Saturday, December 29, 2012


Bikash Choudhury

Delhi Girl eventually passed away; but, not before awakening a moribund Nation on the issue of “atrocities against women”. Not only me, had an entire Nation considered this as a very personal tragedy. Though, I deeply regret that it took one innocent life to compel the authorities to act now; Govt. having set up J.S.Verma commission to examine the issue of changing ‘law’ on Atrocities Against Women. My effort on this issue for last one year (having written to President, Prime Minister, Chief Justice Supreme Court, Political Parties and other celebrated Anchors and top Journalist) failed into deaf years. This confirms to the hypothesis “India only knows to react to crisis” propounded by Shankar Aiyar in his book ‘Accidental India’. That is a bigger tragedy for this Nation of billion plus people who can’t learn to work in a team. The crux of the problem is that “good people in our country out number the bad ones; but, bad people are much better networked than the Good people” says Soumayaranjan Patnaik, the Editor of local daily, Sambad at Bhubaneswar.

                                 Now is the time to act. The students in New Delhi took to the streets braving the canes, water canons and even the tear gas shells as never before. The justice to the perpetrators of the crime against the innocent Delhi girl, a doctor by profession; should now be swift and decisive to reign fear in the minds of similarly inclined men. And, justice can only be rendered adequately by a “public hanging” of all the six culprits which should be televised live by all the news and other T.V channels. A tear though emerge in the eyes knowing what she endured in a short life of just 23 years. Let us not allow another girl’s life snuffed out with such cruelty any where in our country. That should be a fitting tribute to this brave girl who laid down her precious life. Shall we or shall we not? Time will only tell. Never the less, this will remain a very personal tragedy for me.

Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address: flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas (apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024

Friday, December 28, 2012


 December 28, 2012

Dear Mr. Cyrus Mistry,

 My Congratulations on your taking over as the Chairman of TATA Group today. I could feel the excitement in the minds of ‘Young India’ with your elevation to this coveted position; that was once held by legendary JRD TATA and your predecessor RATAN TATA. JRD in his own style expanded the TATA Group and created many business leaders of Global reckoning inside the group and Ratan Tata consolidated the group initially and expanded overseas with remarkable additions of Land Rover and Corus. What should be the vision of Cyrus Mistry for TATA Group and in a sense for India?  Ratan Tata in his parting shot has said “TATA Group should reinvent itself”; I entirely concur with his contention. However, I just wish to add a question that revolves in my mind very often; “how long India would remain contended as the consumer of Western Innovation & Technology and when we Indians could take pride in an Indian organization or an Indian product with Global acceptance?” (Google, Microsoft, FB, Twitter, Wal-Mart, GE and DuPont

I guess you have the advantage of ‘time’ on your side to think about this at leisure and field your response to yourself, to the TATA Group and also for our country.

Congratulation once again and wish you and your family a Happy New Year 2013.

Thanking your kind self,
Warm Regards,

Bikash Choudhury
Socio-Economic-Political Activist

Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024


                                                       Tapati  Rout

                  Technical writing is as old as the product manual of our humble calculator or radio in our homes; however, after the phenomenal development of the Software Industry in our country, the technical writing has become an independent career. As the Industry need a professional technical writer as an interface between the software developer and the users of software (customer & user of software products). Since software applications are very expensive products and used by business to offer better services and improve efficiency; its users are highly sophisticated and therefore the need of a technical writer who would use his writing skills and technical understanding to make it simple for the user to operate the software application with ease. The importance of Technical Writing is such, today that a Graduate with a simple Certificate course in technical writing could join Software Company as a junior technical writer and can even rise to the level of chief information officer in a matter of a few years; of course, that depends on individual ability and professional skill as a tech writer, experience & expertise in document development process and competence in tech writing software.                                                                              
                   Technical writing may just be a communication process for a layman. But, it is the interaction between, ‘the text and the reader or audience’ in precise expression with the intention of conveying appropriate meaning to the readers. If we explore little deeper, the very name encompasses two different kinds of talent. One as a “verb” describes a means of communication and the other as what one writes about is described by the “adjective” Technical i.e. What kind of key words and phrases used by the writer to describe its writing. It is also about flexible and intelligent adoption/ application of standard style and writing guidelines such that the goals and objectives of the document are achieved. Hence, Language (grammar) and presentation plays an important role in technical writing. In fact it helps to instruct, to inform and to persuade the audience (Customer or Client). Technical writing is also as much to other type of writing like expression, ideation, influence, knowledge, creativity, impression and learning.  Every one, from an executive to manager, from a scientist to secretary, from a teacher to writer, use the skill of technical writing to generate the documents from memo to hundred and thousands of long pages that helps business enterprise to maintain and attain their goals. Technical writing has a unique niche. It occupies the space where only a writer can be positioned in an organization. Certificate courses are available for Technical writing. This course gives a clear, compressive, and realistic perspective about technical writing. The very course not only deals with writing but also deals with editing, proof reading, graphics, tools and people skills. It has several connotations under different contexts ranging from policy statements to description of computer application system to technical report to a presentation. At the end, technical writing pertains to document development in support of a business function irrespective of the type organization.   One who wishes to make a career in technical writing need to have certain attributes such as perception (what’s-in-it-for-me), analytical thinking, orientation for research, understanding of technology, ability to learn quickly, creative, patience, listening skills and open minded approach.

