Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Year Greetings & Suggestions to Chief Minister of Odisha

31st December 2016

Shri Naveen Patnaik,
Chief Minister of Odisha

Esteemed Naveen Ji,
On the last day of year 2016 I wish to greet you for the New Year 2017 and also share some wish list which our popular Government under your leadership would consider to implement.

1-     I wish our Capital City Bhubaneswar become the Cleanest City in the country in 2017.
·       This will be easier to achieve if we assign the task to a group of Sr. IAS officer in the rank of Commissioner & Secretary; who would draw Government resources and Public Participation in this gigantic task.     

2-     I wish the Tourist Triangle of Bhubaneswar-Konark-Puri become the most attractive Tourist destination for Foreign & Domestic Tourist.
·       We can decorate the sky line of tourist triangle with Hoarding Size Public Art/Sculpture that reflects the affluent tradition of our own culture with the help of International, National and our own State Artist of repute.
·       We can invite top creative persons for residency during the peak tourist season.
·       We can develop a Disney like amusement park near Nandankanan Zoological Park.

3-     We can develop our Chilika Lake like Macau in China dedicated to tourist.
  • We can develop a new Metro City encircling the Chilika Lake to become the driver of economic progress of Odisha. 

Thanking you.
Yours Faithfully,

Bikash Choudhury


Tuesday, July 19, 2016


Bikash Choudhury

One top media mogul described his media outfit “as business of advertising”. This was a very audacious and matter of fact statement by the owner of a very prominent media brands for over 100 years in the practice of this Business. See, this is very much true for other media owners as well; however, they do not have courage of conviction to state the obvious. We all see this happening before our own eyes as we see in the day’s news paper the item of news like Rape, Murder, Accidents, All Kinds of Corrupt Practices and Terror Strikes hog the limelight in the front page and lucidly explained in the right hand side inner pages where it must be prominently visible to a naked eye. Same holds good for the now infamous electronic media whose purse strings are mainly driven by the TRP ratings that decides their level of advertising compensations for a 10 second spots; therefore, apart from news and views they show every thing else that our naked mind drools over without pretensions sex, sleaze, debonair award ceremony most of them purchased before over a five star launch or dinner depending upon their respective libido. They do cover some positive news in the fringe periphery very difficult to get noticed and too far from drawing the social attention or changing our injurious habits, spurious beliefs and toxic culture. The romance of journalism is long dead. Who will wake up our fourth estate now? GoI has started one progressive policy for “Monetizing Gold” that wish to transform unproductive yellow metals in the possessions of individuals into very productive assets for the Nation while individual earns a good income (2.75 % interest) on their exposure to the Sovereign Gold Bonds. However, the public response to this scheme is tepid; because, our social conditioning, popular habits and old culture of having the Yellow Metals at home is so powerful that all the benefits of additional income, safety and substantial return on investments has not been able to draw Indian people to subscribe to Indian Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme. Our Media play a very vital role for public education on such issue of National importance; however, neither our mainstream English Language media nor Vernacular media ever tried to highlight the importance of gold monetization scheme that would have gone a long way to finance our Infrastructure Sector (Rail, Road, Port & Airports) and Social Sectors (Education & Health) which requires a trillion dollars of investment to pull our country from historic disadvantages. India has approximately twenty thousand tonnes of yellow metal in the possession of individuals; at least, if we are able to monetize 50% of the stock then we can have World Class Roads, Bullet Trains, Airports at District Headquarters and we could pay decent salary to our primary teachers to attract talent while populating our rural health centers with qualified Medical practitioners to uplift our general health system just like in developed Nations. There is still time for Indian Media to consider this issue in depth and act with alacrity for the welfare of our billion plus people. Otherwise, Indian Media would let down this Nation.

(Authors Bio: Socio-Economic-Political Activist and Freelance Writer on socioeconomic & political issues and Art & Culture. Contact: 


Thursday, July 14, 2016



Puri: Era and Aura got off to a colorful start inside the leafy Lalit Kala Akademi Regional Centre at Bhubaneswar. This was the solo maiden show of a very bold and accomplished artist Susmita Sahoo, who is an art teacher in Kendriya Vidyalya, Kharagpur after completing her Bachelor in Fine Arts from BK Art College, Bhubanewswar. Not only the title of the show was unconventional, and in a way unique to the artist inside; but, also her choice of the medium—water color to showcase the cultural legacy of the Puri township that revolves around Sri Mandir, Jagannath Sanskriti, tourists and pilgrims, who come calling from all over the world to inundate themselves with the blessings of Lord Jagannath. Susmita justifiably felt that the rich heritage of Puri is facing a threat from the very turbulent changing times that would take its toll on the rich tradition and culture manifested in its various festivals celebrated throughout the year. Keeping these thoughts at the back of her mind; she was inspired to capture some of the cultural places and activities related to Lord Jagannath in the spiritual township of Puri in her paintings with water color on paper. It would be an understatement if it’s said “Susmita has chosen her subjects carefully and impeccably that would remind any ordinary visitor of Jagannath Temple and instantly connect with him and her. One such painting was about “Dolamandapa Sahi after Dark” the narrow by lanes in front of Srimandira; that is lined with small shops and remain chokablock filled with pilgrims in the day and night. Susmita has captured the place at night with unparalleled brush strokes that illuminates the dusty bylanes in the hearts and minds of an art lover and devotee of Lord Jagannath. Susmita says “water color is a very vibrant medium which is direct and creates its effects at lightening speed, and they can’t be reversed or duplicated.” The artist has used most transparent shades and some cool techniques that orchestrate the luminosity of the medium with diverse textures that illuminates her paintings. In this series she has very deep, rich and larger than life water color paintings depicting ancient folklore with myriad of colors; but, judiciously balanced to give a scintillating view of the art work. The painting referred above is the “Naga Painting—14” x 11”. Nagas used to protect Puri from invaders; and, Naga Puja is one of the rare events practiced only at Puri during Durga Puja. There are some other prominent paintings like Raghunandan Library in Emar Mutt, Hypnotic Drummer, Bojhia bhai, Emar Mutt, Mahaprasad on trolley, Rosha Ghara and Conch seller. Susmita conceded that it will take many more years of efforts to fully cover the rich heritage and diversity of Puri, the cultural icon of Odisha; she has plans to have many exhibitions in the future. Apart from her skill on art; Susmita, would go down in the history as the first cultural chronicler of Jagannath Sanskriti and Puri in a very powerful visual medium. This initiative—Era & Aura shall inspire many younger generation of artist to showcase the precious and affluent cultural heritage of Odisha in the future.

