Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Indian Space Research organization (ISRO) successfully sent a space craft to Mars on a shoe string budget of four hundred crore rupees, which is a world first. Can’t India design an automatic toilet just like an automatic washing machine with a MSP of Rs.10000.00? India has taken long stride in micro-processor technology, bio-technology and electronics which can be generously used and applied to make a low cost but high-tech toilet that would consume less water and should be capable of processing the night soil into compost, filter the water for non-portable use or, that could be simply drained out while killing the foul odor. This automatic toilet should save the need and cost of expensive sewerage pipeline and treatment plant in cities and towns. This is some thing which could be deployed smoothly across the country to make “Swachh Bharat” a reality soon. A country where an over 62% population goes out in the open to relieve themselves holds a market potential of over $ 700 billion USD in Indian house holds alone. If we could design a SMART TOILET just like SMART PHONES and WHAT APPS then India could truly be on the highway towards economic transformation. Any takers?    

Bikash Choudhury

Friday, December 12, 2014



Ponzy schemes have taken a heavy toll of scamsters, politicians, real-estate builders in recent CBI investigation in Odisha and West Bengal. The amount swindled from poor depositors estimated to be about Fifty Thousand Crores of Rupees. The bottom line is as long as the craze for higher return exist such scamsters would reappear again and again in newer avatar; unless Govt. steps in a substantive manner. Modi Govt. could create a virtue out of the huge demand for “Investment Products” with 20-25 % return in a year. Indian infrastructure sector need huge funding to make World Class Infrastructure available to its people in next decade. One important aspect of fulfillment of Infrastructure need in the country is mostly overlooked—that is the capacity of infrastructure sector to pay for itself if done in a time frame. If our country at one stroke provide for World Class Road, Rail, Air connectivity and Inland & Coastal shipping services in a period of ten years then the savings accrued and productivity enhanced could pay for the infrastructure more than proportionately to its investors. Govt. has taken series of steps to improve the FDI climate to attract investment from abroad in various sectors of the economy including the infrastructure sector. It is now time to aggregate the domestic investors for sunrise infra sector. The other benefits could be the demand for yellow metal as investment option would come down substantially reducing the pressure on current account deficit.    

Friday, November 14, 2014



World is currently going through a tempestuous phase in its life for the mankind. While it is being battered by Nature in all its ferocity as a consequence of climate change phenomena in one side; it is also being targeted by Global terrorism in a very organized manner with growing violence on innocent people. On top of it Global economic systems have completely failed to remove poverty in many parts of the World. There has been attempt to deal with a few of them through millennium development goal; however, as the deadline of 2015 is getting nearer the failure to achieve the goal staring on our face. Global community urgently need to address three important issues like conservation of nature, reduction in global defense expenditure and better understanding between various religions & race. Indian Prime Minister while speaking at United Nations General Assembly emphasized upon lifestyle changes and practice of yoga that would help in conservation of nature by cutting down conspicuous consumption. Nation States are spending huge amount of their revenue in armed forces disproportionate to their security need and much in excess their spend on education & healthcare. There is a need to convince the Nation States to reallocate resources from defense to development; some where and some how the global terrorism is deeply embedded to the growing numbers of poverty stricken people. The central problem that remains unattended and grossly fuels the global terrorism is the misunderstanding between a set of religious faith and race which can be easily resolved by spreading awareness and facilitating learning about all religious faith from ground up- that is from children to adults. The raw violence that is being perpetrated by the brand new terrorist group ISIS and the counter offensive from allied forces led by USA seem to have no end and have the potential to spread into many peaceful neighbor hood of the World. United Nations and sensible leaders of Nation States have been trying to end this vicious problem of violence and poverty; however, their efforts have been limited by resources and organization. Therefore, Global Corporation must now work for the mankind to conserve, preserve and progress; as without mankind there would be no business. In a recent news report the chief of social networking site Face Book donated twenty five million dollars to the Disease Control Centre of USA for EBOLA virus and for a long time founder of Microsoft Bill Gates spending a fortune for health & sanitation in most developing countries including India. This individual and isolated act of philanthropy may not be able to resolve the core issues faced by the Global community. At this moment it is imperative for Global Corporation to work for humanity as part of their business policy and earmark a substantial portion of their idle resources and the organization to help generate awareness and contemplate action wherever required to bring elusive peace and sustainable economic prosperity for the Global community. Global Corporations like Google, Face Book and Microsoft have considerable influence over the classes and masses which they could use to incubate three organizations to adequately deal with current problems. One, University Students for Global Peace with a mandate to convince and get buy-ins from the lawmakers of each country to cut their respective defense expenditure by five to ten percent and redeploy such resources in development of their own country or wherever such resources are urgently needed across the World. This should considerably reduce the State sponsored violence, aggression and war like condition and at the same time help the recovery of Global economy with higher spending on social expenditure and capacity building in deprived regions of least developing countries. This initiative also could help check the territorial ambitions and aggressive posturing of countries like China by creating a very strong Global Public opinion against warmongering and adventurism. Two, Global Social Forum—just like ‘World Economic Forum’ with an objective to bring the various and varied religions and race on a common platform for a constructive dialogue between leaders in the field to create a better and shared understanding on the matter of faith. That should over a period of time control Global Terrorism by stopping the inflow of followers to the terrorist network. At the end, World now misses an organization that works on the concept of “fortune lies at the bottom of pyramid” making the economic development of rural settlement in developing countries as its only business. If Global Corporations eventually take these initiatives in near future; then, a new Global Order would emerge and World could remain in Peace with itself in a sustainable manner for a long long time and the financial statements of Global Corporations would look very attractive. Shall we?

E-mail: streben.market@gmail.com Twitter: @ideasofhope Mobile: 00-91- 9853426657
Flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas Apartment, Swarnapuri, Patia, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, INDIA 751024


Monday, October 20, 2014


Bikash Choudhury

One rainy day in the month of September one full page advertisement stared at me on the face; the advertisement was bold one for a product of less than $3 USD. Dropping the suspense let me say that was a pre launch Advertisement place by e-tailer FlipKart for the new novel written by the famous author Chetan Bhagat with innocuous title ‘Half Girl Friend’. Instantaneously, I reached for my laptop to book a copy of the fiction just to satisfy my curiosity of experiencing the services of an online sale than any craze of reading another pulp fiction from Chetan Bhagat stable; though, I have consumed reading of his previous titles. I actually found Chetan Bhagat as a smart and shrewd business man in Publishing Industry than a fiction writer of eminence. However, one has to concede that Mr. Bhagat understood his customer-readers (target audience) as no one does in his genre of writing. It is only Bhagat who could coin a new word ‘Half Girl Friend’ in the Chambers English Dictionary. He knows too well about the implicit and explicit desire of boys and men to have a girl friend and the curiosity of girls/women to know about their spatial & not so spatial perception of boys about them and also to remain attractive and desirable. Two million print runs of the inaugural edition of the novel ‘half girl friend’ proves that the author has hit the bulls eye on selecting the title of the book and what a consummate business man that he is; however, no body has guts to challenge his ability of narration about intimate affairs as some time he could beat the infamous Viagra in straight sets 2-0 multiple times. May be performance enhancing drug Industry could take a lesson or two from the infamous author how to design their drug and how to promote their use. If Kamasutra were to be written all over again in this century; then, undoubtedly Chetan Bhagat would be its author. Those young men and women watch pornographic films with a guilty consciousness can migrate to read ‘half girl friend’ as it is written in very simple prose with dexterity and sophistication unlike the crude methods of pornographers. Half girl friend is good read on a long journey; though the plots are very predictable. Author has borrowed the flash back technique to some extent from the novel ‘The Guide’ of R.K. Narayan. For a change or out of greater ambition the author has interwoven himself as a compassionate character in the novel that young audience would very much like ‘consultant on love & romance’. May be the author would provide a new Idea in the oldest business of the world.