          Who is a Technical Writer: Technical writer, a communication link between the reader and the subject matter expert, who requires a skill of a good communicator, adept in use of synonyms to convey complex concepts to simple, straight forward language, with capabilities like thinking skills, analytical skills, proactive initiator and owner of knowledge repository.
          Application of Technical Writing: There are wide ranges of applications that span from simplest of resume writing & business proposals & business plans to complex user manuals writing and Training manuals. Further, it also deal with Advertising materials like brochure, flyers, catalogs, product information, job description, presentation , report writing etc.                                 
         Career Opportunity: Those who are exposed to technical writing can work as Associate technical writer, Senior technical writer, Documentation Manager, Knowledge officer, Chief knowledge officer in any IT or non IT organization. Now days, there is also a great demand for technical writers in the terrestrial world as content writers.                                                 
Mobile: 9238912647 Address: flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas (apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Bikash Choudhury
 1. Education would have been one of the main thrust areas for me and my team in the Congress Party and Union Government. I would have persuaded the Union Govt., all State Govt., Opposition Parties, Corporate sector and NGO movement to fine tune a multiprong ‘strategy’ to bring our Education system to Global standards both in Primary & secondary and in Higher Education(convert HE into money spinner in South Asia). 

2. Infrastructure sector holds the key to runaway growth; and, therefore, I would have taken initiative to persuade our IIT system to develop superior technology in Rail, Road and Aviation sector to cut cost improve quality and impress upon the High Net worth Individuals to contribute generously for this cause. 

3. Gandhi’s vision and another Gandhi’s mission would have been the starting point for me personally. Mahatma Gandhi emphasized on ‘Swarajya’-Economically self sufficient and Independent Villages while Rajiv Gandhi stressed on ‘Surajya’-- politically empowered Villages. I would have persuaded all Member of Parliament and Legislative Assemblies to sponsor and manage a ‘Village Cluster’ by applying the concept of “micro management of macro economy” of the territory and people in the cluster.

4. Energy remains another weak link in our country’s development. I would have persuaded all Govt. and Industry association to bring efficiency in consumption and production and for development of new technology in Non Renewable Energy through appropriate funding of leading technology and educational institutions in the country.

5. Women constitutes half the brain trust of India and no country could progress fast enough without their contribution as we see with Asian tigers. Therefore, I would have started a campaign inside the party and outside to give women their due share in Politics, Economics and in Governance at all levels (local, regional and national).

6. Language prevails across the borders as we see and feel with English language. India is and would remain a source of rich repertoire of varied local languages and mother of all languages “Sanskrit” which has been neglected by successive Govt. and society at large. I would have mobilized my young brigade in the party and outside to impress upon State Governments to offer the facility of a ‘Language Lab’ in each educational institutions to learn various Indian languages including Sanskrit, Hindi and Urdu. That would promote National Integration apart from developing a rich and flourishing language economy in the country through Publication & Translation Industry.

7. Culture is what differentiates India from other Nations. I would have mobilized all resources in my command to consolidate and export our culture abroad to make this World little safer and happier.

Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address: flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas (apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


                                                      Bikash Choudhury

Subhas Tomar, the 45 year old Constable in Delhi Police who suffered injuries in clashes with protesters succumbed to his injuries and laid down his life for an avoidable incident. He was only carrying out the orders of his superiors in Delhi Police who only know to apply force to control crowd. Apart from the top police officials who actually ordered the use of force against the demonstrators; the middle order Political Leaders would remain responsible for this loss of innocent life. As because, the student protesters were initially very peaceful though anger and a sense of frustration reigned supreme in these young minds which could have been easily pacified if appropriately addressed by even mid level Political Leaders of Congress, BJP and even other parties; unfortunately, non turn up to listen to the young India who were genuinely agitated on a cause of National importance.
My argument is if the middle order Political Leaders could have become the channel of communication between Govt. and the agitators; then, students would have never gone violent and we could still have Mr. Tomar among us, an innocent police man. However, life in India comes cheap and really very cheap; therefore, nobody bothers on quantum and quality of life lost to violence and law less ness.

