the World.

Land slide verdict in favor of senator Barak Obama and his vision for change rekindles a new hope for a world free of war and violence substituted by peace and development. Mr. Obama, the President Elect after assuming office of the President of USA would need a robust Policy for a common World, One Religion of Humanity to create shared understanding among religions on the basis of their own teachings of universal brother hood, Shared Climate and Interdependent Global Economy to usher in Security, Peace and Prosperity across the World.

American Financial Meltdown – The Last Alarm

Author: Bikash Choudhury, Chief Executive of Strategy Consulting Firm 'STREBEN MARKETING SERVICES' based at Bhubaneswar, Orissa. Contact: Mobile: 00 9853426657 Tel: 91-674-2720271

email: &

People of Pakistan Must Speak out for Peace and Democracy

Pakistan was born day earlier than India on 14th August 1947, conventionally, the position of elder brother as a Country. However, soon after birth, elder brother Pakistan always behaved as a spoilt child. In 60 years, Pakistan and India have fought four wars and millions of skirmishes killing lakhs of innocent people. For whose benefit? Division of India for Independence was a tactical strategy of British rulers to continue to earn some revenue in terms of profit from sells of weapons and stop the growth of undivided India as a powerful Country. Now, section of Pakistani Army and ISI wish to hold on to their Power at the expense of democratically elected Govt. ISI led Mumbai attack on 26/11 is part of this grand strategy. Who is going to benefit from this fighting and bloodshed?

A few people and two organizations in Pakistan would enjoy absolute power without accountability. It is time People of Pakistan must elect Peace and come to the street in support of their Democratic Govt. and make Army and ISI subordinate to Peoples choice that is Govt. elected by people. Pakistani People would benefit the maximum in friendship with India. Violence has already killed a country in the neighbor hood, Afghanistan. Can People of Pakistan afford to be a lawless banana republic?

President Zardari was right when he said; ‘there is no threat to Pakistan from India’. History, is any testimony, all the wars till date with Pakistan were creation of Pak Army and ISI. During partition, million people perished in either side in communal violence and arson at the time due to the enlightened self interest of then rulers and half a million people must have courted death in four wars that two countries fought after freedom, could have been avoided. Who would have benefited most from the wars-undoubtedly the arms supplier who did not loose any near and dear ones but wind fall profit. Pakistani People must not be hostage to either war mongering from section of army & ISI or the mullahs. India has now over 18 Crore population of Islamic faith as good as entire Pakistan. India and Pakistan would have spent 375 billion USD at current value in defense in little over 60 years. A colossal waste of resources for a developing country like us; more over, ironically forty percent of the total sum would have gone to the kitty of war industry of developed countries. In contrast a quarter of the sum could have put all poor children in the school, land for land less and employment for a millions of our unskilled people in both countries. Sadly, we are killing ourselves and at the same time making rich people in developed countries Richer. What could have been more travesties of Collective Wisdom of Two great countries?

India and Pakistan are one people, have a common history, shared culture and actually a complementary Economy. By choosing Peace, People of Pakistan and India would become economically and politically powerful in the world which is being shrewdly sabotaged by western powers in their own interest. We must now use our collective wisdom to understand the games of world powers and take decisions rather, in the interest of our people in the region than being pawns in the hands of imperialist forces who have already plundered our economy for two centuries. Time for Pakistani People to Speak out Loud and Clear Army to the barracks and elected representative for Peace and Prosperity in the region. Intelligent Pak army could read writing on the walls and give up the feeling of insecurity and aid civilian Govt in the task of building the country brick by brick in collaboration with Indian People who have never stopped extending their hands of friendship. In the words of former Prime Minister of India Atal Bihari Bajpai Ji ‘JUNG NA HONE DENGE’.

People of Pakistan Must Speak out for Peace and Democracy

Author: Bikash Choudhury, Chief Executive of Strategy Consulting Firm 'STREBEN MARKETING SERVICES' based at Bhubaneswar, Orissa. Contact: Mobile: 00 9853426657 Tel: 91-674-2720271

email: &

Bury Slum Dog in Mumbai

Slum dog Millionaire may earn a few Oscar Awards to make India proud for the Indian context depicted or caricatured in the movie by Danny Boyle and the artist, majority of whom are Indians; but the context would live on. On the contrary, if the movie makes our politicians, bureaucrats and opinion-makers think a little about the pain and agony of people particularly children living in the toxic environment of Mumbai slums; then that would be more than all the Oscars put together because that will help germinate a will power to bury the slums of Mumbai in the nearest sea shore for good.