 E-mail: streben.market@gmail.com Twitter: @ideasofhope Mobile: 09853426657
Flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas Apartment, Swarnapuri, Patia, Bhubaneswar 751024


Sunday, October 12, 2014


Bikash Choudhury

One good thing about the unprecedented flood havoc in Srinagar City and other parts of J&K State was it did not distinguish between caste & class and have & have-nots as cascading flood water from Jhelum River inundated the bungalows of ministers and top bureaucrats; those who are partially responsible for such tragedy. Mumbai city was flooded in 2005 and the Cloud burst in Uttarakhand in 2013 took a heavy toll of over twenty thousand lives. However, we did not learn any thing from such catastrophic human tragedy. Looking at natural disaster happening in the country and other parts of the World; one should infer that such disasters would now happen more frequently and with enhanced ferocity in our country and outside for which we should remain prepared as a Nation. It is true we can’t avert such tragedy from happening; however, we can attempt to minimize its impact. Union and State Govt. alone can’t meet this challenge fully or partially; it would require the might of all private and social organizations and all conscious citizens to take some preventive measures in their daily life. Natural disasters mostly happen due to imbalance in the eco-system. The size of our population itself is one of the greatest destabilizer of our eco-system and on top of it our habitual & blatant abuse of Nature makes it much more lethal. We can now expect such tragedy hit each of us tomorrow and therefore take conscious decision to deal with Nature and Natural resources as one withdraw cash from bank. That apart conscious individuals should have a charter for them to manage their personal carbon foot print—to plant or sponsor plantation of twelve trees annually, cut down personal consumption of water & energy and to educate at least one more person about conservation of nature.  

Saturday, October 11, 2014


Bikash Choudhury

Just Nine months before one woman Indian Diplomat was humiliated on the streets of New York City. Indian people may have forgiven such an insult to their sovereignty but could never forget. Call it an irony of fate or otherwise; Indian Premier Narendra Modi was feted in another part of the same city at the Madison square stadium with forty US Congress men in attendance and about eighteen thousand Indian origins Americans ecstatically cheering the new premier of India who received a massive thumps up in the recent general election in India. Over eight hundred million Indians chose a strong and dynamic leader of a right wing party to lift India to occupy an unassailable position in a growing multipolar World; where the Global leaders have lost much of their sheen and emerging ones lack Ideas. That assures Indian arrival on the Global scene to claim the leadership on the basis of ancient Indian philosophy of “Basudhe Kutumbakam” a Sanskrit couplet that considers the entire World as one family. Indian Prime Minister in his maiden address to the UNGA said a couple of things that would now redefine Global diplomacy with a new narrative on peace and prosperity of Global citizen. When the World is battered by climate change and divided by sectarian violence and war; Indian premier underscored the importance of adopting appropriate ‘life style’ change on the strength of ancient wisdom of ‘Yoga’ and ‘love of nature’ to control the impact of global warming. He spoke strongly to take stock of United Nations and to make changes to be relevant for the current times and to stop the practice of small groupings to strengthen the United Nations. In future India would champion the cause of Disarmament & Development to achieve Millennium Development Goals by involving the young people from university campus all across the World. Soon Prime Minister Modi would transform India economically and also take on Global leadership that would reposition India in a growing multipolar World.        

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Bikash Choudhury

The chit fund scams have recently taken a heavy toll of Politicians, Real Estate Magnets, Media Barons, Stock Brokers and Models from Bollywood most of whom are cooling their heels behind the bars; while scores of unscrupulous small investors have lost their hard earned savings of life time in pursuit of very high returns on their investments. A large mass of people explored investment options in Yellow metal, Commodity futures, Land Banks and Mutual Funds. However, investments in ‘Modern Art’ has been largely ignored by our investor community due to lack of awareness and absence of Institutional
arrangement in the city of Bhubaneswar. In last decade the bench strength of highly earning young people and double income families have grown in leaps and bounds courtesy mushrooming growth of ICT Industry in the city. These tech nerds generally invest their surplus in real estate, stocks & mutual fund and also blow up a little fortune in food, fashion and rave parties. These potential investors can be attracted to invest in ‘Modern Art’ for a decent return and also to sprinkle some aesthetic value in their mundane lives. Institutional arrangements are critical to develop a vibrant market for modern art in the city. There is a need for an ‘Art Fund’ that would invest in modern art works and promising artist who could throw up exceptional art work for a Global audience, an auction house that could monetize the investments in modern art of potential investors and a reputed art gallery that displays diverse art works of reputed artist for the primary purchase of art work for homes, office and also as short & long term investment. Bhubaneswar City boast of a few good art galleries and Orissa Modern Art Gallery being the oldest having an archive of over two thousand high quality art works that seeks discernible investors and art lovers. Since, Govt. of Odisha has largely ignored the rich heritage of art & architecture of our State; there is a need for the private sector to chip in to develop a lucrative market for modern art in the city.              

Monday, September 15, 2014


One Sunday morning setout on a hunt for our favorite Sambar Idli in an authentic South Indian Restaurant located in Bapuji Nagar. After traveling through the lanes and by lanes of Bapuji Nagar locality for half an hour we reached a newly opened outlet Iyer CafĂ©. While tasting its delicacies and little later its filter coffee; the roads of the area flashed in our mind. The inside roads of one of the oldest area of Capital City are comparable to toxic cocktails of a group of natural speed breakers. Negotiating such roads on a two wheeler is as painful as or little more than the labor pain of a woman. When the rural country side sport well laid out concrete roads; why, the roads of Bapuji Nagar locality that is in 1 km radius from BMC office and CM’s residence in such a bad shape? Bad road condition could be an under statement. Bapuji Nagar is one of the oldest business and residential area that houses prominent business houses and powerful residents; in spite of that authorities have neglected such an area for such a long time. Little hard to believe! This could be a classic case of ‘vote bank politics’; as residents of Bhubaneswar mostly don’t turn up to vote. Be that as it may, Bauji Nagar deserves better roads.   