(Authors Bio: Socio-Economic-Political Activist and Freelance Writer on Art & Culture. Contact: 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Bikash Choudhury

Raghuram Rajan, RBI Governor in one of his lecture said “if you down load a movie and enjoy at home; it does not make any economic activity. However, if you go to a theater to watch movies, it does” simple logic is if you go out you have to spend cash on transport, buy a movie ticket on the counter and buy food in the cafeteria; all these make you relax and happy and at the same time it create jobs for many others and therefore add to our Gross Domestic Product (GDP). So thumb rule remains every rupee that is spent if creates a job or fractions of a job, then it is advantage to economy as it goes on adding a virtuous cycle of prosperity depending on the nature & quantum of expenditure.
                                            Simple cooking skills for interested unemployed youth/school drop outs could add a million jobs in our economy. The story is about the challenges of Double income families living in the six metro cities of our country; both of whom drive at least one and half hour for work and find it very difficult to cook at home; mostly live on bought out foods delivered at home which is very expensive and not very healthy. They can afford a good, properly trained cook at home for one break fast, lunch/dinner a day at Rs 5000 a month. If we assume the population of six metro cities of India: Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Kolkatta, Hyderabad and Bangaluru at 6 crore and number of families at 1.5 crore and further assume that only 30% families would need & have ability to pay Rs. 5000 a month then approximately we are looking at  5 million families. If one well trained cook could serve 5 families in a 8 hours roaster then we are looking at 1 million jobs that could earn a person about Rs. 10,000-Rs. 15,000 a month enough for a good living for the starters; as they get more experience then they could probably branch out in the food business as entrepreneur or add specialized skills in cooking to become a Chef in Hospitality Industry or could migrate to middle east/western countries and earn a fortune to repatriate to their families back home. Further, we will need a retinue of professional Skill Development Institute for cooking; if one institute can produce 1000 well trained cooks a year then we may require one thousand such Skill Training Institute in the country. And, we shall need at least 10 business organization as Service Providers—Home Cooking, in each metro city that makes it 60 for all six metro cities. This exercise not only reveals the potential of Job Creation in the economy by finding a simple solution to mundane problem of Home Cooked Food for Double Income Families in metro cities; it also indicate the capacity of further growth of economy as series of multiplier effects could happen at different nodes at different life cycles in the Industry. The externalities that comes to mind immediately is the comfort of working house wives with the service of a cook at home; further, they get little more free time for recreation & rejuvenation that aids creativity at work resulting in innovation & enterprise. In the mirror image one million cooks on the job would enhance their personal consumption fueling demand for goods & services worth Rs.10, 000 crore per annum while Rs. 2000 crore could be added to our savings. Again, there are scopes for earning foreign currency for the country with growing numbers of old age people in developed countries, who may need the services of home cook food or a cook at home. All of these could lead to a huge economic activity that benefits a large section of our people at the bottom of the pyramid.        

If you have bought a fifty gram pack of Haladiram salted pea nuts @ Rs. 10 recently from your neighborhood corner shop; then, you would have actually paid
Rs. 200 for one kilogram of just salted pea nuts hygienically packed with a brand name—no rocket science involved. Do you know how much a farmer is paid for the same 1 Kilogram of raw pea nuts? That varies between Rs.50-80 a Kilogram. The spread remain between Rs.120-Rs.150 for kilogram which is a huge amount for the kind of value addition in terms of food processing. This problem can be turned in its head to create substantial amount of jobs in rural areas in food processing. Rural areas are short in basic technology for food processing, awareness & need of hygiene for food items, packaging and marketing muscle. All of these can be provided for by an entrepreneur from bigger cities at a price to make processed food like salted pea nuts and other items at the “pit head” in rural areas at a fraction of cost in collaboration with “Farmer Collectives”; if they share the spread equally then they both pick up Rs.60-Rs.75 a kilogram which would be huge jump in farmers income with additional opportunity of creating non-farm jobs in the rural areas and at the same time it would be a hugely profitable venture for the business men in bigger cities. It may so happen in future Global Retailers would source processed food from Indian Rural Areas directly making a huge economic activity with creation of new trades of employment. If we could revamp the “SUPW—socially useful productive work” curriculum in the schools of rural areas and train school children on food processing then we could simultaneously create rural job ready work force in food processing. This case study if successfully executed could eliminate about 40% of food waste between “farms to plate” adding its own contribution to our economic growth.    

