Thursday, May 22, 2014


They say if you have a friend like tambam Manishankar Iyer; then you may not need an enemy to pull you down. And, fortunately Congress Party has Mani as one of the motor mouth spokes person who gave away a potent ‘Chaiwalla’ strategy to BJP absolutely free of cost; which Modi used it to hilt and now we see the differential result as Congress Party hit the nadir and embarrassingly does not make it to the Leader of Opposition chair in the lower house. Manishankar Iyer again in one of his T.V News appearances ranted his diatribe against Modi as Hitler and tried to spread the hubris that he has a hidden agenda. He is doing a great disservice to his party and giving Ideas to Modi. Mani was a professional diplomat; but, any body would hardly believe after listening to his innuendo in all matters. He is a fit case for mental asylum but Congress Party fields him regularly in the prime time talk shows as he was a close friend of Rajiv Gandhi. Hitler or not Modi has the making of a benevolent dictator that India needs the most at the moment. Not many believed when Modi said “Congress Mukt Bharat”; however, looking at the tally of Congress Party; as it was wiped out in 10 States, that could be a reality sooner than later; if Congress Party continues to make same mistakes. The election result of Congress Party can be summed up as the net result of an anti incumbency of 10 yrs, added lacuna in Governance and created a vacuum in leadership of the country.     
    Congress President made an error in judgment while selecting the head of Govt. as she chose loyalty over competence and in the party she chose a successor who is not suitable for the front end of leadership though he could be an asset for back end. In this case she chose emotion over ability and competence. The formulation of Congress seems to be Family above Party and Party above the country. These double faults is going to hunt her and the Congress Party for next decade or more as Narendra Modi is going to be here for the long haul.     

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