Monday, September 7, 2015

Communication with Vishal Sikka,CEO of Infosys--Transformational Changes in Enterprise

Vishal Sikka,

This is with reference to your statement “principles of Aikido transforming the chaotic energy of an enterprise into focused precision that can help move the enterprises forward”. In Indian context we could use three other techniques for bringing transformational changes in an enterprise.

  1. Prof. M.S.Anand, former Director of IIT Madras once said “assign a team of competent unlike minds to crack toughest of problems of an enterprise and give them a time frame to complete the task without outside supervision; 80% of the time they would come out with something that would be of surprise & of immense importance for the enterprise”. I wish to add—in India we have diversity in language, religion and culture in each part of our country; our brains must be wired differently; that would come handy in cracking problems of an enterprise if we carefully select the team. This is just an opinion that needs validation.
  2. We can develop an organization culture of applying our minds to resolve the problems in our Macro Environment that would eventually train the employees to resolve the Micro Problems of an enterprise in technology or business with much more competence and discipline. For example if Infosys employees at different location examine the civic problems of the city on a voluntary basis and come out with solutions pertaining to say Traffic Management, Solid Waste Management, Quality of Road Infrastructure and Forestation. The same team would contribute with new product or service design for Infosys over a period of time. Problem Solving in real life would become a way of life and an organizational culture.
  3. Ignite Creativity—Enterprise can also bring transformational changes in the organization by Igniting the Creativity of their employees. Enterprise can sponsor programs on Art, Music & Literature in regular intervals for interested employees and even can reimburse the training cost of those who excel in any one of the activity to make them happier in life that should translate into a very healthy bottom line of enterprise with new additions to innovative products and services.

Hope, Infosys would make an attempt to validate these Ideas.   

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