                               India has earned a name for its Art, Craft and Architecture for thousands of years and all across the globe. However, our Financial Institutional Investors like Life Insurance Corporation and Mutual Funds have deserted our creative people. If our FII start investing 1% of their corpus in Indian Art then we could soon persuade or attract ordinary house holds to keep at least one Indian Art Piece in their living room; that, over a period of time will at least add half million jobs in our economy; how? India has a vibrant eco-system for Art & Architecture which remains dormant due to investor’s apathy. If domestic FII give an initial leg up to our Creative Industry then that could create a robust demand for Art, Art Gallery, Art Museum, Auction House, Art Publication, Rating Agency and professionals needed to run such institutions at the back of enhanced public interest in consequence of demonstration effect. It could soon transform India into a Global Hub for Art driving creativity in the country. Be that as it may; it is apparent, we can also create huge amount of jobs in non-digital medium by solving very mundane problems and also playing into our core strength. Shall we?

Authors Bio: Socio-Economic-Political Activist and Freelance Writer on Socio-economic and Political Issues. Contact:

Friday, July 8, 2016


Bikash Choudhury

Arun Maira, former member of planning commission and CEO of Boston Consulting Group said “this land has power to change the world” referring to Odisha in his CYSD Memorial Lecture at Bhubaneswar a few years back; however, he did not elaborate. The famous Kalinga war in 261 B.C that changed Emperor Ashoka from Chandashoka to Dharmashoka would have been at the back of his mind. History and Geography of our land bear ample testimony of economic and political power of this ancient civilization that is known as Odisha at present. The moot point remains; can we turn the wheel once again in such a manner that Odisha would become the role model for India both in economics and politics? This is the thought that transcends one’s mind when Lord of the World (Lord Jagannath) troupes out of his abode to meet his subjects in his specially made chariot. India goes through many problems simultaneously which defy a sustainable solution for over 70 years since our independence; abject poverty, unemployment, farmer suicide, flawed education system and non-existing healthcare infrastructure; however, the biggest of them all is the “lack of political unity” at the top and this was the main reason for which our country suffered from colonization for five hundred years and the same holds good even now that hinders a resolution to all intractable problems cited earlier. Architect of modern Odisha, Biju Babu was a man of, and for, consensus who took on the role of consensus builder in Janata and later National Front Government at the centre that gave Odisha a much bigger profile than numeral 21( number of seats in the lower house of parliament). Odisha could once again take on the role of “Political Unifier” amidst stark and staunch Ideological & Political divide in the larger socio-economic interest of our Nation & Nationality. Ideally, GST tax proposals could have been implemented for the benefit of all, much earlier. In fact there is an opening for the role of a National Consensus Builder and Odisha could take on this role to its own advantage. Odisha has already been a role model in management of Natural Disaster, with extraordinary handling of Phailine. We could once again become the role model if we fool proof our coast line with Mangroves and off shore wind mills; making us power surplus for next two decade and attracting Global Industry while earning brownie points on carbon credits. This journey could continue uninterrupted if we adapt to a new entrepreneurial “culture” in our governance, revive our ancient competence in International Trade and creativity in Art, Craft & Architecture. We have already earned laurels for our capacity of imagination in urban management in the SMART City sweep stakes; however, we can actually surprise & shock the country by making all our city and towns free from mosquitoes and providing potable tap water making water purifier redundant. Our buildings and road could sport of rain water harvesting facility combining with roof top solar energy & vegetable farms that would make people of Odisha healthy, wealthy and wise. Shall we?

Authors Bio: Socio-Economic-Political Activist and Freelance Writer on Socioeconomic and Political Issues. Contact:

Sunday, June 26, 2016


Bikash Choudhury 

Raghuram Rajan is the only global economist who could teach the complex formulations of Macro-Economic policy to a crowd; and, you will see people nodding their heads in confirmation in grasping the issues under deliberations. If you were at the venue of Harekrushna Mahatab Memorial Lecture at Bhubaneswar last month then you could have witnessed the phenomena; you would also have noticed how the auditorium was choke a block full, people standing craning their neck and people spilling over to the lobby with a desire to listen whatever they can from Dr. Rajan. You would have been surprised or becoming simply jealous to see the tall-dark and handsome guy getting all the ladies attention at the event; he was no less than a ‘Bollywood Diva’ or a “Rock Star’ of western make. However, it was not his good looks that was being feted that evening; rather, his razor sharp mind, intimate understanding about the macro economy & monetary policy, his intellectual honesty and of course ample amount of guts to say things in public that most central bankers avoid touching. The summary of his memorial lecture was centered on the wisdom of pursuing good macro economic policy that would be sustainable in long run against the perils of following an aggressive monetary policy that could bring the entire financial system to grief if the gamble did not pay off as most often that it does. He said “Helicopter Money” may not bring consumption growth as in uncertain times people would rather save the windfall gains than spending or investing. He was of the opinion that the innovation should be directed towards the problems of society to be able to add to the GDP. He was against the Oligopolies who buy out small innovative companies which fails to transfer real growth to the economy and fails to create enough jobs for the society. He also drew attention to the aging factor in developed economies that has impacted their growth numbers. This would remain a memorable public lecture at Bhubaneswar for long time to come.
                                          The contribution of Dr.Raghuram Rajan towards our monetary policy has been well documented to be repeated once again. However, his leadership abilities and his grasp over socio-economic-politics and his unorthodox approach to work and his capacity for free thinking and his extraordinary abilities of communicating with stake holders needs to be probed and written about to disseminate why he managed to earn admiration and adulation from a large cross section of people. He has a sixth sense in identifying problem and the courage of conviction to prescribe the most appropriate dose of medicine in terms of policy and remain rock solid pursuing his policies against all provocation; while, remaining calm and composed and at the same time making right noises for the stake holders to comprehend what he intends to do; whether they agree or disagree. In his initial days at the mint street he first enhanced the interest rates against popular expectations and tapered it off much later while controlling the inflationary pressures. He also dealt with the ultra volatility in our currency without employing traditional methods which emphasizes his grasp over global finance and various tools and techniques of Macro-Economic Engineering; therefore, non of his predecessors were as successful as he was in dealing with the currency market. He was very audacious in saying that the “Make in India” the export lead growth model may not be appropriate for India as the export market of western countries and North America has dried up because of domestic factors. This was later confirmed by our own slump in exports and recent Goldman Sach report that emphasizes on “Rural and Farming Sector” for Indian growth story. It was he who stumbled upon excesses committed by the US Financial System and its imminent dangers that hit Americawith sub prime crisis in 2008. Raghu Ram Rajan would be greatly missed in India not only for his economic & financial acumen alone; but for his immense potential to contribute to the society and politics, apart from his impeccable leadership qualities that millions of country men choose to follow voluntarily.    