Bikash Choudhury


Bikash Choudhury

Omar Abdulla, the young highly educated and intelligent Chief Minister of J & K in one of his television interaction said “we have informed the residents of Srinagar and other places to move to higher grounds and the same was done through Mosques  in all residential areas; however, people did not act on such advise”. This is simply stupidity of a chief minister to give an excuse like a failed sales man. Now, after watching a week of pain and agony of the residents of capital city of J&K; it can be said with authority that the young chief minister of J&K is not only incompetent but also very insensitive. At the least, he could have emulated the example of Odisha where a million people were shifted in just three days just before the super cyclone Phaline struck the Odisha coast in October last year. It requires simple arithmetic to understand and realize that Srinagar City could be swamped by flood if it rains with the intensity that it had recently (280mm of rains in three days) knowing the topography of the city. While writing this piece it brings sadness knowing that still 3-5 lakhs of people are yet to be evacuated from their flooded homes as they mostly live without food, water, electricity and communication facility for over an week. In a disaster like this we could have deployed our navy in greater numbers and could have sourced 10,000-20,000 mechanized boats from all across the World to evacuate people from their homes, deployed Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to restore the communication networks, Prefab Buildings for Shelters and used sophisticated Project Management Techniques backed by IT services to provide World class relief & rehabilitation services for marooned people of Srinagar City and other affected parts of J&K State. This could have been done provided the State Govt. would have a competent leader as its chief minister. God gave a great opportunity to Omar Abdulla to display his administrative and leadership skill; however, sadly he failed miserably in both counts. He should hang his head in shame for failing his own people and heaping miseries in their lives. It is feared that Omar could actually be lynched by mob if he ventures out to campaign for his party in the upcoming State election.
The frequency and ferocity with which natural disasters are happening in our country; it is about time to invite our private sector to offer Disaster Mitigation Services with art & science of technology & management at a price as the civil administration failed to rise to the occasion again and again. Today a prayer should be in our lips to keep our brothers and sisters of J&K safe & sound and hale and hearty as our turn could be the next.         

#Flat No: 105, Kalpatru Nivas Apartment, Swarnapuri Road, Patia, Bhubaneswar-751024
Mob: 9853426657 E-Mail: streben.marke@gmail.com Twitter: @ ideasofhope           

Sunday, September 7, 2014


Bikash Choudhury

The new Govt. led by Narendra Modi has managed to do just one thing in 100 days and that is transforming a few millions of Indians from despair & desperation to hope and self belief and from negative mindset to a very positive environment of expectation of success for an entire Nation--- things will move and work will happen as per schedule. However, in the bargain Mr. Modi, who is a fountainhead of Ideas, may have missed out a few things inadvertently. First of all, Modi heads a cabinet which looks little uncomfortable and a little incomplete from outside. Modi has taken on an onerous responsibility of a huge backlog of last decade on Governance and mismanagement of last six plus decades Therefore, it would be urgent and important for the prime minister to make his cabinet much more cohesive and as much inspired as he himself remains and fill up the gaps in the cabinet as soon as possible; if for nothing else, at least to save the poor finance minister who was compelled to read out his maiden budget speech from a chair due to health reasons. It would be a good Idea to pick up Indian origin global talent to help the premier in execution. PM has articulated his vision about 100 smart cities; however, completely for got about the condition and opportunities trapped in our metro cities. Our metro cities have grown much beyond the scope of civic administration and urgently need a structural operation to transform them into City State to tap the benefits of Global Cities; attract Global resources for much faster growth in society & economy. NDA Govt. has unveiled gigantic plans which would require huge resources beyond the scope of revenue; therefore, Govt. should take bold steps to unlock value from the public sector by bringing them under one umbrella—Holding Company. Further, Govt. should have taken urgent measures to wards self reliance in fossil fuel by encouraging large scale Jatropa farming in each village in the country.
Prime Minister talked at length on taking the State Govt. along with the Central Govt.; but, failed to organize a Chief Minister’s conference to share his vision about Govt., Governance & Development. He did not include any Chief Minister in the Cabinet Committee on Political Affairs; which he could have expanded to include four chief ministers from each geographical regions as invitee. Further, PM could have initiated structural changes in the district administration to make governance more responsive and responsible. Modi Ji started the movement of ‘Sadvabana’ that is Sarba Dharma and Sarba Pranta Prayers from the shores of Gujarat; which his Govt. should continue in different parts of the country in regular intervals which would improve the social contacts between its diverse constituents and over a period of time build understanding and trust for a shared economic prosperity against a toxic and inflammable environment of political expediency. That would also give India a moral right to intervene against sectarian violence & war in the World for Peace and Prosperity. Modi Ji would be in Delhi for a long haul and therefore let him drop his guard a little and assimilate & acknowledge the power elite of Delhi. PM could appoint a hostess for 7 Race Course from the ranks of Indian Foreign Service and open the doors of PM residence to the practitioner of Art, Literature and Culture to propagate the soft power of PMO.      

#Flat No: 105, Kalpatru Nivas Apartment, Swarnapuri Road, Patia, Bhubaneswar-751024
Mob: 9853426657 E-Mail: streben.marke@gmail.com Twitter: @ ideasofhope 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


                                                            Bikash Choudhury

Prime Minister made a strong pitch for the Indian manufacturing sector in his maiden National address from the ramparts of the Red Fort in New Delhi. After a long time an Indian Prime Minister Spoke like a passionate activist—make in India and made in India. There was a National Symposium on Manufacturing Best Practices at Bhubaneswar recently with intent to exchange ideas on best practices among Union/State Govt. and Indian Industry. It was agreed that Indian Manufacturing Sector has completely failed the domestic economy against a potential of being the power house of Global Manufacturing Industry. Opinion varied about the probable reasons of such monumental failure—some believed it was the difference between ‘knowing and doing’ and some others thought ‘we lacked focus on manufacturing’ while a section professed ‘ it was a question of mindset which we missed’. Union Govt. is trying its best to be proactive facilitators for our nascent manufacturing to thrive while the High Interest Regime of our Central Bank throwing spanner on growing enthusiasm for investment in the domain. The consultants are gung ho about India becoming the Germany of the East in manufacturing; that could be a long shot at the moment but not an entirely impossible dream. Indian Industry should get together to modernize our agriculture sector that could spur the demand for manufacturing and lift the sector from current depression. Our central /state Govt. should persuade our corporate sector to adopt one district each and invest in soil testing laboratory, farm equipment, farm consultants, ware house and food processing centers to create value in rural landscapes that would eventually travel down to the manufacturing sector.
India was at the top of manufacturing sector once upon a time; we just need to revisit and renew our old tradition of excellence in manufacturing. Konark Temple in Odisha and Khajuraho in Madhya Pradesh stands for architectural grandeur of those times and the same could stand for excellence in manufacturing process, engineering and logistic capability and highest degree of Project Management skills. We need to do the following to give a leg up to the domestic manufacturing. Distributed Manufacturing: We need to identify products, the components of which could be mass produced in a cluster of cottage Industry in rural/semi urban areas well connected by rail/road to reduce manufacturing cost substantially through labor arbitrage and overheads of a large factories. We need to link the skill development with the skill and competency requirements of clusters of cottage industries. We need to tap a large mass of educated/skilled home makers in urban centers with part time jobs in manufacturing sector by designing and locating small production centers linked to the available skill sets in respective urban areas. We need to identify/design products that have huge demand globally. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014