Currently approximately 80 lakh people live in slums of Mumbai in total area of about 20 squares Km. Slum dog millionaire has shown the life inside the slum in great detail for viewers of the movie to almost test the life themselves. Now, can we show some hope for the people living their. A modicum of shelter to live with dignity as human being and facility of very basic necessity like portable water and arrangement to attend to natures call with minimum standard of hygiene. This may be a tall order for Mumbai. But, People must now think of possibility of change at the least. There after only some action would take shape. Global Consulting firm Mckinsey and Company prepared report titled “Vision Mumbai” to turn Mumbai into a world class city by 2013. The report has a blue print for Mumbai’s overall development which covers focus areas like Housing, Transportation, Infrastructure and Governance. The total estimated cost would be @ $ 50 billion USD. Political parties are busy preparing their election manifesto for the general election tentatively for April 2009; Mumbaits must ensure that the Issue of Mumbai’s Development prominently figures in the election manifesto of all political parties in the general election. Mumbai contributes 40 % of all tax revenue to central govt. and 40 % of exports sail thru Mumbai, it is time, city gets its priority right.

After all, Government is an organization and there is a limit at which it can alleviate the problems of its all citizens; it is imperative for the private sector and the beneficiaries to poll together their resources to find solution to intractable problems like that of urban housing to remove slums.However, govt. must facilitate private participation by removing hurdles like Urban Land Ceiling Act., the Rent Control Act. and time taken for building approvals. Mumbai would require around 20 lakh dwellings for the slums alone. It may be attractive for private sector to partly subsidies the cost of dwellings of slums by constructing one lakh HIG homes for the middle class and rich and premium commercial space. The project could consider vertical city design of World Trade Centre New York destroyed in 9/11 terrorist strike. Our premier technical institutions like IIT, Indian institute of science and Building Research Institute must study to develop new technology and building materials to deal with the challenges of low cost urban shelter. Once Govt. decides to implement the project; the scale and quantum of the work involved would attract all the Global biggies in Real Estate Industry including a few of our own like L&T ECC, HCC, S&P, DLF and Unitech group.The project would drum up demand for steel, cement, construction equipment, Commercial Vehicles and many other related industry at a time like this with sluggish economy. Hope Slumdog Millionaire would be the last movie on the life of Mumbai Slum because none would stand on the soils of Mumbai.

Bury Slum Dog in Mumbai

Author: Bikash Choudhury, Chief Executive of Strategy Consulting Firm 'STREBEN MARKETING SERVICES' based at Bhubaneswar, Orissa. Contact: Mobile: 00 9853426657 Tel: 91-674-2720271

email: &

Mind of Rapist- Natures Call?

Cover story in India Today ‘Mind of Rapist’. The conclusion drawn by the team of Columnist “Rapes are not about sex per se; they are about power and about reinforcing the masculine identity in a warped way.” not sustainable by any empirical study. Years back Mr. Khuswant Singh a very senior journalist and author had cryptically commented that “ The first thing that man thinks in his mind after seeing a new face of opposite sex is how good she would be in his bed.” Mr. Singh could be closer to the truth. Nature would always prevail. By nature man is genetically polygamous and woman monogamous. The current social practice and legal frame work are in favor of monogamy. Since, we can’t make the water flow up-wards; therefore, keeping with nature men revolt against the social system sporadically which generally called rape of women that has attained a reprehensible figure of twenty thousand a year in the country. And thriving red light area in the backyard of each developing cities and towns amply proves the quantum of unfulfilled desire of men folks for sexual gratification within the four corners of society. There is no easy solution to stop or control crime against women in the short run. Press and other civil society has greater role to start a healthy public debate about the need for changes in social custom relating sexuality with objective to accommodate the natural preference of a section of society(men) with dignity and later, legal sanctions. As per some Tribal custom; young men and women of village meet over drinks to let loose their carnal desire with full knowledge and sanctions of their respective families—Is this the way forward for our society to bring full stop to the exploitation & suffering of women in the red light area and on the road. In the short term women need to be counseled to be bolder in the privacy of bed room to check men’s carnal fantasy from spilling over to the road. Further, women can arm themselves with pepper/chilly spray to ward off all such indecent proposals. At the least, govt. should create an ultra fast response centre with toll free helpline in all such cities and towns where the crime against women are on the rise and further Govt. also should facilitate an all woman institution (Police, Medical, Detectives & Judiciary) to deal with rape cases and victims with sensitivity. The last mile objective should be to create an environment of security for women and exemplary deterrence for crime against them.
Mind of Rapist- Natures Call?
Author: Bikash Choudhury, Chief Executive of Strategy Consulting Firm based at Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India. Contact: Mobile: 00 9853426657 Tel: 91-674-2720271
Email: &