Saturday, June 18, 2016



A few years after I have started working, I get into habit of flying off a cigarette or two from the cigarette pack of our altruistic boss, just to show off that I am no longer a kid; can smoke like adult men; though, I did not relish the taste or even distantly liked the whole process of smoking. My benevolent boss, though, strictly warned me not to get into such stupid habit; which would be very difficult to get out of it, later; rather, it will make an unnecessary big hole in your purse. I did not listen to his sage advice then and suffered immensely for over 15 years becoming a mild version of a chimney--chain smoker, who will need a cigarette after tea, after a good meal, after closing a great deal, after loosing a order to competition, while meeting an old friend, while traveling in a train, before going to sleep and in the hotel room while alone or listening to music after dark; so as reader would have noticed that the excuse for a smoke went on adding which unknowingly killed a huge amount of time and money-in my last count I would have spent about Rs.3.5 Lakhs on cigarettes alone which is a huge amount of money in today’s date. In 15 years many family members, friends, neighbors and kids requested me to quit cigarette; one of them was very emotional and poignant one; as a little niece of mine after a discussion in her class room about the dangers of smoking; designed a special card herself and presented me to leave cigarette for good; I promised her but could not leave the habit in spite of my best efforts. There after I made many attempt to leave this killer habit; so much so that I organized a party by calling friends and family for dinner and boldly announced that I am quitting cigarette from today; some appreciated my boldness while others were critical about spending good money over bad money; nevertheless I quit cigarette for about 3 months; however, there was a strong urge to return to smoking as I was missing the process of smoking after a drink or a meal. One of those unfortunate days one shop keepers inadvertently offered me my brand of cigarette and I could not resist the temptation and smoked that cigarette and many more after that incident and returned to my old habit of chain smoking once again. I distinctly remember one cold evening in December 2014 sat down with myself in my study to figure out the New Year resolution for 2015; after spending a few hours over a few mugs of chilled non-alcoholic beverage and swirling a few cigarettes, jotted down on a piece of A4 paper, couple of things including “to quit cigarette” which was on the top of the agenda; I filed that paper very religiously in my box file. I again reminded myself again and again by reading and re-reading those resolution till 31st December 2014 and took a cigarette after dinner before the “0” hour and stopped smoking for about two weeks in the new year and returned to the old habit once again during one such delayed celebration of the New year-2015; but, with a very heavy heart and great remorse for breaking the sacred resolution taken earlier. However, I continued to revisit that piece of paper containing New Year resolutions many times during the day while genuinely intending to leave smoking for good; however, the urge to smoke while getting up in the morning was too powerful to resist. And, the crime continued unabated during the day and even night. This bad habit of mine was also complicating my family life to an extent; but, still the magnetism of nicotine was drawing me to this and holding me in its grip with intoxication and also suffocation. This went on till December 2015; when I decided enough is enough and I shall Quit Smoking without wasting another piece of paper for New Year resolution and actually, crudely writing down 2016 on that old paper mocking at myself. However, before that I sat down alone with self and went deep into the recesses of the mind to figure out those temptations for smoking and erasing any thing written on those soft tissues about cigarette or smoking. This time I started early and benignly reduced the intake of cigarettes by half from 23 December 2015 and when there was an urge to smoke I replaced cigarette with an Amla mouth freshener; however, on 27th December 2015; I completely stopped smoking cigarette much before the clock stroked the new year 2016 and even stopped taking the mouth freshener since 1st January 2016 and I live today on the sixth month of 2016 to tell my story how I have managed to stay away from cigarette completely so many months; even daringly visited those same places where I used to smoke for a cup of tea and refused taking cigarettes from the smoking pals politely. Having conquered over the bad habit, on 31st May 2016(World No Tobacco Day) I along with my spouse campaigned against the dangers of tobacco smoking in Bhubaneswar in which we counseled about 17 persons while they were smoking and handed over a leaflet prepared for the purpose. The campaign took us to Budha Park in the city where we met many people while jogging and educated about the danger of tobacco from the perspective of a reformed person like me. I only hope those who are struggling to leave tobacco can be inspired from my story.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016



1-     Why in spite of over 60 years of our independence our Government record is so abysmal?
(a)    Need Inspirational Leadership in Bureaucracy.
(b)   Need Human Resources Development Model in Government like Google for efficiency and effectiveness.
(c)    Change the feudalistic culture in Government and replace with meritocracy. i) - Abolish Class-4 employees, ii) - Training & Development for managing the skill & knowledge gap in bureaucracy that would lead to a meritocracy culture.
(d)   Empowering the Bottom of the Pyramid in the bureaucracy that would facilitate emergence of new Ideas, new momentum and Speed in execution.
(e)    Adopt a program titled “Best Government of the World”: Comparing performance of Bureaucracy against the best private sector corporation in the World.
(f)    10% improvement in Government efficiency would translate into 20% growth in ease of doing business/growth in GSDP.
(g)    Aesthetic Design and Cleanliness to be adopted in all Governance model.
(h)   District Sachivalaya that looks after all revenue, security, governance departments in the district with District Magistrate and Superintendent of Police reporting to the Secretary of District Sachivalaya who would have 15-20 years of experience in administration. And, do away with RDC model.

