Monday, September 7, 2015


Bikash Choudhury

Odisha strong man, Kalinga Putra and former chief minister of Odisha late
Sri Biju Patnaik took the initiative to expand the number of Districts from 13 to 30 during nineteen nineties; with a vision for better administration, to deal with the regional imbalance in development and also to receive more funds from the central government for development. Even a partially successful Bandh for a separate Koshala State in 10 districts of western part of Odisha put a question mark on the intent of a great leader like Biju Babu and actual delivery of justice in administration in the remote areas of our State including western Odisha. The political agitation for a new State out of Odisha—howsoever, fragile may be could be a threat to the unity and integrity of Odisha in the long run; if it were not managed well in advance. Those, who fight for a separate State Koshala for lack of development and regional imbalance, may be partially right; in a sense our western districts have not matched in the development process in comparison to coastal districts of Odisha in social and economic infrastructure. However, it would be futile to argue that a smaller State of Koshala would better manage the process of development and regional imbalance as scores of smaller States would prove to the contrary. The agitation for Koshala State could also be an emotive ploy by an ambitious leader to nurse his political ambition on a very divisive issue that provides instant gratification.  To be fare with the activist pursuing a separate State of Koshala; it is good to flag an emotive issue to generate awareness and drawing the attention of our political masters at Bhubaneswar; but, division of the State is not the answer for delivering faster development in the western part of Odisha; because, with each new State we add to our bureaucracy and in case of a small state the salary bill alone eats into the revenue leaving a very meager resources for development and therefore, the smaller States sink into a debt trap. Koshala State would be financially unviable, administratively untenable and therefore, should be dropped altogether. As there are scores of other avenues to constructively deal with poor record of development in the western parts of the State. Both State & Union Govt. have made the first attempt in this direction by locating the IIM at Sambalpur. The other important step need to be taken is to bridge the distance between Western Odisha and Coastal areas & State Capital by civil aviation as soon as possible. This would remove the sense of alienation, facilitate better administration of development with improved mobility of bureaucracy and politicians and finally, over a period of time, civil aviation connectivity of western Odisha would open up avenues for large scale & focused Industrial activity and create opportunity for skilled manpower and other resources which are abundantly available locally. Further, it would be prudent for both the Govt. and Opposition in the State Assembly jointly attempt to address the aspirations and concerns of Western Districts of Odisha in time bound manner that would bury the demand for a separate State once and for all.

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