Thursday, December 6, 2012


Bikash Choudhury

In hindsight, it now appears that allowing the going down of a popular and young Maldivian, President, and Mohamed Nassed in an unethical and unconstitutional coup was a huge error in judgment on the part of Indian Government. For, the current events in Maldives confirm a larger conspiracy against India and its interests in the region. India can’t now afford to make just knee jerk reaction any more. It is good and morally right not to interfere in the internal affairs of a sovereign Nation; but, it would be too innocent on our part to wash off our hands from a Nation in close proximity to be influenced by inimical forces with imperial and colonial design against India. Not long ago India had to intervene militarily in Maldives Island to safeguard its President and Island Nation against armed marauders; of course, on request from the then President, Mohamed Gayuoom. India is too big a country to expect a quid pro quo from a fragile Island Nation like Maldives. However, India should not leave any stone unturned to preserve and protect larger and long term strategic interest of the country in the region. In my opinion India should down grade the diplomatic representation at Maldives and also could announce a demarche to its diplomat in New Delhi. And, it should now be made very clear to the current Govt. of Maldives that India considers its decisions seriously; which is much above, just commercial consideration and would affect long term relations between two countries. Further, incase of any Natural disaster on account of Climate change phenomena; India could not be of any help, unless, Maldives change its current policies. However, India should be in touch with former President Mr. Nassed discreetly and keep a close vigil on the current leadership of Maldives to strike appropriately at a time of its own choosing.
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