800 years ago Odisha could construct Konark Temple with 12 years of surplus revenue of the State. Why our Farmers committee suicide now?

1.800 years ago our agricultural & agro exports used to be our surplus revenue.
2. We have to adopt Agricultural Model for growth.
3. We have to return to Natural/Organic Agriculture.
4. Encourage group of villages to come together for economic activity by sponsoring technical/managerial manpower by Government for limited period.
5. Encouraging village level Agricultural co-operative for farming purpose.
6. Encouraging Corporate Farming.
7. Target 40% of processing of Agricultural produce locally to reduce the cost of food mile-logistics cost.
8. Innovation-Excellence-Enterprise in all walks of life.
9. Adopting Art-Music-Literature in public policy for economic growth through tourism.
10. Women empowerment through part time jobs in strategically located production/service centers to use available skills for economic benefits.
11. Water conservation as economic policy.
12. Brand New Metro city in the circumference of Chilika Lake where urban & rural sector would co-exist having dedicated to Art-Music-Literature and Innovation-Excellence-Enterprise.  

Monday, May 30, 2016


QUIT SMOKINGImage result for world anti-tobacco day slogan
Gain Confidence & Happiness
Look at my story:
  • After a lot of trial & tribulation I finally quit smoking after 15 years on 1st January 2016. It is almost 5 months; neither have I touched a cigarette nor taken any substitute for cigarette.
  • I have gained tremendous Confidence, a sense of incredible achievement and a lot of happiness after Quitting Cigarette.
  • I am now saving Rs.4000.00 per month that my wife blows up in shopping and remain pleased.
  • Saving almost 90 minutes a day that was squandered on smoking 15 sticks.
  • Added, Happiness in my family. After Quitting smoking my digestive system has improved and having lesser incident of gastric and acidity.

                                                            WILL YOU?

For counseling contact:

Saturday, March 12, 2016


Quit India Movement of 1942 was one of the successful popular people’s movement that eventually drove British power from India in 1947. It could reach the hearts & minds of ordinary men and aroused the passion for the freedom of the country. India now needs one such popular movement that would fire the imagination of people on Swaccha Bharat, Water Conservation and Afforastation. Government of India and all State Governments could deploy the High School/College/University Students in this “Summer Vacation” to raise awareness across the country and also to mobilize people to adopt some basic goals towards Swaccha Bharat and Water Conservation.

1.                      Students Community could be deployed in 600 Cities and Towns during the current Summer Vacation to raise awareness and convince house holds to adopt conversion of Organic Wastes into Compost (Manure) that would reduce 50% Solid Waste. Further, segregation of solid wastes at “Source” could be targeted for recycling that would create valuable employment opportunity.
2.                      Students could also raise awareness against Open Defecation/Urination in the Cities and Towns which would have immediate and substantial health benefits. Government and respective Civic authorities could provide necessary infrastructure like public toilets/urinals in sufficient quantity to achieve 100% compliance.
3.                      Students could raise awareness about water conservation and afforestion in “Rural Areas”. They could also mobilize people in rural areas to actually renovate all existing water bodies to enhance their water carrying capacity during monsoons. Plantation work could also be taken up wherever it is feasible in rural areas.
4.                      This program should take the color of a popular public movement with the Leadership of Members of Parliament and involvement of Celebrities and Prominent Citizens of respective locality. This program should be extensive and intensive enough for a limited period so as to leave its mark for long time.
5.                      Other creative pursuits like Art, Music, and Dance/Flash Mob could be embedded in the movement to make the activity more interesting and lively for both participants and general public.

6.                      This activity/ program could Kill all such residual Negativity and should be able to Create a “New Spirit of India” for social and economic progress of the country soon.      

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Can India Leverage its Strength in Art, Craft, Architecture and Culture?

Bikash Choudhury

For thousands of years India was able to attract Global attention to its rich traditions of Art, Craft, Architecture, its diverse culture and epiphany of festivals. Its mythology, tradition of medical science, spiritualism, philosophy on life, yoga, religion drawn people from far and wide across the World to the seat of learning at ancient universities like Nalanda and Taxyasila. Apparently, World is just ready for buying Indian Traditional Knowledge to make a difference to the quality of lives of their respective people. No wonder, with just one speech of our Prime Minister, United Nations agreed to celebrate 21 June as International Yoga Day to highlight the importance of Yogic Science for a healthy body and active mind. In spite of sophisticated technology and management science the developed economies going through deep turmoil. The problem of such economies lies in the gross disparity in income and wealth, culture of ostentatious consumption and wastage of public resources on unproductive investment in weapons of mass destruction. The ever growing disparity of income making the capitalist system of free enterprise fail due to lack of demand for goods and services as those who can consume do not have the cash to buy or skill to earn a good living. If developed economies do not make correction sooner or later; then, there are chances the whole system would collapse. If 10% of people earn and own 90% of income and wealth and vice-versa; then, the highly skewed income and wealth shall clog the cycle of demand and consumption making the whole economy very unproductive.  The solution lies in voluntary philanthropy and progressive government policies to assist weaker people as and when needed. This requires an enabling mindset of renunciation; which can be created through Indian traditional knowledge of art, craft, architecture and culture by simply making people happy and joyful with very little resources. Therefore, Government at the Center and States, Public & Private Sector organizations and NGO should get together to promote our traditional Art, Craft, Architecture and Culture in a big way so as to capture the attention of Developed Economies. First of all, we need to develop a new culture of buying art for our home and work places, Second, institutional mechanisms to promote Artist with moral and material help, Third, need for identification and documentation of dying art forms and necessary Governmental efforts for its revival, Fourth, need to convince mutual funds to consider Art as an asset category for investment with lucrative returns, Fifth, Governmental efforts for export of Art, Craft & Architecture in collaboration with Indian Diaspora & Indian Business having overseas operations. There would be a need for training and retraining of our Artisans and Sculptures to once again design and export master pieces like Konark and Khajuraho to advanced countries reinventing a $100 billion USD Industry of Arts & Architecture. Shall we? MOBILE: 9853426657/7504106233 address: Plot No#3309 Adarsha Vihar Lane-2 Patia Bhubaneswar-751024              