Readers may excuse me for proposing an extra-curricular regimen for the Babus in Central & State Govt. at the end of six working days to lift the enthusiasm and an opportunity for showcasing their inherent skills outside work with a game of Lawn Tennis, Chess, Volley Ball, and Basket Ball and may be with an arrangement of sing and dance. All of these could make them comeback on a Monday morning charged up to push up those urgent files that holds the economy to ransom during the silent premier’s time in last five years. Modi, the new PM is very active in social networking  and was very prompt in meeting the top babus of Delhi and tried to inspire them to perform and cajoled them with authority and responsibility in his own style; but, will it work? Problem is PM does not work for money or to make a living; but, babus do. If top Babus decide to work beyond the call of duty; then no body could stop the Indian Bureaucracy turning into an engine of growth of our economy.
                                    RBI should now throw the conventional wisdom to the wind and summon enough courage to pad down the interest rates by 125 basis points by the end of June 2014 to pep up the manufacturing and real estate sector by making the cost of funds relatively cheaper both for the supply and demand side; which should be able to start a fresh investment cycle by the end of September 2014. But, before that RBI should take the Bankers and Industry into confidence to creatively use the policy to return to growth.
At the same time the ghost of retail inflation could be partially addressed by improving the production of fruits and vegetables at urban centers through roof top farming in the short run. GoI could direct the fertilizer PSU to create a business model to deploy the household organic waste into compost to raise urban roof top farms. Apart from reducing the pressure on urban civic bodies on Solid Waste Disposal; this could actually create a huge opportunity for urban and rural youth for gainful employment.          
                                  Indian Industry which is now heaves a sigh of relief at the installation of a strong and stable Govt. at the centre must also be ready to contribute on their own to the growth cycle of the economy. Top 500 corporations of the country should immediately look inside their own organization to spot new business propositions and potential entrepreneurs and fund them in their own business interest and of the economy. IIT and IIM system could help the Industry with technology and business model to complete the exercise with scale and speed that our new activist premier is sold on. There are other short term measures that can be effectively leveraged for improving export earnings like promotion of Indian Handicrafts & cultural services (Indian style marriages and colorful Indian festivals) through Indian corporate having overseas presence and Indian Diaspora. MNREGA could be tweaked to include farming of Jatropa in each six lakh plus villages in the country to produce enough substitute of fossil fuel to knock of 25% of our energy imports; and in the bargain raise gainful and sustainable employment opportunity in rural areas. Further, District Rural Development Agency in each 500+ districts could be entrusted with the task of micro economic management of their respective area for substantial improvement of per-capita income. At the end, we may need to do a jugalbandi of Art, Literature and music to lift our spirits and consciousness.

#Flat No: 105, Kalpatru Nivas Apartment, Swarnapuri Road, Patia, Bhubaneswar-751024 India Mob: 9853426657 E-Mail: streben.marke@gmail.com Twitter: @ ideasofhope       

Monday, June 16, 2014



I treat myself to a delicious ‘Kichidi’ (a favorite dish of our new Prime Minister) and some deep fried vegetables dipped in tomato sauce yesterday night as my wife left for her parent’s home in the morning to celebrate Odia festival Rajo with her gang of sisters & a brother. It was a good riddance temporarily as you are now emperor of your 2 BHK home, watch your favorite news channel, listen to soul stirring music of your choice and smoke to your heart content in a air-conditioned comfort; that’s a dream come true for a 40+ man for a while. Now let me tell you also my battle to prepare the dinner all alone as I am stepping into the kitchen after almost a year; completely forgotten how much rice and lentil for one adult to prepare Kichdi and did not wish to trouble my sweet heart at her home on such a trivial issue. Therefore, looked at my stomach and the Pressure cooker in front and chose to remove four palms full of rice and two of urad dal in the container to wash and keep aside. Got a few pieces of Potala and cut it to small pieces, one potato, one onion and one tomato. Confidently put the pressure cooker on the gas stove and randomly added three spoon full of vegetable oil and crackled some zeera then added onions and other vegetables cooked it for some time and then added turmeric and chilly powder and at the end downloaded the washed rice and dal mixed it well and fried for some time then added three glasses of vegetable stock and closed the lid for ten minutes and after three whistles took out the pressure cooker for cooling. After a smoke break opened the pressure cooker and to my surprise found a very good looking orange color-mixture of yellow and red Kichidi ready and the taste was fabulous after adding three spoon full of Desi Ghee; my wife would not have prepared such a tasty Kichdi in last 15 yrs. Similarly dip fried cut vegetables in a pan and added to a saucer full of hot tomato sauce and took the dinner in a calm setting in the air-conditioned bed room in between a few smokes while listening to a popular score in the lap top. Sleep was also perfect commensurate to the taste of dinner.        

Wednesday, June 11, 2014



Barak Obama fought and own the endorsement of American people on ‘Ideas of Hope’ and with a narrative ‘together, we can’ in 2008. In 2014 a former tea sales man on an impoverished Indian Railway Platform sold the Idea of ‘Development and Governance’ overwhelmingly to Indian electorate of 800 million, 70% of them walked to the polling booth in spite of a scorching summer largely inspired by the relentless campaign of Narendra Modi, 15th Prime Minister of India who received a stupendous mandate from people of India. Modi all of 63 years pack a diamond hard- mind of his own, has traveled a very long way from a tea stall to the PMO of India in the South Block of New Delhi; his journey was eventful and marred by serious challenges posed by feudalistic Indian system. However, he holds a doctoral degree in converting challenges into an opportunity.     
That was seen in ample measure during his long campaign of 9 months; each barb of his opponents were put to public test and style very unique to him and he garnered a phenomenal public endorsement with each passing day making his opponents very nervous at the end. India has produced many leaders in different points of time in its history, since ancient times like Emperor Ashoka, Emperor Akbar, Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru; who have changed India and the World in a substantive way; incumbent premier Modi holds the same pedigree that would unfold over a period of time. He is a compulsive and calculated risk taker with child like inquisitiveness; and, his office could be a laboratory for exploration & experimentation on Political Economy and Governance. All along, he has displayed his special ability in choosing right people for the job who produce not only good result but phenomenal one.
                                      His mission is to revisit the glorious history of India in a shortest period of time and he knows too well that he has to carry the entire Nation with him, partner in the region and collaborate in the World that serves his Nation’s interest the best that has swept his vitriolic opponents from their feet; but, he is just working to a plan and he would not compromise ever. He is very respectful and obliged to his seniors in the party; but, does not hold a brief of any body irrespective rank and relations except his mission of Nation Building. Head of SAARC Nations came calling including Pakistan Premier Nawaj Sherief for his Oath taking ceremony and bonded well over a dinner followed by bilateral talks with each visiting dignitary. He is quietly making an effort to transform the main stumbling block-the Indian bureaucracy into an Engine of growth, emphasize on sanitation and hygiene, rejuvenation of Indian River system & Cities. He would make India a preferred destination for Business and Tourism. He has a long agenda but his method of going about it would remain unique to him and bring laurels to India in very near future not only in its economy but also in Art, literature and culture. One need not be surprised after completing his domestic agenda; if Modi, actually venture out into the World with the message of Buddhism for Global Peace and Prosperity.          