Sunday, December 23, 2012


Bikash Choudhury

Delhi Police has amply shown before that it is an inept Police force; with growing atrocities on women, crimes of various kinds and terrorist attacks on vital installation and institutions time and again. And, now with brutal, uncalled for, unjust and patently blatant aggression against the peaceful protesters from various university campus has actually attempted to muzzle the very basic and fundamental rights of citizens to protest against an issue as important as “atrocities against women” with reference to the recent incident of sexual assault on an innocent medical student; which has already outraged the entire Nation. Police is paid out of tax payers’ money to protect the innocent; while, Delhi Police with its recent action, found to be standing with the assailants. It is very difficult to fathom the need of Delhi Police to resort to strong arm tactics with our young students who were valiantly fighting for a noble cause who sportingly took the canes and water canons on their body fearlessly that was broadcast live across 24x7 news channels. There can be two possibilities; either, there was an order from the top or Delhi Police simply does not know any other method of ‘Crowd Control’ without applying force. One should advise the Delhi Commissioner of Police to read the book ‘Bullet for Bullet’ written by J.F. Riberio, former Police Commissioner of Mumbai. The recent incidents and events in Delhi have not only sullied the image of Delhi Police; but, have put a question mark on the quality and the leadership ability of its top cops who hail from prestigious Indian Police Services. Either they should be sent home or they should be sent back to the school to start afresh.  

Saturday, December 22, 2012


Esteemed Prime Minister,

We are a childless couple; but, are seething with anger on what happened to the innocent girl in Delhi who fights for her life every moment since 9.30 P.M on 16th Dec 2012 that she boarded the bus with her friend. Mr. Prime Minister, being a father of two daughters; how do you feel? And, how a popularly elected Govt. like yours, could be so insensitive to a genuine public anger that erupted today in Delhi? How come Police/Govt. won’t control atrocities against women? And, at the same time act with Police action on Peaceful protesters, those are our young college/university students venting their frustration. A score of students have been injured and being treated in different Hospitals in Delhi. Today’s Police action was avoidable and unpardonable. Your Govt. actually lost a great opportunity to engage with the young people of India today.

And, on top of it the Home Secretary, GoI was patting the back of Delhi Police yesterday; while, in such a situation both the heads should have rolled first; though, that may not be the solution. Thousands of protesters were today demanding for an immediate trial of all the culprits in this case and no less a punishment than a “Public Hanging”; which, millions of people across the country would like to second that view. This should ideally create a deterrent and fear for the law to prevent further atrocities against Women. Failing which, you will not be surprised to know that women take law into their own hands and deliver street justice and storming the Police stations or Prison cells in the future.

  • The victim should be given free medical care for life by the Govt. and her identity should remain confidential for all times to come.

  • Govt. should also rehabilitate her and her family in another part of the country; if they so wish to start a normal life once again.

Thanking your kind self,
Yours faithfully,

Socio-Economic-Political Activist

Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address: flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024

Thursday, December 20, 2012


Bikash Choudhury

The incident at Munirka, New Delhi on a Sunday evening was just not a case of outraging the modesty of a young woman of 23 yrs; but, it was an incident that transcendence humanity as the sexual abuse and subsequent violence to the person of an innocent woman was in a scale bordering barbarism. She is now fighting for her life or lives in an ICU of Safadarjang Hospital. Who was actually responsible for her tragic fate? Not the Police, not the celebrated Journalists & Anchors of News Channels, not the Leaders (UPA Chairperson, Leader of Opposition in the Lower House or the Speaker of Lower House who are very powerful women in their own right) and, also not the Judiciary; but, ‘we the people of India’. Because, this was not an isolated incident that caught the attention of this Nation; statistics out of statistics say, a tell tale story about the gross neglect and lax security in our country about the safety of women on the streets. However, we as a Nation never react to such catastrophic decadence in the values of our society. And, therefore women remain vulnerable and the numbers of incidents pile up while perpetrators of such crimes go Scot free emboldening, the further resolve to commit such crime again and again and apart from encouraging others of similar inclination to try their luck of identical pleasure at the cost of a woman’s life and her dignity. 

                              The sad fate of women today is not the question of Policing alone; it involves our rotting judicial system, the ‘Chaltahe attitude’ and a complex societal factor which needs correction to prevent and control atrocities against women. The commodity-fiction of woman’s body in the prevalent society is one of the principal reason for growing atrocities against women in one hand and in the other, the hypocrisy around sex and sexuality and growing inequality in income in urban areas and higher exposures of lower strata of society and the consequent demonstration effect is putting the lives of women into harms way as never before. First of all, women need to be given pride of place at home, at work place and on the streets by capping the girl child feticide which does not emanate on the street and largely not handled or perpetrated by men. And, further all media must now stop portraying woman as sex object while the physical demand for sex is common to both the sexes. And, we need to deal with the hypocrisy around sex and sexuality by allowing, respecting and encouraging the interaction between both the sexes in a societal set up in each strata and even across the strata of our current society to actually prevent a growing disconnect and ever growing numbers and some times, abuse of humanity with a body of woman which already ashamed the civility of a Nation which takes pride in its spirituality.