Wednesday, March 2, 2016


29th February 2016 would go down in the annals of history as a historic day on which a land mark and path breaking legislation--finance bill was introduced in the parliament with a mandate to lift the socio-economic condition of people from the bottom of pyramid in consonance with investment and improvement in the quality of infrastructure & a stable and predictable financial architecture. All these are intended to bring a “transformative” change in the lives of maximum number of people in the country. However, unless and until we plan for a proactive execution strategy all the good intentions would just remain on paper inside the bureaucratic red tape. Therefore, GoI could also plan for an efficient strategy to capture the outcome of such good policy drafted at great pain and huge cost.

  1. Apart from other existing arrangements for efficient execution; GoI could take additional care to implement its policies effectively by bringing GoI into the doorstep of all State Capitals once in two months by drafting the union minister of respective States to take stock of the execution of GoI programs, policies for the benefits of people in a constructive and accommodative manner keeping the larger and greater welfare of the people in mind. Identically, GoI could persuade State Govt. to depute their ministers of respective districts to review the execution of policy & programs with the District authorities once in two months. Similarly, District administration would be expected to take stock of execution at Tehesil/Block level; bringing a synergy and high level of co-ordination between Block level administration to central government, thus creating additional capacity for command control mechanism in the entire chain of Governance.

  1. That apart, GoI could assign specific task of touring their respective constituency and mobilize their constituents behind the people welfare programs of GoI wherever required and also to collect and share information about the quality of execution with the State and Central Government in order to offer a non-bureaucratic assessment for better monitoring of socio-economic programs at far flung places of the country.       

Friday, February 26, 2016


Hi KIIT ians, very best wishes for a grand success of KIIT FEST 2016. KIIT FEST not only should set the standards of “young organization” to show case the inherent talent of student community of India; but, it must also look at transforming the entire locality of “C.Spur” as the KIIT TOWNSHIP just like its counterparts like OXFORD in Britain and HARVARD in Boston in USA. While, I wish KIITians during the fest must enjoy to the full while displaying their Engineering, Management and Leadership Skills and other entertainment domains; they should and must also think about how to deploy their “Knowledge & Skills” for the benefit of society by solving real problems of the day. Therefore, I would urge KIITians to think about “ADOPTING” the Chandrashekharpur residential area in their out reach program so as to Transform the Area into a Global Standard “KIIT UNIVERSITY TOWNSHIP”.     

I would rather plead with the 25000 student’s community of KIIT to take leadership of their locality and identify the problems, find solution, generate resources and implement their plans to Transform the area of Chandrashekharpur as no one would have expected, ever. The Founder of KIIT and KIIS has been admired Globally and brought laurels for the country. Now, it is about time the Students of KIIT to show case if they belong to the same “enterprisingDNA as their Founder Shri Achyuta Samanta.  

What KIITians could do for the locality?
While taking the walk in the morning on the main road of KIIT, the stanching smell from thriving business would greet you at first and garbage dump littered in the area which is far cry from well architecture buildings of KIIT University. Why the young students should suffer such an environment; instead of taking the challenge and finding solution which will help them to hone their knowledge & skills and validate their readiness for taking bigger responsibility in life- at the work place and Family. The outcome of such effort of KIIT students would also project a “can do” image with the recruiters.

  1. First is awareness

Can 25,000 students take an initiative to create awareness among people?—residences and business establishments to maintain cleanliness and hygiene for our own health and advancement?
         When you direct your mind to solve a big problem; then, your mind would come up with new Ideas and you will find source of new knowledge & skill and when you do this in a group, you shall create a revolution. In India we do not have a tradition or precedent among student community to “Identify Problems” and Research for Solutions in recent times. Therefore, Google, Microsoft, Oracle, Face Book and Twitter are all Western Inventions and we are only consumers of Global products and services. Shall we change this? KIITians will decide. In this project of creating awareness about cleanliness, health & hygiene so many KIIT Schools competency could be tested. Like Communication, Content generations, Volunteers recruitment and training—spanning Engineering, Medical, Management, Fine Art and others.

  1. Second is to maintain cleanliness in the locality

Charity begins at home and therefore students have to first maintain the cleanliness of their hostel room and wash area and also share “Gyan” to residents and business establishments. Here, students would face challenges from the Old Habit of people and Public authorities like BMC and BDA. You have to find new methods and tools to persuade the Civic Authorities to do their job 100% perfectly, Campaign to convince residents to convert their Organic Wastes into Compost for use in the garden as manure---and, that would reduce the quantum of Solid Waste by 50% and therefore less work for our Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation which has become complacent after becoming Numero Uno in the SMART City competition.