#Flat No: 105, Kalpatru Nivas Apartment, Swarnapuri Road, Patia, Bhubaneswar-751024 India Mob: 9853426657 E-Mail: streben.marke@gmail.com Twitter: @ ideasofhope      

Sunday, June 8, 2014



Water is life. And, life has shaped this civilization for million of years on this planet earth; apparently only one that supports living beings. The population of our country has multiplied four times in past sixty plus years and that has put tremendous pressure on fresh water sources. Apart from that due to lack of awareness, habitual contempt against water conservation and plain abuse of our fresh water resources has brought us to present time when water of infamous Ganga River no more pure or pious that it used to be and Yamuna & Adyar rivers have turned to an urban drainage system that mocks at our civility and civilization. True to his word new Indian Govt. led by our PM has started to clean Ganga and other river systems in the country. A new department of River Development under water resources ministry has been created to focus on such a gigantic task. It is said ‘Well begun is half done’; however, Ganga Action Plan has been languishing for last thirty years without much head way and in spite of draining thousands of crores of public money in the project. May be under an activist prime minister like Modi we will see this National Project taking shape towards its logical conclusion- making Ganga clean and navigable and all Indian River system rejuvenated in a sustainable manner. Apart from Govt. commitment such an important and complex project would require huge amount of funds, public awareness and patronage, involvement of activists and Non-governmental organization passionately working in the domain and most importantly people living in the embankments. There is a need for a popular public movement across the country that would complement the efforts of Govt. on water conservation, river development and rejuvenation and creation of green belt in either side of rivers for the preservation of top soils and the river channels. Prime Minister could appoint a National Committee on Water under the leadership of a very senior leader and drawing members from all political parties with a mandate to create a popular public movement to raise awareness and volunteers for conservation, protection and development of our fresh water resources in the country by initially deploying the workers of all political parties. Govt. could also bring legislation in this monsoon session of Parliament to make Rain Water Harvesting mandatory for all buildings across the country and all roads RWH compliant as that would help our river system a natural flow round the year. This should solve our water woes in most part of our country in a few years.    

#Flat No: 105, Kalpatru Nivas Apartment, Swarnapuri Road, Patia, Bhubaneswar-751024 India Mob: 9853426657 E-Mail: streben.marke@gmail.com Twitter: @ ideasofhope      

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Apropos “India’s Opportunity in Iran”, agreed with the author as it is extremely important for India to partner with Iran on Chabahar Port (for which there is a standing agreement in place) for India’s long term strategic requirement and contemporary commercial interest. It would be also ‘Ideal’ for our new Govt. to revisit the Iran-Pakistan-India Gas/petroleum pipeline for energy security in the Indian sub-continent and also bringing the people of Pakistan & India much closer. If this pipeline project were completed in 5 yrs; then, that would knock out a significant portion of our energy import bill and therefore control the volatility in the petroleum prices and ease the pressure on retail inflation. That apart, this gigantic project could throw up opportunity for collaboration between Indian & Pakistani Industry. Last but not the least India could tick off USA for the Khobragade humiliation in a Style.

Bikash Choudhury


Thursday, May 22, 2014


They say if you have a friend like tambam Manishankar Iyer; then you may not need an enemy to pull you down. And, fortunately Congress Party has Mani as one of the motor mouth spokes person who gave away a potent ‘Chaiwalla’ strategy to BJP absolutely free of cost; which Modi used it to hilt and now we see the differential result as Congress Party hit the nadir and embarrassingly does not make it to the Leader of Opposition chair in the lower house. Manishankar Iyer again in one of his T.V News appearances ranted his diatribe against Modi as Hitler and tried to spread the hubris that he has a hidden agenda. He is doing a great disservice to his party and giving Ideas to Modi. Mani was a professional diplomat; but, any body would hardly believe after listening to his innuendo in all matters. He is a fit case for mental asylum but Congress Party fields him regularly in the prime time talk shows as he was a close friend of Rajiv Gandhi. Hitler or not Modi has the making of a benevolent dictator that India needs the most at the moment. Not many believed when Modi said “Congress Mukt Bharat”; however, looking at the tally of Congress Party; as it was wiped out in 10 States, that could be a reality sooner than later; if Congress Party continues to make same mistakes. The election result of Congress Party can be summed up as the net result of an anti incumbency of 10 yrs, added lacuna in Governance and created a vacuum in leadership of the country.     
    Congress President made an error in judgment while selecting the head of Govt. as she chose loyalty over competence and in the party she chose a successor who is not suitable for the front end of leadership though he could be an asset for back end. In this case she chose emotion over ability and competence. The formulation of Congress seems to be Family above Party and Party above the country. These double faults is going to hunt her and the Congress Party for next decade or more as Narendra Modi is going to be here for the long haul.     

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


RBI Governor recently said that "he is responsible for the monetary policy of the country though, he would consult the ministry of Finance GoI and listen to them from time to time, however, the final call is his". Actually, no sensible Govt/ new Govt. would dispute the stand of his RBI Governor- when he is Raghuram Rajan. (no govt. would think of firing him in their dreams as he is one of the best). However, the issue of Inflation targeting should be seen by both the Governor of RBI and the Govt. of the day with a very fresh perspective. We need to concede now that monetary policy has its limitation to control inflation which is running above 8% now; as the Rural consumption pattern has under gone sea change, the area under cultivation of fruits and vegetables are under squeeze due to land acquisition for Roads, Rails and other Infra projects, counterfeit currencies are being dumped from abroad and manufactured inside the country in increasing numbers, Idle cash in rural areas remain untapped and their are other problems like money laundering and huge tax evasion that complicates the Inflation Story in India at present which can be solved when RBI and Govt. work in close co-ordination.    

Sunday, May 11, 2014


Apropos Military Assault on Pak Media; It is earlier said that “pen is mightier than the sword” which can be modified now as “T.V Camera & Mike is much more powerful than the gun”. Pak Military and it’s under study could create mayhem against its Media fraternity and able to gag the press; only, because Pak media is not united and its foot print is not broad based as it is in other matured democracy. Therefore, military has been able to spread the hubris as the savior of Pakistani people which is far from truth. Time will come when Pakistani Media would get united on the principle of “freedom of press” appropriately supported by the Pakistani Diaspora living abroad to challenge the Pak military with their bare hands. That should inspire the student community of Pakistan and deprived young people who would take to the streets of Rawalpindi, Lahore and Karachi to unnerve the Generals at GHQ once and for all. The leftover could be tackled by the Political establishment and the Judiciary of Pakistan. The tipping point is yet to come.      