                But, initially we need to have institutional arrangements to control any further violation of woman’s body. The law enforcing agencies know the best though due to various factors they don’t follow their conscience in the interest of their personal comfort and the safety of their family against administrative and at times political prosecution. Therefore, we need to increase the share of women in the police force to 30-40% of total strength, set up all women’s police force, court, hospital and other service providers needed to preserve the dignity of unfortunate woman and her family while offering proximate security and justice in a time frame. This is not at all a big deal; but, neither our Govt. and nor the principal opposition gives much importance to such issues though the shading of crocodiles tears in front T.V camera done with dexterity to buy into vote banks while forgetting to take the issue to its logical conclusion, the very next moment. Will this happen once again with another Delhi girl? That would largely depend upon how long our media/public memory remains centered on the topic? And, how long young girls in the college/university campus continue to forgive the assailant and the incident? However, in my opinion women should take up the issue on them and arm themselves with Martial arts and non-lethal weapons to tranquilize their tormentors on the streets as and when such an occasion arise. I strongly believe ‘women’ have the power to look after their safety themselves on their own. 
Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024

Monday, December 17, 2012


Bikash Choudhury

1. I would have entered into matrimony in 1 Jan 2013. I would have chosen a bride who could have complemented my life and work in politics.

2. I would have persuaded sister Priyanka, a Natural leader of men & women to join active politics to aid and assist me to drive India into ‘Super Powerdum’ by 2025 by virtue of economic might and Global acceptance of our policy on “Global Peace & Development”.

3. I would have set the Vision of the country and the Congress Party as a Global Power by 2025; and, provide “Bijli, Sadak & Pani and Roti, Kapada & Makan” to all Indians, irrespective of caste, creed, religion and region.

4. I would have put the divisive and partisan Politics of vendetta far behind and taken personal interest in establishing a cordial relations with the top leadership of all opposition parties and their young and emerging leaders and leadership. In my understanding, all political parties who are represented in Parliament/Legislative Assembly of States hold the public mandate to be heard and respected.

5. I would have first emphasized on solution for all basic problems and issues facing the people and Nation. As an example, the law & order with special attention of police reforms and optimum arrangement for speedy justice in cases of heinous crimes and atrocities against women. To restore the respect and due fear for the rule of law.

6. I would have started a movement for water conservation and pollution free River system with reinforced green embankment in collaboration with all political parties and civil society; in the foot steps of my political guru Mahatma Gandhi who spearheaded a very successful movement called “Labana Satyagraha” against British Empire and my father Rajiv Gandhi who conceptualized the first ever "Ganga Action Plan".  
7. I would have encouraged and persuaded Corporate World to drive entrepreneurship and innovation inside their organizations to drive India into the fast track growth path.

Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024

How to promote Khadi Globally?

To: Chairman, KVIC Board, Mumbai                                                                                                      Dear Mr. Devendra R. Deasi,

I have briefly met you at Bhubaneswar in your last visit; and, wished
to share an Idea about promoting KHADI Globally. I think, if all
visiting dignitaries( Presidents and Premiers and Foreign Ministers of
Nations) can be gifted KHADI made garments designed by reputed design
to popularize KHADI and its vision as seen by M.K.Gandhi world over in
very short period of time.Hope, KIVIC in consultation with Ministry of
External Affairs make an experiment with the Idea. Kind Regards,
Bikash Choudhury, Bhubaneswar

Sunday, December 16, 2012

How Odisha could register faster and equitable development?

                                                         Bikash Choudhury

1. Water conservation and management on a war footing; with the new bill Institutional arrangement would be complete, which in itself a very progressive measure. However, it may need the sponsorship of ‘bureaucracy, technocrats, civil society and public at large in equal measure’ to bring the real and durable changes. It will surely need a mass movement and state Govt. could initiate such a movement with the help of all Political parties. The immediate impact would be in the Agricultural production in Quantity & Quality also.

2. Sanitation & Hygiene plays a very vital role in general public health and therefore need to be addressed with military precision and with a multi prong strategy. This also needs the sponsorship of all stake holders to be successful in a time frame of 3 years. It also will have its impact by improving the GPH by at least 50%.

3. Rural Development can be harnessed faster by deploying qualified economist at the Revenue Block level to plan and execute the economic revival of each block by ‘Micro Managing the Macro Economy’ of the area under a block. This bottom up strategy would bring in an equitable development in a short period of time.

4. Rural Clusters can be created out of MLALAD/MPLAD fund in each block to fast track the growth of villages by using the PPP model and modern management with full participation of local people. This should also unleash the power of people and work as a tremendous demonstration effect in its vicinity. The Economic impact could be very substantial.