3. Water Conservation
 “Water is life and life is water” KIITians should also consider doing advocacy on water conservation in their operational area of C.S.Pur. That should include among other things, persuade people/residents/business/apartment complexes to go for Rain Water Harvesting System that would over a period of time could raise water table and support better quality green cover. KIITians with their engineering skills could design and execute Rain Water Harvesting Structure for Residents and Apartment Complexes at a reasonable cost, the surplus generated out of such activities would help the student’s body to spread their wings in its outreach program. The objective here should be to convert the entire area Rain Water harvesting Compliant.

4. Green Cover
KiiTians could also consider improving the green cover in the locality. They could raise volunteers and go for massive plantation in the locality so much so that Bird species would like to inhabit the place and create a conducive environment with their chirping sounds for education and research in the KIIT TOWNSHIP.

5. Solar Energy
Kiitians also could choose to promote Solar Energy by persuading people to use Roof Top Solar Panels for their captive energy needs. That should give an opportunity to KIIT Engineering students to go for R&D to develop world class photovoltaic cells to offer cost effective solution to people in the area and to become the role model all over the country.
Friends, if you like this proposal please share this with the KIITians in the beginning and end of your KIIT FEST to see their response. I wish to see an Arch at Kalinga Hospital Square that reads “Welcome to KIIT UNIVESITY TOWSHIP”.
Bikash Chudhury
Socio-Economic-Political Activist

Email: Mobile: 9853426657  

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Real Estate Sector Need Encouragement for Faster GDP Growth in Short Run

1. I propose a scheme to develop 546 District Secretariat at Dist. HQ to accommodate all district Offices of State/Central Government to bring synergy and easier coordination.

2. District Secretariat could be planned for 1 Lakh Sq. Ft each in respective 546 Districts in the country.

3. Land could be provided by the State Government Free of Cost; and Private Real Estate Players could be selected on E-Tender on BoT basis with Lucrative EMI Options to be payed by Central & State Govt on a ratio of 75:25. Further, offer could be made attractive enough with arrangement with Banks by secularization of receivables/soft loans.

4.Government of India could make this announcement along with this years buget speech or separately for boosting the Capital Market with inflow of FII & FDI.

5. With Activity in Real Estate Sector other sectors like Manufacturing and Services could be attract Investment and Growth.

Hope Niti Aayog Consider this proposal on its Merit and advise the Goverment in a suitable manner.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Indian Growth Model

Bikash Choudhury

We have all heard the oft repeated quote ‘marriages are made in the heaven while Mullahs make money’ one more identical quote could be proffered now ‘Traders make a killing while Farmers give up their lives’. To be precise 1.2 million farmers gave up their lives in last one decade on account of repeated farm failure and growing loan burden on their shoulder. If we look back into the pages of history; India was rich and famous with its Agri, Agro and Forestry while it had gone places in Art, Architecture, Literature and culture. All our World Class monuments like Konark to Taj Mahal, Khajurao to Red Fort and Globally acclaimed Educational portal—Nalanda was created from the income of an agrarian economy for say 1500 years. If it is so then why our farmers have to kill themselves brutally for not being able to support themselves and their family from the income generated out of Agriculture? Since, the first generation of reforms of 1991; our politicians, economist and arm chair intellectuals in the living room constantly argue about a need for an appropriate Growth Model; however, we have not come to a conclusion yet. And, many commentators are looking at Infrastructure led model of USA, Technology Innovation Model of Japan and Manufacturing sponsored Growth Model of China & South Korea. Keeping in view of the fast changing climatic condition in the planet and growing human population, India should and must adopt the “Agrarian Growth Model” for faster & sustainable development of the country. Further, incase of India over 70 % population live in rural areas and since, all most all farm lands are located in rural areas; Agrarian Growth Model would be able to touch and influence the lives of maximum people in the country. With improved and growing farm income in rural areas there would be demand for good quality education and healthcare which can be provided by private sector at a price and with profit which would improve the investment climate in rural areas which would open the flood gate for innovation and entrepreneurship in the areas of post harvest care of farm produce, its storage, processing and market linkages while creating employment opportunity through creation of adequate numbers of non-farm jobs cementing an eco-system that could attract investments from cities and towns in to allied farming activities which in itself give impetus to growth across the economy. Having argued enough in favor of ‘Agrarian Growth Model’, can we leave behind other two important drivers of our economy- manufacturing and infrastructure, never. GoI and a few State governments have already taken series of initiatives in these two sectors like ‘Make in India & Digital India’ for manufacturing and concerted efforts for expansion & speed in Road and Rail sector that would soon capture the attention of domestic private sector and foreign investors. However, the Government initiatives in Farm Sectors are constrained by easy credit, farm subsidy, and support price mechanism until recently; Prime Minister has now announced an extensive “Farm Insurance” scheme that would certainly come to the rescue of our farming community; however, those could not take the place of a growing need for a Structural Change in our Agrarian Economy that deals with entire gamut of issue pertaining to our current approach to farming, its processing and distribution. Farmer suicides are just the symptom of non-remunerative farming in the country; the principal disease is much more catastrophic and dangerous--- that is falling Nutrient Content in our Farm Lands with indiscriminate use of synthetic fertilizer and pesticides which again creating a very high cost Agri-Economy that has turned toxic with increasingly unpredictable Climate Change Phenomena and paucity of Irrigation Infrastructure. We now have to examine seriously and junk the current model agriculture and return to our Natural Method of Agriculture which is low cost and sustainable; apart from that it would produce Healthy Food Products without contamination of toxic fertilizer or pesticides. It is also expected to attract optimum valuation for mass produced organic food products with growing Global Health Awareness. It is quite easier said than done. But, if we consciously choose the “Agrarian Model of Growth” for our country; then, we could walk an extra mile to make it happen. GoI and respective State Governments have to make a concerted effort on Agriculture Extension program to create awareness among our farming community on Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF) that uses locally available farm inputs from seeds, manure and pest control materials which are effective and low cost. It is important now to concede that it is next to impossible for the Government to provide 100% Irrigation Infrastructure for our farms; however, it is possible to conserve maximum possible rain water through a ‘popular public movement for rain water harvesting’; with improvement in water table the productivity of our Agriculture sector would grow substantively with minimum cost. Government could also encourage Co-operatives large scale farming and corporate farming through suitable incentives; Government also needs to attract private investments in Food Storage and Food Processing Industry that should kill the Farm Wastages from food to plate. GoI has announced a Village Cluster Policy for rural areas which need to be extended to private sector with fiscal incentive or suitable prescription in the CSR policy of the Government. Private sector investments in the Farm Sector of our country would multiply the top line and bottom line of corporate sector and trade. This would be a very challenging exercise for the Union Government as Agriculture remains a State subject which would require a proactive collaboration between State & Central Govt. apart from co-operation of all Political Parties inside and outside parliament., Mobile: 9853426657 Address: Plot # 3309 Adarsha Vihar Lane-2 Patia, Bhubaneswar Odisha, INDIA-751024 