Medical education and practice is improving consistently in the country. But, that is not enough to cater to the demand on health services for a billion plus population of the country. In Rural areas, in spite of National Rural Health Mission's efforts-- has not been able to meet the basic need for health in 6 lakh villages in the country.Time has come to think of an alternative model-paradime which should be able to meet the challenges of providing quality health care facility in each of 6.5 lakh villages in the country. Allow me to suggest the following:-


1. The no of Qualified medical professionals per 1000 of Population is abysmally low in our country.

2. Because, The system of medical education is still the privilege of a few(Too elitist & Merit driven)

3. Rural students have constraints in accessing the current system of medical education which is either driven by merit or Money and they fail in both the criteria.

4.Urban based medical professional are not ready, voluntarily to work in Rural Areas; therefore, rural health services would always remain under staffed.


1. Need Based Medical Education in addition to existing Merit & Money Driven system.

2. Need based medical education system can design a course in between B.Pharma & MBBS.[Diploma level MBBS]

a. Which could serve the primary need of health services in rural areas.(Basic Diagnosis, Prescription of Drugs & Minor surgery without anesthesia)

b. The academic eligibility for such medical course should be such that rural students would be able to qualify through an entrance examination/qualifying marks in +2 Science to be conducted exclusively for Rural Based Students Only.

c.Exclusive low cost Medical Colleges can be set up with bare minimum infrastucture in Rural Hubs.

d. Funding for such medical colleges can be obtained from a hybrid sources- Public Funding( Budgetary Support/NHRM/Multilatral Aid Agency like World Bank & Asian Development Bank, IMF Ect.) Private funding through a Viable Business model and Fiscal benefits. And of course, through voluntary contribution of Beneficiaries in rural areas through Health Insurance & other schemes.


1. The Ratio of Medical Professionals to 1000 of Population would improve substantially in a period of 10 years.

2. India Centric Quality Health Services could be established in short time at Lower Cost fulfilling the need of rural areas entirely.

3.Hope a Larger percentage of Rural health professional from Rural based medical institutes would willingly work in rural areas near to their home.

4.Quality and Availability of Health Infrastucture would Improve substantially with lower Investment.

5. Govt.would have to spend less in disease control and epidemic prevention.

6.Could Drive Rural Economy in a Faster Trajectory.

These IDEAS must be examined by the MCI to frame Policies to that effect without any further delay to offer the country a safe and sound health system sooner than later.

Author: Bikash Choudhury, Chief Executive of Strategy Consulting Firm based at Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India. Contact: Mobile: 00 9853426657 Tel: 91-674-2720271

Email: &

Peace with Pakistan- A Long Haul

India talking peace to Pakistan after few months of each brutal attack on Indian soil may be, in hindsight very sad humor on Indian foreign policy but practically India does not have many options in conventional sense; to minimize the loss against a rogue state that pursue terror as state policy to receive international aid from western countries to feed the passion of their Army for weapons. However, esteemed columnist fallen to the same trap of stereotype of Indian journo without offering anything fresh in terms of new idea to be examined by the govt. regarding Pakistan.

