Sunday, May 11, 2014


Apropos Military Assault on Pak Media; It is earlier said that “pen is mightier than the sword” which can be modified now as “T.V Camera & Mike is much more powerful than the gun”. Pak Military and it’s under study could create mayhem against its Media fraternity and able to gag the press; only, because Pak media is not united and its foot print is not broad based as it is in other matured democracy. Therefore, military has been able to spread the hubris as the savior of Pakistani people which is far from truth. Time will come when Pakistani Media would get united on the principle of “freedom of press” appropriately supported by the Pakistani Diaspora living abroad to challenge the Pak military with their bare hands. That should inspire the student community of Pakistan and deprived young people who would take to the streets of Rawalpindi, Lahore and Karachi to unnerve the Generals at GHQ once and for all. The leftover could be tackled by the Political establishment and the Judiciary of Pakistan. The tipping point is yet to come.      



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