Friday, November 14, 2014



World is currently going through a tempestuous phase in its life for the mankind. While it is being battered by Nature in all its ferocity as a consequence of climate change phenomena in one side; it is also being targeted by Global terrorism in a very organized manner with growing violence on innocent people. On top of it Global economic systems have completely failed to remove poverty in many parts of the World. There has been attempt to deal with a few of them through millennium development goal; however, as the deadline of 2015 is getting nearer the failure to achieve the goal staring on our face. Global community urgently need to address three important issues like conservation of nature, reduction in global defense expenditure and better understanding between various religions & race. Indian Prime Minister while speaking at United Nations General Assembly emphasized upon lifestyle changes and practice of yoga that would help in conservation of nature by cutting down conspicuous consumption. Nation States are spending huge amount of their revenue in armed forces disproportionate to their security need and much in excess their spend on education & healthcare. There is a need to convince the Nation States to reallocate resources from defense to development; some where and some how the global terrorism is deeply embedded to the growing numbers of poverty stricken people. The central problem that remains unattended and grossly fuels the global terrorism is the misunderstanding between a set of religious faith and race which can be easily resolved by spreading awareness and facilitating learning about all religious faith from ground up- that is from children to adults. The raw violence that is being perpetrated by the brand new terrorist group ISIS and the counter offensive from allied forces led by USA seem to have no end and have the potential to spread into many peaceful neighbor hood of the World. United Nations and sensible leaders of Nation States have been trying to end this vicious problem of violence and poverty; however, their efforts have been limited by resources and organization. Therefore, Global Corporation must now work for the mankind to conserve, preserve and progress; as without mankind there would be no business. In a recent news report the chief of social networking site Face Book donated twenty five million dollars to the Disease Control Centre of USA for EBOLA virus and for a long time founder of Microsoft Bill Gates spending a fortune for health & sanitation in most developing countries including India. This individual and isolated act of philanthropy may not be able to resolve the core issues faced by the Global community. At this moment it is imperative for Global Corporation to work for humanity as part of their business policy and earmark a substantial portion of their idle resources and the organization to help generate awareness and contemplate action wherever required to bring elusive peace and sustainable economic prosperity for the Global community. Global Corporations like Google, Face Book and Microsoft have considerable influence over the classes and masses which they could use to incubate three organizations to adequately deal with current problems. One, University Students for Global Peace with a mandate to convince and get buy-ins from the lawmakers of each country to cut their respective defense expenditure by five to ten percent and redeploy such resources in development of their own country or wherever such resources are urgently needed across the World. This should considerably reduce the State sponsored violence, aggression and war like condition and at the same time help the recovery of Global economy with higher spending on social expenditure and capacity building in deprived regions of least developing countries. This initiative also could help check the territorial ambitions and aggressive posturing of countries like China by creating a very strong Global Public opinion against warmongering and adventurism. Two, Global Social Forum—just like ‘World Economic Forum’ with an objective to bring the various and varied religions and race on a common platform for a constructive dialogue between leaders in the field to create a better and shared understanding on the matter of faith. That should over a period of time control Global Terrorism by stopping the inflow of followers to the terrorist network. At the end, World now misses an organization that works on the concept of “fortune lies at the bottom of pyramid” making the economic development of rural settlement in developing countries as its only business. If Global Corporations eventually take these initiatives in near future; then, a new Global Order would emerge and World could remain in Peace with itself in a sustainable manner for a long long time and the financial statements of Global Corporations would look very attractive. Shall we?

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