Monday, September 7, 2015


Bikash Choudhury

‘Sundar Pichai, an Indian has been chosen as the next chief executive officer of Tech Multi-National Google’ this was the headline of many news papers recently. Perfectly it was another celebratory moment for all of us after Nadella became the chief of Microsoft. Our tech savvy Prime Minister also congratulated Sundar Pichai for this extra ordinary achievement in his Twitter post. This author does not have any argument against the celebratory mood in the country or being a party popper for genuine stupendous achievement of Indians in foreign soil. Just to remind my readers there have been scores of Indians at the helm of top 50 Mega American Corporations after Indira Nooyui, Vikram Pandit and Ajit jain However, the fundamental question remains that if Indians are so good in running highly specialized consumer product, technology and services firms; then, why not a single innovative product or service having global foot print emanates from Indian soil?? Indian minds no longer remain inquisitive or, Indians are too happy to train their mind at the problems of the world and its suffering masses or, the over powering Indian spirituality has put a full stop towards the pursuit of material progress and wellbeing. Either one of these points or, all of these were true against gross failure of India and Indians at the Global Market Place for Innovation-Excellence-Enterprise. The next obvious question comes how could India turn the table around? First of all let Indian corporations including the SME pay their taxes to the Govt. honestly and adhere to the environmental laws strictly. These initiatives would eventually spur the competitive environment and thus, compel Indian corporations to focus on innovation-excellence-enterprise through greater investments in research & development; that would shape a culture of innovation in products and services in the entire country. Eventually, we may be able to contribute some product or service to the mankind. Further, our schools and colleges should start Innovation and Entrepreneurship Labs to first create awareness and thereafter, encourage & promote innovation and entrepreneurship in the entire education supply chain to develop a much needed mindset for Innovation-Excellence-Enterprise over a period of time. At the end, our 24/7 media must highlight the case studies of successful Indian entrepreneurship in cities & towns and even, inside the countryside to make India the next hub for new Global products and services. Those who think we can should raise their hands.

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