In my opinion govt. must continue to engage Pakistan without being hostage to terror strike and keeping the nation’s expectation of a break through at low in short term. Pakistan has completely surrendered its national interest to the wishes of western powers due to internally bickering for supremacy. India has to be patient and work for long term objective of bringing peace to its western borders by convincing amorphous Pakistani ruling class of great mistake of partition in1947; Pakistan can choose between; being a prosperous regional power as an equal partner with common economic and foreign policy with India as a sovereign nation or being a follower of western powers as a third world country with a begging bowl and compromising the freedom of a sovereign country. India must engage top fifty people in each section of Pakistan ruling class continuously behind the media glare on a long term basis to achieve stable and long term peace with a conducive eco-system for a flourishing economy and culture in the subcontinent.

Peace with Pakistan- A Long Haul

Author: Bikash Choudhury, Chief Executive of Strategy Consulting Firm based at Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India. Contact:Mobile: 00 9853426657 Tel: 91-674-2720271Email: &

Flat No: 105, Divya Sai Enclave, Plot No- 8 P, Sailashree Vihar , Bhubaneswar-75021

Mohammed Ghauri at the Doors

History has uncanny habit of repeating itself. Mohammed Ghauri attacked India in 1175 and later in1191 without much success; however, in 1192 Mohammed Ghauri attacked India again with better preparation and defeated and killed Emperor of Delhi, Prithiviraj; written in any standard history books, worse; the full story was googled by the author of this article. Pakistan is going to repeat the story again in its fifth attempt; Kargil being the fourth one. Pakistani Army is going to turn all the conventional theories on its head to take revenge on India by waging a mix of conventional, unconventional, tactical war and with a very potent weapon of treachery and confusion.

Irony. At the time of 26/11 Mumbai attack Pakistani foreign minister was in India and expressed surprise and regret about the Mumbai attack and outright offered support and assistance to unravel the forces behind the attack and even moved one step further, and assured India to send ISI chief to India to help in the investigation which actually never happened. Subsequently, Pakistani authorities went into a denial mode and disowned the lone terrorist captured in the Mumbai attack Mohammed Kasab. Later, various Pakistani leaders went into offensive and demanded evidence of Mumbai onslaught. Moribund Govt. in India led by UPA started its coercive diplomacy across the world and was very satisfied when Govt. of Pakistan agreed to the charges and evidence provided by Indian Govt. that Pakistani soil was used to plan and execute the Mumbai attack although Pakistani ISI was actually behind the dastardly attack wherein 179 innocent lives were lost. Soon after, Pakistani Govt had a deal with Taliban in SWAT valley to enforce SAHARIAT law in the area; subsequently Srilankan cricket players had a providential escape from a terrorist attack in Lahore. Most recently there was broad day light attack on Police training college in Pakistan not very far from Indian borders. And now there is news story of about 30 to 40 Taliban terrorist having entered into India in Kashmir region. In all these, Army chief of Pakistan has maintained his studied silence, very unlike of Pakistani General. No Indian worth his salt can forget or forgive General Musaraf, the principal architect of Kargil war which was being hatched while Indian Prime Minister Sri Atal Bihari Bajpai was leading a peace initiative traveling to Lahore by Bus. And now of all people Mr. Holbrook, landed in India to lecture India to talk to Pakistan knowing India going through its crucial general election. Any dumb analyzer of events would smell the well choreographed Pakistani strategy of hood winking India and the whole world through clever nuclear blackmail in one hand and of growing Taliban threat to world security in the other hand; while over the years Pakistani Govt. its Army and ISI have nurtured Taliban to their present strength. Curiously, Indians are inviting the likes of General Musaraf to speak and allow him to threat India in Indian soil and David Miliband encouraging Pakistan for its all misdemeanors and yet being invited to sleep over party in greens of Indian countryside at Amethi .These are the height of decency and decorum Indians would always display contrary to learning from history. This could be the undoing of very India and otherwise known as Hindustan; a way of life comprise of many synthesis of religion, language and culture. However, India must now recognize the threat, evaluate the strength and map the strategy of all evil forces who have confirmed intention of harming India; Pakistan and its imperial backers. Complacency of our Govt and disunity among our leaders has the unfortunate potential of bringing defeat and destruction to Indian doors sooner or later. If Prithiviraj Chauhan would have finished the retreating army of Ghauri in 1191 A.D, country could have been spared of 750 years of foreign rule but for his belief in Indian human values.

