Wednesday, May 7, 2014



Pakistan interior minister recently said “if Narendra Modi became Prime Minister of India; then, that would be a destabilizing factor in the region-south Asia”. Indian Political establishment even at the middle of general election got together to criticize the statement unanimously as a blatant interference in the internal affairs of the country. However, deep inside Indian people feel sympathy and offer condolence at the sad demise of democracy in Pakistan. If recent news report were to be believed out of Pakistan where prominent Journalists like Hamid Mir and many others were targeted allegedly by Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) in order to silence them and the growing public opinion against the Military Junta inside Pakistan. There is a growing awareness in Pakistan about the continuing economic hardship of ordinary Pakistanis were principally due to extravagant profligacy of its Military at the expense of its people who go without electricity and water; as all economic aids to Pakistan largely siphoned off by its armed men in the name of protecting Pakistan. Truth remains otherwise as Pakistani Military creates a fear psychosis among its people and political establishment about Indian intentions to liquidate Pakistan; only to preserve its existence and its power over all organs of Pak Government. Its New Military Chief consecrated ‘J&K’ as the “jugular vein” of Pakistan. It is just paranoia for self preservation. No Indian Govt. worth its salt or for that matter any Prime Minister would try to destabilize a volatile Nation already. The whole world now knows too well that Pakistan now sitting on a tinder box and can explode at any given moment. The conflict and conflagration between three top organs of Pakistan is no longer hidden from the Global audience courtesy the social media and the sectarian violence in Karachi and many other parts of Pakistan, proliferation of its home grown Jihadi groups and on top of all the growing aspiration of its young people and their anger against deprivation makes Pakistan a very dangerous place in the world; that no Indian Premier save Modi would like to touch with a barge pole. As predominant public opinion inside India remains that ‘a stable and economically sound Pakistan is in the interest of India. Therefore, Indians have greatly pinned their hope on Pakistani Diaspora in developed countries and its young people for a new Pakistan that wish to grow culturally and economically in collaboration rather than in competition with India. Pakistani people can only teach a lesson or two to its Military to stay in the barrack with Zipped In. However, the paranoia in the military establishment of Pakistan against Modi is very real and non will be surprised if Pakistani ISI actually target Modi to eliminate before he actually takes oath or planning a 26/11 type terrorist strike in Delhi again. If nothing else ISI agents could hijack an Indian Civilian Aircraft with passengers to tarnish the image of the new Indian Govt. from the start. The incumbent Govt. of India of the day should rather remain very cautious and careful to handover power to the new elected Govt. peacefully without any untoward incidents or event to preserve the image of vibrant democracy of India.                                     

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