Wednesday, May 7, 2014



Pakistan interior minister recently said “if Narendra Modi became Prime Minister of India; then, that would be a destabilizing factor in the region-south Asia”. Indian Political establishment even at the middle of general election got together to criticize the statement unanimously as a blatant interference in the internal affairs of the country. However, deep inside Indian people feel sympathy and offer condolence at the sad demise of democracy in Pakistan. If recent news report were to be believed out of Pakistan where prominent Journalists like Hamid Mir and many others were targeted allegedly by Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) in order to silence them and the growing public opinion against the Military Junta inside Pakistan. There is a growing awareness in Pakistan about the continuing economic hardship of ordinary Pakistanis were principally due to extravagant profligacy of its Military at the expense of its people who go without electricity and water; as all economic aids to Pakistan largely siphoned off by its armed men in the name of protecting Pakistan. Truth remains otherwise as Pakistani Military creates a fear psychosis among its people and political establishment about Indian intentions to liquidate Pakistan; only to preserve its existence and its power over all organs of Pak Government. Its New Military Chief consecrated ‘J&K’ as the “jugular vein” of Pakistan. It is just paranoia for self preservation. No Indian Govt. worth its salt or for that matter any Prime Minister would try to destabilize a volatile Nation already. The whole world now knows too well that Pakistan now sitting on a tinder box and can explode at any given moment. The conflict and conflagration between three top organs of Pakistan is no longer hidden from the Global audience courtesy the social media and the sectarian violence in Karachi and many other parts of Pakistan, proliferation of its home grown Jihadi groups and on top of all the growing aspiration of its young people and their anger against deprivation makes Pakistan a very dangerous place in the world; that no Indian Premier save Modi would like to touch with a barge pole. As predominant public opinion inside India remains that ‘a stable and economically sound Pakistan is in the interest of India. Therefore, Indians have greatly pinned their hope on Pakistani Diaspora in developed countries and its young people for a new Pakistan that wish to grow culturally and economically in collaboration rather than in competition with India. Pakistani people can only teach a lesson or two to its Military to stay in the barrack with Zipped In. However, the paranoia in the military establishment of Pakistan against Modi is very real and non will be surprised if Pakistani ISI actually target Modi to eliminate before he actually takes oath or planning a 26/11 type terrorist strike in Delhi again. If nothing else ISI agents could hijack an Indian Civilian Aircraft with passengers to tarnish the image of the new Indian Govt. from the start. The incumbent Govt. of India of the day should rather remain very cautious and careful to handover power to the new elected Govt. peacefully without any untoward incidents or event to preserve the image of vibrant democracy of India.                                     

#Flat No: 105, Kalpatru Nivas Apartment, Swarnapuri Road, Patia, Bhubaneswar-751024
Mob: 9853426657 E-Mail: streben.marke@gmail.com Twitter: @ ideasofhope           


Apropos Military Assault on Pak Media; It is earlier said that “pen is mightier than the sword” which can be modified now as “T.V Camera & Mike is much more powerful than the gun”. Pak Military and it’s under study could create mayhem against its Media fraternity and able to gag the press; only, because Pak media is not united and its foot print is not broad based as it is in other matured democracy. Therefore, military has been able to spread the hubris as the savior of Pakistani people which is far from truth. Time will come when Pakistani Media would get united on the principle of “freedom of press” appropriately supported by the Pakistani Diaspora living abroad to challenge the Pak military with their bare hands. That should inspire the student community of Pakistan and deprived young people who would take to the streets of Rawalpindi, Lahore and Karachi to unnerve the Generals at GHQ once and for all. The leftover could be tackled by the Political establishment and the Judiciary of Pakistan. The tipping point is yet to come.      



Thursday, May 1, 2014



Damocles sword always hangs over the crown and the new premier who assumes office by the end of next month or in the beginning thereafter can’t evade the same as many of his illustrious predecessor. Pandit Nehru, the first premier of Independent India was swamped by the aftermath of partition holocaust and problems arising out of refugees in one hand while attending to the daunting task of unifying the princely states in India with the help of Sarar Patel. Soon he had to contend with a war imposed by Pakistan on J&K. In spite of all that, he built a very strong foundation of a strong and democratic India and occupied a distinct position for India in the Global community through his espousal of non-aligned foreign policy. He was able to setup Institutions to drive the socio-economic progress of the country; though, his emphasis on socialistic mixed economic model tied the country with Hindu rate of economic growth. In hindsight we guess a free market economic model with private enterprise and innovation could have given much better result; however, Nehru remained unconvinced and at times suspicious about private industry that remained the bane of his long tenure. However, one has to concede that Nehru overcome daunting challenges with aplomb and would go down in the annals of history as the thinker and the builder of modern India. His successor Lal Bahadur Sastri had a very short tenure but, his stewardship was again eclipsed by a war in the western front with Pakistan which he overpowered with his slogan ‘jai jawan and jai kisan’. Indira Gandhi was heckled by the old guard of the Congress Party for some time which she rebutted with populism and later opposition activism with authoritarian rule. She had also to contend with American Imperialism and creation of Bangladesh. Rajiv Gandhi was a target of ambitious Congress party insiders and incestuous Delhi media and top bureaucracy which foisted false corruption cases on him and driven him to make one mistake after another owing to his administrative inexperience and little over confidence to solve all problems of the country at one go; that, eventually cost him premiership and later his life. V.P. Singh came with bang on anti-corruption plank and went with a whimper after dividing the society yet again with his implementation of Mandal Commission report. He was overawed by the snipers of his ambitious colleagues in the cabinet and in the party that failed him from implementing a coherent policy for the country. Chandrashkhar came with a very limited mandate but he unleashed very bold policy in his short tenure on economy and an attempt to resolve the Babri Masjid and Ram Janma Bhumi issue, most burning issues of his time. However, Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated in his tenure due to his laxity or connivance remains unanswered. P.V. Narashima Rao would remain one of the shrewdest premiers who unleashed one of the boldest economic policies of free market economy with liberal help from his able & erudite finance minister. His challengers were shown the doors both inside the party and outside with impunity and uncanny virtue of silence. He was a loyal follower of Gandhi family; however, he never gave himself to the palace coupe as he remained one step ahead always during his tenure. He unfortunately presided over the demolition of Babri Masjid; while, he delivered a new maxim ‘not taking a decision is also a decision’. Atalji was a premier with broad vision for the country who unveiled a program of faster infrastructure development in the country that actually delivered an 8% plus GDP growth for a few years after his tenure. He had the courage to make India a Nuclear Power. Those who challenged him would be found in the foot note of history.

                                           The new premier would be challenged by the Global Spy Agency and spy agency near home-ISI. Global spy agencies would trail the new premier on his ‘strategic policy’ to counter the Global ambition of the country; while ISI  would continue its policy and program of sabotage of Indian Economy through spreading the spurious Indian currency network by pumping growing amount inside the country and financing the terror modules at unexpected quarters. ISI would also sponsor audacious terrorist strikes like 26/11 again and also target important Indian political leaders who profess economic & cultural partnership with Pakistan. New Premier has to keep hawkish eye on the global spy network while decimating the nuisance value of ISI with an equally or more notorious agency for the purpose.

#Flat No: 105, Kalpatru Nivas Apartment, Swarnapuri Road, Patia, Bhubaneswar-751024
Mob: 9853426657 E-Mail: streben.marke@gmail.com Twitter: @ ideasofhope           


Tuesday, April 22, 2014


                                                            Bikash Choudhury

Academic Research has been one of the top most criteria for Global University ranking in USA and also in other developed countries and now the same method is being followed by Indian Universities to improve their rankings as well as building their Brand value before their stake holders. There is no harm in such a hypothesis being practiced by emerging private universities in the country; however, we need to ask if such a policy aligned to the need and goal of our country? Can’t we think of a better method that is much more challenging than ‘Academic Research’ and lucrative to our country’s development?
 Growing Economic Inequality pose the biggest challenge to our society and our country. Quality education and skill development are the immediate solution which our Autonomous Educational Institutions and Private Universities are doing very well in the recent past. However, one more thing they can do to improve the Economic Condition of a cluster of village by deploying their academic resources and knowledge pool. That should offer enough challenge to the students and faculties to find solutions for the problems of Cluster Economic Development in real time. That would also give opportunity to students to apply their knowledge and skill. Academic Research would henceforth be targeted at some real problems of real people and eventually benefit the residents of village cluster apart from creating umpteenth case studies for intellectual postmortem and academic consumption. Apart from sharpening the academic acumen of the students and teachers; such experiment if successful would help in bridging the economic inequality in the country over a period of time.
This is easier said than done; however, if our private multi-disciplinary universities and autonomous institutions like IIT & IIM could think of adopting a village cluster of 10-15 villages with 10,000 population and 5000-10,000 acres of cultivable land. First of all Universities could incubate an organization in association with the resident of cluster villages and devise a plan to improve the Agricultural productivity, generating employment opportunities by conceptualizing MSME relevant for the cluster, imparting the education & training and skill development of young people, marketing the produce of the cluster in lucrative market and finding investors for such project or raising finance by deploying their inter-disciplinary talent pool in the university campus. This could be an Indian model of Knowledge Mining in Academics designated to benefit deprived rural masses not only in India; but, in other developing countries also. With successful practice such program could be a role model globally that may be adopted by United Nations Development Program (UNDP).   