5. Sports and Culture could inspire the rural masses; and, therefore, Govt. could deploy experienced sports person and exponents of arts and culture (music & dance) at the block level schools to create an inspiring environment in far flung rural areas and to connect with the mainstream. Govt. could also run programs like “Talent Hunts” in rural areas in PPP mode and make arrangement for their further and faster growth in the State HQ at Bhubaneswar.

Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 address: flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas (apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024


Bikash Choudhury

               Apropos “A Strong Walmart Week” by eminent jurist Sri Ram Jethmalani who has earned his reputation for his no holds barred articulation of his choice and for being an amusing and at times very entertaining ‘Devils Advocate’ apart from being an unparallel legal mind on criminal jurisprudence in this country. However, Ram has erred this time on his judgment to please the gallery for a change as his arguments lack conviction and neither could stand the scrutiny of law in the court nor in the court of people. I guess, BJP and Ram have found their “Kalidash” moments. My first question would be; if the FDI in Retail would be the first and last money laundering operation in the country that the author knows? All other transaction happening in the country in the central Govt. and in the State Govt. ruled by BJP is all above board? Can BJP disclose the source of all funds (Rs.554 crore) received? The second thing is that the author (Ram) has confused himself with Walmart and FDI in Retail; as the Leader of Opposition in both the houses; for the record, Walmart may be one of the largest retailers in this World but, FDI Retail Policy stands for all Retailers all across the World who  has interest in India. Walmart must be thanking its luck for all the free publicity that the company received, courtesy the author and the BJP in Parliament and even outside. The authors concern about predatory pricing is far from truth in this globalised and web driven and knowledge powered world where predatory pricing could scare away both the suppliers and customers. By the way, I would like to ask the author which car he drives in to his chambers. In a black or white Ambassador of 1970 vintage? In spite of all the Global players in the passenger car business in India; how the indigenous car makers like TATA Motors and Mahindra are doing a flourishing business? The fact of the matter is if you are convinced about your end goal; you can argue the case in either ways also and more so for the lawyers and law makers as they are trained and paid to do the job. Therefore, the arguments proffered by the author are all politically motivated and not with economic rational. I agree that FDI in retail is no panacea for all the ills in our Agriculture or Agri and Agro supply chain; but, it certainly would bring an incremental change in highly inefficient and politically loaded Agriculture and Retail sector in the country by the advent of competition. Some one has said before “competition brings in the best in the people and organizations also” A controlled simulation study would have proved beyond reasonable doubt that in fact, attracting FDI is not all that bad even in sensitive retail sector as the author argues so passionately. At the end, I would like to say BJP is actually cutting its own leg (Kalidasha moment) by following a negative agenda; while, all available indication were that it may do well in the next general election. And, in contrast INC led UPA II Govt., we have to concede, following a bold and a very positive agenda to retain power the third time in a row.

Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Mr. Prime Minister--It is Now or Never

Bikash Choudhury

Late Saurav Kalia would remain the martyr of India who sacrificed his present and the life for the future of not only India; but, for a United India that would include, ‘insa-alah’ Pakistan and Bangladesh; if not Physically; may be, Politically, Economically and Culturally. What is most important for India now is to calculate accurately, if the predominant mindset and attitude of Pakistan vis-à-vis our relationship, economy and the broad strategy for the future of our region has “changed” or not. If yes, then let us not wait for any thing else and move ahead; not in ‘feet’s and starts’ and not incrementally also; but, very substantially. Millions of Indian youngsters today would like to fill the vacuums in the life of Kalia’s parents including this author; but, can we held this against a progress in the relationship between two Nations; which has gone through many tragic iteration? The cumulative signals that we receive today from across the border are a sign of slow change of mindset of people & its democratic Govt. in Pakistan. And, its Army & Judiciary have also behaved with maturity and they also see the writing on the wall. And, the wall reads “the progress and welfare of Pakistani people can only be seen in company with India; the natural ally”. Therefore, Indian Prime Minister must visit Pakistan and may be celebrate the ‘New Year Eve’ in the company of his counterpart in Pakistan. But, ideally, he should not go alone; rather, he should take the Chief Ministers of North, South, East and West of Indian states. No doubt, in the company of Omar Abdullah, Selvi Jayalalita, Naveen Patnaik and the last but not the least Narendra Bhai Modi, India and its PM would make a very bold and audacious statement without moving a finger(Just like, Anwar Sadat did with Israel taking huge risk to his position and life). This author obviously believe in Nation is much bigger than the Ideology and the Party; one would normally wish our premier also subscribe to such values. The other thing that Singh Sahab has promised the Nation about ‘unleashing the animal spirit of the economy’ and seen increasingly gaining confidence to administer the ‘bitter pill’ where ever needed should ideally be the ‘cocktail’ that all Indians raise a toast in the evening; irrespective of Ideological predilection and Party affiliations because the alternative we can ill afford. And, the alternative would have been to hold on to the ‘status quo’ pending the perception of victory or defeat in the general election 18 months from now. That would have been in my opinion to hold the Nation and its billion plus people to ransom for political polemics. Mr. PM it is “here and now”, or never. Go ahead and don’t look back before hanging up your boots. A grateful Nation would raise a toast and recite a Ghalib’s ‘sere’ on your honour. 

Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024

Friday, December 14, 2012


Bikash Choudhury

Pathani Samantha Chandrasekhar, an outstanding astronomer of Global repute born at Khandapada (erstwhile Princely state in Odisha) on 13th December, 176 years ago. Pathani Samantha Planetarium and Tata Steel hold a Young Astronomer Talent Search among school students on the day to commemorate and remember the great genius who took birth on Odisha soil. As statistics goes 500 schools, 1000 students participated in the competition and from that 115 finalist were selected and 20 top exhibits considered for the Young Astronomer Award; Odisha Chief Minister, Naveen Patnaik was present on the occasion to honor the students and encourage them on to work for the unfinished agenda of Nation building. Pathani Samantha Planetarium has been doing extra ordinary work on dissemination of information & knowledge in Astrology and Astro-Physics and popularizing science among common people; 1,20,000 people visited the planetarium in a year, which is a stupendous achievement in itself. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Bikash Choudhury

Statistics has never been a perfect science; not because of its central tendency, but, the method, scope and scale of primary data collection brings a lot of social and cultural bias which eventually influence the result of the study. However, I am no Statistics basher. In 1700 A.D Indian share in the Global income was 22.6 %( India-Pakistan-Bangladesh) which was just 0.7% lower than the share of Income of entire Europe that stood at 23.3%, then; the paradox lies in the free fall of Indian income share to 4.6% in 1995, in about 300 yrs. India was a rich Agricultural country in History through its traditional farming technique which remain sustainable century after century in contrast to the so called modern farming which has upped the volume a great deal; while, its value in terms of quality of human consumption and health remains questionable; as the residual chemical content in the food and vegetables remain beyond tolerable limits. That is putting the standard of general health in the country in the harms way and therefore, need to be revisited. And, perhaps therefore the demand for Organic food is growing in all across the World and projected to be worth $104 billion by 2015. History could actually repeat it self and India’s share in Global Income could return to the level of 20% in 1700 A.D by completely returning our Agriculture to Organic; while, adopting those modern techniques of Agri Science & Bio-technology. First of all, our Big Modern Retail chains like Big Bazaar, Reliance Fresh and others should immediately open a separate Organic Food Counter or a Store if it were financially viable at the outset to give the Organic farming movement a leg up which would probably double the area under certified organic farming in just 3 yrs and therefore enhance our value based Agriculture export to potential western countries and capturing the minds and markets in a very short period of time. If they can sell Technology at premium all these years; can’t we sale healthy food at a super premium? After all human being would consume food personally and not the technology.


Ram Jethamalini
Member of Parliament
Rajya Sabha
New Delhi
Esteemed Sri Ram Jethamalini, I draw your attention to our brief meeting at KIIT University convocation last year in Bhubaneswar. If you could recall, I put a question to you on that day “Can we replace divisive, partisan and competitive Politics in our country with Collaborative Politics in your life time?” You have candidly accepted that it is going to be much worse. And, your words have been vindicated with the events that are unfolding at the National level and in many Political parties including yours, in BJP. But, some how I am hopeful and feel strongly that some thing needs to be done and we should do some thing; if India were to be a developed & prosperous Nation by 2025. I have written on the subject to Sri Ratan Tata and wish to share with you. Knowing your wish to contribute all your dispensable resources for a National cause (your speech at Think Odisha Awards 2012 at Bhubaneswar)

This is with reference to your recent statement on Business climate in the country. I think millions of Indians share your concern on the subject. I feel there is some thing need to be done by the “eminent citizens’ group of the country as an impartial and neutral body; when, the country’s politics and polity increasingly becoming partisan and when statutory Institutions and constitutional bodies are drawn into political slugfest, day in and day out. There is need to be an honest effort to engage “Political Parties” for a National Political Unity on very basic issues of National concern and an agenda for the Nation including those raised by you. I propose the following for your kind consideration.

  • Mr. Tata, after your retirement from TATA group, you can take an initiative to organize a “Forum for Political Unity of India”.

  • With your experience and contact across the spectrum & domain can draw eminent persons/leaders from Business, Politics, Professionals, Activist and other sectors to form a Think Tank to engage Political Parties at the Central level and in the States to influence policies as per a National agenda developed for the purpose. The engagement should be structured and in regular interval to shape the policy of the Nation and States to bring synergies needed and priorities adhered.