The silence of Pakistani Army chief General Asaf Kayani and ISI chief Lt. General Moosa Raja in one side and confusion created by beating of hot and cold at the same time by its spineless Govt. of President Asif Zardari and Prime Minister Abdul Raja Gilani is actually a well thought out joint strategy of preparing well enough to attack India with the help of Taliban forces and capture Jammu & Kasmir or seizable amount of Indian territory to drive a hard bargain during negotiation after the war to get Srinagar on a platter. Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a rouge country based on theocracy and religion which can only be neutralized by depriving it from its fire power, the Army. India has to draw all its power in its command to turn the concept of Army having a country into Country having no army on its head.

Aamir Khan emoted the role of a person suffering from Amnesia due to head injury very nicely in the movie Gazani. Same is very true of our Indian ethos. We easily forget and forgive and move on with life. This is how life should be enjoyed in ideal circumstances. But, for a Govt. of the country like India can ill afford to suffer from amnesia to symptom of great dangers to its existence like 26/11 Mumbai terrorist strike and most recent revelation of Talibans sneaking into the country. This asks for unity of purpose in Govt., Political Parties, defense forces and people in general irrespective of cast, creed and religious faith.Indians should make no mistake because Mohammed Ghauri- General Kayani is knocking at our doors.

Mohammed Ghauri at the Doors

Author: Bikash Choudhury, Chief Executive of Strategy Consulting Firm based at Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India. Contact: Mobile: 00 9853426657 Tel: 91-674-2720271

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Pranaba’s dignified dig at his predecessor for not including Legal services in services tax net has mostly gone unnoticed. However, the style in which Pranabji attempted to restore equity by bringing legal practices for organizations in services tax net excluding individual litigants speaks of, a great deal of substance which the leader of opposition must emulate. Voicing dissent objectively with a spirit of accommodation, even inside the cabinet displays rare confidence of UPA Govt. in its second innings and statesmanship of finance minister; doing away with unproductive, unpopular taxes like FBT & CTT tells you that the govt. has rightly got its ears to the ground. The pre budget consultation with state finance minister was a step in right direction keeping in view our federal setup. Pranabda has got a huge sixer in his opening of batting in the finance ministry in 09’; deserves a standing ovation.
The huge outlay in rural and agriculture sector could be termed as a huge gamble by armchair economist but if you look closely, then you would see a very smart mind and an astute politician is at work. Paranabda has rightly chosen to follow the footsteps of great strategist of ancient times Kautiliya. In the current economic condition it is prudent for the finance minister to attempt to drive the Rural-Agriculture economy with continuing patronage in liberal outlay and sound provision of hundred percent exemption in direct taxes for corporate to attract private capital in rural infrastructure sector (Cold Storage & Warehousing Ect.). The idea apparently is to grow the agriculture sector beyond five percent and creation of buoyant demand in rural areas for the industrial sector to a speedy recovery from external recessionary pressures. The emphasis on infrastructure, urban housing would stimulate consumption apart from making lives easier and increasing the competitiveness of the economy by reducing the transaction time in the business. The road map for Goods and Services Tax adds confidence in the Govt.’s intent to revitalize the economy by prudent reforms where ever the need be. Higher allocation for innovation, research and climate change in spite of constraints of resources reflects UPA govt.’s concern for sustainable development and earlier thrust on rural-agriculture sector & urban housing is just right policies for a progressive fiscal policy for an effort towards equitable distribution of wealth for creating a harmonious and peaceful society in the long run.
Confederation of Indian Industry has duly expressed its concern regarding the quality of execution that would make all the difference by the turn of budget 2010. However, if the Prime Minister and Finance minister stuck to their guns regarding periodic evaluation of projects and central govt. departments apart from a few inspiring words from the Govt. would do the trick and hopefully Pranabda would go laughing way to the bank-over a 10% growth in GDP.
Author: Bikash Choudhury, Chief Executive of Strategy Consulting Firm based at Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India. Contact: Mobile: 00 9853426657 Tel: 91-674-2720271
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