Wednesday, September 16, 2015

New Asset Category for Mutual Funds

                                                            Bikash Choudhury

What is common to Harsad Mehta and Lalit Modi? Former made the investing in equity and the Mumbai Stock Exchange very popular and controversial at the same time and the later monetized the craze of cricket in India through Indian Premier League in short IPL. Many other sports have gone through the same path successfully. Indian Art needs a benefactor like that to make the Mutual Funds in the country and the young investor communities sit up and take a view of Indian Art as an asset category that could create immense value in short to medium term and substantial amount of wealth in the long haul. Indian Art scene is full of news and promise as it commands huge following and attracts bids with mind boggling figures in International Auctions. That apart, the traditional International Art collectors like Qatar Govt., and New York Art Museum with deep pockets have shown considerable interest in collecting Indian Art across various mediums to show case Indian ethnicity, its diverse & rich culture, colors and a mindset of its own to their discerning guests, art lovers and art collectors. If Indian Mutual Fund Industry could invest 0.01 to 0.05 of their resources in Indian Art for next five years; then, it could create a new asset category with substantial returns. Investment in Art would be as complex & challenging exercise as it is with equity. Mutual Funds allocate their resources in equity with a portfolio of Small Caps, Medium Caps and Large Caps; identically, in Art they have to create a portfolio of assets in Art with Small Budget Art Work--- collections of emerging artists, Medium Budget Art Work--- collections of nationally recognized artists, Large Budget Artwork--- collections of internationally famous artists. Mutual Funds have to recruit professional investment managers and Asset Management Company as they do for their equity portfolio. This would create a new opportunity for Mutual Funds to make money while developing a new discipline of excellence that would deliver a new excitement and drive in the market place. At the same time it will allure a mass of new and young investors with double income and considerable amount of disposable funds for investment. Mutual Funds need to recruit domain experts, tie up with art galleries across the country and abroad for buying and displaying their portfolio of Art from time to time. Further, they could set up auction house to monetize their own investment and for other individual art investors to facilitate developing an eco-system for a new asset category that hold immense promise and performance. This will have a far reaching socio-economic impact while monetizing the creative talent pool of the country in a scale and a size that has not been seen before or can be predicted; but, two things are for sure this mammoth exercise could ignite the creative spirit in the country and a novel way for value creation.

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