#Flat No: 105, Kalpatru Nivas Apartment, Swarnapuri Road, Patia, Bhubaneswar-751024 India Mob: 9853426657 E-Mail: streben.marke@gmail.com Twitter: @ ideasofhope       

Monday, April 21, 2014


Bikash Choudhury

India would become the next Global Economic and Political Power of this century; as a strong and stable Govt. is set to take office by 25th May 2014 under unusual pressure of Indian Middle Class activism, impatient youth of the country baying for a change and on the influence of 24x7 media which is largely free and fare. There is an invisible ground swelling desire of large majority of Indians to cut their losses of past sixty plus years and establish a robust economy. The new Govt. that would soon take over the reigns is expected to make India a preferred and attractive destination for Global Business and Investment by putting the policy paralysis of last decade behind it and taking rather proactive decisions to lift all the hurdles in the way for brisk economic activity of a billion plus country. Further, the new Govt. would address the internal security challenges and all external threats by taking bold decisions wherever required; matching the expectations of people who are most likely to remain behind the Govt. in its mission to resolve all problems that has imprisoned its development in a substantive manner. India would henceforth choose to unite the Indian sub-continent culturally and economically to capture the pay offs of the demographic dividends, stopping wastage of vital resources thus posting unprecedented human development along with double digit economic growth. India would also be magnanimous enough to collaborate with all its South Asian neighbors to make this region one of the prosperous and secured regions of Asia. Global Powers can’t take India for granted any longer much less to mess around without bruising its own interest as India moves ahead to become a large English speaking consumer market with deep pockets. India would also become a huge shopper for technology in the domain of Infrastructure development, Water conservation & management and Urban Centers Development and its Management. Further, as India engage itself to better educate its children and re-skill its young people there would be enough scope for all developed countries to take a pie of Indian growth story. A wind of change is blowing across India and soon India would be on the move.             

#Flat No: 105, Kalpatru Nivas Apartment, Swarnapuri Road, Patia, Bhubaneswar-751024 India Mob: 9853426657 E-Mail: streben.marke@gmail.com Twitter: @ ideasofhope      

Sunday, April 20, 2014


Tapati Rout

Recently I was invited to a Puja Ceremony by a relative on the outskirts of Bhubaneswar city in a rural hamlet. There was a temple adjacent to a large water body full of greenery. Village folks lazily going about their morning routine; while chirping of birds on hunt for food creating its own melody. On the other side eight priests are busy arranging for the Puja Ceremony meticulously inside the temple. I have keenly observed them doing their job seamlessly without any mistakes, arguments or any confusion. All eight Priests were very well coordinated in their activities and trained to perform their job in harmony and with appropriate sequence.  To my mind, these Priests who have never seen the portals of any Management School were a classic case of ‘Team Work’ impeccably planned and meticulously executed in time. I was pleasantly surprised and yet so happy to see such a Puja Ceremony in rural hamlet. Only regret I did not carry my digital camera to record the event for the posterity.

It is but an accepted fact that, credit for a successful project goes to a successful team; that is equally applicable for a project in a corporate sector, playing a game to win or even organizing a puja ceremony at home or an event. In the animal kingdom the King of Jungle also work in a team to catch a big prey. A good team must possess some universally accepted qualities; however, there would be a need to change such strategy on the basis of the nature of job and the external environment prevailing at the time. Two types of example flashes in my mind; One the puja ceremony and the other one was famous movie called “Chak De India” – which was all about playing Hockey for India and winning the game .Both the situations have adopted different strategy to ‘Build’ successful team at their level. Let us now look at the different strategy adopted in two aforementioned cases. In the case of Puja Ceremony my observations are as follows:

  • Complete understanding  about the job by all team members
  • Higher level of Non-Verbal Communication Skill among the team members
  • Outstanding networking and coordination between team members
  • Goal orientation of team members and spirit of co-operation between members of the team to complete the task successfully and in time.
  • Leadership quality in each team member and the ability to take initiative to complement the job with a sense of Timing
  • Mutual respect for each other as a person and their respective abilities and absence of any ‘Bully’ in the team
  • Good Listening Skills of team members
  • Time management
  • Positive attitude towards the job
  • Maintaining a calm but productive environment

The movie ‘Chak De India’ which I have watched umpteen numbers of times was a classic and powerful example of how to build a winning team to respond to Global Competition. My observations are as follows:

  • Team members must understand the value for time(when the player from Chandigarh enters late, the coach punishes her)
  • Building Team Spirit (The Coach coax the team members to understand and feel as part of one Indian Team Identity)
  • Compatibility among Team members (Allotment of beds to the team by the Coach to promote cross interaction)
  • Job allocation/rotation to bring out the best from each member (allocation of field placement of players by the coach)
  • The leader at times should act tough to bring the team in coordination
  • Develop sympathy and compassion  between each team members (team members  help each other to learn English)
  • Select a team leader who is liked & respected by all members of the team (Captain selection)
The humble Puja Ceremony by Priests in a rural landscape and the movie makers of ‘chalk de India’ may not be conversant with current team building process and technology practiced by private business organization  and those are being taught in Management Schools; however, they have intuitively used the art and science of team building. 

Former Visiting Faculty of KSOM, KIIT University and an Entrepreneur. She can be reached at:ch.tapatirout@gmail.com       





