Monday, September 7, 2015

5th WAVE

Bikash Choudhury

If we travel back in History for little over five hundred years in time then one would have experienced ‘0’ wave  where India was peaking in economically and politically. India was also a maritime power enforcing and influencing the sea lanes of those times. Indian organic Agriculture was highly productive and our principal exports were Food, Agro and Forest products. Apparently, those times Indian rulers were contended economically and believed in peaceful co-existence. However, this did not last long. Soon they were over powered by greed to accumulate land mass and consolidate political power for their legacy; which, later prompted them to scheme one against another and many times in collaboration with foreign/external forces who had designs to rule and exploit the ‘Golden Goose’. Therefore, Europeans attempted to find the safe sea route to India and established trade successfully. Eventually, they became the rulers of India for over three centuries. Wave Zero contained the seed of economic and political decline in the shape of Political Disunity among then Indian rulers. As time would have it; shrewd Europeans captured the opportunity impeccably.
                              Centuries later, our Independence movement took shape which remained largely peaceful with few exceptional violent acts in between that contained the “Wave-1”. That saw great leaders emerge out of the same British education system; however, led Indian men towards complete freedom and Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi a non-resident Indian took the bull by the horn and integrated disparate Indian people under his banner of ‘satyagraha’ which almost nearly achieved its objective of freedom; however, Lord Mountbatten found to be a smarter operator with much better Idea from colonizer’s point of view and ended up giving freedom to two parts of India having many more divisions and sub-divisions the burden of which we carry even to this day. Britishers clearly out witted Indian leaders in the charms offensive and gave their final seal over freedom with partition in a combo offer which Indian leaders could not refuse to accept. And, Gandhi courted death at the hands of one of his own country men out of frustration and betrayal by his own close followers. Therefore, first wave also ended up being a loser except the limited liability of Independence of a truncated Nation. Despite partition and bloodshed across the borders of India and Pakistan; euphoria of being a free country took the people and their leaders by surprise. However, India was fortunate to have two immensely gifted leaders with towering personality with diverse background and temperament; they come together in the larger interest of their countrymen to give shape to fledging Nation and that became “Wave-2”. Nehru and Patel managed to unite all the princely States behind Indian Nationality; but, could not manage the affairs of Kashmir having seen shrewd lawyer Mohamed Ali Jihnna from very close quarters. Ironically, that has remained the “Achilles Heel” of India even today. But, during this Wave-2 movement great Institutions were established; that took the socio-economic-political life of this country a notch higher and serving the Nation even today. No body could believe that a Statesman and a Global leader of Nehru’s stature could make such a simple error of judgment with our engagement with the Chinese and our North West Frontier Defense which rattled India and finally took the life of Nehru who passed away a sad man.
 “Jai Jawan and Jai Kisan” slogan started the “Wave-3” which was later catapulted by Mrs. Indira Gandhi and her master stroke of “Garibi Hatao” followed by discontinuation of Privy Purse of erstwhile Princely States, Nationalization of Commercial Banks and liberation of Bangladesh. However, Mrs. Gandhi did not help the cause of India by aligning too much with USSR and imposing first and last emergency that suspended democratic rights of people. Mrs. Gandhi was made to pay up for this very expensive mistake and she lost her election to parliament while her party lost power at the centre. She did not get the time to kiss and make up though she returned to power.
                               Rajiv Gandhi credited to have initiated the “Wave-4” with his spotless Mr. Clean image and his visionary steps with introduction of ICT in the country. The benefit of which is being reaped by millions of young people today and they are able to own a house and a SUV before clocking 30 years in their watch. Rajiv also started Ganga Action Plan, Indira Gandhi National Open University and opened a forward looking foreign policy with engagement on USA and China those served India immensely little later. Rajiv was out witted by wily Politician J.Jayavardhane of Sri Lanka and made to fend for himself; that expensive error of judgment finally took his life in his prime. But, Bofors case was foisted on Rajiv by colonial conspirators and some Congress Party & Bureaucratic insiders due to his inexperience, lack of execution capability and skill to judge people; fortunately, his better half gifted with such qualities and immense political skill and maturity. Our only pouting leader in Narasingha Rao and Manmohan Singh together brought the curtains to the 4th Wave with their relentless pursuit of economic liberalization that managed to capture near double digit growth and creation of jobs after a few years. “M’ae  Atal Bhi Hoon ur Bhiharivi” those were the words of Atal Bihari Vajpayee who managed to over throw the Hindu Rate of growth with his two Iconic initiative of “Prime Minister Gramya Sadak Yojana and Golden Quadrilateral Project” that enjoined our villages with four metro cities and managed to substantially enhance the “Intensity of Human Activity” that resulted in phenomenal economic growth after 2004. A decade thereafter were a series of missed opportunities; Manmohan Singh, one of the most economic literate prime minister drove a nail in the coffin of Indian Economy during his decade long tenure with indecision and silence.
                                                        May 16 2014 was the day when the unfinished agenda of 5th Wave got started once again under the dynamic leadership of Sri Narendra Modi who own the election with thumping majority; but, a little earlier he took the Nation by storm having over 400 huge public rallies in each nook and corner of our country covering nearlyr 4 lakh kilometers in just 8 months and raising the hope of people that 5th Wave would eventually redeem all his promises—“Apka Pyaar Sudh Sameth Wapas Karoonga”. Modi has managed to take some extra ordinary steps in the domestic and external affairs of the country and now he should follow his own maiden speech in parliament to keep the politics for the last six months of the tenure and make a fresh bid in collaboration with Congress Party as Sardar Patel did with Nehru in National interest. Let the Parliament function effectively to deal with the billions of problems of a billion plus people. Modi also need to bring his execution capability of Gujarat Model to see Mumbai and Kolkata minus their infra bottleneck to give a leg up to Indian economy in the short term. Modi would do well to take some regional satraps under his wings like Mamata and Naveen in the East, Chandra Babu & Jayalalita in the South, Fadnavis & Anandi Ben Patel in the West and Yadavs in the North to make the 5th Wave successful to put India in its original Orbit. Modi does not have the luxury to make mistakes like his predecessors.

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