  • If India were to be a developed and powerful Nation by 2025; then, we may need to do the following:-
  • India should court free enterprise with reasonable control and move towards less Govt.

  • The efficiency of Govt. should be enhanced by entirely digitizing the transactions & enabling policy on HRD.

  • Fundamental policies governing ‘Water’ need to be addressed not only by Govt. but by all stake holders.

  • To build a consensus around a need for multi prong strategy/tools to address ‘Intractable Problems’ in Education, Healthcare and in the matter of Sanitation & Hygiene—that holds the key to half of our problem on growth, prosperity and happiness.

  • To correct the Hypocrisy that exists between Govt. and Business. In contrast, Western Govt. unabashedly promotes business of their respective countries in the interest of economy and employment.

  • There may be other such issues which can be part of “National Agenda” that could be drilled into the head & hearts of the top Leadership of Political parties and young and dynamic politicians across the spectrum in the tone, tenor and language that they understand the most.

Apart from this, I would like to draw your attention to another felt need; that is, when 1000 of business school inhabit our Nation with some world class Institution for Business and so many substandard shops for MBA degree which has been much fashionable these days; we have absolutely, non what so ever a single Institution for the “Training of Leadership” for a vast democratic country of our size and numbers. There is an immediate need for an “International Institute of Leadership” in line ‘Lee Kuan Institute of Public Policy, in Singapore’ or ‘Carnegie Institute of Leadership’ in USA. I will be very happy; if you could take an Initiative to have such an Institute in Bhubaneswar/LAVASA, Pune/New Delhi to train budding and young leaders of India and South Asia for this century; which is, in my opinion an India led Asian century.  

Hope, Mr. Ram Jethamaline, I have attempted to raise some issues of your heart and ‘Ideas’ that you would like to contribute to personally as a grateful and an eminent citizen of India; who has made an indelible mark in legal profession and politics of the country.

May god bless you with health and years to your lives on his work.

Kind Regards,

Bikash Choudhury
Socio-Economic-Political Activist

: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA- Twitter 751024


Bikash Choudhury

Cosmic phenomena are few and far between to appreciate and enjoy in naked eye. However, one cosmic phenomenon which we normally ignore is the Sunrise and Sunset that brings phenomenal beauty with mosaic of colors in our eastern and western sky respectively, each day. Unfortunately, we fail to appreciate such beauty as either we are busy eking out our last leg of sleep alone or with the warmth of a company in the morning and holed up in a meeting or with a client in the evening and therefore, fail to savor an atmosphere that could sooth our souls and improved the quality of our lives a notch higher as it must have filled our days with love and appreciation of beauty, compassion and joy and the result of day long activity would have been much more .And, on top of it all, much more satisfying personally.

HR Managers in the walled cities like Bhubaneshwar  Mumbai, Chennai, New Delhi and Pune; who are in search of smart tools to energies their employees and associates can try this simple tool of “star gazing” for half an hour at the time of sunset by trooping on the top floor open terrace and can spice up with little talk over little “chai or café” or a session of badminton or ping pong or basket ball or chess on a rotation basis and see how your employees react to the tool if positive sign is canned then they may be encouraged to enjoy the sunrise in the morning at least thrice in a week as part of a genuine HRD activity. My guess is your employees will highly appreciate this gesture of HR; which, otherwise remain the punching bag of disgruntled men and women who actually don’t know what they want out of life and mess most often with wine, women or wealth. Good luck with your efforts. One disclaimer though: If it works, credit all yours and if it doesn’t, bash the poor author; no harm.  

Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Light at the end
Bikash Choudhury

                I see the light at the end

               I see the water of Ganges dancing in ecstasy     

               I see there no dirt

               I see millions of aquatic organisms added 

               I see boats ply with goods 

               I see master of boat singing with joy       

               I see village belles taking to water

               I see clearly glistening white skins and curves sunken in water

               I see monkeys taking leap from tall green trees either side

               I see school girls crossing Ganges

               I see farmers transporting produce

                I see fishermen returning with catch happily

               I see sun rise at far end     

               I see roads clean and wide

               I see the city in green        

              I see no smoke

              I feel an ambient air

               I hear bells from temples now

               I see the light at the end of tunnel

Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address: flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas (apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024


This is with reference to your recent statement on Business climate in the country. I think millions of Indians share your concern on the subject. I feel there is some thing need to be done by the “eminent citizens’ group of the country as an impartial and neutral body; when, the country’s politics and polity increasingly becoming partisan and when statutory Institutions and constitutional bodies are drawn into political slugfest, day in and day out. There is need to be an honest effort to engage “Political Parties” for a National Political Unity on very basic issues of National concern and an agenda for the Nation including those raised by you. I propose the following for your kind consideration.