Friday, April 18, 2014



It is said ‘Odisha is the land of Art & Architecture’ only in speeches. Recently visited an art camp and exhibition at Jayadev Bhawan organized by ‘Together’ a forum of creative artist and supported by house of TATA; it was evening time and there were hardly any visitors apart from a few students of fine art from Bhubaneswar. Needless to mention there were repertoires of art on display from eminent artists and from students on various shades and techniques on many facets of life apart from the main theme-women issues. Such public apathy of art and artist is unpardonable, largely due to lack of encouragement from the state govt., few sponsors from local Industrial Houses & Business, little appreciation for art by rich & famous residents of Bhubaneswar city & across Odisha and few real connoisseurs of art and craft in political & bureaucratic leadership. All this have conspired against shaping a nascent art market in the city and therefore has not rekindled substantive public interest in art exhibitions which remain poorly attended events. Media has restricted itself to just reporting of art exhibitions and other related events; while its mandate were for shaping the public opinion on art and promote creative artist of the state. During the rules of monarchy the art, architecture and culture was actively promoted by the then rulers and their family as often they had deep personal interest on the subject. However, in our time the Member of Parliament and legislative assembly; who have replaced the ruling class of our history either ignore or don’t encourage art & artist due to lack of personal & family interest and moreover, that does not constitute any potential vote bank to be pursued with cash or kind. How do we create a vibrant market for contemporary art in the city of Bhubaneswar? First of all we need to create awareness among school & college students for appreciation of art and simultaneously develop a taste for art; which would later transform into genuine public interest in art & architecture. Art lovers across the world agree that art has the potential to change the attitude of mankind, inspire new ideas & ideologies in other creative pursuits and also drive innovation in science and technology. All developed societies have espoused the cause of art and artist at all times. Therefore, people in our city, social groups, business organizations, non-govt. organizations and our state govt. should pioneer the cause of promotion of art and artist in the city in the larger interest of socio-economic progress of the state. For a change individuals and organizations in the city should try to invest a certain portion of their surplus resources in buying art works every year; that could encourage artist to travel to the depth of their consciousness and experience to put art on the canvas to make us and our society much richer. No army has ever marched on an empty stomach neither any artist could display his excellence without optimum resources funded by market. And, market is mostly driven by Glamour Quotient’; it is possible to create an aura around the Art & Artist taking a cue from IPL in sports. But, you will need a passionate sponsor and promoter of art like Lalit Modi in cricket. Our city has plenty numbers of business men turned politicians, media barons & bureaucrat turned political party boss, Eduprenures of Global reputation  and mafia turned businessmen with very deep pockets who can have an image makeover by giving a leg up to the art world of Odisha. Our state Govt. could become biggest investor of art in the beginning; apart from facilitating to showcase the very rich Odia School of art & architecture in mature markets like New York, London, Paris and Dubai. Any takers?  

#Flat No: 105, Kalpatru Nivas Apartment, Swarnapuri Road, Patia, Bhubaneswar-751024 India Mob: 9853426657 E-Mail: streben.marke@gmail.com Twitter: @ ideasofhope       

Friday, April 11, 2014


Bikash Choudhury

Forty Five days from now a new premier would take office at South block in New Delhi after the election result were public on 16th May 2016 with a complete mandate to lift this country from gross despair and desperation. Country has already found itself an astute and market savvy central bank governor in Raghuram Rajan who has started to put bricks to strengthen our financial system and monetary policy for the larger goal of macro economic stability. But, it would be the call of new premier and his Govt. to set the direction of the economy with their proactive decisions and management of bloated bureaucracy in central govt. to meet the expectation of people. Therefore, it is interesting to speculate about the agenda of the new Prime Minister. For a change the new prime minister could choose to have a principal secretary from industry than from bureaucracy; some body like Indira Nooui, as much for symbol as for the substance. A person of Nooui’s ability could help the new prime minister to execute his agenda oblivious of bureaucratic log-jam if any; further, she has no mean global reputation for performance with purpose which could be her single most contribution to the new govt.
Further, if the new premier wish to recoup the looses of past sixty plus years in sixty plus months; then, he should know that well enough----it is impossible to deliver in such a scale alone; he would need a team of four deputy premier to help him execute his vision while giving the premier the time and space to select the Strategic Direction from time to time. That should also help to evolve a loyal and committed core team while balancing the administrative necessity of large country as ours and political expediency of personal political ambitions of his senior colleagues in the cabinet. It would be also imperative to leave behind the bitterness of hard fought general election campaign and move to build a National Consensus on the Strategic Direction for the country. It is possible to bring about a consensus on “India the Global Economic & Political Power of 21st Century”. The new govt. and the opposition could break bread while discussing over the finer points of such a proposition. The new Govt. is going to inherit a litany of issues from a virtually defunct, dysfunctional and at times an impotent predecessor govt.; however, the new Govt. could wisely choose five to ten items for a fast drive in 1st year that would have multiplier effect in other sectors. In my opinion ‘water’ remains central to our life and civilization and therefore it should be on top of our hit list; that should look after the conservation, augmentation and management of water that alone would have a great impact on our Agriculture & Agriculture productivity apart from Dairy, Fishery and Water transportation sectors. The other important issues could be ‘women’, ‘infrastructure’, and ‘ease of doing businesses’ and ‘connectivity in land, air and in the seas’ and ‘policing’ and many others. It is very important for the new Govt. to be straight with its people and communicate regularly what it propose to do and how? This should transform the hopes of millions of young people in India with concrete result on the ground. Hope is in the air for a better time for all of us.

#Flat No: 105, Kalpatru Nivas Apartment, Swarnapuri Road, Patia, Bhubaneswar-751024 India Mob: 9853426657 E-Mail: streben.marke@gmail.com Twitter: @ ideasofhope      


Monday, April 7, 2014


Bikash Choudhury

There was a late night mobile call which I could not attend due to deep slumber or due to painful sleep disorder on the heat of scorching summer which has hit many of us very badly. Next day morning there was a call to inform that 13 year old son of a close friend committed suicide for doing poorly in his 7th class examination. This was as shocking to me as it would be for the readers of this esteemed news paper. I visited my friend with family to console and to find out what went wrong and if it were possible to save another precious and innocent teenage life? What we gathered from our visit was that the boy Pintu (name changed) was slightly introvert for his age and he had no real friends except his parents and he was very good at studies apart from being a very good looking and an impressionable boy, having a room to himself where he probably fiddle with gadgets apart from studies. He was also very keen on digital photography. He just had shifted to a new school with better reputation in the city and some how he could not do that well in the exam and his score came down by 30% from his old school; which created heart burn for the child and may be a little for the parents concerned. Within four days of the school result Pintu took his life in his thirteenth year. This may not have been an easy decision for the boy; but, his academic reputation in the joint family and among the peer groups was so much so that he did not find life worth living for. Is this a teenage decision? The information age of today and social networking overdose has made millions of teenagers in schools half baked adult and rub their child hood the wrong way. Further, dime a dozen Reality Soaps in the small screens have infact made scores of teenagers the real bread winners of the family. Some times the Parental greed and in some cases the impact of demonstration effect has created its own mirage of instant success story of beach side bungalows, fast cars and the liberty of globe trotting in first class comfort; and, that have created immense pressures on the tiny heads in our contemporary society. Some times it hits us with very unusual incidents of teenage suicide which is rare but growing incidents could be routine next; if it were not addressed properly. The solution remains with Parents at homes and Teachers in schools; children are very good imitators like a monkey and they are easily influenced by what they see in their parents and hear from teachers in schools. I guess Parents would be little more cautious with their kids keeping in view their Information Age rather than real age. And, avoid thrusting upon their unfulfilled aspiration on children; as that would eventually be counter productive for a holistic growth of a person and personality. Teachers should henceforth held themselves responsible for a healthy harvest of good and responsible citizens by impressing upon the students about life beyond success and temporary failures as those are events in a long span of productive life to learn and move on with life for greater and gross public good. Can we prevent another teenage suicide happening in our neighborhood?

#Flat No: 105, Kalpatru Nivas Apartment, Swarnapuri Road, Patia, Bhubaneswar-751024
Mob: 9853426657 E-Mail: streben.marke@gmail.com Twitter: @ ideasofhope