Wednesday, January 27, 2016


                                                             Bikash Choudhury

Odisha has remained the heavenly abode for Art, Craft and Architecture those are showcased abundantly in its temples and ubiquitous craft items that emanates from different corners of Odisha. In recent times interior decorations have eclipsed its presence in the contemporary fast paced life styles of metro-sexual living beings. While SMART Interiors brings convenience, utility and comfort inside our homes; the much needed embellishment of Art and Installations add the soul to a home that bring a few tired bodies and exhausted minds to live inside the confinements of four walls that is called sweet home; as art adds the fourth dimension to an environment which most of the time able to cool down the frayed nerves of a person at the fag end of a busy day just like a soul full music instantly connects with the inner being at a subconscious level. As we more often live from suitcase and hardly have time to spend with nature which is rejuvenating and meditative; alternatively, we can embellish our bed room walls with suitable art work on nature complete with sunshine, flowing water, thick foliages and people with cheerful demeanor starting their day; that would have a very soothing impact on the body and mind as we leave our bed. Because, the mind fresh from sleep would capture the positive vibrations of art work not just its colors and would create a feeling of contentment inside and that would linger through out the day. Again, while going for your morning ablution to the wash basin if eyes were treated with Small Art Work on vibrant and very colorful flowers then again your mind would be imbued with freshness, which flowers always stands for. Again, while sharing a cup of steaming tea with your spouse in your dinning area if you had a look on a Art Work depicting some ecstatic children at play; then, that would fill your heart with love for your kids who would have already left for the school. Further, while leaving for work, one glance on the art works with myriads of colors in the walls of living room would certainly uncork the stream of creativity in the start of a day full of appointments, tough negotiations and hard decisions.
                                                          But, it is very important for an individual to consult an expert while choosing art work for home or office; or else you could also rely on your instinct by examining the impact of Art work and its colors on your mind. If you carefully observe some Art Work would definitely start a conversation or you would be able to relate and feel happy spending time with it. The size of the Art Work would also matter while selecting for the different empty walls of your home. It would be ideal to go for a proportionate size of Art Work relative to the size of the wall you wish to decorate with.
                                                 The capital city of Bhubaneswar has seen a spurt of activity in the Art World as dime a dozen solo art exhibitions are screened in regular interval; prominent and much talked about art shows were conducted by Kumari Sonia titled Abyakta that dealt with  unexpressed emotions, thoughts and images of a hearing impaired girl with powerful brush strokes with equally provocative colors that would bring excitement and joy at the same time; and the other powerful art show belong to Sushmita Sahoo titled Puri: Era and Aura who has taken enormous courage to depict important images and events of Puri the seat of Jagatara Natha-Jagannath on water colors. Water color is the first love of the lady artist Ms. Sahoo and she plans to continue with this series for a few more years to cover rich repertoire of Puri and Jagannath culture. A lot of new Art Galleries have opened their doors for increasingly aesthetic conscious and upwardly mobile denizens. Biju Patnaik International Airport has now earmarked a space for an Art Gallery to show case the art works of young and enterprising artist of Odisha free of cost and Ila Panda Centre of Art (IPCA) is soon going to be launched in the city with its treasure of over 600 paintings collected over decades. However, Orissa Modern Art Gallery remains the oldest (uninterrupted display of art work for over thirteen years) with round the year display of varied and diverse genres of Artists and even Art works. Bhubaneswarites now wish to make a fashion statement about their respective lifestyles through their private Art Collections. Unfortunately, Artist community in the country are in deep fear to express themselves fully, clearly and boldly because of compelling and competing political environment prevalent in the country which at times unleashes violence at the doors of an artist for any provocative or controversial piece of Art Work. It is imperative to have creative freedom to produce World Class Art Work that would be sinecure of the Global audience to preserve and protect our rich heritage of art and our ancient civilization. MOBILE: 9853426657/7504106233 address: Plot No#3309 Adarsha Vihar Lane-2 Patia Bhubaneswar-751024