  • Mr. Tata, after your retirement from TATA group, you can take an initiative to organize a “Forum for Political Unity of India”.

  • With your experience and contact across the spectrum & domain can draw eminent persons/leaders from Business, Politics, Professionals, Activist and other sectors to form a Think Tank to engage Political Parties at the Central level and in the States to influence policies as per a National agenda developed for the purpose. The engagement should be structured and in regular interval to shape the policy of the Nation and States to bring synergies needed and priorities adhered.

  • If India were to be a developed and powerful Nation by 2025; then, we may need to do the following:-
  • India should court free enterprise with reasonable control and move towards less Govt.

  • The efficiency of Govt. should be enhanced by entirely digitizing the transactions & enabling policy on HRD.

  • Fundamental policies governing ‘Water’ need to be addressed not only by Govt. but by all stake holders.

  • To build a consensus around a need for multi prong strategy/tools to address ‘Intractable Problems’ in Education, Healthcare and in the matter of Sanitation & Hygiene—that holds the key to half of our problem on growth, prosperity and happiness.

  • To correct the Hypocrisy that exists between Govt. and Business. In contrast, Western Govt. unabashedly promotes business of their respective countries in the interest of economy and employment.

  • There may be other such issues which can be part of “National Agenda” that could be drilled into the head & hearts of the top Leadership of Political parties and young and dynamic politicians across the spectrum in the tone, tenor and language that they understand the most.
 Bikash Choudhury, Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:                      
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024


Bikash Choudhury

Leader of JP movement Sharad Yadav said “NDA would scrap the notification on FDI in Retail”, if voted back to power after general election in 2014.This is a clear sign of desperation for power. And, NDA for once shows a lack of confidence in its positive agenda and therefore, flogs the FDI in retail again and again, even after a full debate and approval in the Parliament under rules 184 and 167.This is entirely a negative agenda of the opposition; which could prove very expensive at the hosting scheduled in eighteen months. Those who listened to the opposition in Parliament on FDI Retail debate came back fully convinced that theirs was a Political agenda and not Economic; when, country is fighting precariously against economic slowdown, high inflation, bloating fiscal deficits and high interest regime which is adding its own pressure on Industrial growth and thus investment; Govt. of the day, may be rightly responsible for the mess partially and balance could be due to depressing Global financial environment. This were not the time for adding cost to a progressive decision like FDI in Retail by calling Nation wide Hartal and paralyzing Parliament; in a casual estimate losses would be in the order of Rs.10,000 Crore. Opposition should rather be on guard; as people could see thru their hypocrisy and call off their bluff while voting next time and deciding not to consider them for the role of Opposition in Parliament. Indian people now enjoying the benefits of mobile phones, computer and internet; they are now connected to the world  like never before; booking a rail or air ticket from a rural hamlet in emergency is possible. So, now they are equipped to decide for themselves which policy of Govt. on their side and which Political party could offer stable and good governance in spite of challenges. If Govt. of last 65 yrs to be faulted for what has not happened till date; then, one should held the Opposition also accountable for last so many years for not being able to raise issues like atrocities on women, water pollution, homeless people on the streets of the cities, apathetic condition of sanitation in the country and many other such issues which are fundamental to our growth but does not hold a vote bank to be converted at the time of election and therefore, opposition hardly raise such issues in the Parliament. If capturing the Political power is the whole and sole motive of the current opposition; then, they would rather be very disappointed as “a desperate sales person does not get a sale, while a confident one really does” as per the immutable laws of marketing.

Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog:
Mobile: 009853426657/009238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024

Saturday, December 8, 2012



Rahul Gandhi
General Secretary
Indian National Congress

Sub: Systemic Change


We draw your kind attention to your speech at Ramlila Grounds, New Delhi last month on the subject. We consider following steps would be necessary for INC to start this process.

1. INC as the largest political party could take the initiative to select at least 50% of its candidates for General Election 2014 through a party primary(party members would cast their vote among all aspiring candidates of the constituency and the winner would get the Party Ticket) to contest in each parliamentary constituency. This also could settle party leaderships concern on winability partially. In the words of Farid Zachariah “when there is danger/too much of a problem in democracy, solution lies in More Democracy”.  

2. INC could also attempt to collect its election funds from individuals (small donations) in stead of Organizations who may have an agenda of their own and later they would demand a pound of flesh in terms of Govt. policies. This could draw ‘middle class’ into mainstream politics. Barak Obama just proved how a large campaign could be unleashed successfully through small donations and volunteers.

3. INC also could attempt to field 25-33% Women and 35-55% of Young people (25-55 yrs of age) in the general election. The systemic change could begin in-house from INC followed by other parties.

Kind regards,

Bikash Choudhury
Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog: 
Mobile: 09853426657/09238912647 Address:flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment) Patia Bhubaneswar Odisha INDIA-751024